Machinery Love

Summary: Machines have feelings too you know…love, loneliness, anger even revenge. Based on the song re_cycle by Megurine Luka [Vocaloid] SHORT STORY! Death Characters

A/N: okay there's going some twist and turns from the Anime in my story…so deal with it, okay? :D and if you have watched re_cycle in Youtube then I think you would know what would happen in this story…and if you don't get the story just go to Youtube and search for it. Also this will be a 3-5 chapter short story~


Disclaimer: I don't own KHR or the song re_cycle by Megurine Luka [Vocaloid]





Those were the words that the android butler described his master during their first encounter…a child at the age of 6. It was obvious that he would have to serve the young boy forever since it was the real reason why he existed and why he was built.

His master, at first, was afraid of him. Well who wouldn't when the one who built him, named Verde, made him with piercing steel gray eyes, pale skin, black hair and all creepy features that made him look like a vampire except his teeth.

But as days passed by and they would see each other, his master became quite fond of him already ever since when his master's brother gave (introduced) him to him.

His master was really cute when they first saw each other. His master, who had spiky brown hair that defies gravity, big caramel eyes, chubby cheeks and all was hiding himself behind one of his brother's legs.

"Tsuna, I'd like you to meet prototype 18 or also known as Hibari Kyouya" the blonde smiled whilst Hibari just looked at him. He was the man who requested his creator, Verde, to build him for his younger brother. A handsome young man, maybe at the age of 16 or so, who had sharp blue eyes…this man was the fearsome Giotto de Vongola. The leader of the most powerful Mafia Family, the Vongola Famiglia, who would lead them to defeat the Milliefiore Famiglia, who was the mortal enemy of the Vongola Famiglia.

Hibari just gave a silent 'hn' and slightly bowed to the both of them while his young master just made a weird 'Hiee!' and went to hide at the back of his brother's leg further. It was adorable and it made him look like a small animal, like a rabbit.

Tsuna's brother, Giotto, sees his little brother's shyness and fear in his caramel eyes as he warmly smiles at him and said, "Oh come on Tsunayoshi, he won't…" he paused, trying to find the right words to say to his scared brother, "...bite you to death, I promise you that!" as he patted his hair with affection. The brunette took a slight peek from his brother's leg and examined his new friend.

As the child looked at Hibari for a few minutes he suddenly relaxed and went in front of Hibari, to Giotto's amusement. His brother would still cower in fear and would run from him if he meet new and dangerous looking people or androids but it appears his brother was sensing something different from the newly built prototype 18.

Hyper Intuition, maybe.

"A-ano…my na-name is Tsu-tsunayoshi de Vongola…please to me-meet you Hi-hibari-san" Tsuna stuttered but stayed calm in the inside, his intuitions telling him for the first time that the android in front of him was not a bad one unlike the people or androids he met in the past.

And with Hibari bowing and a slight smile on his face, a wonderful relationship was formed. [1]

After a few months, Hibari and Tsuna made an inseparable bond. Hibari would watch Tsuna play with the other children that was the same age as his, tend his wounds when his master got any injuries from tripping over nothing, tell him bedtime stories whenever Tsuna's brother couldn't tell him because he was too busy or he wasn't in the mansion and many other things…Tsuna even started to call him Kyouya.

But as this few months passed by, Hibari started to feel weird. No, not the feeling that there was something wrong with his system and circuits or that there was a bug that was eating his metals or wires…it was different.

Sometimes he would experience something that would make him want to jump up and down, hug his master, scream loudly or even punch a hole whenever prototype 69 also known as Rokudo Mukuro, who was serving Dokuro Chrome; his master's best friend, whenever he was close to his young master. He simply did not know these things that he was currently experiencing. A fever maybe? Nah that was impossible…and so Hibari just kept it to himself and would ask Verde about his 'problem' when he meets him for his monthly checkups. It would be this Friday, he realized.

Friday came, as Hibari walked towards the familiar hallway whenever he went to Verde's lab for his monthly checkups to see if there were any damages or short circuit that might have happened inside his body within the month.

He then stopped in front of a metal like door with a baby-like face of his creator as its crest. And without knocking, he opened it with ease and stepped inside the laboratory until he reached the middle. [ 2 ]

"Oho~…if it isn't P18" - short for prototype 18- a familiar manly voice said, making him turn right to where he heard the voice came from. He then saw a familiar figure who wore a laboratory coat though he couldn't see his face since it was covered by the darkness.

"Professor" he muttered when the said scientist stepped out of the dark as he saw his creator's face. 'Hn' Hibari thought. He still had his annoying grin and round glasses that seem to fog whenever he thought something mischievous. His hair was still the same…green and spiky.

"You're early as always, P18. Not even your same-monthly-checkup-buddy P80 and P33 are here yet" Verde grinned as he pushed his glasses since it was slipping from the bridge of his nose.

Hibari just frowned and said in his monotone voice, "You of all people should know that I do not like crowds…and I have to be by Tsunayoshi's side when he wakes up" he muttered the last part while Verde just snickered and said to him, "Well it wasn't my fault that I accidentally installed in your system to hate crowds" slowly walking forward to Hibari and placed his hand on his shoulder. [ 3 ]

"Shall we begin?" Hibari just nod his head in response, heading towards the familiar mechanical chair where all androids sit so that they can be examined.

The checkup only lasted for half an hour as Hibari sat up, waiting for Verde to tell if there were any problems in his system. "Hnn…everything seems to be fine P18…well if you don't have any concerns then you may now go" Verde said, detaching the wires that were connected in Hibari's head and wrist.

Hibari did not move, Verde noticed, raising a brow as he asked, "Is there anything that you still need P18?" it was the first time that Hibari was acting this way, Verde concluded.

"Professor…" Hibari began while looking at his lime green eyes "…I've been having weird experiences" he continued looking at Verde's face…he had a surprised look on his face.

"Weird experiences?" Verde asked wanting to know what Hibari meant by weird experiences. Hibari just stared at him and spoke, "Yes weird experiences, experiences that would confuse me. Sometimes I would want to jump and down or…" he continued to tell Verde the things he was experiencing. Verde couldn't help but feel amuse by his androids 'problem' especially when it came to the part that he wanted to beat the shit out of the pineapple bastard a.k.a. Rokudo Mukuro, who was his frienemy's android…Innocenti.

Anyway, back to the story. Hibari then finished talking to Verde while he just snapped out his thoughts and pushed his glasses on his nose. Well he better explain/help his android's 'problem' before something might happen to him to go haywire. He folded his hands on his chest and looked at Hibari, "Well…those weird things you're experiencing are called emotions, P18" he started, cursing inside his head that he remembered that he forgot to put the definition of what emotions meant in Hibari's metallic brain. What kind of Scientist was he to forget such small little thing? Was he losing his touch?

Then he remembered that he wanted his android, P18, to be an emotionless one. It was also his little prank to the Vongola leader's little brother…hey he just thought that it would be funny that Giotto's (wimpy yet adorable) little brother would make funny faces when his got an android butler/friend that was emotionless and looks like a vampire. It would surely make the young boy piss on his pants.

Also it wasn't his fault that P18 looked like that; Giotto didn't say what the android would look like or what features he would like to be installed in the android. He just kindly told him to build one, not build the android like this and that or that shouldn't be there or this should be installed instead. He was given his own free will what he wanted to do with his creation.

Sigh…looks like his little prank backfired, seeing that Tsunayoshi was happy to have Hibari as his android butler/friend.

"Okay, do you get it?" He asked the android in front of him, who nod in response after telling him what he wanted to know.

Phew, that was hard…it was like he was talking to a 5 year old, wanting to know where babies came from.

"Okay since now that is over…do you need anything else, P18?" he asked the silent android, who was standing up from the chair.

"None…May I go now?" Hibari asked adjusting his tie.

Verde couldn't help but slightly twitch and mutter under his breath, "Stupid insolent brat…not bothering to say at least a thank you" while he just waved his hand, indicating that he could leave and go back to the main building.

And with that, Hibari left Verde's lab to come face to face with P80, who was grinning at him like an idiot.

"Hey there Hibari! I see you're done with your checkup with Prof. haha!" he grinned at him happily which made him scowl.

"How's Tsuna been doing?" he asked him while Hibari just muttered a 'He's fine' wanting to get away from his fellow android, who was still smiling at him.

"Oh really? That's good! Haha! Hayato's been good too, though he runs away from me all the time! And I don't know why…haha! Oh by the way tell Tsuna I said 'Hi' will ya?" he smiled at him once more, placing a hand on his shoulder "Bye then Hibari!" said android then went inside Verde's lab. He heard a cheery greeting from the said android as he also told the green haired scientist that 'sempai', P33 he concluded, was still asleep and would probably come by his lab at noon.

Hibari couldn't help but grit his teeth. It was not that he hated P80 and/or P33 or also known as Yamamoto Takeshi and Sasagawa Ryohei...Well the loud one yes. It was that the both of them were too cheerful and friendly for their own good. And Sasagawa was too loud. Maybe that's why the brat that Yamamoto was serving was always running away from him. Also, he wondered who Kyoko was. She was the one who the loud boxer wannabe was currently taking care off. Such an unlucky girl.

It was also obvious that they were total opposite. Somehow he was glad that Verde didn't install in his system to be a happy and cheerful android...because it would be the Apocalypse if it were to happen.

Shaking his head lightly, Hibari then went back to the main building; hoping that his master hasn't woken up yet. He silently wished that he would always be by his side forever.

Too bad Hibari's wish had to go down the drain.

Kanjaku haiiro sekai

(The quiet ashen world)

Shizumu shikai no umi

(Sinks into the lifeless sea)

shousui no daichi ni koboreochiru

(Which spills onto the exhausted earth)





'Eh, crying?' Hibari thought, wondering why someone familiar was crying.

"…ya…ouya…Kyouya…" he kept on hearing his name. He tried to open his eyes to see who was crying and shaking his broken body.

And then light…his eyes were now open as he looks at the person in front of him. "Tsuna…yoshi" he mutters his master's name, lifting his unbroken arm to wipe away the tears in the boy's tear-stained cheeks. Said boy was happy that his friend has opened his eyes and was still functioning well.

What has happened here? He asks himself, replaying in his mind what had happen to his surrounding that was burned.

All that he could remember was that they were in the garden, admiring the newly bloomed flowers. While the kids started to play a game called tag then…Hibari's eyes widened in realization.

'There were airplanes flying and bombs showered throughout the Vongola Mansion' he thought bitterly, not wanting to remember what had happened next.

"Kyouya" Tsuna muttered, worried that Hibari was in a bad condition; he had lost an arm and a leg when the events earlier happened.

"I'm fine…nothing that the Professor can't fix" he said, placing a hand on Tsuna's head; telling him that everything was fine. But he did not expect that an enemy was coming towards them.

"Die you Vongola brat!" the enemy clad in a white outfit shouted as he had a grenade in hand. But before he could throw it to them properly a loud 'BANG' was heard.

The man in white fell, blood started to color the white uniform with red; starting from where his heart was…he was clearly dead. Unfortunately, the grenade fell out of his hands and had exploded sending woods and steels away from it, sending some of them over to where Tsuna and Hibari were.

Shuutan hibiku aigou

(Wails of lamentation echo)

Kishimu karakuri kikan

(The machine's engine groans)

sabiyuku dake no mi o tate ni shite

(This body is just rusting away, so make it your shield)

"Kyo-kyouya?" Tsunayoshi was starting to cry again as Hibari hugged him closely. "Are you alright Tsunayoshi?" he asked, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. [ 4 ]

"Kyo-kyouya" he removed Hibari's arms from his body and moved his body beside Hibari, who was leaning against a large piece of wood that was standing upright, his clothes were ripped and torn in some parts, his other leg had gone missing when the explosion had happened while he protected him, and he was bleeding. Tsunayoshi looked at him as if he was dying…

"Kyouya!" tears were starting to pour from those caramel eyes which held happiness and innocence that Hibari saw when they first saw each other. "Kyou-kyouya, please don't di-die…" Tsuna whimpered, not liking what he was seeing.

Hibari looked at his master, the color of his hair, skin and eyes were slowly turning to black and white. It seems that one of his wires that were connected to his eyes was damaged for it to be malfunctioning. "Don't cry Tsunayoshi" he was trying to comfort his master. He did not want to see his master to be in that state that made him look like a small animal…it was herbivore-ish. He scoffed.


They could hear footsteps as they looked to see who it was. Was it an enemy? Or was it one of their comrades?

But Tsunayoshi couldn't care less if it was an enemy or their comrade. All he wanted was that Hibari would not die because he had protected him.

"Hmm…" it was a woman's voice. Hibari looked at her; blue hair, an infrared visor covering her eyes and a distinctive scar, a ripped tan cape covering her body with a gorilla-like figure on her shoulder and a gun on her right hand. Maybe she was the one who shot the man, the one who tried to kill Tsunayoshi. But they couldn't be too sure if she was one of them.

So he wanted to protect the crying boy by his side. He knew he was powerless but he has to fight to make the woman in front of them back off. The only thing he could do was to glare at her fiercely.

WATASHI wa kuchiru

(I am decaying)

KIMI mamorikuchihateru

(Protecting you even as I decay)

His glare seems to be ineffective to the woman as she kept on moving forward to them. She stops on her tracks…she was only a feet away from them.

The woman places her right hand on top of his master's brown hair. Looks like she is a comrade…but they can never be too sure.

chikara naki mi de wa tada...

(You are simply... taken away)

ubawareru bakari!

(From my powerless body!)

Hibari's eyes widen when he sees the woman lifting and putting his master, who still crying, in her arms. 'NO!' he shouted in his head, wanting to suffocate the woman to death for touching his master.

He could see his master struggling from the woman's hold but the woman just kept him still. She turned around and Hibari did not expect that there were other people that were associated with the woman.

"Kyouya!" Tsuna cried louder when he saw that the woman was taking him somewhere, somewhere far away from Hibari.

The woman, though she was irritated, kept silent as she advances to where her comrades were. She then stops in front of her boss and hands the little boy in her arms to him.

"Thank you for protecting him Lal Mirch" the man said, smiling to her while she just nods to him in response.

Hibari couldn't see who the man, who was holding his master. He could only see the man's back and his spiky hair that looked like Giotto's and Tsuna's. Maybe it was Giotto.

"Let's go" he heard him say…but it was not Giotto's voice. He wanted to shout and kill them because they were taking away his master, the one who made him felt like…like he was a human being.

'Is this what emotions are like, Professor?' he asks himself, feeling like he could murder anyone for taking his beloved person.

ichido nemuru WATASHI

(When I, who was once sleeping)

nemurimezameru toki

(Awake from my slumber)

"mukae ni yukou"

("I will go find you," I say)

yakitsuku MEMORI tayori

(Relying on this burning memory)

He wanted to do something badly to get those filthy hands off his master. But even if he was just an android he knew when he needed to admit defeat, even if it made him feel pathetic. His eyes were slowly closing as the people in front of him started to leave. He could hear his master's calls, but what could he do? He was powerless after all. With a broken arm and two missing legs, what could he possibly do to save him?

With his energy draining, his eyelids began to feel a lot heavier every single second as they were slowly leaving him. His master's calls became deaf to his ears when he finally closed his eyes…but before his world turn black into darkness he had vowed to himself,

'I promise I'll get you back Tsunayoshi, and I'll bite those people to death' then darkness.

Sew weylos aryu-fe nez'zolto

(Sew weylos aryu-fe nez'zolto)

Wi-s tina zi-di mor ele-fi ro-eltyeir

(Wi-s tina zi-di mor ele-fi ro-eltyeir)

"Ara? What do we have here?" a slightly surprised teenager said, looking at the unmoving body of the fallen android. He approached him, his comrades telling him to be careful that the fallen android might be still alive and attack him. Ignoring this, he continued to take a step towards Hibari's fallen body.

"Oh what an interesting android" he smiled, noticing that his subordinates were now behind him looking at the Hibari's body with confusion.

What was so interesting about a useless and destroyed android?

"Ne carry his body. I would like him to be fix by S-" he was cut off by a loud piercing scream. "Oh another captive~" the teen once again smiled at the sound that seemed to be lovely for him. He shrugged it off after a second and once again told his underlings to get Hibari's body.

Not wanting to defy him, they knelled and bowed their head to him and said all together, "As you wish, Byakuran-sama"

[1] I wanted Hibari to say 'My Lord' like what Sebastian's says in Kuroshitsuji but it would make Hibari too OOC

[2] Think of it as Verde's baby form with the smirk and the glinting effect on his glasses

[ 3 ] Don't expect Hibari to give honorifics since even if he is an android, he was still built to be…well like the original Hibari…though he has low status as a butler

[ 4 ] I think there are androids that have blood inside their bodies…well it is the…FUTURE~wooowiiwooo…haha!