Hello everyone! This is just a bit of a fun outtake. One of my beloved betas, LJ Summers, adds commentary to my chapters as she works. She has me in stitches a lot of the time. Some said that they would like to see what she had to say. Her words are bolded, italicized and underlined. And, yes, she really DOES like me. She also likes to make me LAUGH.
Maybe you will get a smile out of her comments, too.
I've removed a lot of the story where there were no comments, and replaced them with space holders.
∞BiT Outtake∞
Chapter 3…again!
As I raced toward the house, easily keeping out of sight of any humans at the speed I was going, I focused on the scene from two days ago: The moment when my singer—my mate*—had opened her crimson eyes. *SEZ WHOOOO? Yeah, self-insert. Sue me... Birds will twitter, pheromones will fly, SEX WILL HAPPEN…oh, wait…(LJ's mate bonds are realized when two vampires TOUCH for the first time. You can see that in many of her stories…she's in my favorite author list…check her out!)
Once Alice saw the path we should take, the one that helped us to keep the secret, everyone jumped into action. Esme insisted that she and Rosalie be the ones to take Bella back to the house while the rest of us prepared the scene. They told me that they wouldn't leave her alone for even a moment.
I'd pressed a swift kiss to Bella's forehead [ravaged throat, oh, wait]and they'd run back toward the house.
That's the way it was for the next three days. Even when I couldn't be by her side as the change burned through her, someone was always with her. We took turns explaining what was happening, what we were, and what she was becoming. I apologized over and over, wishing I could sob out my anguish, even as I was excited by the fact that she could be with me forever. [Because I am a SELFISH MONSTER, RHOARRRRR]
Rosalie, overhearing my plans for the two of us, had forcefully told me that this would be Bella's choice. That, as I had taken her choice for this life away from her, she would have the choice to stay with me… or not. My entire family concurred. [Darn straight. Choose LIAM, Bella!] If you read LJ's stories, you know who she's alluding to here.
During my time spent with her, when I wasn't having to pretend that I was dead in the morgue, I told her over and over how important she was to me and that I regretted the way this happened, but that I couldn't help but be overjoyed that this way we could be together, truly together, as equals. I begged her forgiveness and told her over and over how much I loved her. [Lots easier to explain himself when he isn't having to deal with her responses. Snort.]
Finally, the last of her heartbeats pounded through the house and then there was silence. Bella was on the couch in my bedroom, as I was more comfortable there. During the hours of her change, as I held her hand, I had told her about the things in the room: My music collection, the baseball from a game that my father had taken me to when I was human, the view from the deck.[My Victorian Eroti – uh, no.]
Now the family was gathered behind me as we waited for her to open her eyes.
A small gasp was followed by Bella sitting up on the couch and swinging her legs to the floor. Her gaze quickly swept over all of us before coming back to rest on me. [She growled. It was SO HOT and I flew at her, my body pouncing on - oh wait, wrong fic.] A long moment passed when she was utterly still. I spent that time cataloging the differences that the change had wrought in her body.
Our fingers had woven together. The compulsion to be closer could not be denied and I fell to my knees at her feet. At that moment I didn't care if she meant to rip my head from my body in anger or if she wanted to beat me or kiss me…it just didn't matter. I needed to be close to her and I hopedthat she would accept me.
I dropped my head, waiting for her decision.[And then I was seeing the ceiling, the floor, and the glass splintered past my head as I was thrown out the window. I think Jasper cheered.] A finger lifted my chin so that I was looking into her eyes. The smile that had always caused a flutter in my chest was wide and welcoming.
Our eyes met and held as our feelings coalesced. This was a true mate bond. I could hear it in Jasper's mind as he felt it along with us. I quickly checked to see if I could hear Bella's thoughts now that the change was completed.
[Damn.]Her mind was still silent to me.
Finally, Bella spoke. "I heard what you said about what you are and what I am, now." She glanced at my family before looking back at me. "It's probably a good thing that I had these couple of days to think this through, to process it." Her free hand came up and cupped my cheek and I leaned into her touch.[She clawed a hunk of... Oh. Sorry. Me again.]
"Rosalie was right, Edward. This is my choice."
We'd spent the two days since then talking about anything and everything. We hadn't shared any kisses [ACK! mate bond? Hello? lol] but had held hands and sat close together whenever we were talking. She admitted that she found the connection between us soothing and I'd agreed that it was very comforting.
A/N…yes, just a bit of silliness…I suppose I could have waited for April Fool's Day to post this!
Also, no, I haven't given up on the epilogue for EAC…or the last chapter of Dragon Stones (got 400 words done on that! GO ME!) but I've got a paying gig that's been keeping me busy.
There will be more of what I've got going, I promise!
Tonight is the last night to vote in THE CANON TOUR contest. It's the NEW MOON round and I have an entry in it...as does LJ! Maybe you can guess which one is mine...and even if you can't, there are lots of great entries. Check it out...the contest is also in my favorite author list.
Thank you all for your support these last several years. You all make it so much FUN to write!