AN: Ok so I have spent more than four nights working on this chapter, and every night I tell myself I am going to finish it by the end of the night, but of course here I am making it longer lol I am honest when I say this chapter was not meant to be this long, but this is the final chapter to my longest story yet so I figure if I am going to end it I better end it BIG with the longest chapter I have ever written so far!

It had its challenges but I was more than happy to write it I had so much fun writing this whole story actually and it really gave me something to do in my spare time. I love Sesshomaru's character so I loved writing ever word of my stories even if they could use some work.

Anyway here you go I hope you enjoy the ending to this story, and btw thank you for all the comments I have received so far. From the ones who have kept up with my stories love you guys and to the ones who are new to the party. Thank you to the anonymous reviewers I really appreciate it thanks a lot, and to the ones who have only commented once it still means a lot to me. Thank you everyone you guys make these stories worth writing. Please enjoy and R&R!

Disclaimer: I own none of the Inuyasha characters.

With her foot set on the ground Rin waved a goodbye to Kohaku and Kagome while thanking Kirara for the ride back to the village. Carrying one person is easy enough, two didn't make a lot of difference, but three was a bit much yet they somehow managed.

"Will you be alright by yourself?" Kohaku asked with the obvious concern spilling from his voice. "I'll be just fine," Rin reassured as she waved one last time to the both of them before they headed over to Sango's for the night.

With the short walk to her hut Rin began to wonder what was now going to become of the demon assassins. All that was left was Sue and her uncle; the soldier from before was unable to make it from the loss of too much blood according to Kagome, and she was a much more experienced healer than Rin herself. Kohaku had offered to return for Sue and her uncle, but the general turned down the offer when he mentioned there was much explaining that needed to be done. Sue of course, was willing to explain everything, and at the utmost truth.

The cold night wind hit Rin's neck and face, and she blew warm air into her icy hands when her eyes landed on the white silk wrapped around her fingers. She smiled while her cheeks blushed a rosy pink when she thought about the way her lord gently held her hand in his larger warmer one while wrapping a piece of silk, from his own kimono no less, around each one of her fingers and tying it into a knot in the center.

Aside from all the protection she received from him as well as the gifts, this was the sweetest thing he had ever done for her. To know he held that much concern over a few simple bruises left her stomach feeling as though dozens of flower petals were dancing inside; or in this case autumn leaves.

The intense flutter was almost too much for her at that moment, and to release a small amount of her excitement she looked around for a moment to make sure no one was near before she placed her lightly colored pink lips on the soft white silk, and released with a gentle kiss while smiling the rest of the way back to her hut. She no longer felt so cold anymore.


A long silence filled the cold night air as a general with long grayish black hair looked to the dead bodies of the men he used to call his comrades. After his niece explained what happened, he simple sat in silence for a very long time; contemplating on the whole scene playing out in his head, and what their next course of action should be. After what seemed like an eternity of silence he finally spoke with a simple quiet, "…I see."

Sue sat with her back against his back, and she took his words as a sign that is was alright for her to speak now as well. She felt that the quieter it all was, the more she would wake up and this would all be a dream. "So, now what do we do?"

That small conversation happened only a few hours ago, and now Sue found herself slicing through the dirt to make graves for all her soldiers. Her uncle was not far off laying the bodies within the ground. Both knew it would take days till all the bodies were properly buried, and they both knew it would have been pointless to take the warriors back to their homes to be buried; not when there was this many and they no longer had any source of transportation. The horses too were slaughtered, but for some unknown reason the crows only seemed to want their blood rather than their bodies. Human were just more functional they supposed.

A sound of pure disgust erupted form the general's mouth as he removed yet another crow from a soldier's body. "To think I had one of these within me too," he stated before he set the soldier gently in the ground.

"You don't remember anything?" Sue asked.

Her uncle stopped what he was doing, and took a long sigh, "It all happened so fast. There was just too many of them. And before I knew it I found some of our soldiers even attacking me. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and then it was over….no more pain… no more burdens laying on your shoulders, I simply felt…at rest…and it was nice in its own way."

The general's stared from the ground to his niece's black orbs as he finished with a, "I suppose that best explains what death feels like. Well in my case it is."

Sue didn't necessarily respond, but what could have been said when a few hours ago the body that was moving around just now was once seen holding lifeless eyes. "How can a demon be able to possess such a power like that? A demon! Of all the creatures in this world to have the power to bring the dead back to life…I would have thought it to be some kind of priest or spiritual priestess, but no. A demon…"

"The world is a mystery that way Sue," the general replied before chuckling to himself. "So you were finally able to see the Killing Perfection, and here I missed him. Did you happen to get his true name?"

"I heard it vaguely, so I don't really remember," she replied. Getting someone's name wasn't exactly at the top of her head during that time.

"Was he as powerful and ferocious as they say?"

"He was….," Sue wanted to spill out so many horrendous words, but each and every time she could only think of that pure glowing warm light, and for a split second Sue almost thought that demon wasn't even a demon at all, "…strong."

"That's it?"

"I'd rather not talk anymore about him…"

"Well you're going to have to soon," the general mentioned as he rebadged through a sack full of scrolls.

"Huh, but why?"


"Why," Rin thought when she entered her home to find cold messy soup spilled all over her clean floors, and several bottles of ailments broken in two. "Why me," she sighed before laying her eyes on both Ami and Jaken who were trying to hide themselves within the far shadows in the corner.

Rin didn't bother with them until she lit another fire in the center of the hut to illuminate the boards around them with a bright orange glow. Once that was taken care of Rin allowed her face to show the anger it wanted to reveal, and with a harsh enough glare emitting from her eyes Ami and Jaken jumped in fear.

"Listen here Rin don't go thinking this is my fault!" Jaken rambled on, "this foolish girl here tried to boil up the food but ended up making this whole mess!"

"Well you're the one who wouldn't stop complaining about your hunger," Ami argued as she came face to face with the small imp, "at least I was trying to do something while you were sitting around sulking to yourself."

The two growled at each other as if they were mad dogs, and Rin butted in between the two babies to speak in as calm a voice as she could. "I don't care what happened here," she inhaled, "and I don't care how this started. All I want now if for you two to go into Kaede's room so I can get this cleaned up, and then I want to sleep for it has been a very long night."

"You weren't gone that long," Jaken stated before Rin looked to him with the dark circles under her eyes explaining all the sleep she needed. One look and the imp nodded frantically as Ami looked out the door with a, "Where's Sesshomaru?"

"He left," Rin answered while getting some fresh towels to clean up the mess.

"Left!" Jaken repeated, "He wouldn't just leave me in this village."

"Come on now Master Jaken you know this is just how Lord Sesshomaru always is," Rin reassured with a smile. The words were true enough and held comfort in their own way, but that still did not stop the sad puppy eyes from forming on Jaken's face.

No further questions were asked after that, and no further answered were replied. Ami and Jaken left Rin's room with the last words being was to be silent and that there were some spare blankets in a chest in the far right corner. A while had passed and Rin was finally able to get most of the mess cleaned up. To her it looked like a green monster decided to vomit all over her clean floors because most of her ailments were green, and that mixed with the brown broth of the soup made the mess all the more disgusting.

"Done," she finished while using her arm to whip away what little sweat her forehead had created. The room was now clean for the most part aside from the permanent stain that now adorned her wooden floors. Rin knew she had every reason to be mad, but staying angry at someone or something just wasn't in her nature. Her night was filled with mixed emotions, and right now all she wanted was to sleep the rest of the night away.

While arranging her bedroll Rin heard footsteps come near her doorway, and the fact was realized when she saw the upcoming of a dark shadow approach. Her first and only thought accidentally slipped out of her mouth when she ran passed the mat at the door with a very excited, "Lord Sesshomaru".

Brown eyes had hoped to see gold, but all she struck was the black holes of Sue who was standing outside her doorways. Rin stopped dead in her tracks with her hand holding the mat off to the side while she tried her best not to let the silence envelope them. "Sue…what are you-"

"Sesshomaru is it?" she asked, and continued when Rin wasn't quite catching on. "The demon's name is Sesshomaru then, am I right?"

"Well um…yes, but did you come all this way just to ask me that?" Rin asked hoping the woman would just leave. Sue's face and body were covered in cuts and bruises, and her biggest bruise layed on her left cheek where Rin remembered making contact with her fist. A part of her felt bad for doing such a cruel thing, that simple part of her that still found flowers to be just as lively as humans were. Yet the other part of her knew if the woman bad mouthed her lord again the process would be repeated.

"You knew all this time that we were after him," Sue asked with her face holding as much emotion as a rock, "didn't you?" Rin stood her ground and held her head up high while answering with a stern, "yes". Sue's simply responded by humming a noise in the back of her throat. "And I suppose that is why you lied to me? You were trying to protect him?"

This time Rin denied that question by a little, "mm-mm" while shaking her head. "No, he is by no means in need of any protection. On the contrary I am the one usually put into the position where I need to be protected." Rin almost giggled at the twisted concept Sue had in her mind. "However, he is the reason I lied to you. I just…didn't want your army to have to confront him."

"…Are you saying we wouldn't have been strong enough to defeat him?"

Rin nodded, "Even with all of you combined you could not have defeated him." Rin was not going to sugar coat her answer, she told Sue the straight truth.

"…You seem to know so much about him," Sue explained with Rin's coloring going red. "So answer me this, if my army had not of been under control would he still have killed them?"

The question was not one Rin was looking forward to answer, if she could even find the words to answer. It took her a few moments, but finally her lips began to move.

"If your army had attacked him he would have fought back and yes, he probably would have killed them. Although, maybe if you had disregarded any business you have with him then he would have disregarded it as well. To be honest with you in some ways I am still getting to know him. If you want a true answer than you may have to ask him yourself."

"I see," she replied before looking to the hut, "Is he here?"

Rin shook her head, "No, I don't know where he is and if you don't believe me then you may have a look for yourself." Rin held the mat wider, but Sue held up her hand to deny the offer, "That won't be necessary. I simple came to give him these." Sue held in her hands a few scrolls that all looked older than the dirt she stood on considering the amount of wrinkles and dry coloring they had.

"What are those?"

"My uncle said that he would have a much better use for them than we, and that we no longer need them. He would have come here to deliver them himself, but as a general his men come first so he sent me here to deliver them instead."

"I see," Rin said as she eyes the old paper wondering what lay within its contents. "Would you give these to him?" asked Sue. Rin was not very surprised by the request, and nodded her head gentle as Sue handed her the scrolls all in one hand over. Rin felt as though the paper would crumble like the way brown leaves would crack under her feet, so she did her best to handle them with great care. "I'll see that he gets these," she said.

Sue nodded as she turned on her heels and began to walk away, and Rin watched her leave until the woman stopped dead in her tracks. "About before," she spoke without looking back, "I believe I went a tad too far when trying to harm you." Only a tad? Rin was very sure Sue went completely overboard when she started attacking her, but kept the comment to herself as she kept on listening.

"I still hate them, demons I mean. And I don't think a day will ever come when I don't. However, I will cease to harm any humans from this day forward even if they get in my way. From now on it's strictly demons I shall kill." The vow was followed by Sue's hand running through her bangs once again. She knew the bad habit would never stop, but for some reason she doesn't feel it to be such a nuisance anymore. (AN: a habit I wish I could stop too, I guaranty I twirl my bangs every other minute when I write my stories, but I'm sure it's just nerves or idk lol)

Rin felt her sweat drop; at least the woman was making…some kind of change. Though if Rin would have it her way she would rather Sue take up the life of a demon slayer. At least they don't kill for no reason, but what Sue was making was a….start.

Sue began to walk away when her sentence was finished, but the sound of Rin's voice brought her to another stop. "You know," Rin started off, "in the spring that field blooms with dozens of beautiful flowers." Sue didn't look back or reply, but Rin continued either way. "So…um I just wanted to let you know that your soldiers will be buried in a very beautiful place…"

Rin didn't know what else to say, and in the end she only wanted to make some sort of amends. She felt she achieved that goal when she heard Sue whisper a quiet, "Thank you" before walking away to disappear out of sight.

Rin did the same as she turned on her heels to head back inside wondering when or if she was every going to see Sue again.


With a silent flight he made his way over the village avoiding any kind contact with any other hut aside from Rin's. Black leather boots landed atop of a red wooden post, and from there Sesshomaru jumped to land softly on the ground next to the girl's hut.

Normally he would never take such an approach; in fact a little earlier today he held no desire to go inside the shaggy hut due to the amount of people that lay inside not to mention the slayer that seemed to have a way with making Rin smile. Yet now none of that seemed to matter, and with a clawed hand moving the mat to the side Sesshomaru was revealed with the sight of Rin sleeping peacefully on her side with her hand tucked under her cheek and her hair splaying behind her like a raven's black wing. A beautiful sight that even Sesshomaru found alluring.

The room was dark aside from the dying embers that occupied within dusty ash where a fire used to burn, and the moonless night only gave off a darker feel to where if it hadn't of been for his highly developed eyes sight he would have to strain just to see where he was going. The demon prince slowly made his way to his way to the simple village girl while completely forgetting to remove his footwear; not that he meant for any kind of disrespect, but with his presence mainly being within forests instead of homes the little rule simply slipped past his mind.

While kneeling on one knee Sesshomaru studied Rin's features to see just how far into sleep she truly was, and by the sounds of her steady breathing and barely parted lips, it was all the proof he needed that she was very much in the land of dreams. Her soft creamy cheek was displayed before him while the hand he remembered wrapping was tucked under her cheek; almost as if she intentionally fell asleep that way. Adding to much pressure may only worsen the bruise by morning, and Sesshomaru knew the daily chores Rin was responsible for such as picking herbs and gathering water that all involved her working with her hands.

It was all nothing more than a few simple bruises that would heal within a matter of days; he knew that, but for some unknown reason his temper would rise at the thought of Rin in any kind of pain. The bandage was his own way of helping her wound heal quicker, if he couldn't do that then the feeling of being completely useless to the girl would start to develop within him. And to him there was no other feeling that could compare to feeling useless; especially when it came to her, when he once told her he would be the one to fight for her.

This is why….

This is why its better that Rin resigned in the village for the time being. This bruise was brought on by her own actions, but if she were to ever get into the danger he faces while on patrol she could receive wounds far greater than a bruise, and can't always fight at his best when his first priority is her safety instead of killing the enemy. She was safe here, and he would be damned if anyone stood in his way from seeing her.

A gentle clawed finger ran across her pink tinted cheek; very soft and very smooth. His finger ran down her chin till his hand took hold of hers to gently remove her hand from beneath her chin and place it to her side while his thoughts continued.

He didn't need to go back on patrol till winter; he could stay throughout the fall and wait till the first fall of snow to leave. But to leave Rin in such a harsh weather condition didn't fit well in his mind. He could already see her buried in a snow storm without anyone being able to find her, or her body somehow falling through cracked ice and if drowning didn't kill her, the temperature sure will.

Sesshomaru shook his head with his bangs whishing from side to side. What he was thinking must be what humans call 'paranoia', and he wasn't about to let a human emotion take over his calm state of mind. Still though, that didn't stop his thoughts from wandering off, and he was starting to see that his long stay would better off be spent in the winter.

Of course that would mean he would have to leave immediately to patrol his designated territory so he could be back by then; if he wasn't seen around his lands for a long period of time more and more demons would start up a raucous from his lack of attendance. The thought didn't strike him as exciting, but it did leave him with a sense that what he was deciding was for the best.

To have a much longer time spent with this sleeping girl in the winter seemed far better than now when he was sure she would be busy preparing for the coldest season of the year. She would be busy with preparations, and he would be busy with patrols. By the end of fall they would both be done, and he would return in the beginning of winter to enjoy what he considered 'his favorite season' with her.

It was not a bad idea, and as for what he could tell it was already decided. He also decided that having the imp gone would allow his patrol to go by faster without Jaken slowing him down. Now all that was left was to have Jaken deliver the news to Rin. He did not want to wake her when he felt she was in such a peaceful slumber.

With one last gentle stroke to her cheek Sesshomaru lifted himself off his knee to give his orders, but before he could even lift himself from his position he felt a smaller hand clamp down over his to allow his palm to remain over the young woman's cheek. He looked down realizing it was Rin herself who held his hand to her face, and with her eyes barely open he began to wonder if she was just still dreaming.

A sleepy yawn and little moan was all it took for him to know she was awake, and when she whispered his name he knew he wasn't going anywhere yet. "Please," she begged with her eyes still half way open and her hair becoming a messy halo around her head, "please don't go yet."


A few moments later Rin was starting a warm crackling fire and Sesshomaru actually took the time to sense that his servant and whatever the girl's name was were sleeping in another room. Leaving him and Rin alone, and giving them some time together before he left. He had just finished explaining to Rin about his departure, and now he was waiting for her reply.

"Oh…I see," she whispered while trying to hide her obvious disappointment by covering up with a fake smile. Of course she did not want him to leave so soon especially when she got to spend so little time with him in the two days that he was actually here. It led her to feel both mad and sad at the same time, but knew she had no right to take out her anger on him. It was his duty, and he wasn't called LORD Sesshomaru for nothing.

Once Rin felt the fire was settled she got up with the sleep long gone from her eyes. She walked back to her lord, and the sight before her did cause her to let out a small giggle which she did a poor job in hiding. "What is so amusing?" he asked with his elegant brow arched, and his lips forming his closest version to a pout.

"Forgive me my lord it's just…" Rin looked at him again and smiled with yet another small giggle, "I've never seen you in a village hut before, or any home for that matter." In truth he did stand out very considerably compared to everything else. If he were a picture he would be the most obvious I-spy picture ever with his white hair and white clothing compared to every other furniture in the room being made of mostly wood. "I believe a castle is more suited for your style."

"I already have a castle," he replied in his sitting position with his left hand over his left bent knee; tenseiga and bakuseiga resting by their master's side.

"Is my presence in here a bother to you Rin?" Rin smiled as she walked back to him with her hand reaching out to touch his cheek just as he did hers. "Not at all," she answered sweetly as her thumb ran up one of his stripes before she released him to sit down next to him. She decided then and there that if he was going to leave soon then she better make use of what little time she had left to spend with him.

"Do you mind if I ask you something my lord?"

"What is it?"

Rin hesitated at first; not really knowing if he was in the mood for answering unnecessary questions. "If you have a castle to live in, then why do you not live in it?" She was starting to think what she thought was true and that he just wasn't in the mood for talking…until his voice reached her ears. "I had lived there long enough when I was young. Going back now will only burden me with more duties that I find I do not want to deal with right now."

"Oh," she said as she tried to see how much more she could get out of him, "Will you return there one day?"

"Yes," he answered simply, "when I feel the benefits there will be essential to my ruling these lands."

"I see; that is understandable. What kind of burdens do you not wish to face, if you don't mind me asking?" Rin didn't even realize how interested she became in his life, but to know why this honorable stoic demon prince did not want to live the life he was raised on living was very interesting to her.

Sesshomaru huffed at the question, but only because it brought up topics that he did not wish to think about, "I will be pestered into partnerships, and the offers will not stop until I have chosen one most suitable to keep in my company."

"Partnership?" she questioned.

"To humans its marriage and even a few demons are starting to embrace that kind of bond. No doubt I will be expected to as well."

"My lord it doesn't sound like you are ready to marry. So why would they force you?"

"That woman you saw as my mother will enforce it, and as will more demons of the respectable kind with lands ready for the uniting and daughters ready for a new life to live."

Rin actually found herself speechless, and would have thought of something to say if her lord didn't beat her to it which was a surprise in itself considering she was the one mostly talking. "I have no desire to face that right now, so I don't bother returning."

As far as the dog lord was concerned that palace never felt like home to him to begin with. His mother calls it the 'nature of his father', and he supposed that is because he found that he belonged where the sun hits the mountains and the wind whispers through the trees. Along with the woman beside him he found his lands to be his true home, and found peace walking on dirt all his life than sitting at some desk with ink suffocating his nose.

"I can't imagine that," Rin said, breaking his thoughts but he continued to listen anyway. "I can't imagine an arranged marriage. It happens here all the time, but I don't like the thought of marrying someone I have yet to love."

"Most demons find love to be unnecessary, so arranged partnerships are always the case."

"I am sorry to hear that you will have to face that my lord. If you want you are always welcomed here in the case that things become overwhelming." Rin smiled, actually took the last part as more of a tease, but it seemed Sesshomaru still had a lot to learn about the meaning of a joke.

"You would not want to be faced with my burdens," he mentioned, and almost tensed when he felt Rin lean her head up against his right arm. "I would do whatever it takes to make you happy I...uh…I…I" Rin felt her cheeks go warm, and her entire face went red at the small confession accidentally slipping out.

She felt utterly embarrassed, but looked up anyway to find what she could only describe as enchanting.

The fire illuminating off her lord's golden eyes to make her feel as though she were staring into bright sunset; a scene she has not seen in a while. His bright sun kissed orbs looked at her with an unfamiliar expression, and the light danced around his marking making them stand out more from his angelic face while his hair seemed more orange than silver as a few strands poured over his shoulders like liquid streams.

He looked absolutely beautiful, and Rin found that she could not look away until she heard him speak once more. "Don't say…." he started.

Before Rin even had a chance to comprehend what he said she felt her whole body shift in such a quick motion she felt her breath hitch. When she realized what happened she found herself between his legs with her back leaning against his armor, and his knees on either side of her thighs. His left leg was of course till bent, but in a way it allowed her to nestle closer to him though if anyone was pulling her close it was his powerful arm that wrapped loosely around her stomach.

"Such foolish things," he ended with his chin resting gently against her right shoulder. While this should have been uncomfortable, she found her body quickly adjusting to the new position as she felt her back begin to cuddle against his armored chest. He's…embracing me…me!

Her 'paradise' didn't stop there as she placed her hand over the one that was currently attached to the arm around her stomach, and his steady breathing filled her eardrums to create a very comforting symphony to her ears.

She had a feeling she must have still been dreaming. Here she was, in her hut, with her Lord Sesshomaru sitting right behind her, and she herself leaning up against him while he in turn layed his chin on her shoulders. Nobody else; just them, and the warm fire that helped create a barrier from the cold weather outside.

Rin turned her head to see his eyes halfway closed, and wondered if he was tired. "Lord Sesshomaru?" she asked; her hand desperately wanting to pat his cheek to see if he was alright.

"Your actions today did not go unnoticed" he then said with his mouth muffled against her shoulder, but she heard either way. She was at first confused as to what he was indicating, but the moment her eyes landed on their conjoined hands she started to understand. "Oh that, it was…I mean…I was happy to do it," she stated with a blushing smile; knowing that the fire was the only thing hiding her cheery blossom pink face.

She felt him grab her hand in both of his, and with a gentle tug he pulled at the knot holding the wrap together. Slowly he unwrapped the silk from her fingers and once her skin was revealed he was pleased to see that her skin color was more normal than purple. A little noise rumbling in the back of his chest was all he said as he held her hand in his for a far longer time than he intended. Rin was the first to break the silence.

"Actually, I prefer the silk to be wrapped," she mentioned while her pink blush went rosy red when he looked at her with a peculiar glare. "Well I just think my hand would heal a lot faster…i-if it stays wrapped." In all reality she only wanted to have the silk stay on her hand because it would always remind her of him, even if she could not deny the fact that he would be on her mind regardless but still. To have a little part of him always with her left her heart racing and stomach tingling.

With a deep "hmm" signaling his approval he rewrapped her hand again with the silk guiding over each one of her fingers to all end with a tiny knot which Rin noted that he tied on the top of her hand this time. A little change made, but either way he was the one who wrapped it so she could not stop the happy smile gracing her pretty face. "Thank you," she said sweetly while leaning her head against his to have him reply with a small grunt. "Next time use your knuckles," he mentioned as he tapped her bare knuckled to prove his point that the bone from there would be much more affective.

"Oh uh right," she nodded with a tint of embarrassment showing. In truth she already knew that piece of information from Sango and her combat training, but with her anger speaking for itself she had lost all thought and only focused on hurting her target. A foolish tactic she would admit, but if it meant having her master hold her so close as he is now with his concern held in her simply bruised hand then she would do it all over again.

For a while they sat like that; in complete silence but Rin was not about to complain. Ever since she was little she had only dreamed of being this close to him, and during the lantern festival she was, but for some reason it was different this time. Perhaps it was because she felt like they were secluded in their own little world even though it was just her village hut. Maybe because with the warm atmosphere developing around them it let off such a romantic feel when he practically warmed her body with his own to keep whatever bare skin she had away from the bitter cold.

She could only imagine what the winter would be like.

With a silver head now leaning against the wooden walls and Rin with her own head leaning against his armor she felt her eyelids begin to sag, until the sound of a smooth baritone voice opened them wide up again. "Kohaku," he mentioned, knowing that if he didn't straighten this one little mystery out he will continue to wonder. "You care a great deal about him."

"Well of course I do," Rin replied not sensing the tiny switch his leg made. "I care about him just like I do Kaede and Kagome and Sango and Inuyasha and-"

"So what do you consider him to be?" Sesshomaru then asked; being a demon to get straight to the point or Rin's non-stop chatter will continue. Or course he knew that as much respect as she had in his personal life he should share the same respect no matter how high he outranked her role in society. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Rin smiled at his words, but felt nothing wrong with his question especially since she was the one asking questions not too long ago. "Ever since we were little me and him have been good friends, and it's nice to have a childhood friend I can talk to. Of course I do get the feeling at times that he has had other feelings for me, especially a few years ago when he asked me to join him for a midnight stroll through a flower field."

"A midnight stroll?" questioned Sesshomaru as he never once moved his hand away while Rin put her palm over the top of his hand. "Mm-hmm, Kagome said that where she came from they would have festivals that celebrate love and romance with flowers and sweets. Valenti…something like that."

Rin took her lord's silence as a signal for her to continue. "Well Kohaku and I heard about it, and the next day he came to me with flowers in his hand. He asked me if I was free that night, and then asked if I would like to join him for a midnight stroll in a nearby flower field. It was mostly Kaede and Kagome that urged me to say yes, and I did."

"I take it you enjoyed it then?" he asked with his voice reaching a near whisper.

"I…I never went."

Rin saw his brow arch and his expression become peculiar, so she continued on. "Well you that time I had other things on my mind."

"Other things?"

Rin felt her face begin to heat when thinking about the rest of her story, but knew she could not just end it there even if Sesshomaru might not have minded. "This was about four years ago. I couldn't name the day or time specifically when you left to war, but I know then that you've been gone for a year. A year seemed like such a long time…I-I thought maybe something had happened to you. I know it sounds silly, but I thought maybe you had gotten hurt or…even worse."

Sesshomaru stayed quiet and listened on while taking note how Rin squeezed his hand gently; almost as if making sure he was still there. "The night didn't really go well since then. I apologized continuously to Kohaku and even offered to try another time. He said the idea sounded good, but after he left to go train some more I think the idea was forgotten when he returned."

"You did not ask?"

"I could have, but no for some reason I did not."

After that one sentence that conversation had come to its end without Rin having to go into specific detail on how hard she took the pain of knowing her lord was off to war, and that even a year can usually indicated he was probably not going to come back. She knows now that she probably took the pain a little too out of proportion, but when the village kept talking about men dying off at war her 13 year old mind could only think of the her lord's dying body lying within a pool of his own blood.

It seemed luck was not on her side that night when Kohaku had asked her out. She knew it was silly to cry that much over a fact that she didn't even know was true, but either way it happened and she fell asleep that night in tears while her young body was wrapped in a silk white kimono much too big for her size. And now she could only laugh at herself because she should have known her lord was going to be alright with the amount of power he possessed

And he was more than alright; he was here with her now.

"That war is over, I have no interest in going back," he stated, adding on to her comfort as well as a happy smile to her face.

"And may I ask you something?" she asked.


"Well it's about Ami…"

A silver brow wet down while his mind began to search for a face to put that name with. "That annoyance in the other room?"

Rin almost wanted to laugh, but having him say that already summed up his answer to her question. If he can't even remember her name then what do I have to worry about? With that in mind she smiled at knowing he held no interest in her, and moved on to her next question. "How does she know you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"In exchange for a gift I aided her in her time of need, but as to why she is here is beyond my comprehension."

"A gift?"

"You're wearing it," he stated as Rin eyed her kimono with her heart swelling to the point that her eyes felt the need to cry. He went through all that trouble…for me? It was almost too much for her to handle right then and there, but every water building up below her eyes was thankfully swallowed right back in. However, that did not stop a sensitive nose from sniffing the salt of tears. "Rin…"

"I'm alright," she reassured while squeezing his hand a little tighter to prove her point, "Just happy is all."

She was happy; to have this time to simply talk with him made her heart shine and her eyes water with unsheathed tears. To know he was willing to talk to her even though he was not a demon of very many words, and to have him hold her so close. The only thing that scared her now was for her to wake up thinking it was all going to be a dream, and even though she tried her best to hide it a yawn easily escaped her mouth.

"You must rest Rin," he stated as he could easily pick up her tired state through her saggy eyes and throaty yawn. He saw her shake her head slowly followed by a, "I'm alright reall-" her sentence was cut off by another yawn. Looks like sleep was going to win her over this time, "I-I guess you're right," she ended.

With a good shift by his position Sesshomaru was able to gather the girl into his arms and walk them back to her futon. With steady muscles and a firm hold Rin was placed gently in her bed with her hair sprawled out behind her to allow her face to stand out more. Her eyes were sleepy and her body was losing its motion the more tired she became, but still she smiled.

"Lord Sesshomaru…" She watched as he began to gather her blankets and cover her up one by one. "Hmm," he responded as moved her blankets to make sure she was covered from head to toe.

Rin let out another sleepy yawn before her hand moved to point at her small desk, "There are some scrolls on there," she stated before having to cover up another yawn. "Sue said they are for you."

Her eyes were only half way open, but she was able to see him move his head in the direction of the scroll to indicate he knew they were there. What they were meant for and why they were meant for him didn't interest him in the least, but he would decide to take them off her hands anyway. He got up in a quickly to put out what little fire was still burning.

Once the entire room was dark and well warmed he went back to kneel on one knee beside Rin to see that she was well settled for the night. "I must leave now," he mentioned firmly but softly. Her eyes were still halfway closed, but the disappointment was still showing. However she did her best to hide it and smile, "Please be careful."

He nodded in response and move a few strands of her dark brown hair out of her face, "I shall return by winter," he mentioned while making sure she was well tucked in.

"Thank you," she whispered with her mind nearly switched to sleep mode. Once he was pleased with his work he looked at her as if his eyes alone could tell her he wasn't entirely sure why she should be thanking him. "Thank you," she mumbled as her eyes drifted close to allow sleep to take over, "for everything."

His eyes warmed at the last of her words, and now he simply watched as her breathing went steady and mouth softly inhaling and exhaling. She was asleep.

His eyes closed and reopened to reveal his usual cold mask that he displays to the world. With a few silent steps to her small table to grab the scrolls claimed to now be his. He tucked them in his sleeves and gave Rin once last glance before turning to leave the hut. He knew he would be seeing the girl again very soon.


"Geez that bastard," the half demon mumbled while walking back to Miroku's to meet up with Kagome. Once he was finally able to remove that boulder he struggled to get back with his face showing his usual 'I hate everything' look, and his hand on his back to keep it from moving too much. Now all he wanted was some peace and quiet so he could get Kagome to give him a back massage.

Bare feet only made it a few miles until he noticed a dark figure perched above on Miroku's roof with silver hair almost similar to his flowing in the wind. Yellow golden eyes glared at ember golden eyes as the two dog brother had a hard stare down.

Sesshomaru glared at his brother feeling highly annoyed that he felt the need to do this, but all his other options seemed like a waste of his time. He knew what was contained inside that scroll the moment he looked at the first paper presented to him.

A painting of his father.

It was a simple profile picture of his upper body that did well in presenting his hair color and the structure of his strong, prideful face. Sesshomaru found a lot of the other coloring to be completely off though as well as the wrong shape and color of his demon markings. The entire painting did not look exactly like the late dog general, and that gave Sesshomaru reason to believe that whoever did this painting knew little to nothing about his father.

A lot of the other paper work simply had to do with much information that Sesshomaru himself already knew. Two sentences into the reading and he found the rest would be a waste of his time. Overall the scrolls were nothing new to him. It was a surprise, however, to see his father again when all he had to see him through before was his mind and memories.

The picture left him feeling an emotion he hadn't felt in a while. He felt as if his pride had swelled at the sight of the picture knowing this powerful creature was once and will forever be his sire, and his expectation rose in wanting to be everything this demon before him could not.

To be smarter, stronger, and possess power that would have left his father on his knees in fear. The relationship between father and son differs in the demon world compared to humans, but in another way it was very much the same.

Perhaps it was that side of him that found pure pride being the son to his father that allowed him to never disown tenseiga completely, and it was the rest of him that found pride in being who he is that created bakuseiga.

He didn't feel the need to keep that portrait when he had all the pictures he needed of his father stored in his memories; memories that he knew no matter how hard he tried he would never forget.

However, he also felt it a waste to throw the scrolls away…

"Huh, what do you want? Here to throw more things at me-!"

Inuyasha couldn't believe that jerk ass brother of his had resorted to throwing things again. It made him wonder who exactly the elder one in the relationship was. He also never realized how much paper could hurt when thrown by a demon. "Jackass, what's this suppose to be?" Inuyasha asked while rubbing his little red bump.

"I have no use for it," Sesshomaru stated before jumping off the roof to fly off to his next destination.

"Inuyasha rubbed his head while watching his brother fly off to who knows where. In that time Kagome had left the hut with her face full of concern, "I'm sure I felt a weird presence just now."

"Ehh it's just Sesshomaru," the half demon mentioned as he looked at the scrolls that were thrown at him.

"Sesshomaru, what did he want?" she asked when she reached his side.

"I don't know, but the guy threw these at me so I guess he….."

"…Inuyasha, what is it?" Kagome saw the look in his widen to such an extent she wasn't sure if she has ever seen him so surprised. Once Kagome got a look her eyes grew large as well, " that?"


Brown eyes opened up to meet warm sun hitting her through her window, but chilly air flowing in through her doorway. That was not what happened to awaken her from her slumber though.

"Lord Sesshomaru," wailed Jaken as he paced back and forth to find his beloved master. "Oh Lord Sesshomaru you've left me again haven't you. HOW CAN YOU LEAVE YOUR FAITHFUL RETAINER HERE IN THIS-ACHOOO!"

Rin tried her best to ignore the imp, but the moment he sneezed she knew he was just going to complain more. With a sleepy grunt Rin brought her body up all the while wondering what happened last night that made her feel somewhat giddy this morning.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" she gasped with visions of the night before filling her head.

Once Jaken heard that name his eyes stated to sparkle with the utmost happiness, "Where is he I knew he wouldn't-Achoo-leave me!"

"Oh, sorry Master Jaken I was just speaking to myself."Rin held her hand to her mouth knowing she brought up the imp's hopes way to high, and now he was depressed again. Sure enough Jaken began to make a pool of mushy green goop out of himself, and was content just laying on the ground.

"Don't be so sad Master Jaken," she encouraged while patting his back. "Lord Sesshomaru will be back by winter he told me himself." Then again for all I know that could have been a dream….

"Winter, but that's days and days from now," the imp whined as he went back into his beetle position full of complaints and sneezes. And here Rin thought demons couldn't get sick. "Say, where's Ami?"

"That insolent girl is in the other room. It's all thanks to her I ended up in this-achoo-state. She refused to share any of the spare blankets last night. She said she would claim me as a pervert so I slept in the cold!"

"I'm sorry to hear that Master Jaken, if it makes you feel better you can sleep at the foot of my bed tonight," she assured with a comforting smile, but the whinny toad couldn't shake his babyish act. "Oh great now instead of a cold floor I've been promoted to sleeping on a bed with yo-ACHOO!"

Rin took a deep sigh and held in her patience. She was going to need a lot of it right now. Jaken and Ami both had the tendency to act like babies, and from now till winter it looks like Rin would have to do a lot of babysitting till Jaken returns with their lord and Ami leaved in the spring. That is if she still wanted to leave, which Rin would no longer mind persuading.

Then there was the matter of explaining to Kaede of the new house guest, but then again Ami may just prove to be a lot of help now that things are becoming crucial with food and Kaede's health. Maybe the girl can help with chores or aiding Kaede when she is in need of help. Suddenly the situation seemed a little bright, but Rin knew it was something she would have to see in due time.

"I'm going to fetch some water Master Jaken," she said to the crushed little imp as he mumbled an "ok" back. "Once I get back I'll make you some hot soup hot does that sound?"

Jaken's black slits took up the entire surface of his eyes leaving him looking pathetic but cute, "L-Like the kind you made last night?" he asked while chewing on his sleeve. Rin smiled as she patted his head, "Of course."

With that 'situation' taken care of Rin made her way outside to meet the cool morning air along with the leaved giving her a nice performing down the road. With a bucket in hand she made her way over to the river with her sights set on the water, but her mind set on somewhere else. Was last night a dream? It all seemed so real I'm sure it wasn't. I slept in my kimono and….

"Hey Rin," a familiar female voice called out.

"Huh, oh hey Kagome," she replied with a smile as her friend walked with a bucket in her hand as well. "I see were off getting the same thing," the young priestess stated as Rin nodded while looking around. "Inuyasha isn't with you?"

"No," she said, "He's still at Miroku and Sango rubbing his fingers over his eyes brows again."

Rin chuckled, "He's doing what?"

"That's all he says now is "I have his eyes brows, I have his eyebrows" It's cute to see him take such pride in looking like a little bit like his father," Kagome said with a happy smile.

"I-I'm afraid I don't follow…"

"Well Sesshomaru came by last night and dropped off a few scrolls to Inuyasha and-"

"Wait, Lord Sesshomaru dropped off scrolls," Rin repeated as she moved closer to Kagome with her voice getting louder. "Did he say where he got them from?"

"Uh…no you know how he is. He left right after and…Hey Rin where are you going?"

"I'll be back," she shouted while running right back into her hut with her sandaled foot stepping right on Jaken in the process, but she had yet to realize.

She scrambled to her desk to look over every square inch to make sure the scrolls were really gone. There gone, Lord Sesshomaru must have been here…although maybe he just came to get them and left afterward. It's my fault for falling asleep last night, because now I'm awake but I can't tell if it was a dream or not…Lord Sess…ow

The girl's thoughts broke when she looked at her hand to find that she was adding to much pressure when leaning her entire body against it. The same hand her lord wrapped only yesterday. Rin smiled at the nice memory of her lord wrapping the silk from his kimono over each one of her fingers and tying at all in a knot in the center of her pa….

Rin's eyes widened at the observation. The silk was now tied in a knot at the top of her hand; just as she remembered him doing the night before when he was inspecting her fingers.

"So that means…" she whispered.

Jaken groaned as he got up from his pain staked punishment of having Rin step on him, and she was no child anymore either. Once the imp was settled on his knees he yet again felt a sharp pain in his back as Rin accidentally stepped on him again with her mind set somewhere else.

"Why," Jaken stated as he heard Rin hum to herself on the way out, "Why me…"

With a bucket in hand again Rin walked happily down the dirt road all the while filling her memories of the night before, and the sweet talks and moments she got to share with her lord. Now she couldn't wait to make more memories with him when he returned, but she also knew that night was going to be a night she would not soon forget.

With her mind set on seeing him again Rin kissed the spot on her hand where the knot was tied as she prepared herself to wait patiently for his return.

Hurry back soon Lord Sesshomaru.


AN: And there you have it the end to that story. I wondered at first if it was a lot to fit on the plate, but like I said I wanted to finish with a long chapter so I did it lol I wonder if many of you realize how easy it is to have Sesshomaru and Rin hold up a conversation. It's so fun to do when you think of Sesshomaru like things to say XD It was a joy making this story and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

Now my winter fic is coming up soon. I truly wish I could have started on it earlier so I could have finished it by Christmas, but it looks like I will actually be posting it up on Christmas eve or so, but either way it is going up and I am looking very much forward to it. The lovebirds very first winter together and I am thinking of adding a moment that will top out all their moments shared so far so stay alert so you can see what I have in store for them.

Thanks so much for reading and if you would like to comment it would be appreciated. Till next time!