I was planning on starting this in January 2012 but I had already thought up one and a half chapters already, so I thought why wait? Chapter updates will be once in a while until my other two stories are complete!

Summary: Matilda with a twist...what about a forbidden love story about the teacher we all know and adore getting together with the doctor from Twilight while avoiding the evil male principal Mr. Evenson? Everyone's heard Matilda's side of the story, but what about Miss Honey's? I thought Esme and the schoolteacher who befriended Matilda were a lot alike. Miss Trunchbull reminded me of Charles, and Matilda resembles Alice. What if Miss Honey had a secret lover? Which brings me back to Esme and Carlisle's hidden romance...here I go with chapter one!

Carlisle POV:

"Oh, my, Carlisle, you're getting so big!" Mom squealed as she walked in my room while I was undressing. I had just taken my shirt off and was about to take off my pants, but I yanked them back up when I saw her. She was drunk, I could tell.

"Get out, Mom! Can't you see I'm getting dressed?" I snapped.

"Oh, dear, I just wanted to see my son. How are you, baby boy?" She staggered closer to me and took my face in her wrinkled hands, aged from years of smoking.

"Mom, stop it!" I yelled when she kissed my cheek, almost touching my lips. "Damn you, get the fuck out of here!"

"When did you start developing?" Her hand moved down to my jeans and she started undoing the zipper. I yanked it off me immediately. She licked her lips. "Mmm, I would love to see that, honey,"

"Cut it out!"

I was plagued by horrible memories. My mother forcing herself on me when I was thirteen. My father beating me with a belt for not following God and becoming a motherfucker. That was his favorite word to call me. He didn't believe me when I told him Mom raped me. She kept her charade of loving mother and wife up until I was fed up and called the police. There was only one good thing about it.

My ten year old son, Emmett.

Emmett was born when I started high school. Mom left us after dropping him in my lap and my father was filled with rage.

"See what you've done? You're sick, boy! I swear to God! Now, you pray for His forgiveness! This bastard child does not deserve to live!" He pulled out his whip and I took the lashes as calmly as I could. I needed to be strong for the baby boy in my arms.

I was afraid to report the abuse. I hardly had any friends to confide in, because people thought I was an ass. Well, I acted like one until I finally moved out when I got to college. My father was never heard from again, and neither was my mother. It was good riddance to them both.

I assumed my friend, Charlie called the cops when he found huge, red, buckle-shaped welts on my back. I had taken my shirt off in the locker room and he demanded to know what happened to me. I explained the whole story and he saw red. That's how he became a cop.

As for my job, I was in medical school at seventeen. I was now a doctor in Forks and saving lives, particularly victims of child abuse, domestic violence, and rape. I had never grown particularly close to anyone, but I felt their pain.

One of the nurses I worked with now, Lily Hale, was very attached to a fallen soldier by the name of William Hale. Lily and I were the best of friends, because we had suffered through the same thing. Her father molested her nine years ago, and her mother left her black and blue. We were the same age and, when we found each other in medical school, we stuck together like glue. We were really the only ones who understood each other. She had lovely twins named Rosalie and Jasper, and those two were her little miracles. She tried to forget how they were brought into this world and just focused on the fact that she was healing from the rape with her children. She lived with them in an orphanage until she became of legal age. She moved far away from New York, all the way across the country, just to go to college at Washington University.

A kind girl named Bella Swan, who was then twelve, babysat her kids and mine while we worked hard in school. She was Charlie Swan's daughter, and when we met again, he and I reconnected.

"Carlisle, my man, how are you?"

"Great, the bitch is gone, and meet my son," I showed him little Emmett, and Charlie tousled his hair.

"Hey, big guy!" We both chuckled while Emmett stared up at us adorably. "Dude, I want you to meet my daughter. Bella, come on in,"

A brunette with brown eyes the color of her chocolate dark hair walked in the room while holding Rosalie and Jasper in both arms. "Hi, Dad...and-" She looked at me awkwardly.

"This is Carlisle Cullen, my best friend since we were in diapers. Carlisle, this is my daughter, Bella."

"Nice to meet you," I greeted her, shaking her hand when she put Jasper down. She smiled as Emmett and Jasper ran around and played together.

Lily got home a while later. She enjoyed getting to know Bella, and by the end of the night, they'd exchanged numbers. I assumed Bella thought of her as a mother figure, since her own mom left her and her father for personal reasons. It wasn't that her mother was a bitch, Bella loved her mother, but seven years ago and still to this day, the woman was taking care of a girl much younger than herself. She thought Bella could fend for herself, while this girl couldn't. I knew Bella and her parents were good, kindhearted people. Lily was like a second mother to Bella, and she was mine and Charlie's best friend, almost like a little sister. There was one thing Lily was missing though: true love.

When Lily met William on the cot, bloody and broken everywhere, she begged me to let him live. He was so wounded, I was afraid he wouldn't survive.

"You have to save him, Carlisle! You can't let him die!" she cried.

"I'll do my very best, Lil, I promise you that right now."

Thankfully, he pulled through. They married recently when he was released from the war. He couldn't participate fully since he was now in a wheelchair. He was paralyzed from the hips down. He was a strong man, and that was why Lily loved him, besides the fact that she thought he was handsome. He was a good man too, and a loving husband and father. Although he was permanently disabled, the love he provided for his wife and kids was boundless. The Hale family seemed perfect and they were right next door to me. Sometimes, I was jealous but I didn't dare let it show.

They were nice enough to invite me and Emmett to join them on their family activities, like picnics in the park or the movies. We Cullens always had fun with them. Besides, Emmett became best friends with Rosalie and Jasper immediately, and since his hormones were starting to come into play, he saw Rosalie as a 'pretty' girl, not just a 'cool' girl.

"Hey, buddy, first day of school, wake up!" I said as I came into his room and shook him. He groaned, ran a hand through his messy brown curls, and rubbed his eyes open.

"School already?"

"Yep. Up, up, up, little guy."

"Aw, Dad...it's seven in the morning!"

"Sorry, Em. It's a rude awakening, isn't it?"

"Yeah," he yawned and rolled over, trying to close his eyes again. I stripped him of his bed sheets and he pouted. "Come on, be cool, Dad!"

I shook my head at my stubborn ten-year-old. "Son, I was cool all summer long. Don't you wanna see Jasper and Rose?"

"Oh yeah, them," he muttered and scrambled out of bed as I laughed. His dimples appeared more prominent on his chubby cheeks when I mentioned his crush and his best friend.

It took him twenty minutes to get ready in black pants and a red button down shirt. There was a new strict dress code for Forks Elementary, which required students and staff to dress nice. I wondered if I should show up there in my doctor's lab coat or a suit and tie. I decided to just come the way I was. I was too tired to think up a good outfit. I made my son his breakfast, Honey Nut Cheerios. I would switch it up, from cereal to oatmeal and toast with peanut butter and cinnamon. Only on the weekends would he get pancakes, waffles, or French toast. That was the way the Hales operated too, so the kids wouldn't whine "but he's having it!" or "She gets some, what about me?" It was a great plan. We as parents worked it out together. I finished his lunch of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich just as he was finishing up upstairs.

Emmett walked downstairs sluggishly and put his school supplies in his backpack. He was too lazy to do it last ate quickly, brushed his teeth the way I taught him to, and put his shoes on. He was all ready to go.

Lily and I carpooled, but being the gentleman I was, I waited until after she made the kids their lunch and sent them off. We would alternate, as we had done every year since the kids were in kindergarten. Will didn't take a turn since he wasn't in the condition to drive. Bella, who had been babysitting the kids for four years and counting, picked them up after school as soon as she could drive. Before she got her license, her dad took them home or they took the bus. At exactly seven-thirty, the two blondes ran out the door. They were the spitting image of their mother, and their father, George, had no part in them whatsoever. Their blue eyes were bright and happy, whereas George's eyes were gray and cold.

"Emmett! Carlisle!" they both shouted in unison. Rosalie threw her arms around Emmett, and he spun her around, since he was big for his age. She too, was tall for her age, but way tinier than him. Jasper was quieter than his sister, but he was excited to see us too. I could tell by the way he smiled and hugged us tight. I noticed Rosalie and Jasper dressed up too. Rose was in a pink flowered dress with white tights and black Mary Janes. Her hair was brushed and put into two very neat braids. As for Jasper, his mother had dressed him in slacks and a blue striped shirt with a stiff collar. Had this school turned into a Bible school? Why did they have to dress so formal? It wasn't the fifties anymore. Still, they looked great.

"Hey, kids, let's go!" I rounded up the troops and we got into the car. I held up both my hands, palms facing the boys, and said, "Hit me, let me see what you got,"

They punched my hands good and hard. I flexed my hands and they apologized for hurting me.

"You boys are strong, you're gonna grow up into powerful young men. As for you, Rose, you are gonna make a man very happy. You kids don't know this now, but later in life, education will make your jobs easier and it'll all be worth it in the end."

"Thanks, Carlisle," Jasper said shyly.

"Dad, you're the best!" Emmett declared.

"Yeah, Carlisle, you're cool," Rosalie complimented me.

"It's no problem, guys. Alright, here's the school. Time to give me a goodbye kiss, Emmett."

"Dad!" Emmett shouted, embarrassed. "In front of my friends?"

"They kiss their mommy and daddy too before school, I'm sure," I rolled my eyes and grabbed him to kiss the top of his head.

"At least you don't have to deal with lipstick kisses," Jasper was telling Emmett as they got out. Rosalie giggled as they skipped to the front of the school.

I drove back home and completed getting ready for my job. Lily was waiting for me on her porch and I would drive us to the hospital. We hugged.

"Good morning, Carlisle."

"Morning, Lily, how are you?"

"Tired," She laughed. "I'm good though, but exhausted. Sometimes I envy my husband. All he does is stack shelves at the local convenience store. He doesn't have to get up until nine or ten."

"Just remember, the work you do is beneficial, and he gets sick of being in that wheelchair...we're all so proud of you, Lil. You're a wonderful nurse. He wouldn't have made it without you. He's a tough guy too, you know."

"Yeah. You helped him, though. I was just your nurse."

"But he fell in love with you. You're the best mother I know. You have a hard job which makes tons of money-"

"Half of what you make, big shot," Lily interrupted me.

I went on. "-and two kids to take care of with assistance from your husband. You made it alone since high school. I had no idea how you got over that, but you did. I still have nightmares of that bitch..." I shook my head in disgust. "That monster and his wife left you once you called the police."

"Carlisle, I still have nightmares. They're rare, like yours, but they remain in my head. I try not to think about it. Sometimes, it gets so bad that I throw up or cry into Will's chest until we both fall asleep. You have it much worse, though...you're alone with Emmett. He has no idea how he was born, right?"

"He wouldn't understand if I told him now. I might tell him when he's older, like Bella's age. What about you, have you spoken to Rosalie and Jasper about it?"

She shook her head no. "I'm scared to. I don't want to face their reactions. I don't want them to fear the world. I want them to embrace it with open arms."

"They were four when Will came into their lives. They must want to know where their father is."

"I told them he went to heaven. I think that's enough information."

"That's what I told Emmett about his mother...maybe we should tell the kids when they're in their late teens, what really happened to us."

"An excellent opportunity would be if they're rebelling against us or going out with a bad guy or girl."

"Great idea, Lily," I praised her. I parked the car and we walked into the doors of the hospital. I let her go in front of me to lead the way.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

We were both in matching white uniforms. She was Nurse Hale and I was Dr. Cullen. Those were our work titles. We couldn't call each other by our first names once we entered our office. We were co-workers and friends at the same time.

"Doctor! Emergency on floor seven," Mrs. Cope reported, and I was busy all of a sudden. Lily followed me and we ran to the elevator.

"Well, she didn't tell us exactly what happened...this is an emergency room," Lily said with a smile. I had to chuckle.

"Are you guys brother and sister?" someone asked. We looked at each other and started laughing.

"No, no, she's my nurse," I explained. "We're good friends, too."

We looked a lot alike, with our golden blonde hair and shining blue eyes. It was no wonder people mistook us as siblings. It was funny in a way.

When we stepped out of the elevator, the paramedics led the way into a room with a woman who was cut up and bruised. A man in a wheelchair was by her side and holding her hand, which was hooked up to an IV. On one side of the room, three teenagers looked very worried.

"Nurse Hale, Dr. Cullen, you're here," Dr. Gerandy looked relieved. "Car accident, the ambulance just dropped them off."

The Native American woman closed her eyes and groaned.

Lily cleaned up the blood and got our patient some bandages. I went to who I guessed was her husband. He looked grave. "I need her name, age, and background," I announced.

"Sarah Black, age forty-five, she has never been in this type of accident before, sir. I'm her husband, Billy, and these are our children, Jacob, Rebecca, and Rachel," he said, gesturing to the twin girls and their younger brother.

"How did this happen?" Lily was still icing Mrs. Black's swollen eye and wrapping her arm in gauze. I still had to see if the other one was broken. It looked like it was in a twisted angle.

"She was driving to work, and her worthless car just skidded on the road and crashed into a tree. She has severe injuries. It was a cheap car and they're gonna talk to the guy who sold it to her, James Brandon. Fucking useless car salesman."

I thought for a second. The Brandons had just moved in. I think they had children, a preteen boy and a little girl, but I couldn't be sure. I didn't pay much attention to neighbors, since I mostly stuck with the Hales. The Brandons were also a very strange family. They simply went to work and came home. Their son went to school on his own. The youngest member of their family...seemed very different. We were curious to know what was up with that family. James was certainly a messed up guy. He tried to get Bella to buy a car from him, but she refused. She said he gave her the creeps. If he laid a hand on her or any other women and young girls I knew, he would be as dead as his cheap cars and I wouldn't bother trying to make him survive.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Black. I will need to check your wife's arm. I think it's broken."

"Oh, great..." He sighed and let me through.

I felt for the break and when she whimpered, I stopped. She had broken her wrist.

"I knew it," she muttered when I told her. "Stupid asshole, I want my money back! I paid a fortune-ten thousand dollars for that piece of junk!"

"I know, baby," Billy said, rubbing her hand softly. "We're taking him to court."

"Thank God-ow!" Sarah squeaked when I placed the cast around her wrist.

"I apologize, ma'am. This will come off in about six weeks or so. You also need stitches..."

"Oh, damn."

I had to stitch up the corner of her mouth. She'd hit her face on the windshield and almost broke her head through the glass. The seatbelt snapped off her immediately. I was so glad I'd never bought my Mercedes from James Brandon. I didn't trust him for some odd reason. Maybe it was because his prices were so overrated and his cars looked in such great shape. The car accidents were becoming more frequent now that he started selling them. This one was the tenth one this week, I'd just realized. The guy drove like a maniac. No wonder I was so suspicious.

After our long day at work, we found Bella playing with our children in Lily's garden. She was even watering the plants and having the kids help her. They looked like they were having a blast. It was getting dark, though. We usually got home around six, but we had to stay extra hours because of a cancer patient who wasn't sure if she would stay on her deathbed. The time of death was seven-forty-five pm. It set our moods already, almost like foreshadowing. I hoped our kids were okay. The thunder and lighting seemed ominous, and the angry clouds darkened over our heads.

"Hey, guys," Bella greeted us in sort of a sad tone. We hugged her.

"What's the matter?" Lily asked.

"They just got home from school. I was so worried something happened to them."

Our eyes widened. "What?" I demanded. "Did someone hurt them?"

"The principal is insane! He made us stay five hours after school to copy the whole dictionary and write three thousand times on the board, 'I will listen to Mr. Evenson!' It was all because I took some of his cake at lunch and he made me eat another piece and then a humungous cake. I started getting sick and everyone cheered for me to finish. We all got in trouble. I hate him!" Emmett yelled.

It didn't seem possible. I raised my eyebrows at Lily and she shrugged. Bella bit her lip and stepped back from us.

"Yeah, and Mommy, he called you a twit and he said I can't wear pigtails to school! But these aren't pigtails, these are braids! Miss Platt, the first grade teacher, braided my hair again. She's really nice, but the principal is so mean! He threw me over the fence by my hair and I landed in some flowers. See my owies?"

"I got the wind knocked out of me when he caught me eating M&M's in class. I don't know why we were wrong! My chest hurts! The school nurse took care of us, but that man has got to go!"

I was frozen, and Lily was shaking. We both bent down to take our children in our arms. "My babies," Lily sobbed as her kids hugged her tightly.

"We have evidence and everything," Emmett protested as I whispered in his hair, "You better be telling us the truth."

We believed them, but we didn't want to.

The three of them were crying. We were going to have a little talk with the cruel man.

Tell me what you think! I'd love to hear your opinion on my new story! What do you think of Carlisle's past, his relationship with the children, and his friendship with Lily? Also, what would you say about the car accident and what it has to do with the Brandons?