My name is Damara. I was born in Mystic Falls, Virginia in the year of 1840.

I was adopted because I was born with down-syndrome. I still have the straight line going across my hand to prove it. Well, I wasn't really adopted, because I was left on the steps of the Mystic Falls Infirmary. I wasn't wanted. Babies with down-syndrome were too much to handle and most of them ended up dying anyhow. No, I don't have the disease anymore. Why would I if I'm a vampire?

Yes, I'm a vampire. Is that surprising? Well, I'm not sure who my creator was. I was weak, and the only thing I had in my favor was biting. I guess when I was meant to be an easy meal, and I bit the vamp who made me, not only did he end up killing me, but I came back into a "new life". I could talk, and I wasn't exceptionally short anymore, and I was more alert. Somehow, though, it came as a surprise to me when my family became afraid and started telling me that I was the "demon daughter of Satan", or for better accuracy, "hija demonia de Satanás". Needless to say, that's how I was named Damara. Originally, I was called Lucia Elise. My last name was Tristias, but I feel that I no longer have that name, because when I was called the daughter of Satan, I seemed to subconsciously revolt, but when I did that, I revolted much more than I wanted to-like my feelings were heightened-and ended up killing both of my parents and feeding on them. I am not proud of it, and since then I only feed from blood bags.

I was eighteen when I transformed. I've been that way for so long that I stopped counting after one hundred and sixty years.

Just the past few, though, I've realized that my pale skin never truly matched that of my Latino parents, but as a human, I was too out of it to tell. They loved me through it all, and thus I didn't much care how different they looked than me or how fluently they spoke in Spanish and how I didn't understand a word of it.

I found out that I was born in Mystic Falls because I've been searching all over the United States for my past. I was reading in the local history reference in the library when I came across an article of the founding families…

The Founding Families of Mystic Falls

Guiseppe Salvatore & Family:

Mr. Salvatore was one of the founding families in this town. He had lived in this town with his wife and two sons, Damon and Stefan. It is said that there was a third child, a girl, of who they'd lost to tuberculosis at a very young age. Her name was unknown. She was also said to be the twin sister of the oldest Salvatore son, Damon, who was a soldier in the civil war.

In 1864, there was some sort of unknown corruption in the town that involved the help of Guisseppe Salvatore, Jonathan Gilbert, The Fells, and the Lockwood families. Sadly, during the corruption-which is also the time one, Katherine Pierce, was staying with the Salvatores-the Salvatore sons, Damon and Stefan were mistakenly killed in swaps of gunfire. Later that night, Guiseppe Salvatore was unexpectedly killed by what the doctor reports said to be some sort of animal.

There was a picture of the Salvatore boys listed below. The caption had said Damon was on the left, and Stefan was on the right. Stefan had brown hair and green eyes that were exquisite. They sparkled with happiness. His brown suspenders matched his pants and went over his white shirt as he rested his elbow on the shoulder of his brother, Damon.

Now Damon, well, he had the same shade of blue in his eyes as I had, and my black hair matched his. He was wearing his blue Confederate uniform with the hit slouched to the side as if he was in a relaxed mood, and he was wearing a smile that I would describe to be mix between a smirk and a crooked grin. He was obviously older. The year of the picture was dated as 1864 and it had also labeled the ages of Damon, who was twenty-four, and Stefan, who was seventeen.

I looked like a female Damon. I thought it was too bad that I'd never meet him.