DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything here. J.K. Rowling does. Just the plot.

A/N: I'm truly sorry if my English isn't good enough. I live in the Philippines and English is not one of my strong points, Sorry! :)


Chapter 6

The couple stood infront of the doors Great Hall. Hermione was now in the same dress she wore last time at the ball. The peach dress that hugged her curves, her hair still hazelnut brown which is curly and has clips on each side, her eyes that are charmed to be blue, and lastly her ivory mask in place. While Draco was wearing the same robes too, with his black mask also in place.

"You ready love?" Draco said as he reached for Hermione's hand and placing it inside his and squeezing it lightly

"Yeah, I can't wait to see their faces" Hermione said giving Draco a dazzling smile and a peck on the lips.

"After this you must promise me I will get more than that kiss" Draco said winking at her.

"Much, much more" Hermione said in a whisper and winking too

"Well, if that's the case let's get this over with" Draco said as he opened the door and walked toward the platform and to Professor Dumbledore. When they were walking they saw that all of the 7th years have revealed themselves and are already eating without their masks on and most of all as they walked towards the teacher's table they heard various whispers.

"-who is she?-"

"-what a lucky bloke-"

"- the both of them are perfect-"


Almost all of the students were thinking all the same thing. Who is the girl? Of course, all o fthem know that the boy was Draco Malfoy because of his blonde hair. As they reached the Professor's table

"Proffessor Dumblrdore, sorry we are late sir" Hermione said.

"Oh, it's alright, you may stand there infront while I do some introduction Miss Granger" Dumbedore said winking at Hermione. How did he know? Hermione thought but once again she remembered that he was Dumbledore: the greatest wizard of all time. He must saw through the charms. Hermione said finally as Dumbledore went infront of the Hall.

"Well, you can see, there are still two more students who are not yet revealed and I think you are all excited on who are they going to be right? So without further ado, come here now and remove your masks. " Dumbledore said to the couple who were now making their way to the center"

"Here goes nothing" Hermione said as she and Draco removed their masks.

"- she is gorgeous-"

"-she has a nice face-"

"- I wonder if she has a boyfriend-"

The last remark she heard made her blush a little and turn to Draco who was trying hard to contain his anger as he heard the last remark. But, even if Hermione removed her mask no one seem to recognize her still.

"Finite Incatatum" Hermione said as she pointed her wand to her eyes which turned her blue eyes to their natural color. After she done this all gasps are heard in the Great Hall.

"So it is revealed that the couple here is no other that Mister Draco Malfoy and Miss Hermione Granger" Dumbledore said as Hermione and Draco kissed infront of the school as a reminder to the students that they are now a couple.

After this the students still remain motionless and silent as the couple now exited the Great Hall

"Well, that was fun! Did you see their faces?" Hermione said as she mimicked the expressions of their classmates , eyes wide and mouth open.

"Yeah, but I think I remember someone telling me a promise after we did that" Draco said pulling Hermione closer to him

"Really? What was it?" Hermione said giving him an inoccent look

Draco just smirked and carriesd Hermione bridal style to the Heads Common Room.


A/N: That's all folks! Read and Review! Don't forget and watch out for a new Dramione fanfic! :)