TITLE: Guilty Heart
AUTHOR: Obi the Kid (hlnkid@aol.com)
SUMMARY: Pre-TPM. (Obi-Wan is 18) Non-slash. Qui-Gon must to come to terms with an accident that leaves his apprentice fighting for his life.
FEEDBACK: Yes, please.
ARCHIVE: Ask me first.
MY WEBSITE: http://www.angelfire.com/movies/obithekid/
DISCLAIMER: The characters and venue of Star Wars are copyrighted to Lucas Films Limited. The characters not recognizable from this venue are copyrighted to Tracy C. Knight. The story is the intellectual property of Tracy C. Knight and is copyrighted to her. She makes no profit from the writing or distribution of this story.
Guilty Heart
"Be mindful, Obi-Wan. Use the Force to anticipate my next move. Allow it to guide you."
Master Qui-Gon Jinn studied the sparring techniques of his padawan learner, Obi-Wan Kenobi as they engaged in a mock duel within the walls of the Jedi Temple's main gym. It was an exercise that Obi-Wan always enjoyed, and it allowed him to release a great deal of his relentless energy. At the age of eighteen, Kenobi was quickly becoming one of the Order's finest young swordsmen. A feat that he and his master both took pride in.
The pair had been sparring for over an hour, each man showing signs of weariness, but neither willing to be the first to give in. Qui-Gon, always the teacher, instructed his student throughout the battle. The younger Jedi was amazed at how focused his master remained at all times. How he could point out Obi-Wan's mistakes while still knowing what his next move would be. The fact that Qui-Gon did things so easily with the light saber while holding that concentration was a cause of some frustration for the boy, but it served only to make him work harder.
As they continued their match, Obi-Wan shook off an odd feeling that ran through him briefly. He lost focus for an instant, but recovered in time to block a low strike from the older Jedi. "Keep your concentration on the here and now, Obi-Wan. Good. You anticipated my move and reacted to it. Well done."
It was then that a second flash from the Force caught the boy off guard. The disturbance ripped through his mind, and in those few seconds he lost complete control and focus. His next conscious feeling was an intensity of pain that he had never experienced before. It felt as if his chest was on fire, and a scream of agony tore through his throat. Every breath was now torture.
Qui-Gon stood for a moment in a state of shock. His world seemed to collapse in front of him. Obi-Wan had lost his focus for a brief second, but Qui-Gon was unable to stop the thrust of his saber's emerald blade from piercing the boy's chest just below his heart. For a moment, everything seemed surreal. Then Obi-Wan's scream of terror echoed through the gym and immediately Qui-Gon dropped to his knees.
"Obi-Wan? Padawan? Can you hear me? FORCE NO!! OBI-WAN!!!!"
One of the other apprentices close by reached for a com-link and called for the healers. A group crowded around the fallen student as Qui-Gon struggled to calm him. Obi-Wan's shallow breaths were panicked as he realized what had happened. He lay on his back, one hand clutching the area of the wound, the other wrapped tightly in Qui-Gon's tunic. Young tear-filled eyes found those of his teacher. "Master."
Taking a hand and brushing it through Obi-Wan's sweat soaked hair, Qui-Gon willed his own voice to remain steady. "Shh, Padawan. Don't talk. The healers are on the way. Hold on, do you hear me? Hold on."
The boy moaned as spasms of pain rocketed through his trembling body. Whether the shaking was from fear or cold, Qui-Gon could not tell, but he acted quickly, taking his robe and draping it over the young man. Tears began to sting his own eyes as he watched his apprentice fight to stay alive. "Focus on me, Obi-Wan. I'm here. I'm right here." He took the hand that was grasping his tunic and squeezed it in his own. "Open your eyes, Padawan. Stay awake for me. That's it, not much longer now, okay?"
"Y..yes...Ma...ster." Obi-Wan's teeth chattered loudly as the blood loss brought on the cold. He fought to do as Qui-Gon asked, but the pain was overwhelming. He cried out as it worsened. His screams filtered into the neighboring rooms. Slowly he rolled onto his side, moaning and crying out as the anguish grew.
"I'm here, Obi-Wan. Hold onto me." The master's right hand and part of his tunic were covered in blood. Obi-Wan's blood. "It's okay. Shh..."
A group of five healers flooded the room, led by Masters Terran Va'lor and Elisha Rax. They delayed only a moment before going to work on the boy. Terran pushed Qui-Gon out of the way as the master protested. "Terran, no. I can't leave him right now."
"You need to let us work, Qui-Gon. You may stay with him, but you must stay out of the way."
The team readied the apprentice for the short trip to the medi-ward. Over the agonizing screams, Terran barked out one order after another, and within five minutes of their arrival, they were gone.
Qui-Gon paced the floor in the waiting area of the medi-ward. Desperately he tried to calm himself. But the Force seemed elusive and he was unable to grasp it. The image of his green blade slicing open his padawan's chest rolled over and over in his mind. Why hadn't he seen that coming? He'd just finished lecturing Obi-Wan on anticipating his opponent's next move and focusing on the moment. How had he not sensed the disturbance? And why was he unable to stop his action? Glancing down, he saw both sabers hanging on his belt; the hilt of his padawan's was speckled with blood. **How did I not see this? Obi-Wan, I am so sorry. Please forgive me.**
Hands shaking, he reached down and ran a finger lightly over the silver hilt. Preparing to become lost in his thoughts, he was startled by the sound of the door hissing open. Qui-Gon looked across the room to the familiar face of his dear friend, Master Bren Anders. How she'd found out, he didn't know, but the relief washed through him and he sank into the couch that lay directly behind him. Bren quickly closed the distance between them, sat next and gently wrapped her arms around him. All the emotions that Qui-Gon had been holding back, now came rushing to the forefront. He had needed an outlet for release and the only other person he trusted to allow him that release was here now. If nothing else, he had someone to share in his grief should the worst happen.
When he finally pulled out of the embrace, Qui-Gon steadied himself with several deep breaths. "I'm sorry, Bren. I didn't..."
"No need to be sorry. That's what I'm here for. Now tell me, what happened?"
"Obi-Wan and I were sparring and there was some kind of disturbance that flashed through the Force, he lost his focus right when I was striking. He wasn't able to react in time, and...my saber ran through his lower chest. This is my fault, I should have seen this and been able to anticipate what was going to happen. This should never have happened this way...I..."
"Enough, Qui-Gon. You cannot blame yourself for this. I am sure Obi-Wan wouldn't blame you. You can't foresee everything. And you can only prepare him as you have. That boy is strong. And I know he will fight for you. But he will also be able to feel your guilt. You have to be strong for him as well. What have the healers told you?"
Qui-Gon shook his head. "Nothing yet. He's been in there for almost two hours now. I don't know what's going on. They gave him a Force suppressor so I can't feel him right now. It's just an empty feeling." He leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes. "So empty."
Taking his larger hand in hers, Bren offered what she could to her friend. And together they waited.
Another hour passed, and there was still no word from the healers on Obi-Wan's condition. Qui-Gon had taken to pacing the floor. He'd made several unsuccessful attempts to meditate, his worry for his student always drawing him away from his center. Bren could only sit and watch. She knew that words were meaningless now. A stream of friends and fellow Jedi trickled in from time to time, each asking about the condition of young Kenobi. With Qui-Gon in the emotional state that he was, Bren took it upon herself to speak with them, and thank them for their concern. A look from Qui-Gon showed how grateful he was for her presence.
They were just about to track down a healer when Terran entered the waiting room. His aging face looking much older now. "Sit down, Qui-Gon."
The master's heart dropped. "Obi-Wan?"
"He's stable, for now. Massive internal bleeding kept us from being able to repair the damage as quickly as we would have liked. We can't move him to the bacta tank until we are sure that the bleeding has stopped."
Qui-Gon worked on settling himself before he spoke again. Several deep breaths later, he managed to direct another question at the healer. "Will he be okay?"
"You have to be ready for whatever happens, Qui-Gon. Right now, I honestly don't know if he will recover. It's too early to tell. The one thing he has going for him is that he is just as stubborn as you are. In circumstances like this, that's an attractive trait to have. He's strong, and otherwise healthy. But as of this moment, I don't want to give you false hope."
The older Jedi nodded, a short breath escaping his lips. "I would like to see him."
Terran smiled, "That, I can arrange. If you would like to stay with him until we move him, you are welcome to. You as well, Master Anders. "Although he's still under the effects of the Force suppressor, I think he'll know you're there."
The healer led them down the hall and through several doors. He pointed them towards the last room on the left. "It's possible he may wake for a few moments, but he won't be very coherent. Just let him know you're with him."
Bren thanked Terran as Qui-Gon entered the room. Tubes ran from Obi-Wan's arms and wrists, monitoring his vital signs and providing the IV fluids that his body needed. The room was quiet, save for the ragged breaths of the unconscious boy. Qui-Gon pulled his large frame into a chair that Terran had placed beside the bed. He took his student's hand and squeezed. Silently he prayed for Obi-Wan to return the gesture, but there was no movement other than the rise and fall of his bare chest.
"I'm here, Padawan. Squeeze my hand if you can hear me." The master spoke soft comforting words to the still form on the bed. Refusing to take his eyes from the young face.
Bren stood off to the side, not wanting to interfere with Qui-Gon's need to be alone with his apprentice. She would know if and when she was needed. Never having taken a padawan of her own, she'd grown to understand the relationship quite well. There was nothing more important in Jinn's life than his apprentice. Yes he dedicated himself to the Jedi and to the Force, but Obi-Wan was his responsibility to raise and to train. A master had to be teacher, mentor, friend and father to his student. There were times when Qui-Gon would be harsh with Obi-Wan, and other times like now, where he would be the comforter. The bond formed between master and apprentice was like no other. Forever connected, they counted on the other for their very lives. Bren had seen this particular relationship grow and change over the years; from an uncertain teacher-student pairing to a close-knit father-son bond. Of course there were conflicts. Qui-Gon, always the rebel in doing what he thought was right, put him at constant odds with the Jedi Council. Occasionally, Obi-Wan, even questioned his master's decisions. And every so often the apprentice made it known that he did not agree with Qui-Gon's actions. Nevertheless, the boy remained loyal and dedicated to his teacher, even when the Council turned against him. Now was Qui-Gon's turn to test his own dedication to their relationship.
For more than an hour, Qui-Gon stayed as he was. He'd motioned for Bren to sit next to him. Together they held a silent vigil at the padawan's bedside.
Late into the night, the older master felt Obi-Wan stir. Qui-Gon immediately held the smaller hand tight. He brushed the pale face with his finger, urging him to wake. "Obi-Wan, can you hear me? Can you open your eyes for me?"
The boy's pulse quickened and his eyes fluttered slightly. He moaned as the tiniest of movements meant biting pain. "Hmmm...'kay. Mmmph..." The dull blue eyes squinted open, and rolled a bit before closing again.
Qui-Gon continued stroking the young man's face and sending encouraging words. "It'll be okay, Obi-Wan. I'm here with you now. Bren is here too. We'll stay with you for as long as we can. Before you know it, you'll be on your feet and traveling the galaxy by my side again." Another groan of pain and Obi-Wan weakly tightened his hand around that of his master's. "That's it, Padawan, squeeze my hand. I'm right here. I want you to rest. Healer Terran will be glad to know that you were awake."
The younger Jedi's breath caught as a sharp pain stabbed through his vulnerable chest. Qui-Gon felt another return squeeze from Obi-Wan's hand, but the big Jedi was concerned. "Bren, perhaps we should find Terran, he shouldn't be in this much pain while he rests."
"You stay with your apprentice, Qui-Gon. I'll get Terran."
Turning his attention back to the bedridden teen, Qui-Gon fought with the images in his mind. Images of his saber entering the body of the boy, ripping through his flesh like it was paper. He still was at a loss to explain what had gone wrong. How a simple training exercise had left Obi-Wan fighting for his life. Guilt struck the master once more. It was his fault that his apprentice was here now. His fault that Obi-Wan's life might end before it really had a chance to begin.
Another moan brought him back to the present. The pain was getting worse. Whatever medication the medical team had given him, was no longer effective. "Hold on, Obi-Wan. Not much longer and the pain will be gone."
Terran came running in, flanked by Bren. At once, he was bedside and examining his patient. "Okay, Obi-Wan, time for another dose of pain killer." He placed a hypo-spray needle on the boy's neck. A short hiss, and the result was almost instantaneous. Obi-Wan visibly relaxed, his hand falling from Qui-Gon's. "That will help the pain, and allow him to sleep through the rest of the night. Bren said he awoke?"
"Yes," Qui-Gon nodded, "But just for a moment. He did respond to me briefly."
"Good. That's always a positive sign. Tomorrow we will check the bleeding, and if he looks okay, in a couple days, we'll get him started in the bacta tank."
"So, he's doing better?"
"Let's just say, he's not doing any worse. And at this point, that means we are moving in the right direction. He's got a struggle ahead of him, Qui-Gon. One that won't be easy. We can only do so much, the rest is up to him and to you. This kid is strong, and will fight for you. Whatever you're doing, keep it up. Now, I suggest you two go home and get some sleep while he's out. He'll be okay for a few hours."
But Qui-Gon was determined not to be moved from his student's side. "I promised him I would stay with him. I can't leave."
The healer sighed. "I knew you would say that. So I asked Jerra to come sit with him for a bit."
As if on cue, a tall dark-haired Jedi entered the room. Master Jerra Derson was one of Qui-Gon's closest friends. He was shadowed by his apprentice, Padawan Taj Elim, who was in turn, one of Obi-Wan's dearest friends. They paused briefly to observe the scene before them, then Jerra approached Qui-Gon.
"How are you holding up?"
Qui-Gon moved from the chair and grabbed Jerra's outstretched hand. "I'm okay."
"Go home, get cleaned up, grab a bite to eat and at least try to sleep for a while. Taj and I will stay here with Obi-Wan, and should anything come up, you will be the first to know. Don't argue with me on this, because you won't win. Now go." Jerra's words were firm but sympathetic. If Taj was the one in that bed right now, he'd be fighting not to leave just as Qui-Gon was about to.
When Qui-Gon went to protest again, he was stopped. Bren took him by the arm and began to lead him out the door. "Come on, Qui-Gon. He'll be okay for a few hours."
"Just let me tell him that I'm leaving." He wandered to Obi-Wan's side and took his hand again. "Padawan, I'll be back soon. Taj and Jerra are here, they'll take good care of you while I'm gone." He paused briefly before quietly finishing his thoughts. "I love you, Obi-Wan." He leaned down and touched his forehead to his student's. Then he allowed Bren to take him home.
AUTHOR: Obi the Kid (hlnkid@aol.com)
SUMMARY: Pre-TPM. (Obi-Wan is 18) Non-slash. Qui-Gon must to come to terms with an accident that leaves his apprentice fighting for his life.
FEEDBACK: Yes, please.
ARCHIVE: Ask me first.
MY WEBSITE: http://www.angelfire.com/movies/obithekid/
DISCLAIMER: The characters and venue of Star Wars are copyrighted to Lucas Films Limited. The characters not recognizable from this venue are copyrighted to Tracy C. Knight. The story is the intellectual property of Tracy C. Knight and is copyrighted to her. She makes no profit from the writing or distribution of this story.
Guilty Heart
"Be mindful, Obi-Wan. Use the Force to anticipate my next move. Allow it to guide you."
Master Qui-Gon Jinn studied the sparring techniques of his padawan learner, Obi-Wan Kenobi as they engaged in a mock duel within the walls of the Jedi Temple's main gym. It was an exercise that Obi-Wan always enjoyed, and it allowed him to release a great deal of his relentless energy. At the age of eighteen, Kenobi was quickly becoming one of the Order's finest young swordsmen. A feat that he and his master both took pride in.
The pair had been sparring for over an hour, each man showing signs of weariness, but neither willing to be the first to give in. Qui-Gon, always the teacher, instructed his student throughout the battle. The younger Jedi was amazed at how focused his master remained at all times. How he could point out Obi-Wan's mistakes while still knowing what his next move would be. The fact that Qui-Gon did things so easily with the light saber while holding that concentration was a cause of some frustration for the boy, but it served only to make him work harder.
As they continued their match, Obi-Wan shook off an odd feeling that ran through him briefly. He lost focus for an instant, but recovered in time to block a low strike from the older Jedi. "Keep your concentration on the here and now, Obi-Wan. Good. You anticipated my move and reacted to it. Well done."
It was then that a second flash from the Force caught the boy off guard. The disturbance ripped through his mind, and in those few seconds he lost complete control and focus. His next conscious feeling was an intensity of pain that he had never experienced before. It felt as if his chest was on fire, and a scream of agony tore through his throat. Every breath was now torture.
Qui-Gon stood for a moment in a state of shock. His world seemed to collapse in front of him. Obi-Wan had lost his focus for a brief second, but Qui-Gon was unable to stop the thrust of his saber's emerald blade from piercing the boy's chest just below his heart. For a moment, everything seemed surreal. Then Obi-Wan's scream of terror echoed through the gym and immediately Qui-Gon dropped to his knees.
"Obi-Wan? Padawan? Can you hear me? FORCE NO!! OBI-WAN!!!!"
One of the other apprentices close by reached for a com-link and called for the healers. A group crowded around the fallen student as Qui-Gon struggled to calm him. Obi-Wan's shallow breaths were panicked as he realized what had happened. He lay on his back, one hand clutching the area of the wound, the other wrapped tightly in Qui-Gon's tunic. Young tear-filled eyes found those of his teacher. "Master."
Taking a hand and brushing it through Obi-Wan's sweat soaked hair, Qui-Gon willed his own voice to remain steady. "Shh, Padawan. Don't talk. The healers are on the way. Hold on, do you hear me? Hold on."
The boy moaned as spasms of pain rocketed through his trembling body. Whether the shaking was from fear or cold, Qui-Gon could not tell, but he acted quickly, taking his robe and draping it over the young man. Tears began to sting his own eyes as he watched his apprentice fight to stay alive. "Focus on me, Obi-Wan. I'm here. I'm right here." He took the hand that was grasping his tunic and squeezed it in his own. "Open your eyes, Padawan. Stay awake for me. That's it, not much longer now, okay?"
"Y..yes...Ma...ster." Obi-Wan's teeth chattered loudly as the blood loss brought on the cold. He fought to do as Qui-Gon asked, but the pain was overwhelming. He cried out as it worsened. His screams filtered into the neighboring rooms. Slowly he rolled onto his side, moaning and crying out as the anguish grew.
"I'm here, Obi-Wan. Hold onto me." The master's right hand and part of his tunic were covered in blood. Obi-Wan's blood. "It's okay. Shh..."
A group of five healers flooded the room, led by Masters Terran Va'lor and Elisha Rax. They delayed only a moment before going to work on the boy. Terran pushed Qui-Gon out of the way as the master protested. "Terran, no. I can't leave him right now."
"You need to let us work, Qui-Gon. You may stay with him, but you must stay out of the way."
The team readied the apprentice for the short trip to the medi-ward. Over the agonizing screams, Terran barked out one order after another, and within five minutes of their arrival, they were gone.
Qui-Gon paced the floor in the waiting area of the medi-ward. Desperately he tried to calm himself. But the Force seemed elusive and he was unable to grasp it. The image of his green blade slicing open his padawan's chest rolled over and over in his mind. Why hadn't he seen that coming? He'd just finished lecturing Obi-Wan on anticipating his opponent's next move and focusing on the moment. How had he not sensed the disturbance? And why was he unable to stop his action? Glancing down, he saw both sabers hanging on his belt; the hilt of his padawan's was speckled with blood. **How did I not see this? Obi-Wan, I am so sorry. Please forgive me.**
Hands shaking, he reached down and ran a finger lightly over the silver hilt. Preparing to become lost in his thoughts, he was startled by the sound of the door hissing open. Qui-Gon looked across the room to the familiar face of his dear friend, Master Bren Anders. How she'd found out, he didn't know, but the relief washed through him and he sank into the couch that lay directly behind him. Bren quickly closed the distance between them, sat next and gently wrapped her arms around him. All the emotions that Qui-Gon had been holding back, now came rushing to the forefront. He had needed an outlet for release and the only other person he trusted to allow him that release was here now. If nothing else, he had someone to share in his grief should the worst happen.
When he finally pulled out of the embrace, Qui-Gon steadied himself with several deep breaths. "I'm sorry, Bren. I didn't..."
"No need to be sorry. That's what I'm here for. Now tell me, what happened?"
"Obi-Wan and I were sparring and there was some kind of disturbance that flashed through the Force, he lost his focus right when I was striking. He wasn't able to react in time, and...my saber ran through his lower chest. This is my fault, I should have seen this and been able to anticipate what was going to happen. This should never have happened this way...I..."
"Enough, Qui-Gon. You cannot blame yourself for this. I am sure Obi-Wan wouldn't blame you. You can't foresee everything. And you can only prepare him as you have. That boy is strong. And I know he will fight for you. But he will also be able to feel your guilt. You have to be strong for him as well. What have the healers told you?"
Qui-Gon shook his head. "Nothing yet. He's been in there for almost two hours now. I don't know what's going on. They gave him a Force suppressor so I can't feel him right now. It's just an empty feeling." He leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes. "So empty."
Taking his larger hand in hers, Bren offered what she could to her friend. And together they waited.
Another hour passed, and there was still no word from the healers on Obi-Wan's condition. Qui-Gon had taken to pacing the floor. He'd made several unsuccessful attempts to meditate, his worry for his student always drawing him away from his center. Bren could only sit and watch. She knew that words were meaningless now. A stream of friends and fellow Jedi trickled in from time to time, each asking about the condition of young Kenobi. With Qui-Gon in the emotional state that he was, Bren took it upon herself to speak with them, and thank them for their concern. A look from Qui-Gon showed how grateful he was for her presence.
They were just about to track down a healer when Terran entered the waiting room. His aging face looking much older now. "Sit down, Qui-Gon."
The master's heart dropped. "Obi-Wan?"
"He's stable, for now. Massive internal bleeding kept us from being able to repair the damage as quickly as we would have liked. We can't move him to the bacta tank until we are sure that the bleeding has stopped."
Qui-Gon worked on settling himself before he spoke again. Several deep breaths later, he managed to direct another question at the healer. "Will he be okay?"
"You have to be ready for whatever happens, Qui-Gon. Right now, I honestly don't know if he will recover. It's too early to tell. The one thing he has going for him is that he is just as stubborn as you are. In circumstances like this, that's an attractive trait to have. He's strong, and otherwise healthy. But as of this moment, I don't want to give you false hope."
The older Jedi nodded, a short breath escaping his lips. "I would like to see him."
Terran smiled, "That, I can arrange. If you would like to stay with him until we move him, you are welcome to. You as well, Master Anders. "Although he's still under the effects of the Force suppressor, I think he'll know you're there."
The healer led them down the hall and through several doors. He pointed them towards the last room on the left. "It's possible he may wake for a few moments, but he won't be very coherent. Just let him know you're with him."
Bren thanked Terran as Qui-Gon entered the room. Tubes ran from Obi-Wan's arms and wrists, monitoring his vital signs and providing the IV fluids that his body needed. The room was quiet, save for the ragged breaths of the unconscious boy. Qui-Gon pulled his large frame into a chair that Terran had placed beside the bed. He took his student's hand and squeezed. Silently he prayed for Obi-Wan to return the gesture, but there was no movement other than the rise and fall of his bare chest.
"I'm here, Padawan. Squeeze my hand if you can hear me." The master spoke soft comforting words to the still form on the bed. Refusing to take his eyes from the young face.
Bren stood off to the side, not wanting to interfere with Qui-Gon's need to be alone with his apprentice. She would know if and when she was needed. Never having taken a padawan of her own, she'd grown to understand the relationship quite well. There was nothing more important in Jinn's life than his apprentice. Yes he dedicated himself to the Jedi and to the Force, but Obi-Wan was his responsibility to raise and to train. A master had to be teacher, mentor, friend and father to his student. There were times when Qui-Gon would be harsh with Obi-Wan, and other times like now, where he would be the comforter. The bond formed between master and apprentice was like no other. Forever connected, they counted on the other for their very lives. Bren had seen this particular relationship grow and change over the years; from an uncertain teacher-student pairing to a close-knit father-son bond. Of course there were conflicts. Qui-Gon, always the rebel in doing what he thought was right, put him at constant odds with the Jedi Council. Occasionally, Obi-Wan, even questioned his master's decisions. And every so often the apprentice made it known that he did not agree with Qui-Gon's actions. Nevertheless, the boy remained loyal and dedicated to his teacher, even when the Council turned against him. Now was Qui-Gon's turn to test his own dedication to their relationship.
For more than an hour, Qui-Gon stayed as he was. He'd motioned for Bren to sit next to him. Together they held a silent vigil at the padawan's bedside.
Late into the night, the older master felt Obi-Wan stir. Qui-Gon immediately held the smaller hand tight. He brushed the pale face with his finger, urging him to wake. "Obi-Wan, can you hear me? Can you open your eyes for me?"
The boy's pulse quickened and his eyes fluttered slightly. He moaned as the tiniest of movements meant biting pain. "Hmmm...'kay. Mmmph..." The dull blue eyes squinted open, and rolled a bit before closing again.
Qui-Gon continued stroking the young man's face and sending encouraging words. "It'll be okay, Obi-Wan. I'm here with you now. Bren is here too. We'll stay with you for as long as we can. Before you know it, you'll be on your feet and traveling the galaxy by my side again." Another groan of pain and Obi-Wan weakly tightened his hand around that of his master's. "That's it, Padawan, squeeze my hand. I'm right here. I want you to rest. Healer Terran will be glad to know that you were awake."
The younger Jedi's breath caught as a sharp pain stabbed through his vulnerable chest. Qui-Gon felt another return squeeze from Obi-Wan's hand, but the big Jedi was concerned. "Bren, perhaps we should find Terran, he shouldn't be in this much pain while he rests."
"You stay with your apprentice, Qui-Gon. I'll get Terran."
Turning his attention back to the bedridden teen, Qui-Gon fought with the images in his mind. Images of his saber entering the body of the boy, ripping through his flesh like it was paper. He still was at a loss to explain what had gone wrong. How a simple training exercise had left Obi-Wan fighting for his life. Guilt struck the master once more. It was his fault that his apprentice was here now. His fault that Obi-Wan's life might end before it really had a chance to begin.
Another moan brought him back to the present. The pain was getting worse. Whatever medication the medical team had given him, was no longer effective. "Hold on, Obi-Wan. Not much longer and the pain will be gone."
Terran came running in, flanked by Bren. At once, he was bedside and examining his patient. "Okay, Obi-Wan, time for another dose of pain killer." He placed a hypo-spray needle on the boy's neck. A short hiss, and the result was almost instantaneous. Obi-Wan visibly relaxed, his hand falling from Qui-Gon's. "That will help the pain, and allow him to sleep through the rest of the night. Bren said he awoke?"
"Yes," Qui-Gon nodded, "But just for a moment. He did respond to me briefly."
"Good. That's always a positive sign. Tomorrow we will check the bleeding, and if he looks okay, in a couple days, we'll get him started in the bacta tank."
"So, he's doing better?"
"Let's just say, he's not doing any worse. And at this point, that means we are moving in the right direction. He's got a struggle ahead of him, Qui-Gon. One that won't be easy. We can only do so much, the rest is up to him and to you. This kid is strong, and will fight for you. Whatever you're doing, keep it up. Now, I suggest you two go home and get some sleep while he's out. He'll be okay for a few hours."
But Qui-Gon was determined not to be moved from his student's side. "I promised him I would stay with him. I can't leave."
The healer sighed. "I knew you would say that. So I asked Jerra to come sit with him for a bit."
As if on cue, a tall dark-haired Jedi entered the room. Master Jerra Derson was one of Qui-Gon's closest friends. He was shadowed by his apprentice, Padawan Taj Elim, who was in turn, one of Obi-Wan's dearest friends. They paused briefly to observe the scene before them, then Jerra approached Qui-Gon.
"How are you holding up?"
Qui-Gon moved from the chair and grabbed Jerra's outstretched hand. "I'm okay."
"Go home, get cleaned up, grab a bite to eat and at least try to sleep for a while. Taj and I will stay here with Obi-Wan, and should anything come up, you will be the first to know. Don't argue with me on this, because you won't win. Now go." Jerra's words were firm but sympathetic. If Taj was the one in that bed right now, he'd be fighting not to leave just as Qui-Gon was about to.
When Qui-Gon went to protest again, he was stopped. Bren took him by the arm and began to lead him out the door. "Come on, Qui-Gon. He'll be okay for a few hours."
"Just let me tell him that I'm leaving." He wandered to Obi-Wan's side and took his hand again. "Padawan, I'll be back soon. Taj and Jerra are here, they'll take good care of you while I'm gone." He paused briefly before quietly finishing his thoughts. "I love you, Obi-Wan." He leaned down and touched his forehead to his student's. Then he allowed Bren to take him home.