Authoress Drabble~!

You can blame Fireotaku18 for this one. My first GrimmIchi~! XD We're kinda buddies on this, but lemme say this; I will probably go insane doing this fic. So enjoy it~! XD This is a bit of a streatch for me...but we shall see~! Wish us luck Fireotaku18~!


No one is sure when the first Dragon in the realm of Karakura became a human. Some say it was curse for being unable to feel any kind of emotion for humankind, a species quickly overunning their own. Some say it was more of a protective method, blending in to hide from those bent on ending their race. There is also a rumor that says it's possible they were curious about humans and their capacity for others in their hearts. Either way, there is one fact in these stories. That ever since then, Dragons have ruled over Karakura, appearing as humans.

Each Dragon is born with a special tattoo, linking their souls to another, who is born with a similar tattoo, bearing the Dragon's true form. Until they find their Bonded, the Dragon can never gain it's true form and power, forced to remain a human forever. Each being is born with a True Name, a name that they know is theirs since birth. But only Dragons, and their Bonded, know of their True Names. In a special ritual, they give their True Names to each other, offering their very lives and souls for each other. True Names hold power over them, but can also be used against them.

For if anyone outside learns of it, they can use the Dragon's magic against him or her, forcing their transformation and ultimatly taking over their very souls. With a single breath, they control them, and can even end their lives, only with a command and their True Name. There has only been one occurance of this as proof.

This tale is about the Cursed Bond; a young Dragon whose soul was Bound to not one, but two souls. And regardless of the one he chose, it would end his very life. The Dark Dragon, an evil creature from the time, would stop at nothing to gain his powers for his own, and it was the will of the Prince, and the strength of his love for his Bonded, and the power he shared with him, that prevented a great catastrophe.

This is the story of the Cursed Bond. The Prince under the curse, his beloved Bonded, the Dark Dragon, and the magic Love can create.

Chapter 1: Searching

A young man sighed as he gazed sadly out the large window in his bedroom, overlooking the small town beneath him. The sun was setting below the valley beyond, making his bright, orange hair flare like flames. Twenty-three... He thought and sighed again.

"Man King, yer depression comes off of ya in waves!" The orange head turned around slowly to see a pale copy of himself standing in his doorway, wearing baggy blue pants and a nice, white shirt, a black scarf drapped over his shoulders. "Sumthin botherin my little brother?"

"I'm twenty three Shiro..."


"I should've found him by now!" He shouted at his brother's obvious teasings. "I mean, what if he's d-"

"Are they still there?" Shiro asked, his golden eyes shining with worry as he looked at his younger brother. Although they looked the same, Prince Ogichi 'Shiro' Kurosaki was at least four years older than his brother. He watched his brother gulp and nod, slowly removing his own white shirt. His back streatched and Shiro watched as muscles rippled underneath tanned, smooth skin. On his back was a large, teal dragon, striking out at what appeared to be nothing, but even Shiro knew the symbolism. "And that...other one?"

"I hate that one..."

"Me too Ichigo, but lemme see it." Ichigo sighed and showed off his chest, revealing an ugly, serpentine dragon coiled tightly above the area where his heart lay. "Geeze, that one creeps me out every time."

"I know...but I'd rather find the other one. I...this one makes me afraid..." Ichigo muttered replacing his shirt.

"Why not go out and look again?" Shiro asked, sitting next to his brother.

"You know Father's forbbiden it, especially since he's so ill. Not even Gin knows what's wrong." Gin Ichimaru has not only been their trusted magician, but also a good dcotor when needed and interpreted the tattoos on the young Prince. "Besides, since I was born with these, that makes me next."

"Don't remind me King." Shiro muttered. He had been born without a mark, a rare occurance. It meant he'd never find a Bonded, yet that didn't mean he couldn't gain his powers. "Besides, since when have we ever listened to Father?" Ichigo grinned mischeviously at this.

"Never of course." He laughed. He then looked out the window again and his previous mood returned. "But we were supposed to meet at fifteen..."

"That's the norm, Ichigo. We ain't exactly the norm." Shiro pointed out and Ichigo nodded.

He has a point... "You're so taking the blame, gotcha?" He grinned, but Shiro's was wider.

"Gotcha King. Finally growing some balls."

"Hey, who was it that snuck into Father's chambers just to find out what he does with those paintings of Mother?" Ichigo laughed when Shiro's face grew green.

"Those scars will never, ever fade! But if you forget, we both went."

"Yeah, but I stayed longer." Ichigo pointed out, and Shiro rolled his golden eyes at the smug smirk on his brother's face.

"Yeah yeah, sure whatever." Shiro tossed him an old, run-down clock and grinned. "Yer usual spell outta do tha' trick on yer hair. Be careful, ok?" Ichigo nodded and placed the beaten clock over his shoulders, his hair turning black. Shiro himself still saw his usual hair, only humans would be unable to see past the illusion.

"I'm always careful Shiro." He gave his brother a brief hug before quickly running out of his room. shiro stood there a moment more before hearing some rustling outside Ichigo's room. He looked out the window to see Ichigo carefully hoisting himself over the castle garden's wall and smiled as he faded from veiw.

Good luck little brother...

"Tsk, about damnded time we got here!" A small group of men walked into the large village and the tallest one walked forward and shouted. "This beats Hueco Mundo anyday!"

"Silence yourself, Nnoitora." A shorter, albino looking male with short black hair and deep, emerald eyes whispered. "You will worry the residents here." the taller man turned with a huge grin on his face, his long black hair covering the left side of his face.

"Ah, shut up Ulquiorra. This is fifty times better than home, admit it!" Nnoitora sighed and streatched. He turned to his left to see a sleepy looking man with long brown hair standing there.

"Listen to him, Nnoitora."

"Ah, go take another nap, Stark." Nnoitora pouted, but quieted his voice.

"Hmm...not a bad idea..." Stark yawned.

"I didn't mean literally!" Nnoitora snapped. "C'mon, help me out Gri-" He looked around and sighed. "He ain't here...did that idiot fall asleep or something?"

"Doubtful. He may just be ignoring your loud mouth." Ulquiorra shrugged. Nnoitora sighed and ran a hand through his long hair, brushing past his sightless left eye.

"Eh, he'll be along soon. Till then, we can wait at the Inn over there." The small group began walking towards the Inn, only Ulquiorra looking back.

"You can't sit up there all night, Grimmjow..." He muttered, taking a look at a large tree before heading back in. Up in the tree, a lone man sat, looking at the large castle up on the hill not too far away.

Must be nice living there... he thought. He ran a large hand through his silky, blue hair and glanced around the village. "This place ain't half bad either." He streatched and leapt out of the tree, landing as gracefully as a wild cat.

"Knew you couldn't stay there, Grimmjow." Grimmjow turned sharp, equally blue eyes to a smaller, young child walking to him.

"Shouldn't you be checking on your brother, Lillynett?"

"He's sleeping, waiting for your lazy ass!" She snapped angrily, stomping her feet on the ground. "So hurry up already, you lazy cat!"

"How many times have I said not to call me a cat?" Grimmjow grumbled.

"Lost count and don't care! Now hurry up!" Grimmjow sighed as his arm was roughly grabbed and he was dragged towards the Inn. He gave the castle one more gaze, and suddenly, the area above his right eye began to ache.

Tsk, damnit... He rubbed at his temple and Lillynett looked at him.

"That old tasttoo hurt? I swear you have the worst phantom pains outta anyone I know." she huffed and left him behind. The pain didn't cease, but it did die down slightly as he relaxed.

I've had it since I can remember, you twit... He gave the tattoo another soothing rub, kowing the shape by heart; a lithe, orange dragon curled softly around his eye, as if attempting to open it. As he walked in, he couldn't help but shake off an uneasy feeling. Something's gonna happen soon...but what?

Chapter 1 end

I pretty much introduced just about all the characters I'm gonna use~! I also just blatently told you how this is gonna end, so if you didn't see it, doom on you~! XD Not all of the characters were in this, but the main one's were. XD This is my first GrimmIchi, so be nice to it~!

And yes, Shiro is there because I love him and he just can't not be in a fic of mine. XD so supportive older brother is second best. lol please~!