This is a AU of the Supernautral Charatcer . Every one is OC. I dont anything . Supernatural Is own by The CW.
M-Preg AU men have always been able to give brith . one in five men will be able to give brith .the carrier gene .
chapter 1
You never truly realize when you got it good. When the thing or someone you care about is gone . When you take things for granted and then it goes away . Never in your life you would truly miss them untill they go away . This is how Dean Winchester felt when he watch the love of his life drive away . This is the end of the story for Dean or how it felt for him.
Three years ago (Senior year of High School)
Dean Winchester was what you called a man with no plan that was what somepeople thought. He was an almost good guy that would always get in trouble for the little things . The little things like fighting , pranking students , factually , cutting class and serving detention for it because he got caught because of it .
Anyway , here he is now in the middle of a fight with who he calls his pain in the arch rival Zachariah Alder. These two have fought with each other since they met freshmen year and been fighting now for a good ten minutes , It doesn't look like any security or teachers are coming to break it up.( Maybe because half the senior class made a unbreakable circle around the two boys).
When it seems like no end in sight , the fire alarm goes off and the sprinklers goes off . Everyone is sprayed with water and the trance over the students was broken .
Now you know that when there is a real fire in a building full of kids and adults not everyone is really going to remain calm and leave without anyone getting hurt . When realization kicks in everyone is running around like a chicken who head got cut off that is when chaos and panic happens. Everyone is either trying to find their friends or getting something they left in class or locker .
But not Dean , he gets in one punch to Zack in the nose and runs. Dean pushing and shoving he trys to get to the exit where he remembers. Sam and Cass- the only two people beside his parents would he actually go another direction to make sure they are okay . His brother Sam shaggy hair puppy dog eye younger brother is a freshmen in Truman High and Cass or Castiel as his mother call him is his best friend aside from Sam he really cares about. Running up the stairs he is stop by a nameless teacher who says"Are you crazy there is a fire and your coming up the stairs"
Dean repiles " My brother and bestfriend I need to get them" .
The nameless teacher repile back " they are probably outside now waiting for you let's go".
Dean stares at the man and when the man didn't get a answer , he put his hands on Dean's shoulders and directs him to turn around to get outside .
When it seems like forever for Dean with kids around him running and pushing . The nameless teacher and him were finally out.
Dean left the teacher's side and started to look around the crowd in the front of the school looking for Sam and Cass . When it felt like all hope was gone he saw him. Castiel Novak shorter than Dean the bedhead sometimes tossled black almost blue hair. Oceanic blue eyes you can get lost in (Dean got lost sometimes and forget what he is saying when he looks in them).full lips top and bottom just kissable lips . It wasn't hard to spot him out in the crowd and it help when he wears a two sizes too biege trench coat .
Dean makes his way to Cass and was gald that Sam was with him. Sam turns toward Dean and says "Dean thank god I thought you were still in there "
'Always the little worry wart' Dean thought, but said "Of course I wasn't gonna be in there I wanted to make sure you two were okay bitch" and grins
"Jerk" Sam said automatically .
Cass faces Dean and said "Where were you?, You weren't in class where did you go?".Cass looks at him with worry .
Dean looks back at him and says"Just taking care of a problem nothing else ".
Cass give him the I don't believe you look. "So this problem doesn't have nothing to do with how Zachariah is looking like he got in a fight with a elephant and lost ".
Dean looks at where Cass is looking at and there was Zack bloody and bruising . His left eye looks puffy and was looking like it was turning another shade of blue , his bottom lips was turning purple . There was a cut above his right eye brow made by Dean's ring on his left middle finger . Zack looked at him and give him the middle finger .
Dean smirks at him and told Cass " you can't prove anything he probably got that from leaving the school"and winks at him.
"Fine but I hope you keep saying that when the principle halls your butt in his office when he finds out" said Castiel as
the principle made his way to the crowd and says"Everything is fine everyone just a chem experiment gone wrong . Students can leave early today after school groups can meet tomorrow the damage will be gone by then have a great day" and left to speak with one of the fire fighters .
"Yes I thought we had to come back inside"Dean said as the other students left the school Cass and Sam behind him.
"I didn't get to finish my test you think my teacher would take it away Cass? "Sam asks
"No, Sam I'm sure your teacher will let you finish your test , it was the Lab class fault you weren't done with the test" Cass said as they made their way to Dean's beloved black 1967 chevy only lady beside his mom he really loves and take care of.
"Sammy your such a geek I bet you'll still pass even If you didn't finish "Dean said as he open the driver side of the car . When everyone is in Cass -shot gun , Sam in the back seat . Dean starts the car and puts on some Metillca Softly ( Cass hates it loud). Then drives off ,
"You coming over tonight ?"Dean ask Cass after ten minutes of no talking. Sam is reading in the back as Dean looks in the rear view mirror and thought Nerd.
"Yeah I just Need to finish my homework and then I can come over"Castiel says as he looks out the window . Dean look at him and smile
"Always the goody two shoes Cass"He said as he makes a right turn down the street where Cass lives.
"I'm not sorry If I want to do my work first then hang out at least I do it and not at the last minute its due"he said and looks at dean who had his mouth open to comment but says"whatever "and stops infront of Cass' house he would have made it to the back But Cass' mom hates when he does that .
She thinks that you have something to hide If you come to their house from the back door.
Cass opens the door and says"I'll call you when I'm done bye Sam"and close the door .
Sam is too engross with his book to notice But looks up and turn to wave at Cass who is at the front door of his house .
Dean waits untill Cass is inside and drives off.
"Why can't you tell him you love him?" Sam ask. Dean looks in the rear view mirror towards Sam and says "It's Complicated " and looks at the road again.
Dean Winchester was known by many girls and guys as Mr. Heartbreaker , the love 'em and leave 'em guy. But that is just a mask . What he really is a guy who is in love with his male best friend for a few years now since the sixth grade .That was another story for another time.
Dean makes a left turn is in the street where his house is. It isn't that far from Cass' give or takes ten minutes of walking .He pulls up to the drive way turns off the eninge and opens the door. Sam comes out as well Walking up to their house that has a pretty kept lawn.(If Dean feels like mowing). Light blue paint on the front of the house . It was a pretty looking house if dean says so .Dean fishes his house keys out and open the door.
The inside of the house is bigger than the outside . the kitchen is to the left with isle with four stool in the middle . the fridge to the side . on right the living room with a big comfy couch , a flat screen , DVR and a blu ray DVD player. Sam and Dean go straight to the fridge not before
Sam says "Wash your hands first Dean".
"Alright don't want you nagging me forever now do I Bitch"Dean says as he goes over to the sink.
"Whatever mom and me want to be safe from your grems Jerk" Sam told him as he wash his hand ignore him and open the fridge door to see what his mom brought .
"Sam , Dean you two home already?"said a voice from a far .
"Yeah mom"the boys said .
"Good someone help get this box"said their mother .
"Not it "said Sam quickly .
"Bitch"Dean mumble ."Jerk" Sam repiled.
"That pie better be there when I get back"said Dean as he made his way to the back yard .
Dean walks the few feet that led to the side door and open it to find his mom , Mary Winchester helplessly trying to lift a box . His mom was the only woman Dean can say was beautiful inside and out. With her loose long curl blonde hair , light green eyes and angelic face ( beside Cass).She was truly a sight .
She was always helpful when needed and never back away from anything a mamma bear for boys . Dean can really understand why his mom was someone you don't ever want to cross . But Dean can never understand why his dad left her for someone else. Dean was four years old when he saw his father leave the house and never came back ,But Dean's dad John Winchester did come back only to visit him and Sam . He told Dean he has someone esle that wasn't his mom .
He was Seven then Sam three years old . Dean never really forgave his dad for leaving his mom to cry at night when mary thought no one would listen .
"Dean are you there?" ask Mary looking at her son with worry .Dean snap out of his thought and looks at his mom.
"yeah I was just thinking " he said as he made his way to get the box from his mom . When it was safely in his arms they walked back to the side door .
"How was school?"Mary ask as she open the door for Dean and herself .
"It was fun a Fire happen it was in one of the chemistry lab room , made everyone leave early"He said as he put the box down in the hallway .
"You are early " Mary said checking her watch .
"I didn't notice ... Wait fire ? Is everyone at the school okay?"Mary said making her way to the kitchen , where she saw Sam already doing his homework and eating a sandwich .
"yeah Mom no one got hurt"Sam answer .
"Good "she said and got started on dinner."Dean don't you have homework too?"Mary ask as she move to the fridge then the sink.
"Yeah I'll do it later when Cass comes over "he said as he made his way to the T.V.
He turn it on to the news where a reporter says
"And congratulations to Kevin Mark , he and his husband welcomes a baby boy into their family. The baby boy is 6 pounds and 11 ounces . This is the second child for the pair . This is another male pregnant brith. Viewers know that one in five male can have the carrier gene . Please go to your doctor or a clinic and get tested ". And the reporter makes a segway to the weather man.
"Another male pregnancy at least this baby had a family there was one man who had the baby and left it in the trash can "Mary said going back to making dinner .
"Why are there so many men having babies ?"ask Sam.
" I don't really know , But you two don't need to worry I got you both checked out when you were a baby "said Mary as she chop some carrots .
"Good to know mom"Dean said as he got up to go to his room . 'Like I would ever Bottom' Dean thought as he open his door . His room was paint white with different posters of movies and music he likes : AC/DC , Metillca , kansas and John Bon Jovi .
Well that one was for Cass because he ask to put it there when he stay over at Dean's. And old western movie mostly Clint Eastwood. His bed made with AC/DC sheets , his T.V with all his games and movies around it . He had his desk with his labtop on it completed the room.
Dean made his way to his desk and opens his labtop and waited for it to start up. Dean checks his phone and sees that it's three' o clock , they came home early so Cass had enough time to finish his homework . He looked at his labtop and type his password . He waits and sees his desktop picture of him and Cass last summer at Six Flag. They were next to some ride . Dean couldn't remember the name of it but it was fun . Cass is standing next to Dean with a stuff tiger Dean won for him .
Dean has his arm around Cass' shoulder. They both were smiling , it was one of those time Cass was having real fun with out his mom making a big deal out of everything . Dean stares at the picture remember how scared Cass was of going on the ride .
But after begging and pouting at Cass , the blue eye boy cave in and they went on . Dean smiles at the memory and open up the Internet Explorer to check if Cass is online . Dean went to his email account and waited for Yahoo Messanger to show up . He smile and saw that Cass was online . He sent a message :
DeantheHunter: Hey CastieltheAngel: What?
DeantheHunter: Wanted to know if you were still coming over .
CastieltheAngel:Of Course dean i'm almost done anyway unlike you.
DeantheHunter:Whatever I'll do it later (maybe in class)
CastieltheAngel:yeah right . I need to go . See you later. CastieltheAngel is off line.
Dean stayed on talking to his other friends untill His mom called him for Dinner.
"Dean Dinner is ready". yellled Mary.
"Coming mom"Dean said . He sent his last message to his friend chuck. He left his labtop on and went to door . Dean walk the hall to the kitchen . They live in one floor house. It was pretty easy find your way around. He made it to the kitchen and sat near the fridge .
" Mom Cass is coming over tonight "Dean said .
"Alright , but don't stay up late you have school tomorrow
"Mary said getting a plate ready for Dean. "
What time you coming home?"ask Dean.
"Around one unless I need to stay longer in the graveyard shift "Mary said .
Mary is a Nurse. She usually would work in the Morning to late in the afternoon. But Since her husband left she took the night shifts at the hospital to make more money .
"Alright "said Dean as he grap his plate . Sam came to kitchen as well . The three Winchester made it their stools and sat at the mini table the kitchen they don't use the dining table . Diner was good , Dean and Sam talked about who could have started the chem fire. When the plates were away , Mary brought out dessert - Apple pie.
"I love you Mom"said Dean as he got his slice .
"You only really say that when I bring pie"Mary said smiling .
"No I don't "Dean said his mouth full of pie.
"Don't talk with your mouth full Jerk"Sam said as he took a piece of pie . When dessert was done Dean went back to his room waiting for Cass. Mary already left for work .
The door bell rang . Sam was in the living room went to the door to open it and saw Cass.
"Hey Cass"said Sam .
"Hello Sam "repiled Cass.
"Come on in Dean waiting for you"Sam said as he open the door more to let Cass in going back to the counch . Cass close the door behind him.
"Alright do you need any help with anything ?"Cass ask looking at the papers on the table .
"No I'm good "Sam said going back to the mess. Cass nodded and went to Dean's room. It was a short walk to get there . Castiel remember everytime he came over to this house and played with Dean when they were kids.
He still can't believe Dean and himself are still friends. Some people don't have friendships that last this long . He knock on the door and waited.
"Cass get in here "Dean said through the door . Castiel open the door and walked in .'His room is still the same 'Cass thought .
"Your doing homework now?"ask Cass.
"Yeah and I'm done "Dean said writing the last line of his essay for History class.
"Now let's play "Dean said going over to his T.V and setting up hid Xbox 360 . Cass went over to the bed and sat.
"I thought we were watching a movie "said Cass .
"It's Thursday Cass. I don't want you to have nightmare do I?"said Dean sitting next to Cass and handed him a controller .
"Thanks for remembering "Cass said.
"Oh you thought I won't remember you get nightmares from watching horror movies"said Dean giving a fake shock face . Cass blushed and waited for the game to finish loading .
"What happened with Zachariah?"ask Cass . Dean curse under his breath and said
"Nothing just the same old thing Zack talking smack and needed someone to put him in his place". Cass look at Dean for a moment and turn back to the game to select his character he wouls play as. When both were done they started to play.
Time passed and when the last round was done - Dean had won again . He got up and started to cheering for himself
" Yes ! Cass I won again , I'm the best the King , Bow down to your master ".
Cass laugh and said "No I don't think so".
"What?"ask Dean .
"No "Cass said .
"You ask for it "Dean said and jump on Cass. He started to tickle to him .
"Dean stop it , I can't breathe "Cass wheezed
"Never"shouted Dean. Cass had enough and filp Dean on his back placing his hands above his head.
"What are you gonna do now ?"Cass tease .
From Dean's position having Cass straddling him sent shock waves to his system . He hope Cass didnot feel how happy he was in this situation.
"Well?"Cass ask .
"This is not what's suppose to happen "Dean said .
Cass let go of one of Dean 's hands and in doing so gave Dean the upper hand to filp Cass instead. Caught by surpise Cass looked up at Dean from the new position .
"That's better I'm your king after all I should be on top"Dean said meaning this more then one thought .
"Get off me Dean " growled Cass .Dean's heart beat went up when he heard Cass growl 'Dawn he's cute when he is angry ' thought Dean
"Not untill you say I'm the king"Dean grin . He held Cass' hands above his head and lean down . Knowing this was going way past the friend zone but the hell with it .
Cass looked in Dean green eyes and said "Your the King ". Dean's grin wided and he got off of Cass.
"You bet Iam".
"Your an ass butt" Cass said sitting up right on the bed .
"Yeah , but you still love me "Dean said .
Castiel blush and said "I'm really doubting that". Dean looked at him wanting to tell him the love he has for him is more than a friend but stops.
Instead he looks at the clock and says "You need to go home now or your mom will have my head".
Cass looks and saw it was eight thirty . "yeah I'll see you at school" Cass said making his way to the door Dean right behind him .
When they reach the front door of the house Dean ask"Want me to walk you home?".
"I'm not a little kid Dean I can walk home myself"Cass said annoyed .
"Yeah I know but I want too" Dean said .
"Fine "Cass said.
Cass open the door and walked out .
Dean shouted to Sam "Be right back don't burn the house " .
"Okay Jerk"Sam shouted back.
While the walk to Cass' house was a quiet one both teens lost in thought. Dean stop Cass at the front door .
"What?"Cass ask . Dean open his arms signaling for a hug .
Cass sigh and hug Dean. Dean felt like a girl who is getting a hug from her crush which is true but anyway he smile in Cass' neck .
When they parted Cass said "Sometimes you are the werid one , night dean"and open the door going inside.
Dean turn back home thinking how he wanted to kiss Cass back on his bed .
'Maybe one day' Dean thought . After locking the door , checking on Sam who he found fast alsleep in his bed.
Dean headed to his room and watch some T.V it was still early .
He waited for his mom to come back but after two hours . Dean fell alsleep when it was midnight .
Alsleep Dean dreamt what it would be like if Cass and him were more than friends . Smiling in his sleep Dean dream some more .
End of Chapter One .
I hope i get some feedback on this story and get help with it.