OK so this is going to be a series of Keroro Gunso one-shots. How this will work is I will tell you the following:

Title of story



weather or not its fluff or smut

and maybe the song that inspired me to write it

I will take requests. In fact I WANT you to requests pairings. If you request a pairing please give me a bit of a scenario to work with and tell me if you want fluff or smut. Request as many pairings as you want and make it interesting. The more interesting the scenarios/pairings are the more likely I am to write it up. Remember I wont do all the requests I get and I can only do one at a time so don't get mad if I don't fill your request. I will NOT take requests from any anons. You must be logged in for me to even consider your request.

Also if you request a pairing, if you could give me a song to go with it...well it would help me a lot.

As always, do remember that I am a lazy procrastinator and it may take me time to get around to writing stuff.

~ Tantilla