Another month had passed quietly. In the meantime Lan and the others managed to prevent a catastrophe. And by catastrophe we mean a giant Dimensional Area covering up the entire planet Earth and a giant Navi rampaging through DenTech City.
After the horror had passed, peace took over everything again. Elecman managed to get back in his usual daily drift too, and even better: he could tell about himself that he survived the greatest trick of the Dark Loids when they kidnapped hundreds of NetNavis in order to power the Dimensional Area Generators with their souls. The ElectrOffice had an amazingly deep and wide system of basements to store data, and Elecman fled down there along with his boss and a few of his colleges from the UFO-like things that sucked up the Navis.
Right now he was walking on the main street, heading home from the Layer to the neon light. His boss was so grateful to him for saving his life that he had allowed him to have more days off. Today was one for example.
Elecman was calm, even happy though he didn't really know why. He was just enjoying himself. He was sure nothing could bring him down.
[Murphy's Law: if you are sure nothing can ruin your day, something will surely come to do it.]
- Elecman, wait up! – a familiar voice rang through the street from behind him.
He turned around. Not far from him Wackoman was rolling on his giant ball. Elecman smiled widely and stopped.
- Wackoman! – he laughed.
But soon his smile drooped from his face. Wackoman was pale; very pale. And not just his face, his entire body was faded. The clown had an interesting ability: his colors showed his mood. If he was pale, something was very wrong.
- What's the matter? – Elecman asked quietly.
Wackoman gulped before he could say a word:
- Elecman… I… have to tell you something…
Days had been quiet in the SciLab nowadays. Time was spent with experimenting and constructing.
Dr. Hikari, Lan's father, leader scientist was sitting in front of his computer and was calculating something when Lan's face popped up on the screen.
- Hi dad! You got a call – the kid said.
- Who is it? – Dr. Hikari asked. He wasn't expecting anyone today.
Lan's face switched to a Navi's. He had greenish skin, red cat eyes, dark grey helmet and two little lightnings running down on his cheeks. Lan had told a few things about him.
- Aren't you… Elecman? – Dr. Hikari remembered his name.
- Good afternoon, Dr. Hikari – Elecman nodded briefly. He looked very nervous. – I must ask a favor from you.
- … Yeesss?
- I've heard of your invention; you can create Dimensional Areas anywhere on the Earth with it, right?
- How do you—
- Your son told me – Elecman waved impatiently. – I would like you to create one on the given coordinates…
- Excuse me, but we aren't working by proxy—
- PLEASE! – Elecman howled then immediately lowered his voice. His shoulders were shaking from the suppressed emotions. – I beg you… This is very important for me. Please! Just for a few hours. I don't need more time…
Dr. Hikari sighed heavily. They had owed Elecman one for stopping Fridgeman once in Jonolulu anyway.
-… Where to? – he asked, already messing with the controls of the Generators.
- To Kingland. I'll send the coordinates – Elecman answered. – Thank you.
And with that he closed the channel.
Just what kind of place is a cemetery? Some say it's the place of sadness, others see the peace in it, another think it's fearsome.
But it sure is quiet. You can't hear many sounds other than the sough of the wind and rustle of the trees' leaves. Maybe a funeral service or a heart-breaking wail can disturb this silence.
Every cemetery is the same, even in Kingland, "the Earth's Beverly Hills", where giant castles and mansions of rich families rose to the sky. Some keep a vacation house here, others live here.
For example the famous Zap family, the biggest reformers of electronics lived here once. The modern world could thank them many devices and energy input methods without which life is unimaginable nowadays. The giant leap of the improvement of the Internet is partly their merit too.
However, the Zap family has faded away, completely parted. One single symbol: a little forked white lightning before black background and one old ruined, once beautiful castle kept their memory.
The early death of the father started all of it. The mother controlled the fortune, the lordships and the business with an iron fist and had time for her two sons too, yet she couldn't stop the falling. The elder child at the age of 17 ran away from home and created his own fortune but in the meantime he changed his last name. The younger was clever but light minded and he was more interested in rock&roll music. He inherited the castle, he even got married but soon his adventurous personality chased him away from home and he ended up in a crime organization after many adventures.
This brave man hadn't lost his energy even in old age and managed to cause a lot of trouble to a city with his NetNavi who was loyal yet totally the opposite of his NetOp. This Navi could tell many stories, hadn't he been tight lipped.
For him the most important things were the feelings. Though he showed himself cold and emotionless on the outside, in the inside every little emotion had a big role. This Navi could love more than anyone could have imagined. He even could love those who caused him pain somehow, he could forget the past.
The natural colors of the cemetery changed to disgusting rainbow-ish as a Dimensional Area appeared out of nowhere. The green trees became yellow, the gravestones pink, the roads orange. But even these happy colors couldn't break the gloomy aura.
Someone walked along a path with soft steps, the edge of a dark coat brushed the ground.
At the end of the path there was a freshly interred grave yet it wasn't covered in flowers and girdles like it should. There were only three big corsages and one girdle that had a sign on its ribbon: "From your friends at #2 Curry".
The gravestone wasn't big but nice. It was made of dark grey marble, the name and the years of his berth and death were graved on it. Under those lines there was a small chamber that was closed with a glass-wall. It had a grey-yellow PET in it as if the departed wanted to show everyone that he had a NetNavi once too. Under the chamber there were two other lines with smaller letters.
Elecman sat down before the grave and put his hand on the mound.
- Hello, Jack – he whispered. – Missed me?
The adventurous man, like everyone else once, ended up here.
Elecman quietly cried.
- I understand. Now I understand everything – he sighed. – Wackoman told me everything. You wanted to help. When you were late from the restaurant, you went to the hospital where they told you had cancer. And that you only had about half a year left… – his voice grew weak but he continued. –… You were afraid of death but you feared more for me that I will go mad when you leave, right? You feared for me so you tried to make me hate you, secede from you so it won't hurt me…
Elecman wiped his tears away then smiled wanly.
- You only succeeded partly, Jack. I've always loved you, even after you disowned me. But you were right, I would have gone mad if I had lost you while being next to you. It still hurts, Jack, hurts very much but… maybe it's better this way. Wackoman told me that you visited Mama many times… and that you were interred three days ago.
He started crying again.
- Thank you… I thank you. For everything – he whined as he read the writing under the chamber:
Farewell, Elecman!
And thank you
- If you didn't throw me away in time, I couldn't have born it… You saved my life, Jack… thank you…
Someone was coming but Elecman didn't have the strength to get up. A giant white hand helped him up surprisingly carefully. Almost like half a year ago in Jonolulu.
- I'm truly sorry, kid – Magnetman said softly. – I came as soon as I got the news from Gauss. He'll arrive soon too.
Elecman wiped off his tears again.
- Thank you for coming – he answered and looked back at the grave.
- It would have killed you if you had stayed his Navi – Magnetman sighed.
- Yeah, I know – Elecman smiled a little. – He wanted to save me for one last time. Have you ever heard of something like this?
- Never – Magnetman shook his head. – Jack was very special. I envy you for him.
Elecman's face clouded over as he watched the gravestone.
- I didn't want it to end. Even though I knew I would live this day – he whispered.
Magnetman hugged him and pulled him close.
- Life goes on, kid.
Elecman buried his face into the other's neck to hide his tears.
- I know – he sobbed. – But without him it will never be the same again.
The magnetic Navi couldn't answer for that.
- If only I could bring something here – Elecman continued. – But everything would disappear when the Area collapses.
-… And that rose bush over there? – Magnetman asked and let go of his little brother.
Elecman looked behind his back. Yellow roses were blooming not far from them. The electric Navi smiled then rushed there to tear one. He pinned it into the girdle so the wind won't carry it away, and stepped back.
- We will never forget you – he whispered. – Be happy, wherever you are now.
He managed to force himself to turn around and let Magnetman pull him away from there gently yet firmly. The two brothers logged out, returned to the Network. The Dimensional Area collapsed as it no longer had a purpose.
One of the leaves of the yellow rose fluttered into the direction the two Navis had been a moment ago. Jack waved in farewell and left forever, knowing that yellow rose is the most beautiful present he ever had.
Aaaand that's all, folks! I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading :D