ULTIMATE DISCLAIMER: Every content, character, plot etc. that anyone is able to recognize as other's property is NOT mine. I have no intention to get into any trouble involving law and money.

ULTIMATE WARNING: So far most of my stories are turning out to be SLASH and MPREG. So they may contain mature, Male/Male Relationship and not so graphic sex scenes between two men. If you can't stand these or don't want to read them, please leave this story behind!

AU, OOC (just to be safe). Extreme SLASH. Non-con, just in this chapter. (Left it out at first, sorry, my mistake!)

Pairing: Castiel/Sam (Top/Bottom)


This is an attempt at a sex scene and, later, MPreg. Please, help me improve my writing style by Reviewing this story, so I won't disappoint anyone in my other stories. Constructive criticism is much appreciated. Just be gentle, please! Thank you very much!

Hope you'll enjoy this little idea! I'm not planning it to be long. And this is the most graphicness I'm willing to write in scenes like this. I was blushing just imagining it before writing it down. :)

Evening slowly closed in on the little town, the horizon letting through the last couple of blinks of the sun from behind the blanket. The darkness of the evening was steadily taking over the afternoon sky. In the most decent motel of the town a young man was sitting on the single bed, the farther of the two from the door. His brown locks shined silkily as they were tucked behind his ears, the tips tickling the back of his neck, when the young man swiped one or two escaped tresses back to their places and out of his eyes. His bright hazel-green eyes were glued onto the pages of a book in his lap, his large from curled up as he leaned against the headboard, so he could lean the book against his thighs as he was reading.

Samuel Aaron Winchester was greatly engrossed in the story he was reading that he didn't notice the beautiful sight outside from the window next to him. The sunbeams were glinting on the drops of water remaining on the tree-leaves and the grass from the morning rain. Since the Apocalypse had been stopped, he'd made time to enjoy the beauty of the nature and the world around him. Dean often joked about him being "a sentimental teenage chick", but he ignored it. Since there had been a slight chance of someone destroying the world and their lives, Sam realized that he just ran through his own life, letting himself be whisked away by the assembly line of hunting.

But now, no matter how girly he felt about it either, he got a chance to make up for those lost experiences and he took it immediately. So, the brothers had cut back on the hunts and they were more like on a road trip than on a rush from one job to the other without any stop on the way.

Their last case, a poltergeist in a little family home, was closed today and Dean went out to a bar to celebrate a job well done in his own style. The older brother tried to convince his sibling to join him, but Sam refused then to show Dean that he was serious, he locked himself away in the bathroom and took a long, soothing shower. By the time he came out of the room, Dean was gone with only a note left behind that read:

'Be back in the morning. Don't pull anything by lying on the bed, Grandma! D.'

So, Sam decided to get back to his newest hobby: reading those goddamned Supernatural books. At first when he saw them in the library a few weeks ago, he just rolled his eyes and ignored them, but as he searched for the right books on their case that time, he couldn't help but glance back at them. Finally, he just borrowed the first two from the library with his other findings. The research on the case had been easy, so he had a lot of time to start in on the books. Ever since he opened the very first book and started reading, he understood the addictiveness of the series: even though they had a bad rep, the stories were phrased greatly and the dialogues were eerily accurate. Every moment of the books brought out the same exact memory in Sam's mind, even the tiniest ones, like what kind of shirt he was wearing on the case of the ghost boy in the lake. But what was most catching for him in the whole series was that he finally found out what his brother was thinking at those times.

Sam always had a hard time reading and deciphering his big brother's words and expressions until he finally got better and smarter about it. However, even with that knowledge, he still realized some things that he was completely wrong about with his brother. Sam liked to think about those shameful moments as learning experiences.

Now he was reading about the case with the tulpa. He remembered that idiotic prank war his brother started on the way to the town in Texas, but reading it in a sort of 'outsider' perspective was more fun than living it through. Sam even laughed out loud a couple times and one of those occasions was a prank of Dean's.

He was halfway through the book when he heard the familiar flutter of wings in the middle of the motel room. He immediately knew who came to them: Castiel.

It was during the attempt of stopping the Apocalypse that Sam and Castiel began getting to know each other better. Since both of them knew that Dean wasn't the 'sharing and caring' type of person, Castiel had turned to Sam for help in his confusion. Sam knew what it was like to be abandoned by a father, but he couldn't imagine what it would feel like when you loved your father whole-heartedly. He listened, though, to the wrecked angel and helped him get through that hurt somehow. As time flew by the two of them grew closer to each other then on their last night on Earth, or as they thought, Castiel decided to be brave and kissed the younger man. The angel had fallen and become human already, when that happened, and though he was confused by the emotions that kiss stirred in him, he recognized it as the emotion he felt for his father, but much more passionate and intense. Sam was dumbstruck when he heard that, but he felt the same way.

After the Apocalypse was stopped with a special appearance of God, who was – to everyone's surprise – Chuck, the drunkard writer of the 'Winchester Gospel', human and renewed angel came much closer and started a relationship. Sam and Castiel had been meeting frequently in the following weeks, but they never went further than shy kisses and subtle touches on the arms or back. So, when Sam looked up to greet his angel, he was greatly surprised by the sly, fierce look Castiel gave him, almost undressing the young man with only his eyes.

"Cas?" Sam asked uncertainly as he put the book down onto the nightstand and stood up from the bed. "Is everything okay?"

Cas didn't answer, but a lopsided grin crept onto his face, which was very odd to see from the usually innocent angel. Cas slowly sidled up to Sam, who could only stand there rooted to his spot, mouth hanging open slightly, gaping at his angel in shock. As Cas stopped in front of him, the angel smoothed his index finger down Sam's chest lightly. The young man gasped at the teasing touch that burned his skin even through the T-shirt.

"C-Cas" Sam uttered out, shaken by the uncharacteristic touch from the angel, "what-?"

His words were cut off by the soft lips pressing down onto his, and Sam instinctively kissed back, his hand lifting up to cup the angel's cheek. He was about to pull back, when Castiel sneaked his hand under Sam's T-shirt, fingertips caressing the young man's smooth skin. Sam tried to push the angel away, not understanding what was going on, but Cas just wrapped his arm around the man's waist and buried his free hand into the long, brown locks, deepening the kiss with a tight grip on them. When Sam tried to take a step back, the angel followed him until his back hit the wall. He never would've thought that the smaller angel can overpower him so easily. Finally, Sam gathered enough strength to push Castiel away, but only his lips freed from the slightly demanding kiss.

"Cas, what are you doing?" he asked in a trembling voice. He was terrified of the angel, the feeling unfamiliar for him ever since they had become friends then lovers. He started gasping in fear as the hand in his hair began its slow descent down his chest to his backside, the fingers caressing his cheek through the sweatpants. "Cas, please, wait…" he pleaded quietly.

"Shhh" the angel shushed him, placing a finger on his lips. Sam then noticed the arm around his waist disappeared. Before he could plot an escape plan from the angel's hold, the arm returned and he was a moment away from letting out a scared whimper. "Everything will be alright, Sam" Castiel continued, his deep, gruff voice becoming smooth and soft, which only happened for Sam. "I will not harm you. I would never do that. I am going to make love to you as you deserve it." Sam raised his gaze onto the angel's unbelievably light blue eyes, feeling his scared puppy eyes slip into place, as the fans of Supernatural always called it. Cas just smiled at him then started leaning in towards the man's lips, but Sam turned his head away, hoping it would stop the angel. After a moment, he realized how wrong he was.

The angel's lips wandered down his face, nipping his jaw, to his neck bared by his movement. Sam felt something soft brush the skin behind his ear and felt his limbs tense. When the softness caressed that spot again, he realized it was the angel's tongue. He began trembling as the blood rushed down to his groin, a reaction that always came from that kind of ministration. His body leaned heavily onto the wall, feeling pleasant numbness course through his veins. Then a moan broke out of him: the angel bit down gently on that sensitive spot behind his ear and was gently sucking on it. Sam gripped the back of the angel's trenchcoat, pulling the being closer with that. Castiel's lips curved into a smile against his neck as he continued his task of turning on his precious human.

After a few moments, Cas pulled away from Sam's neck and attacked the man's lips again. Sam was more compliant after that subduing session, inviting the angel's soft tongue into his own mouth when Cas tried to enter. The human's fingers buried themselves into the short, dark-brown tresses, while the angel's arms wrapped around Sam tightly like he was afraid if he lets his human go, he will disappear forever.

Castiel pulled away from the wall and stepped to Sam's bed. Not breaking the kiss, he gently lowered his human down onto the mattress like a porcelain glass onto the velvet pillow. As he lowered himself onto the man, he began his slow path down Sam's body.

As soon as the angel broke the kiss, Sam began panting for air to feed his starving lungs, but his gasps turned into breathless moans, as Castiel teased every little point of his body, getting rid of his T-shirt at the same time. He shivered from the cool hands caressing his sides and stomach, the rough material of the trenchcoat rubbing up against his fired up skin. He moaned at the slightly unpleasant feeling, but it soon disappeared, giving way to smooth skin. His hazy mind fairly quickly understood that the angel got rid of his own clothes.

When Castiel began working on the man's nipples with surprising talent, Sam felt hardness rub against his thigh. He felt tears gather in his eyes from the knowledge of the upcoming event. Castiel, though, sensed his distress and rubbed soothing circles onto the man's stomach while he continued his way downwards, caressing the six-pack of the abdomen with his tongue. The muscles jumped at the tickling touch and Sam finally felt pleasure overtake his body, feeling dizzy at the speed of the blood rushing down to his groin area.

At last, the point of no return arrived: Castiel reached the waistband of the sweatpants and he quickly discarded the clothing. Sam shivered from the breath of the angel traveling down his hardness then moaned loudly at the soft tongue teasing his length. His hips bucked up towards the warmth that touch promised, but the angel's hands held him in place, breaking a frustrated growl out of the human. However, Castiel just teased Sam with soft touches of his lips, his tongue and his fingers, before starting his ascent on the path he wandered down.

"Cas, please…" Sam moaned breathlessly, his chest jumping erratically from his panting at his adrenaline-filled state. He moaned again when Castiel's hand palmed his groin area gently, stroking his length with his fingers, while he latched his lips onto Sam's neck again. One of Sam's hand buried into Castiel's hair, holding the angel in place, as the other gripped the pillow under the man's head tightly.

When Sam felt the tip of the mountain close, Castiel stopped his ministrations and returned to the soothing circles on the man's stomach. Sam mewled at the loss of contact in his groin but he felt his senses and body settle down some at the angel's caresses. His mind was heavy with adrenaline, slowing his thinking down, so he jumped at the coldness at his backside. When he regained his senses, he found Castiel between his spread, bent legs, and a pillow under his hips for better angle. Before he could react to the sight in front of him, he felt the intrusion. He whimpered from the pain it caused and he buried his face into his pillow, breathing through the uncomfortable feeling.

"Shhh, it's alright, Sam" Castiel whispered, keeping up the soothing circles on the man's stomach. When Sam's breathing evened out somewhat, the feeling grew in intensity, until Sam felt the angel's knuckles against his skin. He gasped out a sob at the strange feeling of the angel's finger inside him, his nails almost ripping the pillow open from the force of his hold. The finger carefully moved around a bit and when Sam loosened up as much as he could, another finger entered him, stretching his opening further and more painfully.

"Stop, please!" he cried out, tears rolling down his face and into the pillow. He felt the second finger slid into him slowly to the hilt, but just before it stopped, Sam's nerves exploded in pleasure. He gasped at the overwhelming sensation, his eyes snapping open wide and landing on the angel's triumphant smile.

"You are going to feel better soon, Sam" the angel spoke softly and the tip of his fingers brushed against that spot, causing Sam to moan louder, his hips almost flying off the bed and pushing down against the fingers. When a third one entered him, he almost didn't notice it, floating in his bliss from the explosion of pleasure. Soon the fingers disappeared but the tip of the angel's length brushed his opening.

"This will be unpleasant at first" the angel warned Sam, "but you will feel better soon, alright?" Sam nodded, not finding enough concentration to speak. Then he felt something bigger enter him, stretching his opening even more. The pain yanked Sam out of his pleasure and he cried out another sob from it.

"Enough! Please!" he sobbed, but the angel carried on until he was buried in his human completely. Giving some time for Sam to calm down and collect himself, Castiel pulled out and slammed back in at a different angle. Sam's cry was now more from surprise than pain: that bundle of pleasure exploded in him again. The man moaned from the sensation, letting it soothe his pain from the intrusion. Castiel lifted one of his human's leg onto his shoulder and leant closer to Sam, lifting the other's hips from the pillow just enough, so he could hit that sweet spot over and over again without any needless effort. As he took a pace, slowly speeding up, he locked his lips onto Sam's, swallowing the beautiful sounds the man was giving out in his pleasure. When his pace reached the quickest rhythm he could manage, he attacked Sam's neck, drawing out more of those mewls and moans that helped with his own pleasure.

Feeling the human getting close to the edge, he straightened up to have a full view of Sam's ecstasy. At last, with a final thrust, Sam came undone with a scream, his back arching off the bed from the force. With that beautiful sight in his mind, Castiel followed his human over the tip of the mountain. He pulled his spent member out gently and with his final strength he lay down next to Sam, not wanting to crush the human's exhausted body with his own weight.

Sam carefully turned towards him and curled into his side. Castiel pulled him into his embrace, protecting the man from every possible danger like that. When he felt the wetness drip down his neck and heard the hitch in Sam's breathing, he tightened his hold on the tired and dejected human, covering the sweaty body with the blanket of his own wings. The very first beam of the silver moon rebounded on pure white feathers.


So, how did you like it? Please, Review, so I can improve my style. Thank you very much! MPreg comes later.

See you soon!