"Still Alive! I'm so sorry. Life has been difficult to say the lease. I apologize for having you guys wait so long for this. It was never my intention for this to go on such a long hiatus. I have been dealing with a lot of personal problems and now with this virus, life is getting a bit more troublesome. So I'm finally starting this again to give hope to myself and everyone of you that love this fic. So thanks for the patience and enjoy. For this Chapter and the next I wanted to focus on the relationship between everyone.

Chapter 46: Learning and Understanding part 1

Kagome woke to the sound of birds chirping. With a yawn she sat up and stretched.

"Good morning", Kikyo greeted from her spot in the corner. She was holding little Mizuki who was wide awake.

"You tricked me." Kagome simply stated to the older priestess. "I do not appreciate it."

"Really? Even if it made you feel better?" Kikyo countered. "Besides if you knew what it was you would've never eaten dinner. And you would still feel sick."

"Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it," Kagome said with a pout. "But I won't deny that I do feel better."

"Then my job is done," was her reply as she got up. "We're ready to leave if you are."

Kagome stood up and straightened herself out. Right, we must return to the west. Her hand was over her heart as she took a few calming breaths. "Yes. Let's leave." She took her little pup back into her arms and followed Kikyo outside.

The others were already gathered and greeted her with smiles.

"How are you feeling?" Sango asked giving the young woman a hug.

"I'll be better once we get back to Sesshomaru." She quietly admitted.

"Then let us make haste," Miroku suggested, standing beside an already transformed Kirara.

"We will lead ahead," the Western youkai said handing her the reigns for Ah-Un. "When you're all set my lady."

Kagome took one last look toward the forest that held the well. Her heart burned with pain for her lost family. There was no going back, and she would properly mourn that loss later. For now she kept the hope that her family was safe and they will be okay, eventually. "I'm good. We can move out now." She replied turning to the others. With that they took off; the two youkais in the lead followed by Kagome, Mizuki, Rin and Kikyo on Ah-Un, and taking the rear on Kirara was Sango Miroku and Shippo.

They kept a fast steady pace, stopping only once to rest at sunset before leaving again. Each person, anxious to get back to the Western palace, sighed with relief when their destination was in their sights. However, the tell-tale sign of the disturbed earth from Inuyasha's Wind Scar, and the dark stained ground that smelt sharply of blood brought back the fear and anxiety. Once they landed in the courtyard Kagome hurried off of Ah-Un and rushed inside, Mizuki carefully tucked against her chest.

'Please, please be okay'. She took the path she knew well that led to the inu lord's room and only stopped once she saw Hayate and Inuyasha walking towards her. "Inuyasha. Hayate," she called out to them catching her breathe.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha grabbed onto her shoulders. "what the hell are you doing here? Where are the others?"

"Outside," She replied with a scowl. "And what do you mean 'what am I doing here'?! Why do you think? You run off even though I told you to stay. Then neither you or Sesshomaru comes back. I was worried! We all were. We got here and we smelled blood..." She paused looking between Hayate and Inuyasha. "And it was his wasn't it? Please tell me he's okay?"

"He's okay," Hayate responded. "Scared the hell out of me, but he'll live."

Kagome let out a exhausted sigh and practically slumped into her friend's arms. "Oh thank god. And you're both okay? Did anyone- was anyone killed?"

"Luckily we all made out with just a few injuries. No death."

She sighed again, nodding her head and smiling lightly. "Good."

"Come on," Inuyasha patted her back gently. "Let's get you some rest. You must be tired from travelling all night."

"Wait. Not yet. I need to see him."

"I don't advise that you do." The tori warrior quickly declared.

"Why not," she asked looking at him.

Hayate sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "He tends to be..."

"A dick" Inuyasha muttered earning a glare from the soldier.

"A bit unbecoming when he's injured." Hayate gently patted her head. "Trust me when I say give him a few days to rest. Then you can see him."

Kagome wanted to protest. "How bad are his injuries?"

"Don't do that." Inuyasha said instead,

"Do what?"

"You're gonna make yourself sick with worry. Just know he's okay and leave it as that."

"I can't not worry about him." Kagome muttered keeping her eyes down the hall where she knew the inu slept. "I have to see him with my own eyes."

Both male looked at the young girl curiously before glancing at each other. Hayate knew how difficult the inu lord can be when he was injured, and did not want the little miko to be hurt if the inu snapped at her. The western lord had already done so with both him and Inuyasha.

"I'll tell you what," the tori warrior said gently. "Rest easy for the today and tomorrow I will take you to go see him."

The young miko sighed and relented. "Yeah, okay." She let them lead her back to where they others remained in the courtyard. Tsume was with them trying to keep Rin from panicking.

Hayate knelt in front of the young child and whispered to her. "I know you're worried Rin but Sesshomaru will be just fine you'll see. And I know for a fact he is just as worried about you as you are of him."

"He is?"


Rin smiled and gave the soldier a hug. "Okay. Then Rin will wait for her Lord Sesshomaru."

Hayate gave her a hug back and excused himself with the two youkai soldiers that stayed with them. The others stayed where they were and talked among themselves.

"Come inside and settle in." Tsume suggested to the group. "You must all be so tired."

The small group didn't deny it and followed the demoness inside. Once inside they went to their assigned rooms Tsume taking the two children to the library.

Alone in her room, Kagome laid on the bed with Mizuki. Her wondering thoughts focused solely on the taiyouka she was missing. She sighed and threw her arm over her eyes. Seriously, what was wrong with her? She shouldn't be thinking about him this much. She shouldn't be missing those amber gold eyes, his deep smooth voice, the warmth of his hand, or the look he gets when he was thinking. She especially shouldn't focus on how safe she felt whenever he held her.

The young woman sat up in her bed, feeling the blush crawl on her face. "Oh no." She got up and started to pace, her hands firmly on her cheek. "Oh no. No no no. Calm down you idiot. It's just a case of misplaced emotions. You're worried about him so you're thinking about him more. Yeah that's it." Kagome groaned. "People normally don't think of another person's warm embrace you dolt." She groaned again and fell onto the bed face down. "I'm so screwed."

Mizuki rolled to her side and patted her mother's hair with a small whine. Kagome gathered the young pup in her arms. "Do you miss him as much as I do?" The young miko smiled. "Of course you do. In fact he is the only thing that keeps your youki in balance. And what kind of mother would I be if I denied you from your comfort?"

With a nod to herself, she once again got up with the pup, sneaked out of her room and quietly made her way to the inuyoukai's chambers.

"Inuyasha you are restless. What's wrong?" Kikyo watched as the hanyou stood and paced again. He was quietly mumbling to himself, worrying her.

"What? It's nothing." He answered quietly. "At least it should've been nothing." Inuyasha sighed and sat back down. "I'm beginning to admit that I may have been unfair to Sesshomaru."

"May have?" Kikyo gave him a questioning look. "More than you should."

"Yeah yeah. I've been an ass. I get it"

"What may I asked brought about this new line of thinking?"

The hanyou sighed and scratched the top of his head. Kikyo kept quiet and waited for him to answer her. When he did, his voice was low, almost somber. "Yesterday. After that fight- he was... it was- augh! I'm not good with words!"

"How about you take a deep breath and tell me what you're worried about?"

The hanyou sighed. "For once in my life- I was actually worried for my brother. The same brother who has been trying to kill me since I woke up from your spell. Not that I'm innocent mind you. I've tried and failed to get rid of him just as many times."

"So why now? What happened?" Kikyo asked placing a hand gently on his shoulder.

Inuyasha shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it was seeing him kneeling in a pool of his own blood. Or seeing him in actual pain. Man, Hayate was not kidding when he said Sesshomaru scared the hell out of him."

"Was it really that bad?"

"I've never seen him hurt at all. Even after what I did to him."

"Are you feeling guilty?"

"Maybe. I don't know. It was self defense when I chopped off his damn arm, so I don't regret it. But I do regret reveling in it. I held it over him. His half breed brother took something from him." Inuyasha rubbed the back of his head. "I didn't think I was going to make it in time. I smelt his blood and I thought the only blood I had left was going to die."

Kikyo, not knowing what to say, guided the hanyou's head to rest in her lap. "Get some rest Inuyasha. And when tomorrow comes, you can get about to making things right with your brother."

"I'll try."

"Let me know if anything hurts." Sango unraveled the bandages from Miroku's torso. "I can't believe it's only been a week since you were attacked."

"Yeah. I'm still pissed they were watching us so closely. They got the jump on me and I couldn't do a damn thing." The monk muttered, wincing slightly when a damp cloth touched his skin.

"Don't be so hard on yourself." The taijiya said softly as she gently cleaned around the several cuts. His skin was no longer red, and most of the wounds had scabbed over. "We have to be even more careful now after this. If we are still being watched, Naraku will know what the Eastern Lord has done."

"And no doubt he'll take advantage of the situation. We have to protect Kagome and Mizuki. The only other problem is collecting the ingredients needed for the spell for Katsurou."

"Yes and no doubt that evil witch will try to get in our way." Sango unrolled a fresh set of bandages and began to wrap them around the monk. "Alright arms up. We have to get a win at least once. That will make me feel a bit better."

"Well, it might not be our win, but kicking the Eastern Lord's ass must be satisfying for Sesshomaru. After what that bastard did to our Kagome, he definitely deserves it."

The female slayer snorted and smiled. "Speaking of Sesshomaru and Kagome. Have you noticed-"

"Oh, I've noticed. The question is my dear have they noticed? I don't know what I enjoyed most. Watching an old enemy fall for our friend, or seeing Inuyasha confused by their relationship."

"You are awful. Inuyasha just needs to learn to get along with Sesshomaru and they'll be just fine. Besides it really all depends if the inu in question even realizes what he feels."

"That is true. Ah, thank you" Miroku patted the new bandages on his chest with a smile. "Have you also realize what you feel?"

"What?" Sango questioned.

"Do you know what you feel? For me?" The monk wasn't looking at her, instead staring only at his cursed palm. "I know I haven't seem like I'm serious, and my actions are less than ideal. But I do love you Sango."

The young woman smiled and touched his cheek to get his attention. "I know. I also know how much I love you." She gave a chaste kiss to the lips then immediately pinched his ear. "But if you ever flirt with another woman I will skin you alive!"

"Ow Sango! Ow, ow! I got it. I got it. I haven't even looked at another woman in months!" He took her hands in his and placed his forehead against hers. "Honest. You're all I want and need." He slipped his hand behind her head and brought their lips together. He sighed happily when she melted into his touch. He told her truth. There was no one else he needed nor wanted. She was his present and his future.

Sesshomaru scowled at his left side. There was a thick set of bandages around his torso and his side was hurting. He growled. 'Damn you! I should have ripped his head from his body.' He touch the sore spot and hissed. His wounds still hurt and his movement was limited. He flexed his right arm, opening and closing his palm. To have been so near to fall by Isamu's hands filled him with rage. And yet- the inu closed his eyes. And yet the thought of the miko and pup- somehow-

A knock at the door derailed his thoughts and he resisted a sigh. If that was Hayate or Inuyasha harassing him again, injury or not he was kicking their ass. "Who is it?"

"Lord Sesshomaru?" A small female voice sounded behind the door. "May I come in?"

The miko? When did she return? Why did no one informed him she had returned?! He walked slowly toward the door and opened it, relaxing at the sight of the female fretting in place. "Miko."

Kagome smiled at him. "Lord Sesshomaru." She took in his appearance, noting briefly he was without a shirt and frowning slightly at the bloody bandages around him. "You should be resting. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be bothering-"

"No." The inu grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her inside without another word and closed the door. "Come in. I don't mind your company."

The little miko smiled. "Thank you." She glanced at the inu's bed and saw it was still made. You haven't been resting?"

"I rested earlier." The inu answered sitting at the edge of the bed. "When did you return?"

"Today. Maybe a few hours or so." Kagome laid Mizuki on the bed and borrowed the inu's pelt to wrap around the pup. "I came here because Mizuki missed you." She smiled and sat beside the taiyoukai. " And I was worried." She gazed at the bandages again and reached out to touch them. "Can I help you?"

Sesshomaru stared at the young miko. 'She was worried for me?' He didn't react to her touch and continued to stare at her. Slowly but surely, Kagome started fidgeting in her stop and a pink blush decorated her cheek. "I suppose, I need help dressing my wounds.

Kagome smiled. "Okay. I can do that for you." The miko then gathered the supplies she needed and began to peel off the worn and bloody rags. She hummed to herself as the last of the bandages came off. Seeing the wounds fully was heart breaking. She traced the three claw marks that now decorated his side. The marks were open and bleeding lightly. "Shio-san didn't close these?"

"She couldn't. Isamu's claws are poisonous. My body has to natural rid the venom, hence the bleeding."


"Fear not. My own poison keeps it at bay." The inu lord stated. Never breaking eye contact with her.

"I see. I'm glad," Kagome busied herself by cleaning the wounds. She noticed every now and again the muscles under his skin would twitch. 'It must hurt.' She frowned. 'I wish he would open up to me more.'

Unbeknownst to her, Sesshomaru continued to observe her movements. He could tell she was being gentle, almost too gentle. He should feel offended that the miko would treat him like he was delicate, but he just found it oddly comforting. Did she care for him so, that she didn't want to cause him discomfort? "Kagome." He said her name almost too quietly, bu she heard him all the same and looked up from her task. "Stay with me."

What's this? The end of the chapter? Well I hate to do this to you guys but I'm splitting it into two parts. Sesshomaru is beginning to understand he feels something for Kagome, even if he doesn't know what it is yet. And Kagome is lost in her emotion. I sincerely hope everyone is doing okay in these trying times. And until next update I hope you enjoy.