[A/N] Sorry for the delay! I was in Arizona with my best friend. Her Mom randomly asked if I wanted to stay for a few weeks and I said yes.

After that I went to Michigan and once again had to deal with my annoying cousins who irritate me to the point of insanity.

ATTENTION: I have edited chapters 1-9 and hopefully they don't sound as stupid as they did before. Make sure to read them.

A few weeks ago was my last time as a freshmen…I'm now officially a sophomore! Woot! I'm really excited for my new classes at my new school. But, I have a problem with my neighbors.

Guess what? THEY'RE THE SISTER WIVES. It's really awkward…

Last chapter ever! I won't make a sequel because I don't have the time but if any of you guys want to then you have my consent. Just credit me and pm me the name of it so I can read it. You can make it tragic, funny, romantic, whatever!

Thank you to everyone who's put up with this ridiculous story of mine!

Warning: Lots of violence, blood, and gore in this chapter! Read at your own risk, it's nothing to extreme but it might be intense for some of you readers. Don't worry! There is a happy ending!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Howl's Moving Castle

Markel rushed over to the sobbing Harry and tried his best to comfort him. It seemed to be working when he found himself crushed against a tear-soaked chest and cradled like he was the most precious thing in the world.

Markel wondered if this was what it was like to have a mother…you see he'd never had parents. They'd abandoned him in the Waste right after he was born and was extremely lucky that Howl had been running from the Witch and happened to come across him. At first Howl didn't know what to do. He wasn't exactly the parental type…but making Markel his apprentice, and ordering him around when he'd grown half the time seemed to work for a few years.

Howl had had to ask for some help from the townsfolk in order to take care of baby Markel. They'd been extremely generous and kind so in return he started his shop 'The Great Wizard Jenkins' and helped them with anything they desired. Whether it be herbs, spells, potions, or cures to ailments. To the townsfolk Howl was their saving grace.

Markel felt his own eyes begin to water as he clutched tightly onto Harry and cried his little heart out. It seemed that the saying was correct, it was better to share grief than to experience it alone. The crackling sounds of their roof on fire snapped them out of it and Harry bit his lip as he tried to plan a way out of the burning house.

He could grab Markel and leave…but that would leave Calcifer all by himself. He could grab both of them…but that would leave the house vulnerable to attack.

His head shot up as he remembered what Howl had said to them 'Escape through the waste! That's a brilliant idea!'

He gently pried Markel off of him and softly asked "Markel could you change the door knob to the waste setting please?"

Markel wiped his eyes and nodded before drowsily walking towards the door and changing it to the waste setting. Harry patted the boy on the head and smiled "Good boy, now go outside and wait for me okay? The enemy is getting closer each second so hide if you must."

The boy nodded once more and quietly shut the door behind him. It was raining and dark outside and Markel hoped Harry would be with him soon. The Waste was known for being dangerous at night, and Markel would be easy prey all by himself.

Harry turned to Calcifer and asked "Now how do we get you out of here?" His response was a shrug from the fire demon "How should I know? Howl never even thought of taking me outside."

Harry ran his hands through his hair and sighed. They were running out of time! Suddenly an idea popped into his head and he smirked. Calcifer frowned "I don't like that look you've got…don't come near me!"

Harry shook his head and summoned his magic from deep within himself-which wasn't much due to emotional depletion-he focused and attempted to project a clear barrier around Calcifer.

He opened his eyes-when had he closed them?-and was surprised to see an irate fire demon in a floating clear barrier. "Oh you're gonna get it when I get out of here!" Calcifer threatened as he attempted to maneuver the barrier towards Harry.

Harry couldn't suppress his giggles and laughed good-naturedly at the fuming fire demon who certainly did not look amused. Just as Calcifer had nearly made it towards the ebony haired boy he found himself snatched out of the air like a toy and carried outside.

Harry was shocked to see that as soon as he had left the house with Calcifer, the house imploded! All that was left was rubble, debris, and a few mechanical parts here or there. Harry couldn't tell if it was because the only source of power was gone, or if they had just been bombed.

Markel came rushing towards him screaming "Harry are you okay? What happened to the house? It's a wreck! Oh Master Howl is going to be upset when he gets back!" Hearing Markel mention Howl reminded Harry of what he had to do.

He gently led Markel away from the rubble and told him to take Calcifer and stand as far away as he could. Markel obeyed without a second thought and watched as Harry took a deep breath and headed towards the rubble.

He closed his eyes and stood completely still, he took deep breaths as he channeled his magic through his entire body. A humming noise began to grow louder and louder as a white light enveloped Harry's body. Markel was forced to avert his eyes as the glow became too bright to handle.

Harry fought to control and direct his magic towards the rubble. His arms began to shake and sweat dripped down his face. The strain on his body was becoming too much for him and with a final shove towards his magic the light dimmed.

With the blinding light gone Markel could now see what Harry had done. He nearly fell back in fear. Before him stood what seemed to be a steel dome made out of the broken pieces of the castle.

Harry panted as he walked towards Markel. The spell had taken a lot of energy out of him, and he'd need a while to recover. "Take Calcifer and get inside. I'll be with you soon. I need to see how this war is going. No matter what happens do not leave this dome! It will protect you as long as you are inside it. If anything happens while I'm gone then just shout. I'll only be a few yards away."

Markel nodded and as Harry turned to leave he grabbed the back of Harry's dress shirt. Harry smiled and crouched down to Markel's level. "I have to go now, but I'll be back. I promise." He ruffled Markel's hair and began heading towards the edge of the Waste.

When he reached it he was met with fire and smoke everywhere. A giant battleship flew above the town with black creatures crawling over it. Every few seconds the ship would drop missiles over the defenseless town. Harry hoped that everyone had evacuated in time. But he knew that some had not…the smell of death overpowered even that of the smoke.

A giant figure with razor sharp teeth seemed to be fighting off the monsters. It looked truly monstrous, like something out of a children's nightmare. Harry leaned closer and froze. The beast…it looked like…No! It couldn't be…couldn't it?

That dream he'd had…the beast looked familiar. Harry knew he was missing something, something dreadfully important.

Then, it hit him. "Howl!" He screamed. The beast looked up and was quickly overpowered by the monsters. Harry noticed that Howl seemed to be looking at the sky and quickly brought his eyes towards the sky.

There, floating above all the chaos was Madam Sullivan herself! She sat on her throne with a force field around her, smirking she waved her hand and another swarm of monsters appeared. Her staff looked different than before, it was solid gold and about twice her size. Ruby's covered the top and she lazily held it in her hand.

That arrogant witch! She was acting as if she were above everything and everyone. Acting as if she were a god!

It seemed that she hadn't seen Harry yet. He counted that as a blessing. As his eyes turned towards Howl once more he nearly fell off the edge of the Waste in shock. Howl stood completely still with a beast's talons protruding through his chest.

Blood was everywhere and it made Harry sick. Howl was covered in cuts and gashes that were constantly oozing blood. His monstrous body had ash and debris stuck everywhere. He looked like walking death and Harry marveled at how he'd survived this long.

Howl's eyes were wide with shock before understanding and acceptance filled them.

Blood poured out of his mouth as he coughed. He locked eyes with Harry and his lips upturned into a smile before he plummeted towards the ground. Harry could hear a faint whisper in his mind 'I love you…'

'No…' He thought 'This can't be happening. He's just messing with me; trying to fool Madam Sullivan into thinking he's dead. He'll come right up in a few seconds and defeat them all. He's not gone…he promised me he wouldn't leave. He promised me we'd get through this together.'

Tears rapidly poured down Harry's face as he was faced with the reality that his fairytale ending he'd been promised would never happen. Howl was dead, there was no hope left. Soon they'd find him and kill him. Without his magic sustaining the barrier Calcifer and Markel would find themselves vulnerable, and would be brutally murdered as well.

Harry felt an emptiness in his chest, as if a large chunk had been ripped out and filled with a black void. He felt emotionless, like he was incapable of feeling anything anymore. Howl was gone…he wasn't coming back was he? All the time they'd spent together, pointless. All the love they'd shared, meaningless.

Harry bitterly laughed. Fate just loved to screw him over. Suddenly he was overcome with rage. How DARE Howl die like this! How DARE that conniving bitch of a woman take his love away from him! DAMN HER! HE'D KILL THAT WOMAN. Slit her throat and let her feel the pain he felt!

Crush her bones and hear her screams as she begged for mercy. But no, he wouldn't give her mercy. He'd send her back to hell where she belonged! And hope the Devil himself tortured her soul!

Harry screamed as his vision turned red. The same white light from before surrounded him and engulfed his body in white flames. His eyes blazed with hate as his body was lifted off the ground by an unknown force and thrown towards Madam Sullivan.

A cruel grin appeared on his face as he found himself face to face with the woman-more like garbage-who killed his love. Madam Sullivan looked shocked before her features twisted into a cocky one.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Howl's whore." She drawled enjoying the sight of Harry's disgusted look. She decided to egg him on some more and said "You didn't really think he loved you did you? Foolish little boy, he's had more meaningless flings than you can imagine."

"His lust is uncontrollable and many girls have found themselves in his bed before you even met him. Who's to say he isn't still continuing those flings? As if a man of Howl's power could love such a hideous weakling such as you. You didn't truly think that I'd believe that you were his brother? I'm not an idiot."

"Could have fooled me." Harry snarled.

Madam Sullivan chuckled and waved her hand at Harry "Tsk, Tsk now don't get testy. I'm only telling the truth. Not that it matters anymore, poor Howl is dead. What a pity, I'd been hoping he'd become an asset to us in this war like he was in the past. Oh well, at least he can't oppose us anymore."

"You harlot! I'll rip your head off and send your soul to hell where it belongs!" Harry screamed as he lunged at Madam Sullivan. The woman seemed shocked before she sent a wave of red light towards Harry.

Harry hissed in pain as it flung him backwards and burned his skin. Madam Sullivan grimaced as she formed a blue barrier around herself. It wouldn't do for her to take any damage, she was vital to this war. Without her the barrier protecting the King's castle from the enemy's attacks would fall.

Harry lunged at her once more and sent a shot of green light towards her chest. Madam Sullivan smirked not expecting it to pierce through her barrier. She was shocked still when it easily shot through and pierced her chest.

Harry's face resembled one of a bloodthirsty demon as he approached the frozen woman; he grabbed her by the collar of her dress and grinned maliciously as he stared into the eyes of the woman he hated.

"It looks like the tables have turned." He drawled as he brought back his fist and slammed it against Madam Sullivan's cheek. The white haired woman screamed in pain as blood pooled from the teeth that had been knocked out.

The sight of the blood sent Harry's magic haywire as his smile widened and he grabbed the woman by her hair, ripped her from her throne, and dangled her in mid-air. Madam Sullivan was gasped and clutching at the hands that held her.

She attempted to cast a few minor spells to loosen Harry's grip. But Harry just laughed. The spells sliced and diced at his skin, leaving him with gashes across his arms and face that would most likely scar.

Harry viciously grabbed her right arm with his free hand and bent it as far as it could go until he heard a POP and a blood-curdling scream from Madam Sullivan. Her arm was now bent at an awkward angle. Her magic rushed to fix it but was prevented by the malevolent presence of Harry's magical core.

Madam Sullivan's hair was slowly and cruelly being ripped off from Harry's tight grip. Streams of blood dripped down her face and into her eyes. She looked like a mess and was in agony like no other. Harry almost felt sorry for her. Ha! As if. That bitch deserved everything that happened to her.

Harry decided to put the scum out of its misery and positioned his foot on her head, his grip still on her hair as he leaned over her. "I'll see you in hell." He whispered into her ear as he pushed down with his foot, ripping her scalp off and sending her plummeting towards the ground.

She fell with a sickening crunch as blood pooled around her mutilated body.

Almost immediately the demonic light-courtesy of the Witch's curse-faded and Harry was left floating in the air, with a look of horror upon his face and a raging migraine. "Oh god…" Harry murmured as he looked upon Madam Sullivan's corpse "I've killed her…I've killed someone…this can't be happening. This can't be real! I'm not a murderer! I'm not!"

Images of Howl's gruesome death filled Harry's mind and Harry wailed in despair and found himself descending to the ground. He fell onto his knees and shakily raised his hands to his face. There was crimson blood splattered everywhere and he clenched his fists tightly.

Why…Why did this happen to him? Why did everything he loved have to die? First his parents and now his love. Why had the fates cursed him? His demonic appearance…wait…

Harry looked closer at his hands, the claws…they were gone! He felt his teeth, they were normal! He ran a hand through his hair, though it kept its long length it was no longer matted and tangled. It was smooth and silky.

His curse was gone! He was free from his demonic appearance! His back now held to long scars where his wings used to be. Harry chuckled darkly, of course! One good thing had to come from many bad things.

That was just his luck.

He lifted himself onto shaky legs and headed towards where Howl's body had fallen. His love deserved a decent burial. He owed Howl at least that. Hopefully, he pondered, that Howl's soul would be at peace.

Calcifer and Markel had been shocked when suddenly their barrier had fallen. Markel held Calcifer's bubble close and cautiously peered outside. The flames were gone, the beasts were gone, and all was silent.

The eerie silence frightened him, but he knew he had to find Harry. If he'd been injured and Markel had let him die…he just wouldn't be able to live with himself. He loved Harry; Harry was kind and gentle towards him. He made Markel feel like he was wanted, loved.

Markel loved Harry like a parent. He never wanted Harry to leave; he wanted him to stay forever. He knew it was selfish, but he couldn't help it! Markel traveled down the gravel path that he knew would lead him towards the town, and hopefully Harry.

When he reached the end he gagged at the smell. It smelt like burnt and rotten flesh. He plugged his nose with his free hand and ventured deeper into the deserted town.

There were bodies everywhere. Inhuman and distorted, they lay scattered across the ground. Markel carefully made sure to avoid the corpses and headed towards the trail of blood he'd found.

There, lying in the center of it was Madam Sullivan. Markel flew back and dry heaved at the sight of the gory mess that was once the King's sorceress. Her face…her hair…oh god it was a mess!

Markel ran far away from the body, the image stuck in his mind. He bumped into something and shrieked. When he lifted his head to see what it was he cried out in shock.

It was Harry…covered in blood.

Harry had found Howl's body; it seemed Howl had reverted back to his human form. The sight brought tears to Harry's eyes. Howl seemed so calm and peaceful in death. He dropped to his knees and gently closed Howl's eyes.

"I love you." He whispered before he broke down crying. He laid his head on Howl's chest as the tears streamed endlessly. He raised his head and caressed Howl's face, Howl was so beautiful…even with the wounds and scars scattered across his body.

He couldn't bury Howl…not now at least. He needed his time to mourn, mourn the lost opportunities, mourn the lost life he could have had, mourn the man he'd loved with every bone in his body, and mourn the man he'd given everything to.

He was torn out of his thoughts when a body collided with his. He quickly turned and was shocked to see a dirty and sobbing Markel holding Calcifer tightly to his chest.

"Harry!" Markel cried as he latched himself onto Harry's waist "Harry what happened? There's bl-blood everywhere and d-dead people to!"

Harry sighed and ran his hand through Markel's hair in a soothing manner. "The war happened Markel." He nudged Markel's head towards Howl's body. "Markel…you need to see this."

Markel turned towards where Harry had shown and broke down crying once more. "M-master Howl?" He cried, snot and tears running down his face.

He tore himself out of Harry's grip and shook Howl's body harshly, leaving Calcifer floating in the little bubble. "Master Howl wake up! Wake up! You can't be dead, you just can't! Stop playing jokes Master Howl it's time to wake up!" It was futile, Howl would not budge.

"Markel stop" Harry whispered. This scene disturbed him, it was heart wrenching and he couldn't handle it anymore. "Markel stop." He shouted once more when Markel refused to listen to him. "Markel stop! He's dead! He's not coming back! Just stop it already!" He screamed as he grabbed Markel and wrenched him away from Howl's body.

Markel screamed and kicked Harry as he tried to get closer to Howl. Harry cradled him to his chest "Markel please stop." He murmured as he held him tight. Markel stopped struggling and fisted his hands into Harry's shirt. His body shook and his tears soaked Harry's shirt.

Calcifer looked at the duo sadly as he floated over to Howl's chest and landed on it. "Well buddy, I guess we couldn't save you in time. I'll miss you pal." Howl's chest began to glow and Calcifer became very afraid "Hey! What's going on?"

Calcifer suddenly felt like he was being sucked through a hole and found himself being absorbed by Howl's chest "Harry, Markel, help me!" But they couldn't hear him, they were to busy comforting each other and the sound of Markel's sobs were louder than his cries for help.

With a POP he was sucked into Howl's chest. All seemed still until the distinct BA-BUMP BA-BUMP BA-BUMP sounded in Howl's chest as his chest moved in the rhythm of breathing.

Howl groggily raised a hand to his head and groaned in pain, his body hurt all over in mind-numbing pain. Harry's head jerked up at the noise and his eyes just about popped out of his head as he screamed "Howl!"

He came running to Howl's side and immediately began healing his wounds; it would be horrible if Howl had been revived only to die again from blood loss. "H-Harry?" Howl mumbled as he turned his head.

Harry smiled through his tears and nodded "It's going to be alright Howl. You're going to be fine." Howl smiled before wincing in pain "I…died. Didn't I?" Harry was silent for a moment before he nodded "Yes…you did."

Howl grinned sadly and looked Harry in the eye "I love you…you know that right?" Harry smile widened "Of course I do. I love you too."

Howl closed his eyes "Good."

Markel ran over to Howl and squealed in glee "You're alive Master Howl! I knew it! I knew you weren't dead!"

No one had the heart to tell Markel otherwise so they let him believe that Howl had never died in the first place. A sudden burst of light shot out of Howl's chest, making everyone cringe in fear.

A familiar voice sounded from it "I'm free! The curse is broken! I'm finally free!"

"Calcifer!" They all shouted at once. This blue light was Calcifer? The light floated down on top of Markel's shoulder and transformed back to the fire demon they all loved. "You did it Harry." The demon exclaimed "You broke the curse! Howl and I are free from each other now!"

Howl laughed "Don't think that that means you can just leave us now. You're part of the family, remember?" Calcifer smiled "Like I'd ever think of leaving you guys!"

Everyone laughed and a few minutes later Calcifer and Markel were running-or floating in Calcifer's case-around the deserted city.

Harry wrapped his arms around Howl and pressed his forehead against Howl's. "Never leave me again." He whispered. Howl wrapped his arms around Harry and held him tight "I promise." He whispered back.

And with that they smashed their lips together and everything else faded away. The memories of death, war, all of it was gone. The only thing that remained was love.


So how was it? I worked hard on this ending! I know I didn't write a sex scene. I felt that it wouldn't fit with this story anymore. If you guys beg me enough then I'll write one and add it as an 'extra' chapter.

And here's some info that explains what happened with the war. With no Sorceress to protect his castle, the King decided to surrender so that he wouldn't get killed in the bombings.

Madam Sullivan's body burned in the town fire and was never found. Howl landed in the shopping district of the town which had not caught fire yet. Only the eastern side was completely demolished.

Harry never told anyone his dark secret but Howl suspected it and held no grudge against Harry since the woman had ruined his life.

The Witch of the Waste had her power sucked out just like in canon and now lives in an elderly home in Porthaven.