Own Nothing.
Hermione stood outside the hospital room and watched the older woman in the hospital bed sadly. She stepped into the room and walked around the bed, looking at every corner of the room, whispering softly to herself before she sat down in the chair next to her. "Oh Anne Marie, you look terrible." She whispered, reaching to grab her hand.
The older woman opened up her eyes and glanced over at her. "Witch…" She whispered in a hoarse, dried out voice.
Hermione sighed and shook her head. "Don't start, I've done nothing but be helpful and protect you and your nephew."
Anne Marie just stared at her, breathing softly, small heaves hitched in her throat as she watched the witch look around.
"I am here because word is going around that you are dying and someone was trying to kill you." Hermione sighed and sat back in her chair and looked around. "I laid out some protective spells to keep out evil, but if it is invited in than I can't do much for that."
"Why?" Anne Marie asked, staring up at her.
"Because you're nephew is seeing the world differently than you did, he's going to mend the bridges that Grimms broke between the worlds."
"He will continue what the Grimms do…" Anne Marie couldn't finish the sentence because of her breathing. Hermione reached over and placed her oxygen mask over her mouth.
"What the Grimms do and what you do is not the same, times are changing Anne Marie, and he is changing the way we see things. There is still evil in the world but the Grimms do not have to fight it alone. If he needs it, I will help, I will protect him and his family." Hermione whispered, standing up. "When I leave, I'll place the last of the protective spells and you can rest."
She walked around the bed and towards the door, whispering the spells as she exited. She looked up to see Nick standing there. "Hello." She smiled, turning sideways to give him more room. "Your Aunt, she's a good woman, lost in old ways but she has a good heart."
He looked at her, than his Aunt, than back at her. "How do you know her?"
"We don't all look like monsters Nick, I was born in this world, but I grew up in the other world. But I still love this one just the same." She stated, glancing back to Anne Marie. "I laid down protective spells to keep out evil unless if invited in. " She shrugged her shoulder, looking back at him. "It isn't much, but it'll help you and her relax."
She turned to walk away but he stopped her. "Who are you?"
Hermione smiled and pulled out a card from her pocket. "Hermione Granger. Call me when you need help, give me a call. I have a mobile, but I would prefer to use Owls for my mail. But I can be modern if you're in a pinch." She stuck out her hand for him to shake. "Good luck Grimm, be safe."
He shook it awkwardly. "You too" He glanced down at the card and raised a eyebrow. "Muggleborn witch?"
She winked at him with a smile and turned and walked down the hallway.