Okay, so this used to be There you go again talking Cinematic, but I have decided to change it as I wrote the original just over three years ago. I hope you enjoy the new version. Disclaimer is on my profile.

I dropped my keys and fell to the floor, sobbing.

I had recieved news today, news that could shatter my life, the life that I had worked so hard to rebuild after moving more than halfway around the world to Auckland, New Zealand.


I was about to leave after a day of filming in the role of Anna Harris when the producer of Shortland Street, Steven Zanowski came up to me.

"Miley, I need to talk to you about something."

I slung my bag to my other shoulder. "Go ahead."

"Well, we've managed to get an actor from America to come and guest-star on the show, and we were wondering if you could show him around and make him feel welcome, he's here for a two week contract, maybe more."

I nodded. "Why me?"

"Because he will be filming a lot with you as a romantic love interest and because you're from America," Steven replied. "So will you do it?"


"Great! His name is Jake Ryan."

In that instant, my world had fallen apart.

Jake Ryan was the one who knocked me up four years ago, during consensual sex, sex that I had agreed to, against my values & beliefs.

"Miles, are you sure?" Jake asked, looking up at me.

I kissed him. "Yeah, I'm sure."

"Miles, you definitely sure?" Jake pressed.

I nodded, pulling him in for another kiss.

I will never regret that moment. Jake Ryan was, and still is, the love of my life. We were sixteen, so young. We were together for four years.

That movie night, was all it was supposed to be, a movie night. Jackson was staying at Cooper's house, and Dad was out of town, on Hannah business. Dad was trusting me to be responsible, and I let him down, in the worst way possible.

After that night, I definitely felt like my relationship with Jake had strengthened, until two months later, when I realised that my period was late. I wouldn't have thought too much about that normally, but I was experiencing nausea as well, which definitely set off alarm signals for me.

I went to a pharmacy, and bought three pregnancy tests, the cashier giving me dirty looks as I did so. I could see the disapproval written all over her face.

I took them one by one, on the off chance that at least one would provide the result that I wanted. All of them were positive.

At that point, I freaked. I had no idea what to do. I always knew that in life, I was going to sing, do what I loved. I always knew that I wanted children, but I wanted a career first, and be married.

I couldn't stay in Malibu. I was ashamed about what had happened, and I couldn't face anyone, not even Jake, the father of my baby. I wanted him to have a career, I didn't want to weigh him down with a baby, and there was always the chance that he would freak out like I had done.

I packed my bags and headed to the airport, but not before leaving individual notes for Dad, Jackson, Jake, Lilly and Oliver. I couldn't leave without an explanation, my family deserved more than that.

When I went to the airport, I decided to take the first flight out of the country, to Auckland, New Zealand, more than halfway around the world. I rented a small furnished apartment, then looked for a job. I got a full time job at the local supermarket, and worked there until I was seven and a half months pregnant, then I went on maternity leave.

It wasn't easy. Not even close. Everywhere I went, I was given dirty looks. "Babies having babies." One woman said as I walked down the street.

When Renae Madison Stewart was born when I was seventeen, on August 23rd, 2011, she became my life, what I was living for. She had my hair, and Jake's eyes. I began work again when she was six months, putting her in the daycare centre near work.

When Renae turned one, I realised that I missed singing and acting, so I got an agent, and got work as an extra, before my agent, Alana Baker, signed me up for a Shortland Street audition. I got three callbacks before landing the role, just after my nineteenth birthday.

That was three years ago. Now Renae is four, and I am 21.

"Miley, are you okay?" I looked up to see Renae's babysitter, Riley, standing in the doorway, Renae on her hip. Riley was my age, and was studying at Auckland University, to become a nurse.

I wiped my eyes, and held my arms out to take Renae. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

"Tough day at work?" Riley asked sympathetically.

I nodded, kissing Renae's forehead. "Yeah, you could say that."

"Will you be okay?" Riley asked.

"Yup." I fished in my pocket for my wallet. I pulled out $80, and handed it over.

"Thanks." Riley smiled.

"See you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yup, once I finish my classes, I'll pick Ren up from daycare."


"Bye Miles."

"Bye Riles." I replied automatically, and we laughed.

Riley is the closest I have to a best friend now. I met her through work before I got the role, and a while after Renae was born, she realised that she was sick of her job, and I offered her the babysitting gig.

I didn't like to lie to her. But I was going to tell her, once I had gotten over the fact that the person that I was trying to avoid for the last four years of my life was returning to my life.

I hoped you liked this chapter, it was just an introductory chapter.

Please review :) Feel free to PM me if you have anything to say, I reply to all PMs, and I appreciate constructive criticism, it makes me grow as a writer.

Thanks for reading.