Just Desserts


Disclaimer: I own Nothing…Dan Schneider along with Nick and others own this fandom and all the characters there in…Anything you recognize obviously belongs to them
Spoilers: Up to and including Season 5 iLove You

Chapter 1
Sam Point of View

True Chiz, I'm laying here wrapped in the way stronger than you would expect for a tech-nub arms of Fredward Benson, my body still shivering and shaking from the first co-ed orgasm of my life, and all I can think is how the hell did we get from breaking up in the elevator to here.


"Sam…I love you." Freddaname said his voice soft and yet full of emotion and sincerity.

"I love you too." I returned with a small, sad smile.

"Maybe we can break up at midnight?" he suggested hopefully.

"You know, nub, that may be one of the best ideas you've ever had." I tease. We head back into the elevator and rather than ride it back up to the studio, we stop it at the thankfully empty living room. If we were only going to have these next few hours as a couple we wanted to spend them alone…just the two of us. So we made our way through the Shay living room and over to the Benson Apartment without having to talk to anyone. Once we entered his apartment, Freddie locked the door and pressed me against it, before allowing his mouth to find mine.

One would never know it to look at him but Fredward Karl Benson is an amazing kisser. He is strong and forceful, even while making you feel like the most delicate and precious thing in the world to him. He buried one of his hands in my hair. Technub sure does love him Mama's Hair. He likes my ass too, Cause that's where his other hand heads. God, there are no words to describe how good it feels when he grabs my ass and pulls me tight against him.

We lost ourselves in that kiss. He mapped every millimeter of the inside of my mouth before trailing hot nipping kisses and sucking little bites down my neck. I barely realized what I was doing as my fingers went to work on the buttons of his shirt. All I did know is that my body was on fire. I've never felt this way in my entire life. There was a hot heavy feeling that started burning in my lips and traveled down to settle low in my belly. Everywhere his hands touched, he caused little flares of, I don't know, passion to sing through me.

"Sam." Fredwierd groaned my name against the hollow of my throat.

I don't know if he was asking a question or permission or just wanted to say my name but it sounded so good on his lips. "God. Nub…Shit." I babbled. I threaded my fingers through his chocolate brown hair and forced his mouth back to mine. Time stood still and rushed by at the same moment. Before I realized it, we were in his room; once more he closed and locked a door before pressing me against it.

"Tell me no now." He directed. I knew what he wanted, what he was asking.

"I can't." I moaned. I barely recognized my own voice. I wanted nothing more than to be right where I was right this moment unless…

Our hands flew over each other's clothes as we got rid of all the crabby clothes separating us from what we really wanted. We moved across the room to Freddie's bed in a fog of passion and a haze of desire. Freddie actually picked me up, guess his guns aren't just for show after all. He laid me down on his bed before pressing me into the mattress.

Freddie Point of View

I smiled, and returned my mouth to Sam's. Rolling so that she was on top. Sam started kissing me deeply, smiling as she felt my hands roaming over her back and cupping her ass. She has the world's most amazing ass. I ground my pelvis into hers at their joining. Sam was loving the power seat. She leaned up and let her nipple graze my kiss swollen lips. God her breast are amazing, so full and round. They always look so big on her little frame. I teased her with taunting licks and nips where she wanted my attention. Finally I latched onto one sensitive nubbin, suckling it gently.

Sam moaned and grew even wetter. She slid up and down against the rigid length of my manhood, careful not to disturb my mouth on her breast. We rolled once again; Sam seemed to love the feel of my larger body surrounding her. My questing hands found Sam's springy mat of golden curls. Gently threading my fingers through the matted hairs, I accidentally brushed against Sam turgid clit. The blonde cried out in pleasure, so I did it again.

When she gasped out my name I knew he had to hear that sound again. I alternated pressure, and played with her swelling little clit until she flew apart in my arms. Before I could think about it, I slid a thick finger into Sam's clenching, climaxing tightness. Carefully I began to thrust with one finger until I heard Sam breathlessly beg for more. I pulled away and licked my finger clean. Sam whimpered at the erotic sight. I smiled at her sweet tanginess and returned my hand to her tight little pussy thrusting with two fingers this time.

I figured that as small and tight as Sam was I should help her out by opening her up a little with my fingers. But when she could take three, Sam was through with my gentleness. "Frederly, Mama wants you now. You, not your fingers." She demanded threateningly. I, as usual, listened to Sam. To be honest I made a habit out of giving Sam what she wanted so long ago, I can't even remember when it started. I moved completely over her and guided her tiny but so strong hands to my erection. Sam guided me into her. The thick head was worked forward and butted against her now weakened hymen. The tight, wet heat and feel of her hands touching me where I'd barely allowed myself to dream of were simply too much for me add in the fact of what was taking place and much to my shame I came. I came quickly and fiercely.

I started to freak out and apologize, until I realized that my hard on had not diminished in the slightest. I leaned down and kissed my blonde demon deeply as I pushed forward, past her maidenhead. I pushed onward her hands on my hips urging me on. I finally bottomed out at her cervix and we both moaned in satisfaction. My hands found Sam's hips, and I began thrusting. Sam was completely unselfconscious with me. She allowed herself to enjoy the sensations and build on them. Her hands roamed over both our bodies, tweaking my nipples and her own. She leaned forward and licked his nipples, smiling at his growled encouragement to do it again.

I loved how responsive Sam was. I could feel her tightening and clenching around my penetrating and retreating cock, as she had my fingers earlier. I hunched down and tugged at her nipples with my lips alternating back and forth until Sam screamed out in a more intense pleasure than any she had ever before known. I roared out as I thrust completely and forcefully into her and joined her in the maelstrom of sensation. Each throb and pulse of my orgasm served to intensify Sam's and each sucking wet grasp of Sam's intensified mine. Until we both collapsed in a heap of arms and legs, completely and gloriously spent.

"God, who knew sex was better than ham." Sam chuckled.

&&& End Flashback&&&

Freddie Point of View

"I don't think I can let you go." I whispered, I leaned over and pressed another kiss to her pretty pink mouth sucking for a moment on her lush bottom lip. Before I could think about my actions I buried myself back in her hot wet heat, grateful once again for the regenerative powers of youth. "I'm not letting you go, Sam. You're mine. I'm yours, and you're mine." I groaned near her ear.

"Fuck. Freddie…how the chiz did you, oh god, get so good at this?" She moaned.

"How can you lift me over your shoulder and arm wrestle truckers? It's a natural gift. God made me specially equipped to, oh Fuck you feel so damn good, bring you pleasure. Fuck. My cock fills your tight little pussy just right. I can bump your cervix with every stroke. Shit, so you were built just for me." I howled. "Your sexy body, your sweet ass, your big sexy tits, just right for me, fill my hands just right fit under my arm just right."

I rolled us so she was on top and she gave me a happy smile. "Mama likes." She crooned before riding me hard. I slid my hands over her waist and up to play with her turgid flushed nipples. "Pinch 'em." She moaned. As usual her every wish is my command. So I let my fingers tighten on them pinching and twisting and even pulling. I looked up watching in rapt attention as she threw her head back and moaned. Loud and long. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her down to drink down her moan in a kiss. I thrust up hard, fucking her even as she rode me.

Unfortunately while I can bless the regeneration powers my age gives me. I have to curse the lack of stamina. It was too good. I rolled her back under me, and captured her wrists with one hand. I pressed those into the mattress above her head and thrust into her wildly. Suddenly she screamed out and I felt her pussy begin to spasm around me, clenching and releasing, milking me as I poured everything that I am into her. "God I love you." I moaned so loud it echoed through the apartment despite the closed and locked door. I watched as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. My own seemed to do the same, I passed out over her instinctually falling to the side.

We slept that way until my alarm woke us then next morning.

Sam Point of View

The technub pulled me into the shower with me, even taking time to wash my hair and comb it for me. "Damn Nub, you're awfully good at that. Always knew you were a girl." I taunted.

He pressed me against the bathroom sink, pressing a half hard erection into my ass. "You know better than anybody that I'm all man, Princess Puckett."

"Damn Skippy," I said honestly. "Who the hell knew that you had all that under those dorky clothes? I mean, ok, we see the biceps, so the pecks aren't that much of a shock, but the six pack…I'd have pegged you for a mini-keg at least."

He spun me around. "What else Puckett?" he whispered against my ear. He lifted me onto the counter pressing himself against me where I was growing wet yet again.

I bit back a moan. "You tell me. I'm betting you can give me your exact dimensions. Length, radius, diameter, circumference, volume…so you tell me, Dork."

He smirked, and leaned in so close all I could see was his eyes. His lips were less than half an inch from mine as he answered my question. "Nine and a third inches long. One and a quarter inch in radius. Two and half inches in diameter. Seven point eight three inches in circumference. Which would mean that it has 45.81 cubic units of volume." He reached down and in a moment I felt him filling me once more. I was sore to be honest, but God it felt too good to ask him to stop. "As I am often reminding you two, I am a guy."

He will never have to remind me again. God he's a guy and he's damn good at everything that he sets his mind to.

Of course we had to take another shower before school. He loaned me one of his old penny tees and a pair of boxers. We headed to school as though we hadn't had a life changing experience the night before. We never spoke of our decision in Carly's elevator. We also decided to ignore any advice coming from the girl who never, ever made a good choice when it comes to relationships. In fact when Gibby heard the advice Carly had given us he laughed his gibbies off. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You should respect each other's hobbies, and enjoy the things you share, but what idiot thinks you have to share everything you do. Good Lord."

Freddie and I exchanged looks. "Do you feel as stupid as I do right now?" I asked.

"Oh yeah." He chuckled. "So, we telling Carly about last night?"

"Don't know…we telling her about tonight?" I asked with a smirk.

"Can't tonight, Crazy's off this weekend. Then she's on days for two weeks." Freddie groaned. "So we're stuck at PG for the next little while."

"Damn. I guess its better this way…Mama's pretty damn sore." I leaned forward and whispered sexily next to his ear. "That huge cock of yours stretched me so good." I moaned. He pressed me up against a locker and kissed the hell out of me.

"Puckett, Benson…No PDAs, detention." Mr. Howard yelled at us. Fredifer must have decided that if he was already in trouble there was no need to end the kiss before he had his fill.

We broke apart and headed to class. Carly ran up and joined us. "Where did you guys disappear to last night?"

"Oh we just decided to spend a little time together." Freddie answered pressing a kiss to my temple.

"Yeah, we figure that we don't need to spend all our time together, just make sure that we have some time to ourselves." I laughed,

"Plus we came to the realization that we should just be ourselves. Freddie and Sam…Technerd and meat loving demon. Sam was starting to creep my out being nice to me all the time." He joked.

So I punched him in the arm, hard enough to move him, but not hard enough to bruise. "Good. Its only fun to beat the Gibby for so long." I teased back. "I always figured you for a masochist Fredgimp."

"Well the whole world knows you're a sadistic little thing." He shot right back.

"OK, okay…you two are making me really uncomfortable with all that," Carly looked around and dropped her voice. "Sex talk." She whispered. "It's bad enough that I have to see those hickeys on Sam's neck."

"What?" I yelled. I grabbed Carly's hand and dragged her to the bathroom. "Damn it." I groaned. "How did I miss these?" sure enough there were four of them two on each side of my neck, two light and almost pink, really just bite marks. In fact they could probably be used to make a perfect cast of Freddie's teeth. The other two were dark, angry and when I touched them, damn if I didn't get wet all over again.

Carly stood next to me laughing. When she suddenly stopped, "Sam…isn't that Freddie's shirt?"

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