Chapter Two

Sarek looked up, hopeful. "You have always found solutions, even when there seemed none. Perhaps…"

Kirk held out his hand, though he was tempted to grab the stubborn Vulcan and drag him down the dock, into the boat, if it were at all possible, even if he stunned him. Ambassador Sarek was a tall man, and Vulcans were unusually heavy due to their higher percentage of muscle that was also denser. And the dock was authentic wood floating upon the water.

"Just a moment…" Sarek closed his eyes, preparing for the touch, Kirk realized.

Then he reached up and Kirk pulled his arm around his shoulders, and put his own around Sarek's waist. He could feel Sarek still shaking, but realized the length and breadth of the touch had to be quite a strain on his already embattled system.

"Just follow my lead. Focus on each step." It would almost have been comical, the increase in Sarek's respiration, the spike of tension in his body each time the walkway dipped. Kirk could even feel the tension mount as Sarek glanced toward the water, and again as he must have noticed its true depth beneath the boats.

"Don't look at the water. Look to the boat. The red one on the left." He could feel Sarek's shaking increase. Could feel him fighting his urges and furor of emotion just beneath his artificial fortress of calm quickly weakening. Just the edges Kirk could sense caused his adrenaline to rush, as if he were escorting a ferocious beast who might momentarily slash him to pieces.

"We must hurry!" Sarek whispered with urgency.

They moved faster. The walkway dipped harder. Kirk felt as if Sarek might yank his arm from his shoulder. His shaking was starting to jerk Kirk about so that he feared they might bother tumble off into the water. He realized he wasn't even sure Sarek could swim, but with the heavy clothing he wore drenched and greater muscle mass that weighted a body rather than floated, would there even be a chance of rescue? He'd plummet to the bottom. He decided that now would not be a good time to ask.

Kirk grabbed at every pole and post for a handhold. Watched the edges of the walkway and the water that seemed nearer with each step.

Finally, the boat was to the left. He pressed Sarek toward it. The Vulcan had been so focused on moving forward and fast that he'd almost missed it. Kirk held him tight as he stumbled. His legs were wobbly, giving way. With the instability of the platform, and Sarek's size and weight, they'd be lost if he collapsed.

With likely seconds left, as he felt Sarek's fear swell, he yelled "hold on" to get through to the Vulcan, and shoved him towards the door handholds. Sarek grabbed at them, his whole body shuddering, his eyes closed. Holding on for dear life as they heard the water slapping against the boat. Kirk heard voices, too close for comfort.

"Everything okay?" From a voice he didn't recognize. He could hear someone approach. See the light of a flashlight flick about them. He could hear other doors swing open. See boats lighting up at what must have sounded like a commotion. Then, "My god, is that a Vulcan!"

Kirk waved at them as casually as he could while holding a Vulcan collapsed against his boat, almost slipping between the dock and boat, into the cold, dark water. He noticed Sarek turn his face toward the boat so he might not be recognized, and was thankful for that amount of awareness, likely instinct, at least. They certainly didn't need the media, Federation Security, not to mention Sarek's bodyguards, swarming in!

He tried not to think of how it looked: Sarek drugged and strong-armed down to a place noVulcan would voluntarily go. His boat would likely be watched to make sure it went nowhere, and a few coms might need to be placed to keep trouble at bay. But most of the folk in these boats knew him and that his relationships to Vulcans in general was above reproach. Likely, they would give him the benefit of the doubt. Likely, at worst they might watch his movements or saunter over to check on the two of them. Not that Sarek was in any shape to fake being fine, but he'd deal with that if it happened.

He opened the door and lugged Sarek through, unwieldy and half-aware; he kept his arms out to grab at handholds at least. Together they all but tumbled inside. He pulled Sarek, still stumbling, onto the couch. Grabbed a thick, wool blanket kept for Spock if he could talk him into visiting, ever, and threw it over him even as he closed and secured the door. He cranked the heat and the fireplace, and turned to check Sarek. His eyes were glazed and half-closed. He was still shuddering.

Kirk pulled out the medical emergency drawer, and rifled through for the single-use tranquilizers that helped slow a Vulcan's system in almost any emergency. He felt badly for what Sarek had been through, but it was the closest place, and likely Sarek wouldn't have made it anywhere else without far more attention and risk.

He emptied one of the tranquilizers into his arm and watched. The shuddering slowed but he still didn't look well at all. A second might put him out, which might be a dangerous delay for his problem. He waited the few minutes to see the dosage take effect. Sarek's eyes cleared somewhat, though he looked sleepy and a little disconcerted. He looked about as if he again realized where they were, eyeing the walls as if they might approach stealthily upon him like some predator.

"It is small," Sarek said.

Kirk smiled, realizing that Sarek meant no insult but was unused to small spaces, except perhaps the elevator. Big rooms in big houses, a big office and big council chambers.

He looked back at the door; seemed to be surprised that it was closed, then twisted and spied the curtains pulled on each of the windows. He tensed like a trapped animal and Kirk reconsidered the second sedative for a moment.

Sarek looked confused. "My respiration has decreased to lower than normal, as has my heart rate."

Kirk look concerned. "I gave you a sedative. Didn't you notice?"

Sarek shook his head.

He looked a tinge gray still, which gave Kirk pause. A Vulcan had to be seriously ill to lose circulation. "How do you feel?"

"Better now that we are not touching." Sarek seemed to ponder how that sounded and closed his eyes. "I didn't mean any insult by that. I'm not quite the diplomat this evening."

Kirk smiled. "I know. Don't worry." He smiled, awaiting the response that Vulcans don't worry, but Sarek didn't respond, only shuddered again.

"It will be warm soon."

Sarek nodded, then collapsed onto the couch in obvious pain. His breathing was suddenly labored, his hands buried into his chest as his legs pulled up.

Kirk stood, about to grab him, then realized he couldn't. He snared another of the sedative hypos and plunged it into Sarek's shoulder. He watched as the pain subsided, but it would come back soon enough. These pains were merely the body's warning that the need must be met soon he knew. Luckily, they didn't last long, but they would accelerate and only get worse. The sedatives could do little but calm the fear and slow his respiration and heart rate.

Sarek looked up, glassy-eyed but finally focused on Kirk.

"We need to talk this through," Kirk said in his most authoritative voice. "Now."

"Yes. Forgive me." Sarek leaned back. "I should not have brought you into this."

"I'm glad you did. I don't think you needed her. Or the possible entanglements should something go wrong."

Sarek looked confused at that. "I think it is all but apparent I did…need her." His eyes finally fastened on the captain's, then his eyes swept Kirk's body. Sarek shook his head as if to clear it.

But Kirk noticed the quick perusal, and realized that Sarek wanted him. He wasn't sure if it was only the coming Time affecting him. If he even had any tendencies towards males normally. But he was sure that Sarek would never admit such, for fear of Kirk feeling obligated in some way, or even out of his need for privacy. He had to wonder if it could be that simple.

"How many of the sedatives do you have?" Sarek asked, his voice a bit slurred. He didn't look at Kirk as he spoke, which was unlike him. He had to wonder if Sarek was trying to divert his body's demand for one so close, even though male.

"A small box," Kirk said. "Ten, I think." He didn't like where this was heading.

"With enough of them, I will lose consciousness."

Kirk shook his head. "Enough and you'll be dead. That doesn't solve anything."

But Sarek didn't seem to hear. As if in some tunnel vision of panic. "If we call the embassy…Soran…he will find someone discreet…among the staff. There are those ready… can retrieve me…by aircar…"

"We don't know how much," Kirk said. "It's not safe!" What a time for McCoy to be off on some excursion.

It made no sense to Kirk. All of this started out to protect Amanda and for discretion. A staff member, in the embassy would be right under Amanda's nose, and that staff member wouldn't conveniently disappear. A constant reminder, and many in the staff would likely know then. It could easily be leaked. Even in the embassy, there were those who resented Amanda, and might take such an opportunity. Suddenly Sarek wasn't making any sense. Then in his condition, he might not anyway.

Sarek crumpled again and Kirk again went to catch him but realized he couldn't touch him or he would make it worse. The pains were coming even sooner, like labor pains, but instead of a child, there would be death.

"But I thought you wanted this private," Kirk argued. "Discreet."

"Too late…I can't…don't want…hurt you…at risk…" He shuddered again, his pants bulged and he groaned, pressing his face into the seat cushion.

"Do you need a meld? Something only a Vulcan can provide?" He was sure this wasn't true, but needed to get rid of the road blocks, to allay Sarek's arguments.

Sarek shook his head.

"Just release?" Likely many times from what he knew of Vulcan biology.

"Yes, but not with…manipulation. Need to enter. Sedatives, James, please…call them…" He could see Sarek's hands shaking, hear his panting through what must be incredible pain for Sarek not to be able to control it, for him to allow Kirk to see him so.

"Gender, Sarek, does gender matter?"

Sarek looked confused. "No, the embassy will have either…"

"But does it matter to you?" Kirk said, as he moved closer to Sarek and slipped off his coat and tunic so that he was bare-chested. It would be such an easy answer. For now, and the next time, at least. He placed his hand near Sarek's straining crotch. They respected each other, admired each other. Kirk had had sex with men when he was younger, and he was certainly stronger and better able to deal with Sarek's needs than Amanda could be, could at least offer a respite for her.

Sarek stared at him, gasping. He looked a little far gone for such a decision, but it was safer, simpler, and solved everything. He had never surveyed Sarek with thoughts of having something of him so intimate. But when Sarek had briefly scanned his body, it had excited him, and seeing Sarek splayed out beneath him, his hair ruffled into waves, his body so hungry and his eyes filled with need, he wanted him.

Sarek seemed to understand suddenly. "James, no…"

"You don't want me?"

"I…you…don't need to do this…" Sarek said between gasps, but he stared at his naked chest as if he was becoming aware of the possibility.

Kirk reached for that bulge. Laid his hand upon it.

Sarek's whole body arched as he cried out.

Kirk had to wonder how excited he could make a Vulcan just by manipulation, if they could only get release through entering an orifice.

"Kirk…James…don't…not just for me…"

Kirk almost laughed. He snared the clasp of Sarek's pants. "Sarek, you make me feel so selfish sometimes."

End of Chapter Two (Chapter Three coming soon!)