Well I re wrote this chapter I hope is better then the first one ^w^

And well in this story Haou and Jay are twins,and as well Jesse and his evil counterpart are siblings. I call Jesses evil counterpart with his Japaness name Johan. Jesse is the oldest one out of Haou and Johan ^w^ And Jay well he is a ghost in this story. I can't wait to write the part of Harrington when he meets ghost Jaden XD

Disclamer: I don't own Yugioh GX..if I do Jaden will be with Lexie! :D


Alexis POV

I run away from those jerk's who are chasing me. I knew what they where thinking,but I won't allow it! I won't let these jerk's destroy my future! I continue to run. My long dirty blond hair flowing with the wind of this chilly October night. My hazel color eyes we're full of tears. I knew it was a bad idea going to the school game,when your older brother a.k.a ride was in a date with his college dream girl.

"Come on girly don't run away from me!"One of the guy who was chasing me screamed.

"Yeah what the Boss said! We just want to have a little fun with ya!"said his friend.

I start to hyperventilate when I hear there voices. They where getting near me,but I choose to ignored them and continue running. And as luck has it I tripped with a rock. I was going to try and stand up quickly,but one of the guy's who where chasing me put's his foot on my back.

"Please...please just leave me alone! I didn't do anything to you jerk's!" I plead,but my plead was just a joke for this guy.

"You did do something to us deary. Cross our path of vision." He say's to happily.

"And for having a body of a goddess!"His friend said from behind him.

I start crying knowing full well for what there going to do. I look at my surrounding...My eyes widened in surprise! I was in the city park..maybe someone is here and could help me. I silently pray for someone to come and save me. I feel more pressure in my back.

"Girly you shouldn't ignore us!"The one putting pressure on my back said.

"Bob take it easy. She will be ours in a minute so be patient."His friend said patiently.

"Leave her alone you scumbags"Someone say's with a lot of venom on his voice.

I gasp and look at the source of the voice,but freeze when I see his eyes. They we're honey gold colored with a white dot on top of his black pupil is. While I stare amaze at this guy's eyes the pressure on my back disappear. When I see Bob walk to the teenage boy,that was in front my line of vision. In his eyes there wasn't any trace of fear on them at all...instead hate. I tried to sit up just to have Bob's friend put his foot on my back.

"Bob ignore the kid. He can't do anything to us."He say's patiently.

"I know Cedric,but he saw us and we don't want any witnesses."Bob say's with an evil grin attach to his ugly face.

"True,and it's 2 against 1. So it would be easy to beat up this kid."Cedric say's not to smartly.

"What do you want brat? Can you see my friend and I we're going to have a little fun with this whore."Said Bob while Cedric nod's.

I glared at Bob for calling me a whore. Without knowing anything about me! And his stupid friend Cedric is stupid. Yes it's 2 against 1,but I won't hesitate to help the guy beat the hell out of you 2 dumb asses!

"The name is Haou...Not brat got it? And she looks afraid and with a hint of anger towards you dumb asses." Haou calmly stated with authority on his voice.

"I don't care what your name is or the other part as well!" Bob say's with anger evident on his voice.

Bob roughly grabs the collar of Haou's shirt,but Haou just give's him a smirk before like a flash of light! Haou flips Bob like he didn't weight nothing at all! I feel the pressure on my back disappear and see Cedric run to Haou with a knife on his hand ready to stab Haou,but what surprise me was the roundhouse kick Haou gave Cedric in the stomach. I start to get up,but notice Haou walking up to me and kneeling in front of me. That's when my blood disappears from my face due to fear. Even if he protected me I still feel scared knowing I can't fight back against him. I tense up when he cradles my face gently in his warm hands.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you I promise." Haou say's softly towards me.

I can see the truth behind his words and nod. He gives me a smirk and pulls me up with him still having cradling my face on his warm hands,but that's when I notice...he is taller than me! By some inches,but I ignore this little detail and continue to stare at his honey gold colored eyes with amazement.

"You where afraid of this guy's and yet your not of me? By the way I still don't know you're name Princess." Haou say's and chuckles

"My name is Alexis Rhodes and I wasn't afraid of them!" I say angrily and add "Could you let go of my face?"

He chuckles and let's go of my face.

"Well Lex I let go of your pretty face,but I haven't introduce myself Haou Yuki at you're service."Haou say's with a smirk on his face.

I start thinking to myself I have heard the surname Yuki before it sounds familiar. He turns around to look at Bob and Cedric and I notice there we're starting to stand up,and I knew they where coming for a 2nd round. Haou turns to me and grabs my hand

"Run okay?"Haou whispers to me.

I nod quietly. That's when he starts running pulling me with him by our connected hands. I stumble at first,but start running with no problems. I hear Bob yell at us while Cedric groans in anger. I didn't look back,because I need to check my surrounding in case Haou has 2nd thoughts. We where running into the little tree forest that the park has for little kids to play hide and seek and for teenagers just to secretly hang out or be alone. In the middle of this particular forest there's a beautiful lake that shimmers in the sunlight and moonlight. Suddenly Haou stops and pushes me behind a tree to hide my existence,but what caught me by surprise that he cages me on the tree's trunk with his hands and put's all his body weight on me. I start to panic inside on the outside I tried to look calm.

"Wha-t a-re you doing!"I ask shakily my voice betraying me this time.

"There coming this way. So be quiet or else there going to find us out."Haou calmly replies,but continues "Are you crying?"

That's when I realize I was crying. If he haven't ask that question I wouldn't of realize it. I was crying because I thought Haou was going to betray me? I shake my head trying to shake that question off my head.

"I'm not crying! I had something in my eyes!" I harshly told him.

I was going to say something else to him,but 2 fingers stop me from opening my mouth. A little blush dances on my pale cheeks.

"Shh. There getting near our destination."Haou whispers calmly.

I gave him a confused stare,but I hear the footsteps of Bob and Cedric. I try to get my mind out of something else than those 2 coming our direction. I notice Haou wasn't looking at me,but taking peeks to see if he can see them walking to this tree or not. We're hiding behind said tree if they come this way they have to check said tree from behind. I decide to check his looks and what he is wearing. He is wearing a black t-shirt with a necklace that has a dog tag and a cross with it dark blue jeans with black and white converses. What shock me was his hairstyle...just kidding! His brown hair is sectioned in 2 layers,the layer closest to his face is a darker shade of brown while the one behind it is a light shade of brown. His honey gold colored eyes are positioned directly beneath the bangs of the layer closest to his face. Has 2 more bangs adorning both his cheeks. The back of his hair is spiked up giving him almost a rebellious look. I start to blush,because he is really handsome,and as well having him in my personal space just make it worst! I'm so tired and full of stress..I just want to go home. I hear Bob and Cedric's footsteps behind the tree we're hiding. I grip Haou's shirt tightly hoping for them to just go away and leave us alone. I feel Haou breathing in my face. I close my eyes trying to relax.

"Where the fuck are those 2! This little search for them is getting quite annoying! Forget about raping the girl,let's just kill her and her friend!" Bob say's angrily.

I almost gasp giving away our hiding place,but something stops me from gasping in shock. I feel something soft brush my lips. This time my entire face turns red,because I know it was Haou's lips.

"Let's just leave and forget about her! There's other girls walking alone dead of the night."Cedric calmly replies.

"Ugh! I hate when your right Cedric,but it's better if we kill them."Bob say's to Cedric.

"No,if they snitch on us with the police we hunt them down and kill them."Cedric say's bored

"Whatever. Yeah let's go. The Boss is waiting for us to report any ways."Bob say's annoyed.

I was going to sigh in relief. When Haou smashes his lips into mine's. My eyes open wide as saucers,but then I close them and kiss him back. I start to think to myself ;Why the hell am I kissing him back! I know he kissed me to make me completely shut me up,but he doesn't have the right to do that! That's when we brake up the kiss to replenish our lungs.

"They left"Haou speaks up.

I haven't notice they have left since I'm the one with my back press against the trees trunk,and as well I was in a dazed from the kiss he gave me.

"Oh! They did? Thank Goodness!" I say happily,but I remembered the position we where and blush.

"Can you...um please get off me?"I muttered for Haou to hear.

I hear Haou chuckle,but before he gets off me. Haou kisses my forehead. I stare at Haou with a shock expression,while he rudely gives me his back. I sigh shrugging the feeling off. I mean yeah he did kiss me,but he saved me from those 2 idiots. I sigh thinking that Jasmine and Mindy where lying about the first kiss being magical.

"Um well I'll be leaving know ...Thank you so much for helping me get away from those 2 idiots." I say while bowing gratefully.

I start walking the direction we ran,but couldn't make it far. Haou grabbed my wrist gently to wish I tirn to look at him. I gulp seeing him glare at me.

"If you leave now. You don't know if there still here with there little Boss. So let me escort you to your house then."Haou say's with a smirk knowing he was right.

I sigh and nod. We start walking out of the little forest the park has,and we walk in the direction I enter the park. I start to leg behind him looking back just in case they think of doing something funny.

"Stop legging behind Lex. There aren't going to surprise us you know?"Haou points out.

"I know that! It's just we need to have our guard up...just in case." I say rudely to him.

Haou rolls his eyes at me,while I run a little to stand next to him while walking.

"So where do you live?" Haou asks boredly.

"In a house with 4 walls and doors."I replied sarcastic

Haou chuckles while I walk in front of him. In a few minutes we reach the little bridge that I have to pass to get to the school. I almost shout happily,but remember I'm not alone. I stare at the little bridge it might look old and almost run down in peoples eyes,but for me it looks perfect. It's structure is from the old days...it's not made from wood,but it has being there for I don't know how many years! It was made for the people from the North section of the town to come to the East side of town walking. The lake that is underneath it is clean with no trash in it. That's what I like about this bridge. We walk to the bridge quietly without saying no words to each other. That's when I suddenly stop in front of a house.

"So here is where you live? Or your boyfriends house?"Haou ask with a little hint of humor in his voice.

"This is my house captain obvious! Not my boyfriends house...I don't even have one."I say to him while the last part I whisper to myself. Sadly he heard it.

"No boyfriend huh? So I got a chance."Haou says with a smirk on his face.

I face palm and look at the house and well it's an average looking house except this one has a rose garden in the front just to give the house a warm feeling. I turn to Haou and give him one of my warm smiles.

"Well this is Good Bye...I hope we see each other." I say while blushing

"Yeah I hope so to."Haou say's without looking at me.

I start opening the gate of the house to get in,but Haou suddenly turns me around just to have his lips on top of mines. Seriously! What day is today! The day to kiss Alexis Asuka Rhodes day! But I kiss him back. Hey you can't blame a girl sometimes...Ugh I'm sounding just like Mindy. Haou brakes the kiss with a blush adorning his light tan cheeks.

"Don't be a stranger Lex...And between us I do have a chance."Haou say's softly to me,but the last comment ruined the moment.

I ignore him and walk to the front porch of the house,but first!

"Yeah maybe you do have a chance Yoshitaka." I say playfully.

"Yoshitaka? Where did that come from?"Haou asks confused.

"It's your surname in the boy way."I giggle while saying this.

"I prefer Yuki even if it sounds girly for you."Haou says while he starts walking away.

I giggle to myself. Men and there pride these days,but Yuki that last name does sound familiar. I open the door of the house with the house key hiding underneath the welcome mat. When I enter the house it looks like everyone went to sleep early. Mhm I walk up the stairs to my room tired.

"Mhm Yuki? That surname sounds familiar in my vocabulary...I know I didn't learn that in Japanese class."I say to myself tiredly.

I open the door to my room with happiness and close it. I look at my room full of anime posters. Yeah I do like anime,but I don't remembered when I started liking it. I crash into my queen size bed and pull the blue covers on top of me without changing my clothes. Meh I'll change them tomorrow.

"Yuki.."I whisper as sleep gets the best of me.

Well you tell me if it's good I tried my best on this. With no internet connection for 2 days straight and my trusty notebook by my side well I change everything XD And thinking of making a cross over with yugioh gx and The Gentlemen's Alliance cross,but theres one problem Who is going to be the guy who wears girls cloth! XD


Adios~ Peace out!