Rewrite of Till We Meet Again. This story is no longer going to be a one shot. If you'd like to read the original with all the bad writing skills and messed up plot that doesn't match up with the sequal, please feel free to send me an e-mail or leave a review.

Disclaimer: I do not own CCS

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A young girl with short auburn hair, bright emerald eyes and a pair of fairly large white wings which glowed with a pink hue when the light hit them, floated through the halls of Clow Reed's mansion. She stopped when she noticed that a fairly large lion with somewhat odd looking armour approached her.

"Oy, Sakura who or what are you looking for?" To any normal person it would have looked odd seeing a talking lion in the middle of a mansion, but then again, Sakura wasn't normal herself.

"Yue." She answered. "And you too Kero, master wants to see us."

"What for?" Kero tilted his head to the side curiously. An action that Sakura would have found to be cute if she wasn't currently in such a serious mood.

"I don't know, but do you know where Yue is?"

"I'm right here Sakura." The two turned around to find that the other guardian in question was standing right behind them. "What do you want with me?"

"Come." She didn't wait for Yue to react as she grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards Clow's study room. "Master wants to see us." Kero had to rush to catch up to them as soon as he realised that they were both moving ahead of him. When they reached the room Kero pushed opened the door slowly and the three of them looked inside. "Master?" Sakura's voice broke through the silence.

"Come in." Their master's voice came from his large chair and the three guardians walked in and stood before him

"What's going on?" Kero questioned, tilting his head to the side, much like he had done when Sakura had been looking for him before. Clow smiled and petted him gently on the head, causing him to purr a little.

"Cerberus, Sakura, Yue I'm going to die today." He said it almost as if it was a normal occurrence in the mansion.

" can't." Sakura shook her head and backed away from him slightly.

"Clow Sakura's right you can't just die like that, how are you going to look after the Cards and us?" You could tell that both Sakura and Kero were panicking.

"You'll all be sealed in the book until your new master comes. You'll name him Cardcaptor and test him when the time comes." Clow explained. This seemed to set off Yue as well, because he broke into the argument along with his fellow guardians.

"No, I won't I won't accept another master."

"Then who would you want to be your new master when I'm gone? It's not as if I can live forever?" Clow pointed out.

"We won't have a new master." Yue was infuriated by his master's point. He was obviously wondering why Clow couldn't just live forever.

"Letting Yue choose the Cardcaptor wouldn't be a very good idea, he's not as accepting towards change." He turned his attention to Sakura and Kero. "So Cerberus and Sakura you two will choose who should be your new master." He then turned back to Yue. "Yue, you will judge the Cardcaptor. Sakura you may help him if you want because I know that there will be another who will want to be challenged." Clow explained to them.

"No, I don't want to go into that book." Sakura hugged Yue's arm. Yue wrapped his arms around her. Neither of them wanted to be separated from each other. "I don't want to leave Yue." Tears glistened in her eyes, threatening to fall.

"Sakura. I know that you and Yue are in love with each other. But this is the way everything must be. It's my time to go." Clow tried to reason with her.

"Are you serious?" Kero asked.

"All of you including the Clow Cards are all of my creations. I made sure that all of you would be happy with your new master. This is what I want." Clow looked at Sakura and Yue in particular. Sakura couldn't take it; she couldn't handle so she burst out crying and flew out the door. Yue flew after her while Kero and Clow watched them.