After the mentors left, it was Wally that reached out first, grasping her upper arm and pulling her close until she's in his arms. Robin quickly joins them, closing his arms around them both and pressing his head into her neck and inhaling. M'gann follows closely after, her eyes still moist and red-rimmed as she comes in from the side, resting her head on Artemis' shoulder. Conner and then Kaldur come as well, until she's in the center of it all.

And even if she can't remember her 'death' and can't even begin to understand what it must have been like for all of them, she can feel the tears beginning to rise. She tries to clear her throat, to say something to reassure them, but the block refuses to dissipate.

"We thought we lost you," Wally murmurs.

"I'm here," she whispers, voice choked and heavy. She's clutching someone's shirt—Conner's?—and she squeezes Kaldur's hand. "I'm okay."

M'gann's tears are beginning to run down her arm, and Artemis feels tremors building up now, because the only reason everyone's this emotional is because M'gann lost control—

Because of her.

She turns as best as she can within Wally and Robin's hold to better face the martian. Sniffing, M'gann meets her eyes. "I'm okay," she whispers again, wiping the tears away with a thumb before taking her friend into her arms.

I'm here, M'gann, she uses the mind-link now, hoping that will somehow carry more weight.

And when M'gann—unconsciously or otherwise—links them all up, Artemis is suddenly hit with everything, because they're all reliving it. Her knees begin to buckle when she feels the weight of Wally's cries, M'gann's tears, their shock and their pain and their sheer anguish. Her breath is torn from her lips and she really really wants her arms to be longer because then she could just hug all of them.

We were scared, Conner says across the link, his blunt nature putting the words right out there.

I don't understand— she begins to respond, shaking her head even as she maintains her embrace with M'gann.

This team… Kaldur cuts across her, and she turns her head to meet his eyes. You're as much a part of it as anyone, Artemis. Why do you doubt this?

I don't deserve it.

She hadn't meant for that to be transmitted, but when a rush of denials and protests fill her mind and they all hold her that much tighter—

It's then she begins to believe it.

And it's in the way Wally holds her, the way Robin kisses her and the way Kaldur runs his hands through her hair. Conner is inhaling her and M'gann is just touching everything, and she's overwhelmed because she doesn't know whether to smile or cry or gasp. It's blissfully mind-numbing, and when it's done she makes no move to extricate herself from the tangle of limbs that found itself on her bed however-long ago.