A/N: …I have nothing witty, clever, or amusing to state. So….yeah. Last chapter. :( I felt left out because everyone was updating, so, I updated! This chapter might actually include some seriousness in it. RUNNNNNNNN!

"I would close your eyes…" Sherman advised Zoom, taking the two wires in his hands.

"O-okay…" Zoom bit his lip, glancing at his friend. "J-just connect them quick! Okay?"

"Okay, okay, I'm going…" Sherman muttered, moving them closer together.


Zoom winced.


Sherman leaned as far back from the wires as possible, in order to avoid another 'rainbowsplosion' as Zoom had dubbed it.


Zoom squinted his eyes shut.



"I swear to God, if someone doesn't give me my fishsticks-"

"Silly rooster, put on the scarf!" Spinner coaxed an imaginary lump in his hands. "No, you have to, otherwise you'll be cold! Oh, it is not that itchy, don't be such a drama queen! I promise, you'll love it! No…wait…shhh…" Spinner glared over his left shoulder. "Mr. Rooster, don't move." He whispered. "That cat is watching you again… don't worry, I won't let the bad kitty get you….."

"I come in here, just wanting to sit down and eat some innocent fish sticks, and you just go and take them! I'm telling you, it's criminal!"

"AH! IT POUNCED! I'LL SAVE YOU MR. ROOSTER!" Spinner screamed, jumping as high into the air as the padded ceiling (and shorter-than-average-legs) would allow him, and belly flopping onto the white padded floor.

"Oww….I think I broke everything…"

"I warned you not to steal my fishsticks."


"Wow, you're right Sage, maybe you should let them out of there." Sherman nodded as he observed the screen. Zoom was still huddling in the center of the Hub, thanking God that he hadn't imploded/been stuck for eternity in a space-time continuum.

"I suppose you have a point…" Sage muttered doubtfully.

"Whoa, hold up." Zoom finally stood. "You can't just let them out free! If me and Sherman-"

"Sherman and I…" Sherman muttered, unwilling to let the grammar slip-up slide.

"Okay, if Sherman and I had to risk death to get out, I don't see why they can't take a padded room for a few hours! I mean, it's AJ and Tezz we're dealing with, I'm sure they couldn't last that much longer!" Zoom exclaimed.

"Zoom has a point…" Sherman nodded. "I mean, Sage, didn't you ever consider that this could all be a ruse?"

"The theory crossed my mind…" Sage nodded. "But I must admit, I find the two of them very entertaining." Sage lifted an illuminated palm to her mouth, giggling.

"…Yeah." Zoom and Sherman nodded to each other. "Yeah they are."


"Ugh, you've got to be kidding me." Stanford groaned.

"What's wrong now?" Agura lowered her makeshift sunglasses (thin leaves secured to a wooden frame) and sat up from where she was lying on the sand.

"Sherman and Zoom escaped their Battlezone!" Stanford crossed his arms in jealousy.

"Really?" Agura frowned. "Isn't that cheating?"

"Absolutely!" Stanford cried in outrage.

"Let's just not worry about it." Agura shrugged. "I could live here for weeks if I had to, and it'll probably only take a few more minutes to beat TayJay." She and Stanford had re-named all the teams: Zerman had just escaped, and they had barely had time to come up with Spert before those two had dropped out.

A/N: Yeah, they aren't as good at shipnames as we are…XD

"Fair enough." Stanford shrugged. "I wonder how they're doing anyway…"

"Considering they haven't murdering each other?" Agura raised an eyebrow.



"You couldn't 'beat me with one Coriolis Affect tied behind your back'! The Coriolis affect isn't tangible!" Tezz exclaimed.

"I'll show you tangible!" AJ scoffed.

"You can't show me tangible! Your arguments are completely illogical!" Tezz groaned.

"I'll show you illogical!"

"AJ! Shut up!"

"I'll show you shutting u-"

"PLEASE." Tezz glared. "BE MY GUEST."

"I'll show you a guest!"


"Zoom, go get Vert and Spinner; this is priceless!" Sherman managed through laughter.

"No way! I'm not missing this!" Zoom protested.

"C'mon, you're faster! I'll pause it!" Sherman compromised.

"Fine." Zoom sprinted away from the video monitor.

"GRAB SOME POPCORN!" Sherman yelled after him.


"AJ!" Tezz exploded. "I know this experiment is designed for 'team building' and 'bonding' but my God! Must you be completely impossible to deal with?"

"Look, Tezz, I'm trying to be cheerful, you're not exactly the world's best teammate yourself!" AJ glared.

"At least I'm not the world's worst!" Tezz snapped.

"Oh, world's worst? You did not just go there!"

"I did, care to join me?"

"No! In fact, I don't even want to be on your half of this stupid Battlezone!"

"AJ, you are in no place to be insulting the intelligence of a Battlezone."

AJ exploded.

"Y'know something Tezz? I'm sick of your attitude. I know, and believe me do I know, exactly how smart you think you are and then some. Well, news flash, Sherman's smart too but he doesn't go around bragging about it! He doesn't act like he's better than or a more important part of the team than anyone else! And don't even think that I'm just being ridiculous, because we've ALL noticed it. You might be too busy working on that glove of yours to pay attention, but you're not on this team because we like you. You may be a genius Tezz, but when it comes to other people you sure can be stupid."

Tezz was taken aback. No one had ever dared say such things to him! Stupid? How dare someone (with an IQ near AJ's, nonetheless) call him that?

He couldn't be right…could he?

Sure, Tezz's social skills weren't exactly on par with AJ's, but that didn't put him in a place to judge. Tezz communicated fine with his teammates…didn't he? Sherman was always courteous in the lab, and…well, Stanford had never exactly accepted him, but…that was just how Stanford was. Or at least, that's what Agura had hastily tried to assure him after another of the Brit's snide remarks…

Come to think of it, she had said nearly the same thing about everyone else…

Spinner, muttered to Stanford after losing to him at a video game: "Well, while he was busy building gloves all alone in a corner, I was busy with my life."

Sherman in a nearly incoherent grumble, after he had merely corrected him on a calculation error, "Forgot you needed a genius permit to carry the four."

Zoom after he had only tried to help tweak one of his moves, "Sorry, didn't realize you spent your entire life training at one of the most elite Muay Thai schools on Earth."

And Agura always hastily jumping in with the same comment, "He doesn't mean it. That's just how he is."

He had even tried to help her with tracking once…But he wasn't exactly sure if it had ended well.

"Agura, we've got tracks." Vert had announced. Agura was already bent over the prints in the mud, narrowing her eyes. He had approached her, assuming she needed help.

"Those look similar to the walking patterns of the Carnivorat." Tezz commented upon closer inspection.

"Thanks, Tezz, but I got this." Agura had stated as calmly as possible. She stood, straightening her back.

"It passed by ten minutes ago. Headed…" Agura frowned in concentration. "That wa-"

"Actually, Agura, your assessment is flawed." Tezz interrupted her. "The Carnivorat passed through this area exactly twelve minutes ago, and is going southeast, probably in the direction of its mate, not the direction you proposed of simply south, that would be incorrect."

"Actually, Tezz, this Carnivorat had an abnormality on its right paw, and the limp would cause it to eventually turn in the direction of south." Agura managed through clenched teeth.

"Yes, but that's where you're wrong. The creature would have adjusted its weight in order to accommodate the abnormality, thus causing it to still head in a southeast." Tezz pointed out.

Agura took a deep breath. "Tezz, I think you're overestimating the intelligence of such a primitive animal-"

"And I think your teammates greatly overestimate your tracking abilities." Tezz rolled his eyes.

Stanford's jaw dropped. He had seen Agura at her angriest, and it was not pretty. Zoom, Spinner and Sherman winced. Vert grit his teeth; he didn't like the way Tezz was talking to his girlfriend.

"Ex-cuh-use me?" Agura folded her arms across her chest, eyes blazing. She took a step towards Tezz. "Overestimate my tracking abilities? Look, Russia, I don't know where you think your place is, but sure isn't insulting me. I don't know what those nine years on that moon did to you, but it is about time someone put you and your colossal ego in your place, and mark my words I do NOT mind doing it-"

"Agura!" Vert had hissed, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the terrified (though he would never admit it) Russian. "That is enough." He clenched his jaw, giving her a steely glare. Agura stared back fearlessly; she and Vert both knew that he didn't scare her one bit when she was angry, and man, was she furious. Vert was only thankful Tezz had all of his limbs still intact.

Vert had simply tried to brush off the incident, returning to their mission, but upon returning to the Hub he had pulled Tezz aside.

"Look, Tezz, I'd watch the remarks if I were you. Tracking and special operations are Agura's thing. She can be a little defensive-"

"A little?" Tezz raised an eyebrow at his leader.

"Look, I'd just really appreciate it if you let her do her job, okay?" Vert clapped him on the back. "When Agura's unhappy, everyone's unhappy." And he wasn't exaggerating. Everyone had put up with Tezz until then, keeping their thoughts to themselves, but seeing Agura snap had made them realize that they certainly weren't alone in their feelings for their new teammate. Later that night, Tezz had caught Vert talking with that very Huntress outside their bedrooms.

"He just made me so mad!" She had protested as he watched them from behind his door. "I mean, I don't tell him how to…electromagnetize, or whatever, and he certainly shouldn't tell me how to-"

"I know you're upset, I get it." Vert soothed. "We just…have to be patient. Okay?"

"Vert, were you even listening? He insulted me in front of the whole team!" Agura hissed. "Who does he think he is, anyway?"

"Agura, he's only trying to contribute to the team! Correcting people is just the only way he knows how." Vert said calmly. "Look, we all know you're an amazing, talented, beautiful tracker," He smiled, making Agura blush, "So it doesn't matter what he thinks. Sherman's the only one Tezz even gives the time of day to, anyway."

"I guess you're right…" Agura sighed, leaning onto his chest.

"I'm always right." Vert laughed, grabbing her legs and swinging her into a bridal carry.

"Hey! Let me down!" Agura squealed as he opened her door, walking into her bedroom. Tezz hadn't caught the rest of their conversation, having retreated into his own room as Agura's door slid shut.


What had they meant by that? Tezz had always wondered, and getting yelled at by AJ didn't help.

"It's just how I am." He muttered under his breath, forgetting AJ was still standing there, glowering at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He demanded, still angry.

"Correcting people. Acting better than everyone else." Tezz managed, slowly sitting down on the ground.

"Well, yeah." AJ scoffed, still looking down on him.

"I don't try to." Tezz said quietly. "I just don't know any other way."

AJ tried to ignore him. You're still angry! Remember that!

"AJ, am I a bad person?" Tezz looked up suddenly.

AJ looked to him in confusion, reluctantly taking a seat on the hot sand.

"No." He said after a long silence. "I just think you need a little help."

"So there's hope, right?" Tezz looked at him earnestly.

"Y-yeah." AJ nodded unsurely. "Just…people don't like being constantly told that they're wrong, okay? And…well, just be nicer to people. I mean, you always act like you're better than everyone, but you can't only measure that by smarts. Like, take Zoom. He didn't have the best education on Earth, but he's the freaking Chosen One, and I don't really know what that means, but it sure sounds more important than having a 4.0 GPA."

"Okay." Tezz nodded. "I think I can do that."

"Good." AJ reclined in the sand, satisfied. "That'd be awesome."

Before Tezz could respond, a portal suddenly appeared in front of them.


"I think they have more than earned the right to come home." Sage announced to Sherman and Zoom (She wouldn't let Spinner and Vert out of what Zoom had dubbed the Looney Bin just yet). Neither responded, and she turned around troubledly to see a sobbing Zoom.

"Th-that, was s-so….so BEAUTIFUL!" He sobbed into Sherman's sleeve. "Four stars!"

Sherman gave Sage a helpless look.

"Aw yeahhhhh! We're back, bee-yotch!" AJ suddenly cheered, stepping through the portal. "I LOVE YOU, SAGE!" He barreled right into the Sentient, swallowing her in a giant bear hug.

"AJ! Language!" Sage gasped for air as Tezz sheepishly stepped through the portal as well.

"Sorry!" AJ released her bashfully. "Does this mean we win?"


"Dude, do you hear that?" Spinner stopped his act, cocking his head towards one of the walls.

"Spinner! Get back in asylum-mode!" Vert hissed.

"Bro, me and Mr. Mittens both know Sage isn't falling for it." Spinner rolled his eyes. "Anyway, it sounds like AJ and Tezz are back."

"Wait, AJ and Tezz?" Vert demanded. "Like, alive, right?"

"Surprisingly, yes." Spinner scoffed. "I guess we're actually going to have to bond or something to get out of here."

"Ew." Vert muttered.

"Well, let's get it over with. What were we fighting about again?" Spinner gazed hard at a wall, trying to remember.

"Uhm, let's see, you breaking into my room and stealing my-…SOME VERY PERSONAL ITEMS!" Vert blushed.

"Ooooh! That's right!" Spinner nodded. "Okay, well, I'm sorry for hacking into your room."

"And…?" Vert hinted.

"And what?" Spinner grinned cheekily.

"Apologize for stealing!" Vert exclaimed in exasperation.

"Stealing what?" Spinner nudged him in the side. Vert's face was flaming red.


"Yeesh, Vert, they're about as easy to pronounce as they are to use! C'mon, say it with me! Con-dom." Spinner mocked him.

"Spinner, shove off." Vert grumbled.

"Look, I'll apologize for stealing you CON-DOMS when you apologize for going behind everyone's back with Agura!" Spinner snapped.

"Why do I have to apologize? What Agura and I do- " Vert rolled his eyes at a snicker from Spinner, "Is our business."

"Yeah, but we're still on the same team. We're still friends." Spinner emphasized. "And friends tell friends when friends hook up with friends!"

"Well, if it makes you feel better, we didn't tell anyone else on the team." Vert huffed.

"You didn't? Not even AJ?" Spinner raised an eyebrow. Vert shook his head. "Okay, I guess I feel better….but still, why? I mean, I always figured you two would end up together or something, but sneaking around behind our backs?"

"We didn't want to go behind your backs, but with you and Stanford around, we'd never hear the end of it!" Vert threw his arms up in exasperation.

"We would not have teased you that much…" Spinner rolled his eyes.

"Yes, you would have! That's why we didn't tell you!" Vert exclaimed. "We just…wanted to keep it private. Something for us." He shrugged simply.

"That must have been hard." Spinner scoffed.

"Oh God, you have nooooo idea. I mean, Stanford wakes up at like, seven AM, ALL THE TIME, not to mention AJ always bugging me about her, and then there's always someone in the Hub, and if not them, Sage needs something…Well, it was tricky, but…she's worth it."

"Well, I'm happy for you, as long as you didn't get her pregnant." Spinner nudged him, and Vert's eyes went wide.

"Noooooohoho….no way." He laughed awkwardly, obviously uncomfortable talking about the subject. "But it would help if you stopped stealing certain things from me…." He hinted.

"Alright, alright, I'll help." Spinner held his hands up jokingly.

"And don't tell anyone about this? Please?" Vert pleaded.

"Alright, alright." Spinner nodded fairly, and Vert thought he had ended the discussion.

"Two questions though."

"Uh-oh…" Vert groaned.

"Shut up!" Spinner hit him. "Seriously, though, how long?"

"Oh, I dunno, maybe like….four months." Vert tried to avoid the question.

"Four months?"

"Five." Vert admitted shamefully.

"Dude, and you didn't tell ANYONE?" Spinner exclaimed. "Dang! If I ever get rich, I want you as my Secret Service."

"Got it…" Vert laughed. "And your other question?"

Spinner stifled a grin. Vert raised an eyebrow. Spinner leaned in to whisper in his ear, and then jumped back just in time to avoid a slap from Vert.



"Alright, I suppose we can let them out too." Sage shrugged, tapping a few buttons on her screen to unlock the door. A few minutes later, Spinner and Vert came sprinting down the hallway, hollering and whooping in victory.





"Hey guys." Sherman waved. "Sage, shouldn't we bring back Stanford and Agura?"

"Aw, but it was so much quieter without them." Zoom whined, and everyone looked around in silent agreement.

"Well…I suppose it wouldn't hurt to leave them there for one more day…" Sage bit her lip. Everyone but Vert was quick to agree with her.

"Yeah, they'll be fine!"

"Agura's tough, and…well, Stanford….maybe we should bring them back."

"C'mon, guys, bring them back." Vert said sternly. Everyone sighed.

"Do you really want that, Vert?" Zoom looked to him. "Fighting at all hours?"

"Well, we can't just leave them-" Vert began to protest, but Spinner walked over and whispered something in his ear. Vert nodded along with him while the others shot the two curious glances.

"Got it?" Spinner asked Vert, who nodded.

"Y'know what Sage? Go ahead and open that portal." Spinner winked at Sage, who gave them a suspicious look, but still opened the portal.


"Hey! A portal!" Stanford exclaimed. He couldn't get out of his bamboo lounge chair fast enough, and sprinted across the glistening white sand to jump into it.

"Ugh, wait for me, much?" Agura rolled her eyes, rising from her chair when she heard the portal zap shut.

What the… She narrowed her eyes. They did NOT just strand her here-

"Hey." Strong arms swept her off of her feet.

"Vert!" Agura squealed as he spun her around. "What are you doing here?"

"It was Spinner's idea, actually." Vert admitted, setting her down.

"You told Spinner about us?" Agura shrieked, and Vert jumped backward to avoid the slap he knew would be coming.

"I had to, okay? It was the only way to get out of that room!" Vert explained quickly. Agura narrowed her eyes.

"Alright, but only because you're so cute." Agura laughed, and Vert bent down on the sand and grabbed a stick.

"What are you…?" Agura tilted her head, reading what he had written.

"Spinner'll take care of it." Vert winked. "He's hacking into the video feed right now."

"Aw…you're the best." Agura plopped down in the sand next to him.

"Yeah, I know." Vert smiled, stretching out next to her in the sand. He reached for her hand, and she took his, yanking him to his feet.

"Wha…?" He gave her a curious look.

"Vert, we're on a beautiful tropical island with no one around and no video surveillance. I have been waiting for a chance like this for weeks." Agura raised her eyebrows to convey her meaning.

"Oh….oh!" Vert exclaimed, finally understanding. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the foliage of the jungle, kicking up sand on the message he had scrawled to Spinner on the beach.



"Spinner! Turn the video feed back on!"


A/N: Vergura. Whatareyagonnado. Had to follow up from the first chapter, right?