Ok so this is like an early 18th birthday present to myself. This is my first time writing in this fandom so I'm sorry if the characters are ooc. I also want thank my best friend Aikourui for letting me voice my ideas and helping me set the storyline even though she doesn't like the pairing.

Izaya opened his eyes and immediately closed them again. His head was pounding and his whole body hurt in ways he didn't think possible. After a while he finally opened his eyes only to find that there was a note tapped to his forehead. Pulling it off he saw that it was written in his friend Shinra's handwriting Izaya,

You probably don't remember but you have been in a coma for the last six months. You were hit by a large bus when you were being chased by Shizuo. You were taken to the hospital where they pronounced you dead but I knew better.

With the help of my father we were able to save your live but we made quite a few changes to your body. Because you were pronounced legally dead and I'm not considered a real doctor we made you a woman~!

You now have breasts and a functioning female reproductive system! You are a scientific miracle so I hope you take care of your new body and have fun in your new life as a woman! Please be sure that you keep coming to me for all of your medical needs! Oh and Celty says to go find Shizuo and make sure he's still alive. He freaked out when they said you were dead.

Your friend and doctor, Shinra.

As Izaya read the note over and over again he realized that he indeed had a nice pair of large round breasts on his chest. For a while he just stared at them before poking one and watching it jiggle back into place.

He kept poking his new breasts for a good hour before running to the bathroom only to find out that Shinra wasn't kidding and that he was in fact all female.

Izaya wanted to scream, cry, and kill Shinra and his father all at the same time. "Fuck what the hell did they do to me!" he screamed before looking into the mirror and seeing that his black hair had grown out to fall around his small shoulder's framing his small face perfectly and highlighting his strange red eyes.

"Well I guess I do make a pretty woman and if my humans think I'm dead this could be a whole new way of watching them!" she said happily to herself before finding the make-up Shinra had put in the bathroom and applying it just right before changing into new clothes and her signature fur trimmed jacket, then leaving the penthouse and walking out onto the street.

Izaya looked around and decided to find Shizuo like Celty wanted before murdering Shinra or seeing if she could restart being an information broker as a woman. When she got to Ikebukuro it didn't take long for her to find the bottle blonde.

He was leaning against the side of a building smoking a cigarette and glaring at anyone who looked at him. Izaya had just decided that she would rather go kill Shinra that mess with him when Shizuo caught sight of her jacket and stormed over to her grabbing onto her hood.

"I knew you weren't dead flea." He growled before noticing that he now held the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

She stared at him through wide dark blood red eyes, her raven hair rested lightly on her shoulders, and she was wearing a tight black skirt with matching top. She was perfect.

She also reminded him of his now six month dead arch enemy since high school. Izaya noticed that Shizuo was thinking very hard at that moment and hoped that he didn't recognize her as his enemy.

"Do I know you?" Shizuo asked at last, letting go of her jacket.

"Um no I just moved to Shinjuku." She told him

"Really well what's your name? Mine's Shizuo." Izaya had to think for a bit then remembered that his name could also be used as a girl's name.

"Izaya but my friends call me Izzy." She told him making the strong man stiffen when he heard the familiar name.

"Really, I knew a person with that name once but he was a guy." Shizuo told her

"Really were the two of you friends?" she asked knowing what his answer would be.

"Not really I kind of hated the man but then I watched him die and now I can't stop thinking about him." The blonde confessed making Izaya smile to herself that Shizuo felt responsible for her 'death'.

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't hear the question that Shizuo had asked her

"I'm sorry but what did you say?" she asked innocently

"I asked you if you had any plans Friday night I would really like to talk with you some more." He repeated blushing slightly. Izaya turned bright red here was the man she hated as a male asking her out!

"Um I'm free that night should I meet you someplace?" she replied pushing a lock of black hair behind her ear making Shizuo shudder slightly.

"Uh yeah meet me at this address at seven." He told her handing her a piece of paper with the address of a small café written on it.

"Ok it's a date." She said happily before running off towards Shinra's leaving Shizuo standing slack jawed and stunned that he didn't even notice his cigarette had fall out of his mouth.

When Izaya got to the doctor's door she kicked it in and walked into the living room grabbing Shinra by the neck

"What the fuck did you do to me?" she yelled in his face

"Not only did I wake up to find out the whole world thinks I'm dead but on top of that I am now fully a woman!" by this point Izaya was so mad she was shaking.

"Now Izaya calm down your body completely took to the change so there is no way to change you back." Shinra explained

"Try to get used to life as a woman. You may find that you like it more than being a man." The doctor told his longtime friend.

Izaya just threw him to the floor then fell onto the couch and started crying causing Celty to freak out and try to calm the former man down.

"Hey Izaya just calm down you can start a whole new life!" Shinra said trying to help his girlfriend calm their friend down

"I loved my old life Shinra! I knew what everyone was doing 24/7, people valued my information, and Shizuo would always chase me whenever I wanted!" Izaya wailed.

[You liked being chased by Shizuo?] Celty typed for her to read

"Yeah I kind of did actually. It was fun and he paid attention to me." She replied finally starting to calm down

"Oh that reminds me I have a date with him on Friday at seven." Izaya added.

[What?!] Celty asked wanting to know everything

"Well I found him like you had asked in the note I found and we started talking then he asked me out to dinner on Friday. I'm lucky I can still use my first name and that I still have access to all of my bank accounts." She explained

[What are you going to wear?] Celty asked as Shinra went to go get something for Izaya.

"Celty-Chan I was wondering if you would want to go shopping with me some time since I know nothing about being a woman." Izaya asked the Dullahan.

In reply Celty threw her arms around Izaya just as Shinra walked back in

"Wow Celty you seem happy." He told the fey

"Yeah well I just asked her to go shopping with me some time before my date with Shizuo." Izaya told him as Celty let go of her

"That sounds fantastic! Oh before I forget your younger sisters know that you are alive and are now a woman now. They seem very happy to have an older sister now instead of a brother.

"They'll keep the secrete of who you truly are and will just say that you were adopted and just happened to have the same name as 'Izaya' thus why they call you Izzy." Shinra explained

"Sounds complicated but I think it will work out fine besides I should tell Shizuo the truth if we get into a real relationship but I guess in a way the old me 'Izaya Orihara' really did die in a traffic accident six months ago leaving me 'Izzy Orihara' his adopted sister everything he owned." Izaya decided

"Now all I have to do is get used to living like this and get over the fact that I'm no longer a man." She concluded.

I kept Izaya's name the same because the whole relationship between 'Izzy' and Shizuo is supposed to be a paradox because Japan thinks that Izaya is dead. Izaya and Shinra both explain the paradox in the last paragraph. I hope you liked the first chapter. Please review it makes my day and helps the story progress.