A.N: written for Seaborgasm on tumblr – who is a fan of Nor/Liech

I hope you like it ~

To be frank; Liechtenstein was not particularity happy with this situation.
She might not look like much of an adult in most peoples eyes – but she was not a child!
Yet this did not seem to hinder Switzerland in 'hiring' a 'baby sitter' for her while he had important meeting to attend elsewhere.

Everyone in the European Union was attending due to the financial issues they all seemed to be facing, and thus the choice of nations to watch over Liechtenstein had been severely reduced.

In fact, the only one willing to do it and who got Switzerland's stamp of approval (albeit not without a long list of question fired at said 'nation-sitter')
Liechtenstein had argued, debated, pleaded and begged the Swiss nation to let her just stay home on her own – nothing bad would happen.
But her pleas went unheard and any argument was shot down or ignored.

So reluctantly she found herself in the Airport, waiting for her host to come pick her up.

She was nervous and a little scared.
After all: Norway was hardly the nation she'd pin for the friendlies of the Nordics.

They had spoken during meeting and such a few times and he was always polite if not a little cold and distant.

"Miss Liechtenstein, there you are"

the petite nation jumped in fright at the sudden voice addressing her and spun around, face to face with Norway.
Well, more like face to chest – he was at least a head taller than her.

Tilting her head backwards she smiled politely and curtseyed to the Nordic male
"Good day Mr Norway. Thank you for coming to get me" she managed to utter without stuttering. Her heart was still bating at a much higher rate than normal. What part of his mind though it was a good idea to appear out of thin air like that? Liechtenstein truly hoped this wasn't a habit of his.

"Let me get that for you." he smiled and picked up her small suitcase with ease. "My car is just outside"

Liechtenstein followed him in silence, glancing around the airport at everything and nothing. What on earth did she have in common with Norway? Except wealth and safety...

Norway was quick to place her suitcase in the back of his car and proceeded to open and close the car door for Liechtenstein. The female nation had to admit that was actually rather nice.

But as he turned the key and the music came on, Liechtenstein gave a yelp of fright as the sound system blasted some horrendous screaming music accompanied by electrical guitars and heavy drums.

"Oops, sorry about that." he said as he switched the car's stereo from CD to radio. After a few presses of the buttons some calming classical music came on and Liechtenstein managed to lower her panicked breathing.

"What on earth was that music?" she inquired worriedly as Norway pulled out of the parking lot.

"Dimmu Borgir" he replied flatly.

"You like listening to people screaming?"

"They play Symphonic Death Metal...I just paused that song in a particular heavy bit." he explained, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I think I prefer the radio..."

Norway chuckled, making Liechtenstein blush. She'd never heard him make such a noise. He was always so serious during meetings and even smiles were rare. His chuckle was deep and warm – a sincerity present she'd never imagined could be there. It made her wonder if his laugh was the same.

She quickly turned to look at the scenery flashing past outside the car window to hide her growing blush as Norway stopped chuckling and instead hummed in tune with the music.

As they joined the motorway he changed the radio stations again, settling for some pretty standard pop music. Liechtenstein giggled when he seemed to be able to sing along to almost every song – his voice was incredibly soothing to listen to.

"First metal and now pop...you surprise me" she giggled.

"I commute back and forth to work a lot, when you're stuck in traffic every morning it helps one's sanity to have some music. I'm not particularly picky about what I listen to when I drive...anything goes really." he shrugged.

This little piece of information made the petite woman smile, he wasn't ignoring her existence like so many others did. Norway was just a quiet person, a bit like her when she though it over.

She'd never been to Norway's private home – it didn't look like anything she'd imagined.

For a nation with such wealth his house was rather modest.

Red painted wood with a white front door surrounded by a neatly kept garden. The house wasn't huge or daunting, but rather a medium size and very homely.

As he unlocked the door and ushered her inside from the chilling autumn air, Liechtenstein stopped and stared once well inside the hallway. The entire house could only be described as one thing: cute.

There were oil paintings of beautiful mountain and forest scenery – and at closer inspection Liechtenstein noticed almost all of them had at least one fairy or musicological being in it. Several of his furniture was beautifully carved out of wood and painted with flowers in deep blue, green, white and red. She could spend hours simply staring at all his possessions. They seemed valuable – but not because of materialistic reason, instead they seemed to hold a lot of history.

As he showed her around his home and the guest bedroom, she had to stop herself from touching every little thing in his home.

Inspecting her room for the duration of her visit she came upon a tiny little hand carved door in the corner.

"Excuse me, but what's this for? Mice?"

Norway shook his head "It's a fairy door. So they can come and go as they wish"

The female nation bent down to inspect the little door, giving a little gasp of surprise when Norway suddenly joined her.

"Why do you have it in this room?"

"Iceland says he feels more at home if it's here when he visits, and no one else cares about it – but I'll remove it if it makes you uncomfortable." He wobbled the door back and forth – it wasn't embedded into the wall as she'd first though. No; it was like a figurine – it could be moved to wherever one pleased. It sounded like a rather cute idea – maybe she'd try to get one herself.

"what do the faeries do exactly" she inquired quietly as she carefully lifted the intricately carved door up to inspect the handiwork.

"Keep the house clean, tend to the flowers and garden when I'm not home and keep evil spirits at bad." Norway shrugged before flashing Liechtenstein a smile. It was only there a second, but the image was burned into her mind.

"I-I don't mind them then, they sound nice." she managed to stutter after a while, placing the tiny door where it was once before.

"Good, now...are you hungry? Switzerland sent me, well..." Norway sighed and produce an A4 piece of paper from his pockets "he sent me a list of food you like and ideas for what I should ensure you ate" The Nordic nation unfolded the piece of paper and handed it to the rather stunned woman.

She couldn't believe her brother had done something so stupid. Skimming through the list she felt her face heat up – partly in anger and partly in embarrassment. She was not a mere child! And she would never be so rude as to reject any food someone had made for her. It was honestly very insulting.

With a from she crumpled the piece of paper and threw it into the bin next to the small desk in her room. "I can't believe he did that!" she fumed.

Norway tilted his head slightly and stared down at her with his dull blue eyes, finding her display of anger and frustration odd and fascinating.

"Please just disregard my brothers' 'guidelines'. I do not wish to be a burden.."

Norway chuckled and flashed her another brief smile "Well then, even if I disregard that, you are still a guest and I think I can at least try to make something you'd enjoy eating"

"Actually...I don't think I've ever tasted any food from your country"

"Well then, let's raid the cupboards and see what we find"


Liechtenstein ended up helping prepare dinner – peeling potatoes and boiling vegetables while Norway stood outside in the cold with an umbrella grilling the fish.
The sight was rather comical, but the waft of grilled fish that came through the patio-door every time he opened it to ask how she was doing was simply heavenly.

Dinner was pleasant, and with each beer Norway had, he became easier to talk to – or at least more willing to talk.

"I just don't think it's fair of him to treat me like a small child. I'm an adult" she pouted as she took another small sip of the white wine provided for her. Norway hadn't even asked her if she was 'the right age'. All he'd asked was if she'd like to pick out the wine herself. Liechtenstein had chosen a French one – a decision she didn't regret the slightest – it was delicious and only made her meal even better.

"It's not that bad to look young, think of all the reduced fairs you can get travelling as a child"

Liechtenstein stared at him in shock and then she noticed the slight twitch in his lips before he gave her a wink.

"You have a terrible sense of humour" she shot back

"So I have been told on countless occasions" he mused as he leant back in his chair.

"Then perhaps you should start taking it to heart." not that Liechtenstein wanted him to change, she found him to be rather interesting. She had imagined this weekend to be awkward and terribly painful – but so far so good in her mind.

"Oh come on...none of us up here in the North do that – if we did Denmark would be the most depressed idiot out there" The Nordic male chuckled before standing up to clear away their plates.

"Ahhh, is that why your insults seem to bounce off him?"

Norway nodded as he began to look for something in one of the cupboards.

"I guess that makes some sense then...do you insult everyone in your family?" as far as she'd seen in meetings Norway's relationship with both Sweden and Denmark was based on exchanging snarky comments, insults and the occasional punch or kick. Switzerland never let her sit to close to the Nordics for this very reason – he deemed them too unpredictable and violent. Yet here she was, drinking with one of the most terrifying Vikings back in the day – and for each little question she found out more and more about him.

"Insult? Ah, yeah...I guess I do," he scratched the back of his head thoughtfully ",but they know I don't mean it."

"What a strange way to show affection..."

The Nordic nation laughed and immediately Liechtenstein felt her face redden – just like his chuckles, Norway laugh was deep, warming and incredibly pleasant. It was so different to how she would have initially imagined it.

"Don't worry, I don't insult everyone I know or enjoy the company off." he returned with two tea cups and a pot of tea, Liechtenstein gave a small word of thanks as he poured her a cup.

"I see..." she studied him carefully. Even if Switzerland had told her time and time again that Norway had been a Viking, she couldn't really say she pictured him as one right now. He was calm and peaceful like a lake in the middle of a serene forest. Then again, even the calmest of seas could create monstrous waves with the slightest turn of the wind. Liechtenstein figured Norway was probably just like his sea. Unpredictable.

Very, very unpredictable.

As the day grew darker and her yawns became impossible to stifle or hide, Norway suggested he get a good night sleep.

Liechtenstein nodded in agreement and let the Nordic nation follow her upstairs.

Before she could even process what was happening, Norway had her hand in his and planted a soft kiss to her knuckles before wishing her a pleasant nights sleep.
"Sleep for as long as you want, then we'll figure out what to do so you don't get bored. Pretty women shouldn't be cooped up inside all day"

She barely managed to stutter a 'good night' back at him before she shut the door in a hurry, her heart pounding.

It was a joke – it had to be a joke. But the smile on his lips and the sincerity his his voice made her doubt it. Perhaps it was just the wine?

Yes. Liechtenstein decided to sleep it all off.

But as she tossed and turned the though wouldn't leave her alone.

Norway had referred to her as a woman. Not a child – not a girl.
A woman.

She could feel the blush burning her cheeks – to her it was such a compliment. All the insecurities about her young looks seemed to vanish for the time being. Instead they where replaced by a warm fuzzy glee.

The next couple of days weren't going to be so bad after all.


this was meant to be a one shot..but I can't cut it off here...so another chapter will appear at some point. hopefully I've justified this pairing in an okay manner.