Finally back, info down the end after the chapter. Please send in some suggestion, I need help with it!
Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious.
*Beck, Jade, Jen, Melda, Mr and Mrs Oliver and Jason returning to Becks grandparents' house from their shopping trip*
~Jades POV~
"Oh my God finally!" I yelled while angrily opening the car door as we arrived back to the house. I would prefer to walk than get into a car with Jason staring at me for 40 minutes straight; I could swear I even caught him smelling my hair! I jumped out of the car and slammed it shut behind me with all the force I could muster and began charging towards the front door without a second glance. "Babe you broke the door!" Beck shouts from behind, he doesn't sound angry, more fed up. "Well Beckett, you should know how to fix a door by now, go do it yourself!" I scream while I walk past Ali who had just opened the front door. "Jade what's wrong?" Ali asks as I ascent up the stairs but I ignore her and head straight for the room I'm sharing with Beck.
~Becks POV~
"Well Beckett, you should know how to fix a door by now, go do it yourself!" Jade screams at me before entering the house. "What does she mean by that?" my aunt Jen asks as she takes bags upon bags out of the car boot. I sigh and run a hand through my hair in response. "Jade has kicked in the door to my RV too many times to count so I have to fix it every other week" I explain while helping my aunts carry the bags from the car into the foyer of the house. "That girl is very violent Beck, I'd be careful if I were you" auntie Jen warns. "Don't worry about it Jen, Jade's bark is worse than her bite... most of the time anyway" I assure her as I drop the bags into the kitchen and head upstairs to find Jade. I somehow need to tell her that I have to leave her alone with my family for about an hour, but I can't tell her why. For a surprise, I'm going to bring Jade back to the lake, but this time it'll be at night. I know Jade feels slightly uncomfortable being surrounded by so many of my family members so I think we deserve some proper time to ourselves. The plan is to take Jade back to the lake for dinner tonight, I'll make it romantic and it'll be perfect, I just hope Jade doesn't scream at me for being so sappy and cliché.
~Jades POV~
As soon as I reach our room I whip open the door and close it as soon as I am safely inside the room. I lean back against the door, a soft thump is heard when I lean my head against the door as well. I was trying my best with Becks family, honestly I was, but I just can't deal with this! They're stupid, creepy, judgemental idiots! All of them except for Beck... most of the time. I have to deal with this for the remainder of our trip, so I'm going to have to just suck it up and bite my tongue. This is what happens when you fall for Beck! I sigh as a result of my internal battle.
A couple seconds later I hear a soft knock coming from the other side of the door. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for an overly cheery cousin of Becks to be on the other side of the closed door, but actually it's Beck. "Thank God it's just you" I say as I grab a handful of the front of his shirt and pull him into the room. "Just me babe?" Beck mocks offence while taking my hands in his and guiding me towards him. "Mmhmm" I mutter as I close the distance between our lips, a small smile on my lips. His lips soft as ever, moving tenderly against mine as his hands move to my hips and mine to his neck. Beck pulls away too soon for my liking and leans his forehead against mine gently. "I have to go do something for an hour" he whispers. "And why can't I join you? Are you cheating on my with some Canadian skank? Hmm? Is that why you don't want your girlfriend with you Beckett?!" I accuse, taking a step back from him putting my hands on my hips in an angered pose. "No babe, I'm not cheating on you. I was actually going to surprise you with something later on, but I need about an hour to get everything ready for us. Okay?" Beck explains calmly while bringing me back to him. "So what am I supposed to do for an hour on my own?" I question. "That's up to you, but just be ready for 8pm sharp yeah?" Beck asks as he walks us back towards the door. "Fine" I reply, detaching myself from him completely and twisting the door knob open for him.
Surprisingly, Ali was standing in the doorway holding 4 shopping bags in her hands, all designer labels of course. "Jade! My mom got my loads of new clothes when she was out shopping, let's go try them on! You can tell me which one is your favourite!" Ali squealed, jumping up and down from excitement. "Later babe" Beck called as he began running full speed down the corridor and down the stairs before I'd even turned my head. Clearing scared of what I will do to him when I see him next. "BECK I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" I yell after him as Ali drags me by the arm towards her room.
I have absolutely no explanation for why I haven't updated this story in almost a year! I've had half of this chapter written for months, but writers block has completely taken over and I really need some new ideas and inspiration if you all want me to continue with this story!
I hope you all can forgive me and haven't given up on this story just yet! Please review what you think and please send in ideas and suggestion!
Much Appreciated,
WannabeWest xxx