The emotions running through Molly as they all sung for her were completely the opposite from the first time she had meet them. Even Rachel was there singing with them. Molly lost herself in the music as she tapped her feet along. She wanted to get up and join them but she's wasn't sure since hadn't been on her feet since she arrived in this place. Artie had seemed too had noticed and rolled over to her as he instructed the others to keep singing.
"Hey are you okay?" Artie asked as he put his brake on.
"Yeah...I just really want to join you guys." Molly replied as she moved around on her bed a bit.
"Well why don't you then." Artie said as he put his hand on her hand and started to pull at her.
"Okay" Molly laughed as he shuffled from the bed to standing in front of Artie. Still holding her hand he rolled back to the group with Molly as they all finished the song.
"Group hug" Brittney shouted as Molly found herself surrounded by everyone.
"Thank you so much guys"

Molly spent the week and a half in hospital by the time she had the news she was free to go back home. Of course she was happy she could return but it also scared her to death. What if everything returned to how it was before this horrible incident? She was lucky this time but what if it happened again but this time actually got killed. Blaine had visited every day after school to spend as much time as he could with her while other members of the Glee club visited just a few times. As he was helping her pack the last of her things he could tell something was wrong.
"You seem quiet are you okay?" Blaine asked as he grabbed the last few items and placing them in her bag.
"Yeah of course" Molly said as she adjusted the strap on her sling that was keeping her right hand in place.
"You sure, you know you can tell me anything." Blaine said as he finally zipped the bag together and placed it onto one of the chairs.
"I'm scared. Scared that everything is going to go back to how it was. That something will happen and I will run off again like I always do..."
"You're not going to."
"How do you know?" Asked Molly as she sat herself on the side of the bed where the bag Blaine had just been packing had been. Blaine moved back over towards the bed, sitting down next to her. He slowly picked up her free hand and grabbed onto it tightly.
"I can't promise it will be sunshine and rainbows but I can promise that I will always be here to support you. If you ever need someone to talk to or a place to go" Said Blaine as he felt Molly lean her head on his shoulder.
"Thank you, you really don't have to be this nice to me"

After a couple of final checks Molly finally left the hospital and said her goodbyes to Blaine. As she got into her grandparents car she notched that her little sister wasn't in her car seat.
"Where's Alice?" Molly asked as Marge helped put on her seatbelt since she only had the use of one arm now.
"We have decided to leave her with the Robinsons a bit longer. We felt that maybe we had spent too much time with her and so little with you." Marge said as she finished clipping in the belt and made her way to sit in the back.
"Don't worry it's only for a few days dear just so you can get settled again." Frank said as he placed his hand on her shoulder to reassure her.
"I guess you're right, I just wanted to see her"
"I know honey but you just need to rest for now."

The car pulled onto the road and Molly was surprised to see a car parked outside their house. In fact they all were none of them were expecting visitors. As they got closer they saw someone not standing but in a wheelchair.
"Artie" Molly whispered as she felt a bit of excitement return.
"What dear?" Marge asked as she learned forward to look out of the window.
"It's Artie from school." Molly said as he put her hands in front of her face to stop her grandparents from seeing her face which was going red.
"Oh...wait I know that look." Marge said as she jokingly hit Molly's shoulder.
"No, no." Molly laughed after she had worked out what they were on about. She wasn't going to fall into that trap again but maybe they were right. It wasn't like with Blaine, which she still couldn't believe she had made up. The car suddenly stopped and Molly felt some keys fall onto her lap.
"Take these, me and your grandma will go and get some food. You and your friend can go and have a catch up."
"What?" Molly shouted as he picked up the keys with her good hand.
"You don't need us old people hanging around with you and besides we will be only around the corner." Marge reassured as she gave a Frank a look that Molly wasn't too sure of.
"Thanks" Molly said as she managed to unbuckle her seatbelt and get out of the car.
"Hey girl" Artie said as he rolled towards her and watched the car that had just been holding her speed off.
"Artie, what are you doing here? How did you..."
"Kurt he dropped me off. I'm sorry I couldn't visit you in the hospital more but it was hard for me to get there."
"I guess, umm do you want to come inside?" Molly said as she pointed towards her door.

After finally getting Artie into her house she sat herself down on the sofa. She hadn't been here for weeks and she missed this place far too much. She looked around to see that everything had been cleared away for her arrival back even her sister's toys that were normally scatted around had been placed back into the toy box. Artie had parked himself next to her, both unable to speak, just staring at each other before one of them finally built up the courage to speak.
"You have a nice house" Artie said as he looked at the pictures dotted around the room.
"Thanks, that's a nice jumper by the way. Is it a deer on it?"
"Yeah, yeah it is." He replied as he pulled at his shirt to look at it himself.
"I would offer you a drink but I think I would be pretty useless with one hand but I think we may have some juice boxes if you want one?" Molly said as she hopped off the sofa walking past Artie. She felt a tug on her hand and looked down to see Artie was holding onto it.
"It's fine." He said as he watched Molly sit down in front of his chair crossing her legs.
"Your amazing Artie, I mean I don't know you that well but...I'm sorry I don't know where I'm going with this." Both just laughed as she adjusted herself to sit on her knees. Was she really falling for him, they had only really spoken in Glee club but there was something there and she was sure this time that she wasn't making it up but she was still terrified. Suddenly she felt a hand cup the bottom of her face.
"You have really pretty eyes." Artie said.
"Thanks" Molly said as she leaned forward towards him so she was almost inches away from his face. She could feel his warm breath on her skin before she pulled away.
"I'm sorry I can't do this"
"Is it because..." Artie said as he started to roll back to the door.
"No it's not's me. The last time I kissed someone I ended up in hospital and it wasn't real and..."
Artie slowly turned himself around as he saw Molly start to laugh at how stupid she must have sounded.
"We can take this slow if you want."