DISCLAIMER: I do not own it.

A/N: This is my first attempt at TVD fiction, so be constructive and creative if you intend to review. This takes place after 3x08 cute pillow talk Elena and Damon share. This is one of the versions I have in mind.

Thanks for taking the time to read and enjoy your stay.

Elena was facing the nightstand when she opened her eyes the next morning. She had slept remarkably well and after remembering the talk she had with Damon the previous night, a small smile crept up her pretty little face. She turned back time in her mind and listened to her own words again. She asked him if she could tell him the rest the next morning and now she wondered if he took that as a sign for staying the night with her.

It was hard for her to deny any longer that she liked spending time with him. He was that concrete pillar that supported all of her weight when no one else was around, making her very thankful for that. And last but certainly not least, he was a significant constant in her life which made her walk tall and with her head held up high.

Something moved on the other side of the bed and Elena slowly, as if still deep in slumber, turned around and faced the empty bed, as always. Now she fully opened her eyes and pushed herself up on her elbows. She could have sworn she had felt someone shift and was quite certain it was Damon.

She scanned the room. Nothing. Had she actually imagine him, shifting beside her, just because deep down she felt safe and secure with him? She would never admit it but she was a little surprised that he didn't stay. She had kind of gotten used to him, just popping by with his snide, colourful remarks about everything and nothing in particular at the same time.

Getting up with every intention to pay a visit to her bathroom, she avoided her own reflection in the mirror because if felt like something guilty would be staring at her. She came back rather quickly for she needed fresh underwear and that meant she needed to open that drawer which Damon loved going through with much zeal. The memory made her smile again but she immediately grew serious. She was being childish, nothing more.

Alaric was in the kitchen, enjoying his coffee when she sauntered in with a cheerful 'good morning', poured herself a glass of orange juice and went about making some toast.

"You're in a very good mood today."

"Yes, the plan is in motion. It makes me happy. If everything goes according to plan, Stefan will be free of Klaus and his compulsion will wear off. I've been waiting for far too long for it to happen." Alaric sighed and put down the cup in his hands. He walked towards the door and was about to leave but then he stopped in his tracks.

"I really hope everything goes to plan. For your sake." With that being said, he left Elena alone. She finished her breakfast and went to the Grill after receiving a message from Caroline, inviting her to coffee.

Caroline was sitting at the bar. She was turned away from the entrance, which made Elena impossible to see who she was with. Judging by the intensity with which Caroline was waving her arms about, it was probably Tyler.

She was wrong though. It was Damon who was half laying on the counter by her side with bored expression on his devilishly handsome face.

"Hey guys." Caroline turned and smiled at her friend but then hopped down from the chair, excused herself and left after explaining that she needed to settle some things with Tyler. Elena stared at her retreating form for a few seconds and then turned her attention to Damon. He was now sitting with his usual 'I own the world' manner, smirking at her with his beautiful eyes.

"Why, good morning little miss sunshine." She completely ignored the charming undertone of his voice that always made her spine tickle and ordered.

"I thought you stayed. I was surprised not to find you occupying my bed this morning." She tried saying it without any emotion whatsoever and she succeeded.

"Oh, did you miss me? Don't answer... I know you did." He mockingly pouted and took a sip of his whiskey. He put his hand in the air as to shut her reply and continued, with his playful tone.

"Believe me, my ears can only take so much screaming in the morning. And once was enough for me, thank you very much." He did the eye thing and her eyes flew to his mouth for the smallest of moments before she pulled herself together again.

"You scared me back then. How was I supposed to know you'd make yourself comfortable while I was still sleeping. I'll let you know it was quite creepy. Who watches another person sleep!" She shook her head and twisted the cup in her hands for having nothing better to do.

"Honey, I'm a vampire remember. It is my birth right to be creepy." She swatted him on the arm, paid and was about to leave when he grabbed her elbow.

"What is it?" She turned and gave him an annoyed look. He grabbed her jacket and pushed her through the door, talking to her hair while doing so.

"I going to give you a ride to school." She blinked a few times and then wiggled out of his grasp.

"No, you're not. I have my car right there and..."

"Come on. All of the other dudes will see how an older guy just dropped you off at school. That's like, totally cool!" He pushed her a bit stronger and she mewled something about him being and idiot.

"What was that?" He opened the car for her and she entered, reluctantly. When she was seated, she crossed her arms over her chest, looking put off and sour.

"Was that really necessary? You can't just go pushing me around as you like it." He started the engine and they drove off. It took a few minutes for him to say anything.

"You said last night that you'll tell me the rest of the stuff with Rebekah today so, fire away." She nearly forgot about that. Damon did have a tendency to have that kind of effect on her. She'll just have to shun away those feelings in the future.

"Well, we're nearly here and I'd hate to be late for school, so we'll need to discuss it later in the day. Thanks for forcing me to take a ride from you and leaving my car in the middle of a street in the process. You rock!" She mockingly tried to mimic his smirk, failed and then slammed the doors shut.

"I'll come pick you up when you're done." He yelled after her through opened window. She waved her arm in a dismissive manner.

"No! Go have brotherly bonding or whatever it was that you did yesterday." He laughed and then noticed a group of ten people or so, passing his car.

"Thank you for the most amazing night of my life, Miss. Gilbert!" People turned to see who yelled that and started whispering among each other. Elena glared at Damon in all of his wretched glory.

After he got enough attention and deathly stares from Elena, he drove off.