Eugene: Ok~ I was gonna do either a chappie for "iBrawl With Bakugan" or for "Shun and Japan" but since I'm listening to "Russian Lullaby" by E-Type as well as that Tetris song and Russia's been on my mind from the last few.. I don't know, 2 days, maybe? So I decided to try writing this poem about that cute-yet-scary Russian we Hetalia fans know. So let's get started, da? ^J^ ONWARD WITH RUSSIA'S POEM! FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (and yes, that title's based on "From Russia with Love", one of the James Bond movies in the spy series, 007: The Men and the Missions)!

I am the one who stands tall and proud.

I am the one who can beat any enemy to the ground.

I am the one whose land is cold with snow

And I am the one where terror would reign here and now.

You may know me as Ivan Braginski but I am the one known as Russia;

The cute-looking one filled with fear and hysteria.

From the Crimean War to World Wars I and II,

To the Cold War and even the Korean War, too,

That's where I've had been, born to rule

And spreading true fear and luring people to many duels.

I was the one, during the Space Age, sent the first man (a cosmonaut) to Space,

But America's astronaut won and sent the first man to land in the moon, making us rush in pace.

I was known for Tetris, vodka, and the order of Communism.

The Kremlin, Russian ballet, and my matryoshka dolls are also known, not made for plagiarism.

Snow is common from where I live,

Yet I think it is better in red than white while I am alive.

But it's not really good for the earth,

For sunflowers can't thrive there in their birth.

Like life, sunflowers are very delicate,

Yet they would be destroyed easily from care so inadequate.

You may find me really mean and scary,

But I'm not always like this, for that is a burden that I carry.

I wish I can be more gentle, more caring, and less destructive,

But it is hard to, for I suffered so much and I would take others captive.

So if you can take me to a light from where there's not propaganda,

You will love me and become one with me, da?

Just send me to you from above,

From Russia with Love.