Angel or Demon?

Before we can start, let me tell you somethings about me.

My name is Maka.

Just Maka, no need for any added nicknames to it. I just transferred to DWMA, a weapon and miester school, for delinquents.

Most would pin me as a tame bookworm, but I`am more than that, even if most of its true.

Key word: most

Well, the only reason I`am going to this school is because after my mother finally left my father, then he started clinging on to me, thinking that one day I`ll leave, even if, through his eyes, I was a sweet, little girl.

It made me angry, how he said I was a little angel and handed me my chore money, after I had just broken a flower vase.

My dad name is Spirit, he is the assistant/vice principal at DWMA, and is a player.

Why do you think my mom left him in the first place.

It sickened me how he said I was so good and proper, that I would never end up at the delinquent school he works at.

Eat those words old man.

I had previously was going to go to Miester Academy for Girls, which was ran by death scythe, Mistress Marie. She was sort of my idol sense she was a solo death scythe, intelligent, and is happy even if she's single. But like I said, she, was, my role mold, until I went to go get my drunk father from his favorite bar one night, and saw Mistress Marie, sobbing, drinking sake, while saying how much she needed to find a husband.

Sure it may be cruel to detach a role model form my list because of that, but I guess you had to be there to understand.

How I became a delinquent was very easy. First I started small and hijacked this blue motorcycle and crashed it into my teacher`s Chevy. The owner of the motorcycle did not sue sense he said that he was thinking about getting this,"cool," orange one.

I remember that guy, but he never gave me his name, all I knew was that he had white hair, but was wearing sunglasses, so I could not decipher the eye color.

After that "tiny" stunt, I ditched class on a daily basis, left dead toads in Professor Stein`s shoes, (he oddly liked it), got into a fight with my friend Liz, which she agreed to, but her sister Patty didn't know we were faking and well got into it, then my oh so innocent friend, Tsubaki, tried to break it up, but got caught in the storm of limbs and fists.

Actually, thats where the real story begins, I shouldn't be giving you the juicy details yet.

See you next chapter.

{Author note: Ok, hi everyone! yes this is the real FireFlamz, except now its FireFlamz1 now. I did create a new account because my old one was well not running so smooth with uploading my stories the way I want them, so I will repost Angel or Demon? onto this one, except withb a better explanation in the summary box.
