Hello Readers! Since I've written about Narcissa's friends and Hermione's family, we must now see how Hogwarts reacts! Now just a note, Hermione and her friends have talked through letters but haven't seen each other, same for Draco's friends.

~Disclaimer: I own nothing!

"Hermione, are you ready?" Draco called up the stairs before stopping at the mirror to straighten his tie and make sure his hair was perfect.

"Dray, you are beautiful, you aren't going to get any prettier staring at the mirror" Hermione said smirking

"Mia, I'm a Malfoy man, and The Malfoy Men are not beautiful, they are handsome, sexy and to die for but not beautiful" He said turning to her "You however are exquisite"

"Thank you dear. Shall we head out before we are late" Hermione said smiling as she kissed his cheek.

"Do we have to go at all?" Draco asked looking her up and down.

"Yes, as much as I'd like to stay at home with you, I promised Minerva I'd stop by and see her" Hermione said smiling,

"I guess I should stop in and see Severus" Draco said kissing her

"Don't you dare start talking business; we are here to have fun, schedule your meeting for tomorrow"

"Are we going to walk in together or are we going to let them figure it out" Draco asked laughing at her as they appareated to Hogsmeade.

"We are going to let them figure it out. I'm not in the mood to be bombarded with questions until I've had at least three drinks" Hermione said smirking

"Very well, I'll see you when they figure it out" He said moving off to where Blaize Zabini stood. The two still corresponded through letters but Blaize still didn't know who Draco had married.

"HERMIONE!" Hermione turned to see her best friends. She smiled and hugged them. Ginny wore a beautiful forest green gown that wrapped around her chest to form a collar around her neck and black heels. Her fiery red hair pulled back for the evening. Luna followed her I na stunning yellow gown that was cut out in a diamond shape across her chest to come back together just above her belly button and separated in a small diamond around her navel before closing wit ha beautiful beaded design. Her long blonde hair braided off to the side.

"Ginny, Luna" Hermione said hugging them tightly. She hadn't seen them since about a year after they all graduated.

"We've missed you these eight years, letters are not enough!" Ginny said smiling brightly

"There you are Luna, Oh you found Hermione!" Harry said approaching only to run and hug his best friend.

"Mione!" Ron practically pulled her out of Harry's arms.

"It's good to see you guys!" Hermione said laughing. "So what are you guys doing now days?"

"Well, I'm a healer now" Ginny said excitedly "I got certified to practice on my own last year"

"I'm happy for you, what about Blaize?"

"He's a wandmaker" Ginny said smiling "Olivander trained him before he died and gave his shop to Blaize"

"That's quite an achievement." Hermione said amazed

"He enjoys it a lot,"

"Of course you know I play quidditch" Harry said laughing

"Yes, who could forget, you have enough money for two lifetimes so you play professional quidditch instead of getting a real job" Hermione said laughing "What about you Luna?"

"I'm an unspeakable" She said smiling pleasantly

"And I'm an Auror, so what does your evasive husband do?"

"His trade is broom making, but he helps his father develop things for their company, which I also work at as a lawyer and research and developer. I am also a writer!" Hermione said smiling

"Wait! You're H. Sophia, the author of the Harris Porter series" Ginny said smirking

"Yes, I'm surprised it took you this long to figure that out, I mean all my characters are based off of you guys" Hermione said laughing.

"It looks like the golden trio is back together" Theodore Nott spoke as he stood with Blaize and Draco. Pansy walked over to them looking stunning as always in a red and black dress that hugged her figure, the top half solid black and the bottom a pattern of red and black.

"Good to see you Pans" Draco said smirking

"Same to you Drake, way to not write or anything the past eight years!" Pansy said smirking

"So, I hear from mother you're married now" Draco said smirking as he changed the subject

"Yes, to Ron Weasley" She said smirking

"Really now, that is an interesting development, when did the two of you meet without the old rivalries?" Draco asked smirking at her

"Well there was a dementor attack and Ron got paired with me to obliviate the muggles, it ended up being a week long mission." Pansy said shrugging

"What about you Blaize, last I heard you two were to be married then I hear from mother that Pansy is married to another"

"We fought it, I mean it'd be like fucking my sister, instead we became brother and sister through marriage, I married Ginny" Blaize said smirking

"Oh, wow is that Granger?" Theo said suddenly causing them all to turn. The trio had moved a bit to allow them to see Hermione. She was absolutely stunning in a black dress that hugged her body. It was black lace from the top of her chest to her high neckline, a silvery braided belt around her waist and had a slit from her mid thigh down revealing a stunning pair of dark purple pumps.

"Yeah it is, she looks absolutely amazing!" Pansy said softly "Who knew that Granger would grow up"

"Theo, things still going with Seamus?" Blaize said after a few moments, Draco looked smug at the compliments they were giving Hermione.

"Yeah, but no one wants to hear about that, Drake, what about this mystery wife of yours?" Theo said smirking

"She's around," Draco said smirking.

"What does she do? What do you do for that fact?"

"She is a lawyer and research developer for Father's company and I work for father as well, he's helped me develop some of my most famous brooms, including the one Potter currently rides" Draco said smirking "She also writes a multitude of texts for school and a series that's popular in both the muggle and wizarding world based off the war."

"You mean the Harris Porter series! I love those books" Pansy said smiling dreamily

"Yeah, she's pretty proud of them" He said smirking as he watched his wife interact with her friends.

"So Hermione, where is this husband of yours?" Ginny asked smiling

"He's around; you should've seen my cousins when they found out. Apparently my cousin works for him on the muggle side and is in love with him. So I transfigured my old year book so that it looked like it was a muggle one. They took three hours to figure out who he was using the year book and the journal I used to document the weddings." Hermione said smirking

"Who did they pair you with, because judging by the look on your face it was totally wrong" Harry said smirking

"Theodore Nott!" Hermione said causing them all to laugh.

"I heard my name" Theodore said moving over with Seamus

"My cousins believed I had married you"

"Based off what?"

"Your seventh year picture"

"That thing! I was recovering from dragon pox" He said shuddering "So who did you marry Miss Granger?"

"Now Mr. Nott, you should've all figured that out by now" Hermione said smirking as she flashed her wedding band at them.

"No way!" Pansy and Ginny said at the same time. "You two married each other!"

"When did this happen?" Luna asked smirking "though I totally called it"

"What?" Ron said looking at Luna

"Third year when Hermione punched Draco, I told Harry that they would end up together" Luna said smirking

"And we met again in Australia, after the war trials; after Pansy helped me get my parents memories back" Hermione said shrugging "We were married a few years ago"

"Why were we not invited to the wedding?" Harry asked looking at her

"We didn't really have a wedding; we had a small ceremony with our immediate families." Draco said wrapping an arm around her waist.

"We decided that we didn't want any of the publicity that would've come of it, we were happy to simply just be" Hermione said smiling at him.

"Well this is defiantly not a reunion I'm soon to forget" Pansy said smirking

"Who would've thought back in first year when Draco offered his friendship to Harry that seventeen years later we'd be standing in almost the exact same spot married to those of the opposing house with no animosity after a victorious war" Luna said smiling at them

"Yes well, it's an achievement to toast to" Hermione said as they held up their glasses and toasted to their happiness.

Well there it is, I apologize for the cheesy ending! I hope you've enjoyed the story! Please review!
