Title: How Will You Know

Pairings: Lucy/Natsu, some Mirajane/Freed, some Levy/Gajeel, some Gray/Juvia, some Elfman/Evergreen.

Rating: I'm gonna stick with M just in case of later chapters.

Plot: Lucy has had a rough time since coming back from Tenrou Island. To make matters worse, her and Natsu seem to have crossed over the line of friends. Confused and hurt, Lucy goes on a quest to clear her mind, with Natsu hot on her trail. (Bad Summary) R/R NaLu.

Sorry for the delay, suddenly sleeping all the time feels good. Haha hope I'm not getting sick, or maybe I'm just becoming a bear. I think this should be the last chapter. Lets see where my writing takes me lol. Thanks to everyone for reading this far. Thanks for the reviews, etc. I'm glad I got back into fanfiction writing. J

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail. I just love it to death XD

Chapter 11: How Will You Know

"You come undone. Suddenly I became the one to be your eyes when everything is bitter And you just see the lies. How will you know? When you're in the dark. If I'm not around To show you your heart. If I'm not there To show you how you feel. How will you know? You run away Anytime you feel the pain. You scream so loud I'm the only who hears 'Cause you don't make a sound" How Will You Know by BECCA

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Several long minutes went by in silence, the only thing breaking it was the occasional sniffle from Natsu. His head was still buried into her bare back, Lucy could feel the dampness on her skin and it was chilling her to the bone.

"Natsu…you can stop crying…" Lucy tried to soothe him, her hands holding on his tightly.

"I'm not crying…" Lucy had to strain her ears to hear his response and she smiled softly.

"Natsu…" Happy spoke softly.

"Happy…can you leave us alone for awhile?" Natsu lifted his head slightly, looking at his Exceed companion.

Happy just nodded and headed towards the slightly opened window by Lucy's bed and flew out. Lucy slowly tried to pry Natsu's hands from her abdomen but was met with tough resistance.

"Don't." he said more clearly now.

"Natsu…you're hurting me a little, my stomach still hurts a bit. I want to see your face." She started again.

"No Lucy." He spoke more firmly, holding her tighter. "First Igneel, then Lisanna, then you…everyone important vanishes from my life. Lisanna came back, I knew you were alive but I didn't think you'd be back…"

"Natsu, I'm not going anywhere, at least let me turn to see you."

Lucy felt his grip loosen considerable and she slowly turned, pulling her legs out from under her so she was sitting. She let out a sigh of relief as blood started to flow back to her legs and then looked up at Natsu, smiling. Somehow his features seemed sharper, his hair a little longer and she couldn't help but run a few fingers through it. Something at the start of his hairline caught her eye and she brushed the salmon colored strands aside, noticing a scar.

"Don't look at that." Natsu mumbled and pulled her hand away, looking at her seriously.

"What happened?" Lucy asked.

"Got it from Angel."

Lucy just nodded and then gave a small smile, "I guess we have something in common then."

For the first time Natsu glanced her over more thoroughly, noticing the scars and bandages on her stomach. He reached down to touch the bandaging, slowly pulling on the ends of it.

"Natsu what are you-" Lucy started

"Hold still."

Before she knew it he was slowly unraveling the bandages, tossing them to the side without a second thought. Lucy squinted her eyes shut, not wanting to see the damage herself.

"I should have killed her" Natsu started to get angry.

"Natsu…" Lucy opened her eyes again to look at him, "You may think that but you don't mean it. You don't kill people."

Natsu just let out a sigh and calmed down, resting his head on her shoulder, "I hate to admit it but you're right…"

Lucy let out a sigh herself, "so whats the damage? I haven't seen it."

"You look beautiful either way Luce."

Heat rose in her cheeks and she bit her lower lip gently, her heartbeat quickening.

"But…" Natsu started and pulled away looking at her, "You shouldn't have to look like that if you don't want to. We should see Porlyusica."

"Hehe I admit I might want most of these scars gone. All except one." Lucy smiled.

"One?" Natsu seemed confused but he watched Lucy pull back her hair, revealing a small scar on her neck.

"We can be twins." Lucy started to giggle but quickly silenced by a pair of lips.

Her mouth was on fire, burning. Natsu continued to press his lips against her, assulting them. Before she knew it she felt his hand on her leg, lifting the sarong up slowly. She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him off gently, breaking the kiss. She recovered her breath a bit as Natsu looked at her confused.

"I…" Lucy started before Natsu let go of her and stood, still looking confused.

"I'm sorry…I should go." Natsu started before he felt slender arms around his waist.

"Wait…I want to talk and sort things out first. We kept dodging and deflecting…and lying about our feelings…okay mostly me…" Lucy stuttered, "But before I can tell you things, I need to do something first. Something only you can help me with…"

"What is it?" Natsu asked.

"Angel's keys. I need to do something first. Before I focus on my happiness…I need to help someone get happiness first." Lucy continued.

"I understand. They are on your desk."

"Thank you Natsu." Lucy smiled and let go of him, walking towards the desk.

She felt a hand on her wrist time to see Natsu looking at her seriously, "Then we talk about…us?" he asked.

"Yes. I promise. There is so much I want to tell you…" Lucy smiled.

"Alright let's do this then." Natsu gave her his trademark grin and let go of her wrist.

Examining the symbols on the keys she slowly plucked one off, holding it out in front of her.

"Gate to the chained woman, I open thee! Andromeda!" Lucy shouted, seeing a gate form in front of her.

Lucy's eyes widened as she saw the dark haired woman appear, smiling. She had never seen the woman so happy since she met her, Lucy was however surprised at her new attire. Shackles were on her ankles with small broken chains hanging from them. Her body was covered by a simple sleeveless white dress that came to he knees and her wrists had similar shackles on it.

"You called Lucy?" Andromeda smiled.

"Wait Lucy that's" Natsu started before Lucy stepped between them.

"She saved me." Lucy stated sternly and Natsu just nodded silently.

"Andromeda." Lucy smiled, "Can I make a contract with you?"

"I'm available whenever, whereever." The darked hair woman replied.

"You don't have to be so generous, I don't mind if you want a day or two to yourself. You are my friend, not my slave." Lucy urged her.

"No, it's thanks to you I am a normal spirit now. The king lets me be with other spirits now. I'm no longer isolated. But…"

"Cetus…" Lucy finished her thought and Andromeda nodded.

"The spirit king said that a contract must be made with him with me present, and if you can do that. He'll let him be among other spirits again, like myself."

"Andromeda…I'll try to summon him also. But I don't know if I can do two spirits at once. I've summoned all my spirits once before, but it didn't last very long. So I'll try…but I can't promise a success right away." Lucy explained.

"I…understand." Andromeda replied and then glanced over at Natsu, who was eying her oddly. "Is that…Natsu?"

"How did you-?" Natsu started before Lucy let out a nervous laugh.

"I talked about you…a lot. Let's get to business shall we?"

"Yes let's." Andromeda smiled, stealing glances at Natsu.

"So think this is his key, if I'm reading these right…" Lucy mumbled, grabbing the keyring.

Lucy glanced over at Natsu and he mearly gave her a small encouraging nod along with a thumbs up. She smiled and held the key out before her.

"Hopefully since its just two silver keys I can do this…" she mumbled before a determined look appeared on her face, "Gate to the sea monster, I open thee! Cetus!"

A bright light flashed as a gate appeared in front of her, knocking Lucy back into her desk.

"Lucy!" Natsu was quickly at her side and helped her up, watching the light vanish.

"What is that?" Lucy mumbled, holding her head.

"What's what?" Natsu asked before he saw a large creature struggling on the dry carpet of Lucy's bedroom.

"Cetus! Is that you?" Andromeda scrambled towards the creature, attempting to scoop it up into her arms.

"It needs water. Get it to the bathroom" Lucy ordered Natsu, still clutching her head.

Natsu nodded and then looked at the black haired woman, who also nodded. Lucy watched as the two slowly picked up the creature and bring it into the bathroom, hearing the bathwater running. Lucy walked to the bathroom door and eyed the creature.

"Is that Cetus? I thought he was a person?" Lucy was more confused then ever.

"It is. It has to be." Andromeda started, looking at the creature in the bathtub. "I can feel it…in here" she placed a hand over her heart.

"Okay let me try this then, I can feel my magic draining pretty fast. Cetus, can I make a contract with you?" She kneeled at the side of the bathtub, watching the creature attempt to move around.

"The tub is too small for him…it" Natsu stated matter of factly.

"I know Natsu, but its better then him drowning. I didn't realize he needed to be in water. Aquarius dosen't always need to be." Lucy sighed and ran a hand through her hair, feeling a headache coming on.

"I don't want a contract." She heard a voice come from in front of her.

"What?" Lucy eyed the creature curiously.

"I don't want to make a contract with a mage ever again." A deep voice spoke again.

"Why? I'm trying to help you." Lucy was shocked.

"Mages don't help their spirits, they use them like tools."

"Lucy isn't like that Cetus!" Andromeda pleaded.

"My hearing is decieving me." The deep voice stammered.

"Cetus…Please, Lucy is trying to reunite us, let her make a contract." Andromeda continued to plead.

"Andromeda…?" The deep voice asked.

"Yes it's me Cetus. Can't you see?" Andromeda kneeled next to Lucy and reached out for the creature.

It raised it's head slowly to attempt to look around and Adromeda eyes widened.

"Your eyes…" she started.

"Masato took one of them…the other I eventually lost from swimming in waters where the light can't penetrate." The deep voice explained.

"Please Cetus, let me make a contract with you. It's the only way I can let you be with her. The only way to free you from your isolation…" Lucy urged.

"I…" the deep voice started.

"Just do it already you stupid lizard. Do you love the woman or not?" Natsu sighed, crossing his arms.

"Natsu!" Lucy shot a trademark glare at her love interest.

Lucy stopped glaring when she heard a chuckle from behind her, she turned back to see the creature nodding it's head.

"Your friend has a point…and if Andromeda trusts you, I trust you. Let's make a contract."

Lucy and Adromeda smiled, "what days are you available?"

"Whenever she is."

"You sure?" Lucy asked but felt her power was almost gone, "I guess for now it's okay. We can change it if needed later."

A bright light started to form around the bathtub and Lucy felt herself being knocked back again.


/ / / / / / / / / /

Lucy opened her eyes slowly to see an unfamiliar setting. The ceiling was made from straw or something similar. She sat up to see she wad covered in fur blankets in what looked like a hut. I really need to stop passing out and waking up in different places…

She glanced to the side to see Natsu was sleeping next to her, his hand holding hers tightly. She smiled and brought her other hand over the brush some hair out of his eye. Her smile became bigger when she saw his eye was squinted.

"Natsu are you pretending to be asleep?" she asked softly.

"No…I'm sleeping. Now shh."

Lucy chuckled and looked around more, becoming slightly more confused. This was not Natsu's place.

"Where are we? I feel like I've been here but…"

"Porlyusica's. She got rid of your scars." Natsu finally opened his eyes and slowly sat up next to her in bed.

"Why am I here? What about Cetus?"

"Don't worry. You did it Luce." Natsu grinned, "I'm lucky you passed out."

"Wait." Lucy eye's widened and she pulled her hand away from his grasp. "Lucky? Did you do something to me when I was sleeping?"

"No no. That guy, he went back to being human…spirit like…whatever he is. Stupid lizard was all naked like Gray. Guys aren't supposed to look pretty with long hair." Natsu crossed his arms and huffed, some steam leaving his nose.

"Wait…are you jealous?" Lucy grinned now.

"No. It's just bad enough you've seen Gray naked all the time. Don't need to add to the list."

"Not like seeing Gray is a choice you know. Plus I've seen somone else before too"

"Who?" Natsu's eyes bulged and he stared at Lucy intently.

"I'm staring at him." Lucy started back at him intently.

"Eh?" Natsu's voice caught in his throat and he stumbled off the bed, landing on the ground with a crash.

Lucy laughed harder, never seeing Natsu look so flustered and vulnerable. Before she knew it she felt a hand on her wrist, yanking her onto the floor next to him.

"Ow! What was that-" Lucy started before she saw Natsu lean in real close.

"We never did talk." He looked at her seriously. "How did you know?"

"How did I know?" Lucy asked.

"You said before you vanished that you loved me. How did you know?"

"I realized that night…" Lucy started and slowly sat up, feeling heat rise in her cheeks, "As horrible and cliché…corny this sounds. When you held me, kissed me, it felt right. Like this thing clicked, suddenly the world was turning again, everything made sense again. But I was scared insecure, I was just out of a relationship where I was constantly being tortured with the accusation that I was being unfaithful with you."

"Wait…" Natsu started but he felt Lucy place her hand over his mouth.

"Let me finish!" Lucy raised her voiced and tried to calm herself down, feeling herself shaking now. "I felt like I had been in the wrong all along and then you said to forget it. I was scared, uncertain but Mirajane said no one can tell me how I feel. I chose these feelings for you. I chose to give us a chance, I wanted to tell you. When I saw Lisanna I froze, I thought maybe she was the reason you told me to forget, so I just took off without bothering to find out your feelings."

"I was also scared and uncertain. I admit I'm not good with words or love. I show how I feel best with actions. I truly realized that night, that my feelings for you were love. I wanted you to stop crying, I wanted you to forget him and I wanted you to be mine. I wanted to save you, show you that someone was there right beside you. But I was just selfish and pushed my feelings onto you. I wanted you to forget because I didn't go about it the right way. I should have told you with words, when you were feeling better and not when we were drunk and depressed. Lisanna is my childhood friend, I love her like I love Erza and Happy and Wendy and" Natsu felt a pair of soft lips cut him off.

"Lu-" he tried to speak between the kisses and felt some dampness against his cheeks.

He pulled himself away to see tears streaming down the blonde's cheeks.

"Lucy…" he started again.

"I love you Natsu…I really really love you." She cried more.

"I love you too Lucky Lucy Heartphillia." Natsu grinned and attempted to wipe her eyes.

"I want to be your lover, your girlfriend, your best friend…" Lucy continued to sob.

"Lucy, Lucy" Natsu chuckled, "Did you hear me? I love you too."

"My ears are decieving me." Lucy chuckled in between her light sobs.

"Marry Me."

Lucy stopped her chuckling and stared at the dragon slayer before her, the only thing moving was the tears on her cheeks. Her eyes widened and Natsu just continued to grin, running a hand through the back of his head.

"Wait. WHAT? Marriage? How did we get from confession to marriage! Do you even understand what marriage is?" Lucy felt steam come out her ears, her face burning up like a match.

"Didn't you write in your diary that you wanted a guy to make a beautiful confession and then sweep you off your feet to the church. I may be dense Lucy but I know what marriage is. Freed and Mira got married."

"You read my diary?" Lucy's blush deepend and she brought her hand up into a fist, throwing a punch at Natsu.

Natsu just grinned and caught her wrist, pulling her closer. "Marry me Lucy."

Lucy continued to blush and averted her gaze, nodding shyly. "Just not right away okay…? I want to plan a ceremony…and I want a ring…"

"Anything you want I'll get for you." Natsu gave her soft kiss on the nose, causing Lucy to giggle. "But not Happy."

"I don't want Happy." Lucy continue to giggle.


They leaned in to eachother for a kiss but heard a cough come from the doorway. They glanced over to see a elderly woman with pink hair standing there.

"If you are feeling better then get out. I hate humans!" she glared.

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There it is. Ahhhhh. I hope you guys liked it, I was worried the chapter would be all over the place or too long but I hope you guys like. Please R/R and thank you for reading all the way through. Hope to see you guys again soon with another Fairy Tail fic. :D

::hands out porlyusica plushies::