A/n: I know I haven't updated my other stories in a while (I am working on them now) but I got this idea while I was smoking on the back porch and had to get it down Tell me what you think Good? Bad? Interesting? It's an AU fic obviously so not much of what happened in glee will apply to this if I do plan on continuing (that depends on if you guys like it or not) mostly just brittana related stuff probably So please review
It had been a long day of doing absolutely nothing at the Pierce residence. Like ever Sunday Santana spent her day with Brittany and her family. They had just finished eating dinner and Santana needed a smoke, like she does after any big meal she had during the day. The Pierce's had a tradition of watching a movie together after their family dinner so Santana sneaked off to the back door through the kitchen. She knew Brittany would know she wasn't really going to the bathroom but the blonde never let on about her obvious lie; she just gave a sad glance to her girlfriend and turned around on the couch to watch whatever movie they chose to watch this week.
Santana quietly opened the back door and walked out onto the deck, rubbing her arms when the cold November air hit her poorly clothed body. She only had on a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants that didn't do much to keep her warm. Reaching in her pocket to retrieve her box of newports and lighter, she quickly sat down on the deck steps.
Time had recently gone back so it was already very dark by the time she went out for her smoke break. Santana lit her cigarette and took a long drag letting the nicotine work its magic. She stared out into the night sky somewhat distracted by the faint sound coming from somewhere she couldn't quite pinpoint. It sounded like a tea kettle that had been left on the stove for too long and it gave her an eerie feeling.
There was a rustling coming from the bushes in the neighbor's backyard. There was a gaping hole in the fence between their houses thanks to a fight that took place earlier that year. Apparently a fight broke out in the neighbor's yard over a card game that ended with two men barreling into the fence and knocked it down. They still hadn't paid to fix it so she could see straight back to the forest right behind their yard.
Santana took her eyes off her phone to see what was making the offending noise but could only see darkness. She stared at the misshapen tree, that always seemed to freak her out when she was little, to get a glance at whatever was moving around but saw nothing. She could have sworn she saw a face hiding behind the tree but when she blinked it was gone. The dim lighting from the street lamp didn't help in her search for the thing causing the noise so she shrugged it off, blaming her bad nerves and returned to her phone.
The rustling got louder once again breaking Santana's attention away from her device. She never really got over her fear of the dark so the weird noises coming from the woods made her slightly paranoid, urging her to finish her cigarette quickly and return to the safety of the Pierce home. As she was about to get up and put out her cigarette she thought she heard a voice whisper "delicious" causing the girl to jump up from her spot on the steps. She searched the backyard for any sign that she wasn't alone but came up with nothing. Thoroughly freaked out, she bent down to put out her cigarette (she couldn't flick it because Brittany's parents would find the bud in the grass).
A loud bang rung out in the night air behind the brunette, causing her to jolt upright and spin around in fear. She franticly scanned the yard looking for whatever caused the noise when a cat jumped off the deck ledge. Lord Tubbington had knocked over a flower pot that landed on the pavement below.
"Stupid cat." Santana mutter letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
She walked up the three deck steps heading for the door when something called out to her.
"Hey sexy" Santana turned around to face a blonde woman. Her skin was pale and looked almost like chalk as she slowly inched towards the frozen girl in front of her. Before Santana could react, the blonde lunged forward at and inhuman speed successfully covering the girl's mouth with her hand effectively sinking her teeth into her neck.