The Next Morning

Nurse Redheart was checking up on the patients the next morning when much to her surprise she found Kurt and Jet out of bed and apparently in the peak of health. She was totally baffled as to this unexpected development since the injuries that these ponies had should have taken weeks if not months to recover from fully. "What do you think you two are doing out of bed?" she demanded.

"Hm?" Jet hadn't noticed her entrance till she spoke up. "Oh, yeah. We are really fast healers, so I guess we'll be going now."

"Uh, yeah. What he said," echoed Kurt.

They quickly strode past the flabbergasted nurse and walked outside before she could question them further. Kurt only pausing to give a flirtatious wink on the way out. "Now do you agree with me that the nanite enhanced immuno reconstructors were worth it?" Jet whispered to his friend.

"I have to admit that I am impressed at how quickly we healed, but I still don't like getting stuck with needles full of your creepy little machines!" Kurt shuddered at the memory. "By the way, you should really work on a better name for that."

"Duly noted. I'm just glad that they survived the transition and didn't try to reconstruct our bodies with human anatomy. THAT would have been a little difficult to explain."

Kurt grimaced at the thought of having his insides look like a jigsaw puzzle of various organs. "Don't even talk like that. Ugh... I'm getting nauseous again. Why is it you always have to come up with the most disgusting things?"

"It's not my fault you tried to envision it." Jet retorted.

As they had talked, they walked towards the center of town. Purposefully ignoring the double takes that Jet's horn and wings combo were earning them.

"I assume you know where you are going?" Kurt asked. He smirked as he saw a gray mare with a blond mane fly into a sign.

"We are heading to the library. Twilight Sparkle lives there and she should be able to teach me how to use magic. Also, she is the most intelligent of the ponies, so she will probably take our explanation the best," he explained. "That is if we even get that far in our conversation."

"And how does this help me?" Kurt asked.

"She'll probably know where to find Rainbow. I assume you would like to learn to fly more, and from what I saw, you two will have plenty to... talk about." Jet gave Kurt a sly wink.

"You know it! Since we have these new bodies, I guess she could teach me a bit about body language, if ya get my drift," Kurt waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Jet laughed, "You are absolutely incorrigible my good friend!"

"Wow, impressive use of a five star word..." Before Jet could come up with a retort, Kurt interrupted him, "So, what is the plan of attack for our story when we get there?"

"I say we try to divulge as little as possible at this point, but if they press us for answers... I guess we will just have to be vague for now. Just let me do the talking, and if all goes well, they should train us in our new found abilities."

"What makes you so sure they are going to train us instead of turning us in again?"

"I have a plan...mostly. Just try to stay quiet in the corner and be as inconspicuous as possible."


Jet would have replied, had they not reached a huge tree with a door and several windows adorning its surface. A balcony looked out from one of the upper levels. One could see the books covering the walls and littered about the floor.

"Looks like we are here! Too bad I can't educate you further on the use of English." Jet said smugly.

"Yeah? Well screw you, and your horse. Oh wait, you ARE a horse!"

"We're ponies. Get it right." Jet chuckled. "Shall we then?"

"I'll give you a pony," muttered Kurt under his breath.

Meanwhile Inside the Library

Twilight and her friends lounged in her room discussing the newcomers. "I still can't get over how divine Jet's mane is!" Rarity fawned. "The sheen of his coat is simply amazing, and this is after he has crashed through a house!"

"Well, I don't know about you, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of that green pegasus, Eisen-whatshisname." Applejack sighed. "Did you see his flanks?"

"Heck yeah I did! And his name is Kurt G. Eisenhower! Get it right!" Rainbow vehemently informed Applejack.

"I wonder what their talents are," mused Twilight, "I've never seen cutie marks like they have."

"Who cares? Jet is such a gentleman... mmmhmmmmm. What I wouldn't give to bring him home..." Rarity's eyes lost focus as she thought about the black alicorn.

"I don't know Rarity, I think he would rather go home with Fluttershy." Pinkie quipped.

"What?" Fluttershy gasped. "Wh-why would you think that? I mean... do you really think so?"

"Come to think of it, you two were making googly eyes at each other at the clinic." Rainbow said.

Before any of them could speculate further, they were interrupted by a knock on the door downstairs. Twilight groaned, "It's a library! Why does everypony always knock?" She trudged downstairs to the door. "Please come inside," Twilight opened the door with her magic. She was taken totally off guard when the two stallions that they had been discussing were standing there looking to be in the peak of health. She thought she heard Kurt mutter something that sounded suspiciously like, "That's what she said," but it was too soft to tell.

"Nice to see you again Twilight." Jet nodded at her amicably.

"L-likewise, but how did you two manage to get better so quickly?"

"Oh, you'll come to find that we are just full of surprises." Jet winked slyly, and Kurt chuckled at the carelessly placed innuendo. Jet scowled at him as if trying to remind him of his previous request, Kurt just rolled his eyes. "Don't worry though, many of your questions will soon be answered. Now then, where are your friends? I'd rather only explain this once as opposed to repeating myself over and over."

"They are upstairs, just let me go get them real fast." Twilight streaked up the stairs into her room. "Oh my gosh! They are here!"

"Who is here, darling?" asked Rarity.

"Jet and Kurt!" Twilight blurted out, "And they want to talk to all of us."

Rarity practically flew to the mirror to check her mane. "This would be the day I forgot the hairspray in my purse," she pouted openly.

"Rarity, we don't have time for this. We need to get downstairs. They are going to tell us their story." Twilight practically hissed trying to whisper yell so the newcomers would not hear her up here.

The ponies quickly gained their composure and ventured down into the main room of the library. Twilight's assistant, Spike, heard the hoofbeats on the stairs, but disregarded the noise and continued his work cataloguing the various books in the library.

"Nice to see you all aga-" Jet began.

"It's great to see you both! Can we have a party now that you are feeling better?" Pinkie Pie interrupted.

"Girl needs to lay off the caffeine for a while," Kurt muttered to Jet. who promptly elbowed him in the side.

"I suppose a party could be arranged, but for now we have more important matters at han- er hoof. I assume that you all have questions for us, and we shall answer them to the best of our abilities."

"As to the question I am usually asked first...Yes, I will be the best you've ever OW!" Kurt was quickly silenced by a smack upside the back of his head by Jet.

"So as to limit Kurt's outbursts, would you each ask one question, and we will then answer them all at the end?"

Twilight spoke up first, "I guess the first obvious question to ask would be where are you from?"

Applejack followed, "How did you get here?"

Fluttershy then asked, "How did you get better so quickly?"

"What do your cutie marks mean?" Pinkie pondered.

"What are those anklet's you are both wearing?" Rarity asked.

Rainbow Dash was the only one left and all eyes turned on her. She gulped and blurted out, "KURT WOULD YOU GO OUT WITH ME? ..."

Kurt was legitimately caught off guard, and actually double blinked, the only sign of his surprise. 'Well now, this could get very interesting indeed.' But he decided to just give a cocky smile and hold his answer... for the time being. He did however allow himself to give her a sly wink, making her blush furiously.

"Um, Rainbow...?" Fluttershy inquired.

"WHAT! I like to be direct! I don't beat around the bush like someponies I know." With this Rainbow Dash gave a pointed look to Fluttershy.

Jets eyes widened, and suddenly a soft message played in the back of Kurt's head just as he was about to open his mouth to say something. "New text received from Jet" it whispered quietly. Kurt blinked his eyes to open the text that Jet must have sent him through their watches. 'Being able to use your mind to control these thing is so cool' thought Kurt as he opened the message. "I swear, if you make some sort of innuendo about that last statement... " Kurt had to stifle a laugh. His friend knew exactly where his mind had gone and had quickly put an end to his train of thought. "I'm a still think one," Kurt text back, getting an audible sigh from Jet.

"I guess we will answer your questions in the order you gave them. Please hold any questions that you think of during our explanation till the end. Thank you," Jet took a deep breath to prepare himself for this ridiculous expositional bonanza.

"We are from a very distant land which we call America. We both hail from the eastern part of the state of Tennessee. It is very likely that you have never heard of these places because we arrived here via an experimental device. It was actually invented for storage purposes, but it proved to be a means of teleportation as well. We came through, and have become stranded. We healed so quickly because of nanoscopic machines which flow in our bloodstream that are made to speed up the healing process exponentially. Our cutie marks are actually references to two large cultural icons where we are from. It would take ages to explain the full meaning of them, but suffice it to say that we are very talented and skilled individuals at whatever we put our minds to. These 'anklets' are actually another type of experimental device that contain miniature computers that are linked to our nervous system and can deploy a protective armor in case of emergency. As to your question Dash, I'll leave that up to Kurt." Jet finished his spiel and looked at the ponies to judge their reactions.

With another smirk Kurt replied, "I don't normally make a habit of Formally dating any one, but we can see where things go from here...that is, if your willing to help us."

"Help you how?" Rainbow asked without hesitation.

"You are getting ahead of yourself Kurt, they don't even know why we need help." Jet said.

"Then tell them already, the suspense in this room is thick enough to cut with a butter knife."

"Alright, sheesh, no need to be so dramatic about it." Jet sighed. "Before I move on, any questions?"

Twilight spoke up first again, "I've never heard of a place called America or Tennessee, and I've studied the geography of our entire world! Also, I don't know of any place where the technology is nearly that advanced. It sounds almost like you've been reading too many science fiction novels!"

"I take no offense at your claim, but the answer will surprise you. Though you've no doubt already considered it... We are not from you planet. This also brings me to our reason we need your help. We were not always ponies." Jet paused for a moment to let this sink in before continuing, "These bodies are quite new and strange to us, and we would like to ask for your help to learn how to use them properly."

"Or, in a less nerdy way for the rest of us...we don't belong hear and we aren't supposed to be ponies, but here we are and we're trying to make the best of it, and if you could help us learn about our new bodies it would be highly appreciated." Kurt interjected.

"Essentially, we would like to be taught how to live as a pony would. How to fly, use magic, correct etiquette, etc." Jet added, "Also, we will need places to stay until can either make a living for ourselves or find a way home."

The ponies stood there stunned at this revelation and plea for their help. Applejack shook off her stupor first and asked, "Would you mind if we discussed this first?"

"Not at all. We'll be waiting outside." Jet replied. He and Kurt quietly exited, but not before Kurt gave one last wink to Rainbow Dash on the way out.

Once the door closed, the ponies all turned to face each other in silence. This time Fluttershy broke the silence, "I... I think we should help them. They are lost and far away from their home."

"Well, I don't know Fluttershy. I ain't too keen on taking an alien into my home." Applejack shook her head, "I get the feeling that they are holding back something."

"That's not entirely fair, they have been nothing but polite to us since they crashed into my house," Fluttershy retorted.

"Well, Jet has been polite at least. I can't say the same for Kurt." Rarity commented.

"You're just jealous that he didn't notice you first I think," Rainbow Dash shot in instant defence of Kurt.

"I like them! They are neat and new! Plus, since they are new in town they don't have any friends, so we should be their friends! Don't ya think?" Pinkie spouted.

Twilight listened in a sort of detached amusement at here friend's conversing. 'Those two have only been here for only two days, and they have already split my friends practically in half in opinions of them. If I don't get control of the situation, I may have a full blown riot on my hands.' "Alright listen up, I'm making a command decision here, and as the majority of you seem to be in favor of them staying than we will help them for now."

"Yeah-this-is-going-to-be-great-I-need-to-get-started-on-the-plans-for-the-party-right-away!" Pinkie Pie fired of in her rapid excited way. She then dashed upstairs to start her plans for the event.

"You may need to but a leash on her or she'll decorate the entire town for this party," Rainbow Dash remarked. This earned a sharp glance from Twilight. "What? We were all thinking it, I'm just saying..."

"Needless to say this is going to cause quite a stir, so who are they going to stay with?" Twilight asked.

"I'll take Kurt," Rainbow blurted almost without pause, having awaited this question.

"Are you quite sure that's a good idea sugar cube?" questioned Applejack.

"Yeah, you've made it pretty obvious you like him." Twilight stated. "You think you can control yourself?"

"It's not her control I'm worried about," muttered Rarity.

"Please Twilight, I have an extra bed to spare and he need a place anyway with friendly company," with this she gives a scowl to Rarity, "Plus I can control myself and him, if necessary. Especially if his story is true and he is not used to his new body, he would be easy to overpower."

Twilight mulls this over for a full minute before finally nodding her consent to Rainbow Dash, who gives a huge victory grin. "Now what are we to do with the other one?"

At this everyone was surprised to hear Fluttershy speak loudly and clearly to the throng. "I'll take him! I am the only other one with an extra room, and I really don't mind."

"That is sweet Fluttershy, but you're staying in the Library yourself because of the destruction in your house, and that simply won't do," said Twilight. "Any other takers?" After several moments with no reply, Twilight sighed. "I'll guess we will just have to see where he would feel most comfortable staying and work it out from there." There were mutters of reluctant agreement, and then they all turned to bring them back in. Twilight had a thought nagging at the back of her head though, 'Why did Fluttershy asking for Jet to stay with her make her feel so...Jealous?'

Outside the Library Minutes Earlier

"This is never going to work, they're going to turn us in for sure." exhaled Kurt.

"Be patient, they will figure this out in their own time until then we can only tell them what we know for sure, and answer any questions they through our way." Jet retorted.

"Pfff, whatever, they probably aren't to keen on taking aliens into their homes."

"You need to have more faith in your fellow man...or ponies...young padawan."

"Yes Nerdi-Wan." Kurt rolled his eyes, making Jet chuckle.

Jet shook his head and sighed, "You know we are going to have to cut down on the cultural references now right? No one here will get them, and if I have to explain every other sentence you utter, I may have to strangle you." Jet paused, "Actually now that I think about it, strangling would be quite difficult without fingers. Huh, I never realized how lethal opposable thumbs were."

"Speaking of lethal things, have you figured out if our armor will work on these bodies?" Kurt asked.

Jet winced, "Not yet, I really should have been doing that while we were healing, but I kinda fell asleep. However, I'll make that a priority once we get settled in."

The stallions sat there in silence waiting for their judgement to be rendered. After a moment, Jet piped up, "So... what are your opinions of Rainbow Dash?"

Kurt mulled the question over a moment before saying, "I think she knows what she wants, and is willing to go after it, but her need to maintain her friendships has held her back from achieving her greatest is impressive that she has been able to maintain her psychiatric faculties, and reminds me of my past experiences always trying to live up to the expectations of my parents. I am taking it as a personal challenge to break her from her mental prison and reach her full potential...which I will then use to its fullest for my advantages I assure you."

"Wow, I was like, 'That is incredibly profound for you,' and than you finished and now I'm all 'FIGURES'." Jet sighed before continuing, "What you don't realize is that she represents the element of loyalty, so she will never give up on her friends. She puts other's needs above her own, and that is just who she is. You can't just 'break her from her mental prison.' You have to accept her for who she is."

"Meh, we'll see. Why do you ask anyway? Got your eye on anyone in particular?" Kurt asked bemusedly.

Jet blurted, "No! Why would I?"

"Uh huh... I know that look... Let me guess, Fluttershy?" Kurt grinned as Jet blushed at the mention of the name. "Looks like I'm right."

"Only half right," Jet mumbled.

"What was that...You like ANOTHER one?" Kurt chortled, "Ah, the star crossed lover! His heart eternally torn betwixt two ponies from another dimension! Woe is he!...wait. I thought we agreed years ago that I was supposed to be the playboy? What's with you liking two seperate...personages?"

"Will you keep it down!" Jet hissed, "I am already attracting enough attention with my horn and wings. We don't need you to go spouting off our origins to all of Ponyville. Besides, I'm not doing it intentionally, and I'm even trying to smother it the best I can, but it's difficult."

"Pffff...Whatever, chill out man. You're just mad that I pegged your feelings. So who is the other one?"

"I am not going to tell you." Jet huffed.

"We'll see about that..." Kurt threatened, but before their conversation could continue, the door opened slowly and they both entered back into the library, bracing themselves for the worst. The two friends returned to the gathering of ponies, minus Pinkie Pie who was making quite a ruckus upstairs. Twilight looked to each of her friends in turn before facing Jet and Kurt.

"We have decided to teach you," Twilight said with a friendly smile on her face, "Kurt will live with Rainbow Dash since she will be his main instructor anyway, but we have yet to decide where you should stay Jet. Do you have any requests?"

Jet and Kurt sighed in relief at the good news. Jet composed himself and explained, "It may be best for me to stay in the library if possible so that I can spend more time studying pony culture and magic. Would that be alright?"

"Normally I would agree, but Fluttershy is already using my spare bed."

"Ah, well that's OK. I don't mind sharing."

Dead silence fell on the room before Kurt fell over laughing. "You go dude," Kurt managed to get out between his guaffing. Jet looked at his friend totally confused. He then looked at the other ponies and saw them blushing, especially Fluttershy. After a brief pause he suddenly made the connection. "Oh... OH! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean that like it sounded at all."

"Well I should hope not!" Applejack blustered.

"I'm sorry about the misunderstanding. You see, I am practically nocturnal due to the strange hours of my... occupation. What I meant was that Fluttershy could use the bed during the night, and when she woke up, I could then go to sleep," Jet explained, the blush fading from his face now, "It would also help to keep me from the public eye. I noticed on the way here that my being an alicorn attracted quite a bit of attention. I would rather not be gawked at everywhere I go, so sleeping during the day works just fine."

Twilight mulled over the solution, "That actually sounds like a good idea. I could instruct you about magic in the evening, and you could learn to fly from Rainbow in the mid afternoon."

"Uh uh! No way is that happening," Rainbow stated, "I nap through the afternoon. You should know that!"

"How about Kurt teaches me what you teach him? Then you can nap, and he gets extra practice." Jet compromised. Rainbow nodded in agreement. "This is great! I really can't thank you all enough for your kindness."

The mares all nodded speaking various "you're welcome"s and "think nothing of it"s. Applejack then spoke up, "Well, this is all fine and dandy, but I need to get back to work. I'm sure that you do as well Rarity."

"Yes indeed I do. It has been wonderful meeting you Jet," Rarity batted her eyes at the dark alicorn before turning to leave. As she and Applejack exited, Rarity glared at Kurt before turning her nose up at him.

Rainbow Dash slid up to Kurt and drawled, "Well, I guess I should show you around the town a bit, then you can come back to my place."

"Shouldn't you at least buy me dinner first?" Kurt replied cheekily. Rainbow grinned in return. They then exited the library as well. On their way out the door, Kurt could be heard to say, "I don't think Rarity likes me to much," to which they both chuckle.

Jet watched his buddy leave and noticed a new message on his holo display. It read, "Awwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh... dat flank. :P" Jet couldn't restrain the magnetic pull his forehead suddenly had to his hoof. Twilight and Fluttershy gave him an odd look at the unexplained facehoof, but didn't ask about it.

"So when do we start?" Jet asked.

"There is no time like the present," Twilight responded.


Author's Note: I am sad to say that this is the last chapter that my co-author has been able to write with me. Millennium 117 (don't bother looking him up, he hasn't published anything on here) is actually leaving for two years on a religious mission. He will be unavailable for the duration. This is kinda why it took so long to get this chapter out, and I apologize ahead of time for breaks between chapters in the future. Honestly, I wanted to make this chapter even longer, but it was starting to bog down, so I had to cut out quite a bit of detail. As always, please R&R. See you again soon. 8^y (it is a face)