Gift of the Rose
~Ch. 1: New Dawn~
6 months ago…
6 months since it happened. My ship, the Torata, had been destroyed by the Outlaw Star. Damn that Gene Starwind! If it hadn't been for him, Kemi and Mata would still be alive and I would have been well enough to keep my appointment to Jim…
Jim…hmm…I wonder where he is now…He must be really mad that I didn't show up.
Oh, I apologize. My name is Hanmyo. I piloted the ship, the Torata, until—well, as I said above. I suppose I should tell you where this all started.
I was captured as an infant by Hazanko-sama, and I later became one of the Anten Seven. I never knew my real parents, but from what I was told, it doesn't matter anymore. They are dead. Hazanko-sama had them killed as soon as they captured me. I still don't know why he wanted me in the first place…I suppose I never will now…
As I was saying, I became one of the Anten Seven; I was the youngest member in fact. Ever since I was old enough to walk and talk, they had been teaching me how to pilot ships as well as fight. When I turned 5, they gave the Torata and under Kemi and Mata's tutelage, we became an unbeatable team aboard the Torata, and one of the most dangerous teams among the Anten Seven.
And then I was given a new mission: To kill Gene Starwind and disable the Outlaw Star to make an opening for the capture of Melfina, the bio-android onboard. I really didn't know why Hazanko-sama wanted the android or exactly why he wanted Starwind killed, but it was not my place to ask. Only the foolish questioned Hazanko-sama.
I really didn't know much of what went on when I was part of the Anten Seven, I suppose because I was too young and they only wanted me for assassinations because I never failed. That is, until I went against the Outlaw Star. I spent most of my time playing with Kemi and Mata since they were designated as my guardians, and they were the only friends I really had…
As I said, we were sent out to kill Starwind. I had been given a tracking device to home in on their whereabouts and I eventually found him near Symka 5. We had an all-out battle right there, and we were about to win. Starwind never suspected that Kemi and Mata's parts of the Torata could separate and fight him as individuals. We almost had him; he seemed to have lost his confidence when he found out that we had decoy missiles. I went in for the killing move when that baka shot off all of his missiles! I couldn't possibly dodge them all, so I had to fire mine as well. Then I realized he wasn't trying to attack—he was trying to escape! And it worked. I couldn't believe I had been outsmarted like that. I guess it was clever of him after all, I didn't expect that from a man of his description. I was forced to land to make repairs to my ship and I knew that he had to have landed there as well, for there wasn't another spaceport nearby. I was positive that he wouldn't get away before me because I knew I made some pretty heavy damage on that ship.
I landed and docked in a repair shop. They told me that it would take a few hours, but that they could repair the damage, so I took this opportunity to have some free time and went outside and thought I could go exploring a little bit. I ended up in a park with a fountain, so I picked that spot to relax in.
Then I met him. Jim Hawking. He was so sweet and shy. I couldn't help but fall for a guy like that, I had never seen another person who was that kind, that didn't want something in return…I would have thanked Kemi and Mata for bringing him to me, but I didn't think they would want to be thanked for something like that.
But when I met Jim, I knew it had to be fate. How else were we to have met? He was watching me practice my fighting moves by the fountain, and then when I was finished, he tried making small talk…he was so cute, the way he stumbled around his answers…so cute and honest…
~"Hi…are those your kitty cats?"~
~"They are. Why do you wanna know?"~
~"Just wondering…"~
~"Just wondering…?"~
He was blushing a little by this point…kawaii…
~"Maybe…I was just trying to talk to you…is that ok?"~
~"Why? Do you like me or something?"~
~"Uh…no, I didn't mean it like that…well, maybe I do…"~
As I said, I couldn't help but fall for him.
~"So," he continued, ~"Do you live here on the station?"~
~"Oh no. Just passing through."~
~"So you're traveling with your cats?"~
~"Yeah. This is Mata and Kemi."~
~"So what's your name?"~
~"Oh! I'm sorry. My name's Hanmyo!"~ I introduced myself.
~"My name's Jim Hawking, I 'm on a trip too, I just stopped off here for a while."~
With a sudden burst of enthusiasm I still can't explain, I rushed forward to grasp his hands with my own.
~"Oh wow! Then it's fate!"~
~"Don't you see?"~ I said, getting a little passionate, ~"We were supposed to meet! What are the chances that both of our ships would stop here? It was fate, Jim."~
~"Eh…fate? I guess so."~
He looked a little nervous so I told him I had to leave to feed Kemi and Mata…he surprised me when he asked if we could meet again. I was only too happy to say yes. He came later that day with my first real gift. Flowers. They were the most beautiful things I had ever seen. We played around for a while and he seemed like me- he hadn't played like this in a long while. We even splashed Kemi and Mata when they weren't looking! Then I hid on the other side of the fountain from Jim. He never heard me as I snuck up on him to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. It was the first kiss I had ever given, and he turned a feverish red all the way up to his ears! Eventually, we both had to return to our ships, but he asked for another date. I was so glad, and I thought maybe I would have more time to spend with him, but after I destroyed Gene. After all, I was there to do my assignment. Love would have to wait a little…
I took the flowers Jim gave me and set them beside me as a good luck charm for my next battle. I had to win this time if I was going to live to see Jim again. If Starwind and his crew didn't kill me, then Hazanko-sama would for failing.
Well, my presumptions were right as well as the homing device built into the Torata; Starwind had just blasted off again and we had another battle, but this time…
He won. Kemi was the first to die, and inside I cried…she was the closest thing I had to a mother, then Mata, my surrogate father…gone like that. I was in shock. I couldn't believe they were gone. And then the ship blew up. I should have died.
There I was, broken and bleeding in the middle of space, blown 20 meters away from the ship and losing oxygen quickly…I was still wondering why I didn't incinerate when the Torata blew up, but I guess fate had something to do with that as well, now that I think about it. I weakly looked to my left and the Outlaw Star was heading back to Symka 5. They had suffered some more damage from my ship, but at least they still had a ship. I was running low on oxygen and I began tearing up at the thought that I was going to die, all alone in the middle of space. I then looked to my right and I saw something that made me feel better. A single, pink rose from the bouquet that Jim gave me…it survived the explosion, like me, but like me, I knew it would die…
I reached out for the flower as it floated toward me, and noticed that it gave off some warmth and light. I smiled and closed my eyes, waiting for my death peacefully…I only had one thought on my mind…
1 *"Jim…I'm so sorry…I can't make it…" *
Then I woke up to the sound of machinery and voices outside my room. I was in a hospital. I tried to sit up only to find that I was all in bandages…so I lay back down and just listened to the voices outside the door…
"Doctor…will she be ok?"
"Yes, she'll be fine. It is amazing how you found her in time like that, she would have been dead if it had not been for you, sir."
I was curious to know who saved me and got me here in time, I thought I was dead. I listened for more information.
"Who are you anyway, sir, we need information for the forms."
" Oh, My name is Misaya Kenji, an intergalactic delivery boy, pretty much. I was passing through when I saw debris and a small light, and when I got a closer look at the light, I saw that girl holding onto a flower…I thought she was already dead, but I pulled her in anyway, just to be sure. When I found a faint pulse and saw how bloody and burnt she was, I got her here as fast as I could."
So he was a delivery boy, huh? I couldn't believe my luck. It had to be fate! It just had to be! I knew that once I was completely healed, I would have to find Jim and see where fate leads us…but at that time, I just had to concentrate on breathing. Then I began to worry…what if Hazanko-sama finds out I failed in my mission? I knew I couldn't let anyone know my real name yet… not until it was safe, and with Hazanko, it was never safe…
Then the doctor came in to check on me, and he noticed I was awake.
"Oh dear, I am sorry, did I surprise you? My name is Dr. Nakao, and this is the Symka 5 hospital. How are you feeling?"
"Ugh…fantastic…" I muttered. He chuckled at my response. I began to growl lightly. He looked at me and smiled.
"I'm sorry, it just amazing to see that you are still alive, but with a spirit like that, I guess it's not so surprising that you would fight to stay alive." I could only stare.
" What day is it?" I asked. He looked at me seriously then.
" You have been in a coma for a week, little miss. We were starting to wonder if you would ever wake up." I looked down in sadness. I guess it was too late for me to try to find Jim on this port.
" We will have to keep you here for a few months to recuperate and repair all the damage you suffered. Do you have any relatives?"
I sniffed a bit, remembering that Kemi and Mata had been dead for a week now.
"…No…" I choked out. The doctor looked kindly upon me and placed his hand on my sore shoulder gently.
"I am sorry, don't worry, I shall pay for your care personally."
I stared at him in shock this time. I guess he must have noticed me staring at him.
"Hey, don't worry, I can't possibly turn you out like this now can I?" he chuckled again. I sniffed and a tear rolled down my cheek. I couldn't help it anymore, I cried openly probably for the first time in my life. Dr. Nakao put his arm around me in a sort of hug, trying to be as gentle as possible with all the wounds I had.
" Miss…can I ask your name…?" I opened my eyes a wide. I couldn't possibly tell him that. What if Hazanko-sama found out I was still alive? He would remedy that quickly, that's what. I faltered in my mind on what to say to the kind doctor.
" I… I can't…" I stuttered. Great. Some excuse. Now he's going to ask why. And he did. I tried to answer him the best I could…
" I don't remember at the moment…" I lied. I felt terrible for lying to this nice man. But he didn't question me anymore, he just nodded and told me to try to eat or something. Then he left to tend to his other patients. I sighed and looked over at the desk next to my bed. I saw the pink rose, but this time, there was no friendly glow that was visible around it, but I felt its warmth, as if I were feeling heat before touching a flame.
Then someone else came in. it was the man who brought me here to the hospital, Misaya-san. I could tell because of his nametag.
"Ano, the doctor told me you were awake, finally and I just wanted to check on you before I call my boss to let him know why my delivery is late." He laughed as he put a hand behind his head.
"I am sorry." I said.
" Oh I was kidding, you don't need to be sorry for anything, I am just glad to know that you will be ok." I really couldn't believe my luck that day, meeting so many nice people, it was like the rose that saved my life was giving me a chance to start over. I reached for the rose. Misaya-san noticed what I was reaching for and spoke up.
" Oh, that flower must be magic, it gave off a small light that allowed me to find you, little one. I asked that they keep that flower beside your bed to bring you more good luck. " I smiled a little at the flower and another tear rolled my cheek, thinking of Jim again.
"Thank you…thank you so much…"
The next few months were spent in physical therapy, getting my joints used to moving again. Another couple of months was spent in a psychiatrist's office, trying to cure my "amnesia". I had to carefully lie my way through that as well, trying to keep my identity a secret and amazingly, it worked. Then a month ago, I was declared well enough to be released. Dr. Nakao was hesitant to see me go because I still couldn't "remember" my name but after I talked to him, I made him see that I didn't want to keep draining his funds for my care and that my name didn't matter anymore. He looked at me very confused, but in the end, he agreed to let me go, but only after he made sure that I knew that I could turn to him for help. I smiled and hugged him before I left the hospital. I was going to start my new life today.
I set out looking for a job, so that I could possibly find a small ship for rent or something, to look for Jim. I missed him so much, and I decided that when I did find him, that I would have to tell him everything. After all, honesty is the best policy, isn't it? I was turned away many times because I was considered "too young" to be working. Too young?! I have more maturity than most kids my age? I used to be a pilot for crying out loud! I stopped in the repair shop that I went to all those months ago, to see if the owner of the shop could find a job for me to do. As I walked in, I overheard some customers talking amongst themselves…
" Hey, did you hear about Hazanko?" I stopped dead in my tracks.
"No, what about him? Has he got another target out?"
"No, actually he was killed."
"Really? No shit?! By who?"
"His last target, Gene Starwind."
I listened in shock. Gene Starwind managed to kill Hazanko-sama? How was that possible?
" When?"
" Uh… about a few months ago, I heard. They say he actually found the Galactic Leyline or whatever it's called. Can you believe that?"
" But I thought the Leyline was just a myth"
"Yeah, I thought so too, when I asked the guy who told me if he was sure, he said he was."
"What about the rest of the Anten Seven?"
" Dead. All by Starwind's crew."
"Incredible. Where are they now?"
" I don't know, the last I heard, they were headed here, I think."
Holy shit. My former target is coming here. Well, at least he never knew what I looked like. But I smiled at my recent luck. Hazanko was dead as was the rest of the Anten Seven. I wondered as to how these men knew about the secret society of the Anten Seven, but I let it pass. I pulled the rose out of my sleeve. Amazingly enough, It managed to survive all these months, without water. Maybe Misaya-san was right, maybe it was magic…
~Ch. 1: New Dawn~
6 months ago…
6 months since it happened. My ship, the Torata, had been destroyed by the Outlaw Star. Damn that Gene Starwind! If it hadn't been for him, Kemi and Mata would still be alive and I would have been well enough to keep my appointment to Jim…
Jim…hmm…I wonder where he is now…He must be really mad that I didn't show up.
Oh, I apologize. My name is Hanmyo. I piloted the ship, the Torata, until—well, as I said above. I suppose I should tell you where this all started.
I was captured as an infant by Hazanko-sama, and I later became one of the Anten Seven. I never knew my real parents, but from what I was told, it doesn't matter anymore. They are dead. Hazanko-sama had them killed as soon as they captured me. I still don't know why he wanted me in the first place…I suppose I never will now…
As I was saying, I became one of the Anten Seven; I was the youngest member in fact. Ever since I was old enough to walk and talk, they had been teaching me how to pilot ships as well as fight. When I turned 5, they gave the Torata and under Kemi and Mata's tutelage, we became an unbeatable team aboard the Torata, and one of the most dangerous teams among the Anten Seven.
And then I was given a new mission: To kill Gene Starwind and disable the Outlaw Star to make an opening for the capture of Melfina, the bio-android onboard. I really didn't know why Hazanko-sama wanted the android or exactly why he wanted Starwind killed, but it was not my place to ask. Only the foolish questioned Hazanko-sama.
I really didn't know much of what went on when I was part of the Anten Seven, I suppose because I was too young and they only wanted me for assassinations because I never failed. That is, until I went against the Outlaw Star. I spent most of my time playing with Kemi and Mata since they were designated as my guardians, and they were the only friends I really had…
As I said, we were sent out to kill Starwind. I had been given a tracking device to home in on their whereabouts and I eventually found him near Symka 5. We had an all-out battle right there, and we were about to win. Starwind never suspected that Kemi and Mata's parts of the Torata could separate and fight him as individuals. We almost had him; he seemed to have lost his confidence when he found out that we had decoy missiles. I went in for the killing move when that baka shot off all of his missiles! I couldn't possibly dodge them all, so I had to fire mine as well. Then I realized he wasn't trying to attack—he was trying to escape! And it worked. I couldn't believe I had been outsmarted like that. I guess it was clever of him after all, I didn't expect that from a man of his description. I was forced to land to make repairs to my ship and I knew that he had to have landed there as well, for there wasn't another spaceport nearby. I was positive that he wouldn't get away before me because I knew I made some pretty heavy damage on that ship.
I landed and docked in a repair shop. They told me that it would take a few hours, but that they could repair the damage, so I took this opportunity to have some free time and went outside and thought I could go exploring a little bit. I ended up in a park with a fountain, so I picked that spot to relax in.
Then I met him. Jim Hawking. He was so sweet and shy. I couldn't help but fall for a guy like that, I had never seen another person who was that kind, that didn't want something in return…I would have thanked Kemi and Mata for bringing him to me, but I didn't think they would want to be thanked for something like that.
But when I met Jim, I knew it had to be fate. How else were we to have met? He was watching me practice my fighting moves by the fountain, and then when I was finished, he tried making small talk…he was so cute, the way he stumbled around his answers…so cute and honest…
~"Hi…are those your kitty cats?"~
~"They are. Why do you wanna know?"~
~"Just wondering…"~
~"Just wondering…?"~
He was blushing a little by this point…kawaii…
~"Maybe…I was just trying to talk to you…is that ok?"~
~"Why? Do you like me or something?"~
~"Uh…no, I didn't mean it like that…well, maybe I do…"~
As I said, I couldn't help but fall for him.
~"So," he continued, ~"Do you live here on the station?"~
~"Oh no. Just passing through."~
~"So you're traveling with your cats?"~
~"Yeah. This is Mata and Kemi."~
~"So what's your name?"~
~"Oh! I'm sorry. My name's Hanmyo!"~ I introduced myself.
~"My name's Jim Hawking, I 'm on a trip too, I just stopped off here for a while."~
With a sudden burst of enthusiasm I still can't explain, I rushed forward to grasp his hands with my own.
~"Oh wow! Then it's fate!"~
~"Don't you see?"~ I said, getting a little passionate, ~"We were supposed to meet! What are the chances that both of our ships would stop here? It was fate, Jim."~
~"Eh…fate? I guess so."~
He looked a little nervous so I told him I had to leave to feed Kemi and Mata…he surprised me when he asked if we could meet again. I was only too happy to say yes. He came later that day with my first real gift. Flowers. They were the most beautiful things I had ever seen. We played around for a while and he seemed like me- he hadn't played like this in a long while. We even splashed Kemi and Mata when they weren't looking! Then I hid on the other side of the fountain from Jim. He never heard me as I snuck up on him to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. It was the first kiss I had ever given, and he turned a feverish red all the way up to his ears! Eventually, we both had to return to our ships, but he asked for another date. I was so glad, and I thought maybe I would have more time to spend with him, but after I destroyed Gene. After all, I was there to do my assignment. Love would have to wait a little…
I took the flowers Jim gave me and set them beside me as a good luck charm for my next battle. I had to win this time if I was going to live to see Jim again. If Starwind and his crew didn't kill me, then Hazanko-sama would for failing.
Well, my presumptions were right as well as the homing device built into the Torata; Starwind had just blasted off again and we had another battle, but this time…
He won. Kemi was the first to die, and inside I cried…she was the closest thing I had to a mother, then Mata, my surrogate father…gone like that. I was in shock. I couldn't believe they were gone. And then the ship blew up. I should have died.
There I was, broken and bleeding in the middle of space, blown 20 meters away from the ship and losing oxygen quickly…I was still wondering why I didn't incinerate when the Torata blew up, but I guess fate had something to do with that as well, now that I think about it. I weakly looked to my left and the Outlaw Star was heading back to Symka 5. They had suffered some more damage from my ship, but at least they still had a ship. I was running low on oxygen and I began tearing up at the thought that I was going to die, all alone in the middle of space. I then looked to my right and I saw something that made me feel better. A single, pink rose from the bouquet that Jim gave me…it survived the explosion, like me, but like me, I knew it would die…
I reached out for the flower as it floated toward me, and noticed that it gave off some warmth and light. I smiled and closed my eyes, waiting for my death peacefully…I only had one thought on my mind…
1 *"Jim…I'm so sorry…I can't make it…" *
Then I woke up to the sound of machinery and voices outside my room. I was in a hospital. I tried to sit up only to find that I was all in bandages…so I lay back down and just listened to the voices outside the door…
"Doctor…will she be ok?"
"Yes, she'll be fine. It is amazing how you found her in time like that, she would have been dead if it had not been for you, sir."
I was curious to know who saved me and got me here in time, I thought I was dead. I listened for more information.
"Who are you anyway, sir, we need information for the forms."
" Oh, My name is Misaya Kenji, an intergalactic delivery boy, pretty much. I was passing through when I saw debris and a small light, and when I got a closer look at the light, I saw that girl holding onto a flower…I thought she was already dead, but I pulled her in anyway, just to be sure. When I found a faint pulse and saw how bloody and burnt she was, I got her here as fast as I could."
So he was a delivery boy, huh? I couldn't believe my luck. It had to be fate! It just had to be! I knew that once I was completely healed, I would have to find Jim and see where fate leads us…but at that time, I just had to concentrate on breathing. Then I began to worry…what if Hazanko-sama finds out I failed in my mission? I knew I couldn't let anyone know my real name yet… not until it was safe, and with Hazanko, it was never safe…
Then the doctor came in to check on me, and he noticed I was awake.
"Oh dear, I am sorry, did I surprise you? My name is Dr. Nakao, and this is the Symka 5 hospital. How are you feeling?"
"Ugh…fantastic…" I muttered. He chuckled at my response. I began to growl lightly. He looked at me and smiled.
"I'm sorry, it just amazing to see that you are still alive, but with a spirit like that, I guess it's not so surprising that you would fight to stay alive." I could only stare.
" What day is it?" I asked. He looked at me seriously then.
" You have been in a coma for a week, little miss. We were starting to wonder if you would ever wake up." I looked down in sadness. I guess it was too late for me to try to find Jim on this port.
" We will have to keep you here for a few months to recuperate and repair all the damage you suffered. Do you have any relatives?"
I sniffed a bit, remembering that Kemi and Mata had been dead for a week now.
"…No…" I choked out. The doctor looked kindly upon me and placed his hand on my sore shoulder gently.
"I am sorry, don't worry, I shall pay for your care personally."
I stared at him in shock this time. I guess he must have noticed me staring at him.
"Hey, don't worry, I can't possibly turn you out like this now can I?" he chuckled again. I sniffed and a tear rolled down my cheek. I couldn't help it anymore, I cried openly probably for the first time in my life. Dr. Nakao put his arm around me in a sort of hug, trying to be as gentle as possible with all the wounds I had.
" Miss…can I ask your name…?" I opened my eyes a wide. I couldn't possibly tell him that. What if Hazanko-sama found out I was still alive? He would remedy that quickly, that's what. I faltered in my mind on what to say to the kind doctor.
" I… I can't…" I stuttered. Great. Some excuse. Now he's going to ask why. And he did. I tried to answer him the best I could…
" I don't remember at the moment…" I lied. I felt terrible for lying to this nice man. But he didn't question me anymore, he just nodded and told me to try to eat or something. Then he left to tend to his other patients. I sighed and looked over at the desk next to my bed. I saw the pink rose, but this time, there was no friendly glow that was visible around it, but I felt its warmth, as if I were feeling heat before touching a flame.
Then someone else came in. it was the man who brought me here to the hospital, Misaya-san. I could tell because of his nametag.
"Ano, the doctor told me you were awake, finally and I just wanted to check on you before I call my boss to let him know why my delivery is late." He laughed as he put a hand behind his head.
"I am sorry." I said.
" Oh I was kidding, you don't need to be sorry for anything, I am just glad to know that you will be ok." I really couldn't believe my luck that day, meeting so many nice people, it was like the rose that saved my life was giving me a chance to start over. I reached for the rose. Misaya-san noticed what I was reaching for and spoke up.
" Oh, that flower must be magic, it gave off a small light that allowed me to find you, little one. I asked that they keep that flower beside your bed to bring you more good luck. " I smiled a little at the flower and another tear rolled my cheek, thinking of Jim again.
"Thank you…thank you so much…"
The next few months were spent in physical therapy, getting my joints used to moving again. Another couple of months was spent in a psychiatrist's office, trying to cure my "amnesia". I had to carefully lie my way through that as well, trying to keep my identity a secret and amazingly, it worked. Then a month ago, I was declared well enough to be released. Dr. Nakao was hesitant to see me go because I still couldn't "remember" my name but after I talked to him, I made him see that I didn't want to keep draining his funds for my care and that my name didn't matter anymore. He looked at me very confused, but in the end, he agreed to let me go, but only after he made sure that I knew that I could turn to him for help. I smiled and hugged him before I left the hospital. I was going to start my new life today.
I set out looking for a job, so that I could possibly find a small ship for rent or something, to look for Jim. I missed him so much, and I decided that when I did find him, that I would have to tell him everything. After all, honesty is the best policy, isn't it? I was turned away many times because I was considered "too young" to be working. Too young?! I have more maturity than most kids my age? I used to be a pilot for crying out loud! I stopped in the repair shop that I went to all those months ago, to see if the owner of the shop could find a job for me to do. As I walked in, I overheard some customers talking amongst themselves…
" Hey, did you hear about Hazanko?" I stopped dead in my tracks.
"No, what about him? Has he got another target out?"
"No, actually he was killed."
"Really? No shit?! By who?"
"His last target, Gene Starwind."
I listened in shock. Gene Starwind managed to kill Hazanko-sama? How was that possible?
" When?"
" Uh… about a few months ago, I heard. They say he actually found the Galactic Leyline or whatever it's called. Can you believe that?"
" But I thought the Leyline was just a myth"
"Yeah, I thought so too, when I asked the guy who told me if he was sure, he said he was."
"What about the rest of the Anten Seven?"
" Dead. All by Starwind's crew."
"Incredible. Where are they now?"
" I don't know, the last I heard, they were headed here, I think."
Holy shit. My former target is coming here. Well, at least he never knew what I looked like. But I smiled at my recent luck. Hazanko was dead as was the rest of the Anten Seven. I wondered as to how these men knew about the secret society of the Anten Seven, but I let it pass. I pulled the rose out of my sleeve. Amazingly enough, It managed to survive all these months, without water. Maybe Misaya-san was right, maybe it was magic…