Well, guys, here we are. January 21st. In four days time, I'll be stepping onto a plane to Ft. Benning, Georgia for nine weeks (hopefully). I don't think I could have timed it better to have paused this story at a junction where I can lay it down to nap without feeling too guilty for leaving you guys with a cliffhanger. It's been an honor and a privilege to write this glorious piece of work for you all, and amazing that I can get this much satisfaction just from your praise (and in some cases, a sense of completeness from your criticism. Weird, huh?).

I'm sorry I have to leave it where it is, but there's no way around it. Fortunately, if I'm not too busy at advanced training, I might be able to pick this up again before you know it.

And now, responses!

Numbah six-sixtysix:you know, I think that might have been your most supportive review yet. But seriously, your grasp of the setting so far is pretty good. And I also want to thank you for all your constructive criticism as well as your positive support. Thanks to you, man, I've been able to keep myself from making some very big mistakes in this story, and you've been one of the few people to actively look for my slip-ups.

GBscientist: yeah, I'd fix that if I had time and patience. But I don't. For either. Lame excuse, sorry man. But I want to thank you (in front of everyone) for being one of my co-writers and helping me hammer out a lot of details. Without you, this story would not be nearly as good as it is.

The Socialist: well, Red. Here's where I go to learn how to fight your filthy kind. (-lame Cold War reference joke). You've probably been one of my longest readers, if I remember correctly, and I appreciate that, man.

Turdy1: no. The Equestrian Crusader tanks are based on a low-tech version of the M1 Abrams...or maybe if a German Panther cross-bred with a Tiger-I and they had an offspring with speed, armor, firepower and almost as many mechanical problems. That's my thinking, at least. But you've been another helpful co-writer, so I want to thank you too for keeping my spirits up, man. You keep flying, Chair Force (-from the guy who's been sitting on his ass the past six-eight months writing this).

EqUiLl-IbRiUm: I had to check literally six times to make sure I had your name spelled right! Anyway, I'm glad you like the fic far, and I can honestly say that I'll be making this one of my top priorities on return, you can quote me on that!

And now...here we go.





There, I said it! I don't have to do anymore of those crappy leadups!


Chapter 7: Luna Eclipsed Pt 2

It was quite a spectacular appearance, he had to say, watching Princess Luna come down in that chariot of hers. Of course, he knew that she would be arriving in some fashion from her previous days. Nightmare Night practically demanded the style, however much it demonized her. Still, he thought with his belly to the ground as he bowed like the other citizens, the fact that she was here at all was cause for celebration, in his eyes. He'd always hoped she would, but the news of her freedom from imprisonment seemed to finally make it a reality, and he felt an uncharacteristic wave of giddiness wash over him.

But then, the stupid pink pony had to make matters worse by squawking some unintelligible gibberish and cause a panic. And suddenly his anger was tripled at seeing the hurt look on the Princess' face, at seeing just how much these ignorant village yokels hated and feared her! Knowing this wouldn't end well, he stole away silently, trotting around the side of a house and moving into the forest. She would leave, and he'd never get another chance!

"Very well, then! Be that way!" Luna fumed, trying and failing to hide her hurt. She threw her snout in the air, trying to maintain a superior air like Blueblood always seemed to. "We won't even bother with the Traditional Royal Farewell!" As she stormed away, she could hear an Army officer calling for the soldiers to let their forelegs down from their salutes, and the blue alicorn wanted to kick herself even harder.

When she'd returned, Celestia had given Luna a few months to herself to get used to being back in Equestria. Having just been stripped of her shadowmancer powers (and thus the dark temptation that came with it), it had taken her some time to reclaim her power and authority. But, little by little, month by month, she had slowly regained her true form and magic potential, and when Tia had offered her the position of Supreme Commander (now Commander in Chief to keep up with the modern day times), Luna had gladly accepted it, allowing Celestia to handle more mundane details while she commanded Equestria's (very much reduced) military. Which left a rather large gap in her education, so far as she could see.

She grimaced as she continued pushing through the Everfree Forest, feeling tears sting her eyes. It was the same issue as before, being feared for who she was. True, she tended to be a bit unforgiving, but it got the most out of her soldiers. Unfortunately, the princess of the Night suspected that the combination of one-thousand years on the moon and no real social reintegration upon her return were having a bit of a backlash effect.

"It's called the 'Traditional Royal Canterlot Voice' for a reason," she grumbled, angrily lashing a branch out of her way with a bolt of magic. "We're supposed to use it with the royal 'we,' to represent myself and the kingdom! Honestly, how does society forget something like that?"

"I'm afraid Celestia's rule has been a bit too benevolent in the last few centuries, My Lady," a voice answered from the trees, shocking her into a wide-eyed standstill. "It's made the citizens rather…lax in their mannerisms regarding those of royalty."

"Who's there? Show thyself!" Luna barked, standing tall and attempting to squint through the dark. True, she feared nopony and no creature alive, but ever since Discord had escaped, she'd been keeping her RAIC soldiers nearby at all times (why did she have to leave those two with the chariot? Idiot move…) and the Viperian assassination attempt on Field Marshal Eagle Eye only drove the point home. However, if enemy agents were this deep into Equestria…

"Pardon, My Lady," the voice said again, accompanied by the rustling of leaves and branches. "I assumed you heard me coming before. Allow me the chance to earn your forgiveness for such an impolite introduction."

The leaves before her parted, and Luna glanced down, blinking in astonishment as a unicorn, dressed in a black mask and matching cape with red lining emerged from the growth, smiling up at her for only a second before bowing his head, letting the silver strands of his mane drape down around his neck.

"I am Dusk Mallear Silvermane, My Lady. A proud and loyal servant to the Royal House and to yourself still through all these years."

Stunned, Luna nodded, clearing her throat before replying "Uh, yes. It is good to have civil company that does not shy away from us or salute stiffly because they are compelled by duty. Rise then, Silvermane!"

The stallion raised his head, straightening as a top hat levitated out from behind him, positioning itself at a roguish angle on his head, precariously leaning against his horn. Luna had to check twice, frowning as she realized what kind of magic was powering his aura.

"Thou are a shadowmancer?"

"My Lady, all due respect to one of your station, but perhaps we should talk somewhere a bit more pleasant?"

Luna's frown deepened, her mistrust hiking a few scales as she glanced around at the leaves surrounding them. Perhaps the mage was right. After all, the middle of a forest was not the best place for a discussion, was it? With a nod, she bade he lead her on, to which he did without comment or complaint, magically stretching back the leaves and boughs before her, clearing a path through the undergrowth. She followed, wary of the tendrils of silver-edged black mystical energy that held the foliage away from her. Though not 'evil' by any means, shadowmancy carried a rather sinister air to it and had a bad reputation for various reasons, the first and foremost being its ability to kill. Shadowmancers had access to more lethal spells than another three other schools of magic, and her own use of it as Nightmare Moon had only served to heighten the fear and superstition, enough that there were no more mages practicing the art when she had returned…

Or so she had thought. Obviously, this gray unicorn was a practitioner, and the only real malice he had shown so far was a willingness to do her bidding. Oh, no. Was he a Nightmare Moon cultist of some kind? That would be a problem, wouldn't it? A dark cult hidden around Ponyville. She'd had to speak to the commander of this garrison, warn them and tighten security if that was the case-

"Ah. Not quite where I had wanted to end up, but better than nothing. Will this location be suitable, My Lady, or shall I find another?"

Silvermane bowed out of the way, indicating the clearing ahead, which held Ponyville's statue of Nightmare Moon, complete with plaque and the warnings about her. She sighed, staring up at the fanged stone mare and she strode out towards it.

"Yes, Silvermane. It will do, though we would rather it did not exist at all."

The unicorn let go of the bushes, following her at a respectful distance. "But My Lady. You should not shun who you were! That is, I believe you shouldn't. I have no business telling an alicorn of royal standing such as yourself…My Lady?"

Luna had lain down in front of the statue, staring up at it forlornly. She hated this stupid holiday, hated Nightmare Moon, hated war and shadowmancy and history and…and…

She hated herself.

"We should never have come," she finally voiced out loud. "The citizens still hate us. Better for them to see a military dictator who rules from on far but leaves their lives in more capable and kinder hooves. We should leave."

"No, My Lady!" Abruptly, Silvermane was at her side, a look of something akin to panic on his features. "Don't go! The ponies, they don't understand yet. I have been among them for some time, and although most of them are quick to judge, most are flexible in their judgments. My Lady, if you were to stay and make them see the error of their ways, I believe you may finally dispel of all the nasty stories and rumors about you…Forgive me." He hung his head again, his hat pulled away as he bowed. "I forget myself in royal presence."

"Nay, Silvermane. It is good for someone to remind us to keep our head. Perhaps thou are right. Perhaps it would be best for us to remain, at least within sight of the village." She cocked her head to the side, gazing inquisitively at Silvermane. "Thou mentioned not shunning our past self?"

"Yes, My Lady," Silvermane said, nodding as he placed the hat on the ground. "To leave behind who one was is to act as though it never happened. How can we learn from our past if we act like we never made mistakes? That is, My Lady, -if- we make mistakes."

Luna sighed again, bowing her head as she toyed with a piece of candy, still stubbornly laying there, having resisted her magic winds to blow it away. True, she had made the mistake of giving in to the draw of shadowmancy and abusing its powers, leading her down a dark road of betrayal and rebellion. Many were calling it jealousy, and perhaps they were partly right. After all, the only reason Luna had resorted to more and more powerful spells was to win the adoration of Equestria when compared to her more public sister. But then, of course, she plunged into the darkness of the magic, and-

"Princess Luna?"

That –voice-.

Luna frowned, raising her head only to find Silvermane to have disappeared. A pity, really, and a rather confusing one as well. The stallion had been the only one to not shy away from her.

She turned her head, looking back over her shoulder to see the one pony she was hoping to not run into tonight; Twilight Sparkle, the purple unicorn mage, Sixth Element of Harmony. Dressed as none other than Starswirl the Bearded, strange as the coincidence was. Standing next to her was an Army trooper, a gray stallion she almost mistook for Silvermane for a second, before realizing that this pony's mane and tail were black, his eyes a shade of deep brown instead of the shadowmancer's purple irises. The soldier stood at attention in his orange, brown and yellow autumn uniform, his eyes fixed straight ahead. All crisp and proper, just as a soldier should be.

Luna rose, not bothering to dust herself off as she turned around, her mane and tail still billowing in the nonexistent wind (honestly, was that spell even –necessary- anymore?).

"Hi, my name is-"

"Starswirl the Bearded," Luna said, surprised as the flat tone of her own voice. "Commendable costume. Thou even got the bells right."

"Thank you!" the student proclaimed, glancing down at her robes. "Finally! Somepony who gets my costume!" At this, she flanked a rather withering glance up at the stallion, who remained frozen in position. Realizing he wasn't going to move, the princess sighed before saying "At ease, soldier."

With crisp military efficiency (and a few slightly stiff motions from coming out of such a rigid stance) the trooper parted his hooves, assuming the position of comfort. Luna's frown hitched a little lower, and she had to fight back a sigh. She really should be impressed by such movements and dedication, but she was starting to get tired of all this "Nightmare Moon" and "Princess of the Night" and "Commander in Chief" business and all the formalities.

The unicorn seemed to notice her internal debate, for she quickly spoke up once more. "Uhh…I, that is –we- just came to welcome you to our celebration. My actual name is-"

"Twilight Sparkle," the princess said, again rather flatly. This wasn't like her, all depressed as if she weren't a powerful alicorn. Deciding it was time to work herself out of her slump, Luna stood up straighter once more with regal poise, fluttering off the ground as she boomed "IT WAS THOU WHO UNLEASHED THE POWERS OF HARMONY UPON US AND TOOK AWAY OUR DARK POWERS!" Curses, she'd risen off the ground, and judging by the constricted moonlight, she'd conjured dark clouds. Again. Why couldn't she go somewhere and not bring a scary atmosphere with her?

Twilight had been blown backwards by the verbal tirade, and though the as of yet unnamed soldier stood firm, his cap was blown off into the underbrush, forcing him to squint in the gale.

There was a brief second of silence, during which Luna quickly banished the dark clouds, making a mental note to see the Battlemage Academy about weather effects. She needn't say she was having a –problem- after all (which was wasn't. She refused to admit it.) for she could simply pick up a few scrolls and be back to her regularly controlled self in no time.

"And that was a good thing, right?" Twilight Sparkle said uneasily, obviously hoping to not trigger another gale force wind from the Voice.

"But of course!" Luna declared as she came back to the ground. "We could not be happier. Is that not clear?" She leaned forward a bit to gauge Twilight's expression, frowning even more as the mare grimaced.

"Well, it kinda sounds like you're yelling at me."

"But this is the Traditional Royal Canterlot Voice! It is tradition to speak using the royal 'we' and to use THIS MUCH VOLUME WHEN ADDRESSING OUR SUBJECTS!"

Dangit, Luna was trying to prove a point, but it seemed as though all she was doing was agitating the young mare and blowing the stallion's mane and tail (what little remained from the military cut) around in the force of her voice.

After briefly readjusting her costume, Twilight smiled awkwardly and replied "Y'know, that might explain why your appearance was met with…-mixed- results." Surely this mare didn't imply there was something wrong with tradition? Silvermane's word floated back to Luna at that moment, however, and she reasoned that perhaps things –had- changed, and she had lost the culture shift. Those magazines hadn't said anything about social talks, after all. Stupid interviews.

"I think if you just changed your approach a little bit, you might be met with a warmer reception."

Was that student placing her –hoof- upon the royal harness? The Princess of the Moon was so shocked that she boomed back "CHANGE OUR APPROACH?"

"Lower the volume?"

And then it clicked. Luna couldn't believe she'd been such a royal idiot for so long. Such a simplistic thing was beyond her when addressing subjects, as she had always used the Voice before her imprisonment, and shouting at soldiers always ensured they got the job done. Of course, soldiers would never complain…at least not to her. "Oh," she finally said, trying to get her brain back in working order as her mind cast back to the little the magazines had said about making friends. Again, not much. "We have been locked away for a thousand years. We are…not sure we can." It was the truth. Habit made it difficult for her to address those of lower station (or outside her RAIC bodyguards) with anything but extreme regal presence. And, of course, Celestia was too kind-hearted to tell her she was doing something wrong. Perhaps being redirected to commanding the military hadn't been the best thing after all.

"Uh, ma'am. Permission to speak?"

Luna looked up, a little surprised to find the Army soldier speaking. His mane was still blown back, standing up straight as he hadn't raised a hoof to flatten it, and she nodded, not trusting herself to not blow him away. The soldier proceeded to fix his mane before he stepped forward, saying "If I could say, ma'am, we know a few ponies who are, for lack of a better phrase, complete social butterflies. I'm sure they can help you out, ma'am."

Spotting the triple rank chevron on the front of his fatigues at last, Luna carefully replied "Indeed, Sergeant? Than you may show us to these…butterflies, and perhaps they can assist us."

"Great!" Twilight chimed in, already looked pleased. Luna smiled. Perhaps she could still salvage Nightmare Night after all.

"Just, uh…Twilight, can you help me find my hat? I think it might have blown all the way back to town."

Zebrabwe, Mt. Keller

11th Equestrian Joint Expeditionary Force, 15th Marine Battalion, 7th Company, Platoon Unknown

Current Mission: Protect Wan'dara tribe and Root Out Carnivore Insurrectionists

They were ragged and exhausted. As the rain fell around them into the trenches nearby, he watched the leaves of the trees over his head shiver under the natural barrage from the water droplets. Zebrabwe was interesting, magically charged like Equestria, with a similar seasonal cycle. Moving into winter, the country didn't snow, for it was too far north and too close to the equator for that. Instead, it just rained. It rained on the savannah, it rained in the jungle (no big surprise, really). Hay, it even rained in the desert. As part of a Royal Marine unit, he'd been all over the country, trying to suppress insurrectionist activity alongside the zebra militias. So far, the hyenas, jackals and vultures were putting up a stiff resistance, much harder to root out than the zebras had promised.

Private Chesty turned to the equine near him, a zebra militiamare napping in the trench next to him after a long day. Like him, her coat was matted, covered in mud and dirt and everything else they'd passed, and the rain wasn't helping at all, just turning their trench into a soup bowl. Unlike him, however, she wasn't wearing a ballistic combat vest, just her green uniform, and instead of a modern automatic weapon was using an older model Mk. 20 Rifle Yoke. Phased out more than two-centuries ago, the weapon was Equestria's first semi-automatic rifle, and it had a tricky history to go with it thanks to reliability issues. It liked to jam at the worst times, but was so robust that it wasn't influenced by outside conditions.

That was the problem with Zebrabwe, Chesty thought to himself as he double-checked his Mk. 3 Marksman Yoke (of a much smaller caliber than the Mk. 2 but much easier to wield as well), peering through the scope and ensuring the high caliber rounds were still loaded properly in the feed. While the zebras had plenty of willing and eager volunteers, their equipment was even worse than Equestria, to the point where the dirt poor carnivore rebels were better equipped than even the Alliance forces were. That's what they were, after all. Just an alliance of tribes and clans brought together under Celestia's guidance to keep Zebrabwe safe. While Equestria had been hoping for a unified Zebrabwe, it merely stopped the various tribes from killing each other. Cultural divisions were still rife.

He peered out into the dark and rainy jungle once more, feeling the rain impact on his helmet and slide off, his green jungle uniform soaked and his ballistic vest pulling uncomfortably in all the wrong places. He ignored both, concentrating on staring out into the jungle. The red Earth pony knew the jackals were watching them still. After making two attacks on their trenches today, the scavengers still had plenty of manpower, however horrible their tactics.

A large, shadowy form moved past behind him, and he peered over his shoulder to be greeted by the gorilla Ogunwe, an impressive, quite intimidating piece of work. Gorillas were just as threatened by the jackals in the deep foliage out here, where the carnivores had been doing "cultural purges" for months now. Feeling they had no other choice, the gorillas had finally joined up with the Alliance, sliding in as heavy infantry. Ogunwe, for example, had an old Prench grenade launcher, the LSG-4, strapped to his chest, a bandolier of shells crisscrossing his enormous pectorals.

"Ogre," Chesty muttered, nodding at the enormous form, who simply grunted at his nickname, moving on down the line, his own steel helmet audibly clanking from the water. With no industry to call their own, gorillas made do with what fit from races like griffons or dogs, wearing imported armor and using foreign weapons. What a weird, mixed up place Zebrabwe was.

In the distance, somewhere deep in the jungle, a muffled boom rang out, followed by the almost inaudible rattle of automatic gunfire. Out there, in the darkness, a skirmish was happening. No one else on the line woke, having become used to the chaos of jungle warfare. Overhead, a squadron of Air Force Pegasi flew past, dropping several bombs into the foliage, which blossomed above the treeline in the distance, the tardy detonations echoing through the trees.

"Oh bury me not," Chesty muttered, singing an old song he remembered from his colthood in Appleloosa. "On the lone prairie. These words came soft, and painfully. From the pallid lips, of a youth who lay. On his dying bed, at the break of day."

A light suddenly shone in the sky, and Chesty glanced up, squinting as the rain began hitting him in the face. The light arced high, a cold blue flare broadcasting the order to ready for an attack. Zebrabwe, after all, didn't have radios. All up and down the trench-line, zebras and gorillas rose from their slumber, hearing the barked and brayed orders of their officers. Equestrian Marines rose as well, checking their weapons and setting aside whatever task they'd been occupied with beforehand. From out of the treeline, the yips and howls of jackals, accompanied by the high-pitched laughing of hyenas reached Chesty's ears, and his eyes narrowed as he checked his rifle once more, peering through the scope one last time.

And, as the order to charge was sounded, he muttered "On his dying bed, at the break of day."

Back In Ponyville

Army Teams Dispatched to Settle Panics Over Nightmare Moon: 6

Number of Times Pinkie Pie Encountered Teams: 6

"That was your idea of a Plan B?"

Twilight huffed, elbowing Short in the ribs as they approached the carnival ground. "If you don't have anything better to offer, don't complain about my idea!"

She smiled reassuringly back over her shoulder at Luna, who still wore an expression that seemed to combine extreme boredom with mild anger. That was...not a good sign. Definitely something to fix later on. Rarity had been more than willing to help Luna with her look, but the problem was...she'd tried too hard to give her a regal, royal look and Luna had wound up in a pink dress. Not the best of Rarity's judgements. So, now they were moving to Plan C.

In the meantime, however, Twilight leaned in a little closer to Short, muttering "Can you cut the dutiful soldier act? You look like someone shoved a stick through your...spine."

"I can't," Short replied, glancing first back at Luna, then around at the crowd they were passing, most of whom were falling to their bellies as Luna passed by, soldiers in autumn camouflage, tan dress and blue flight suits (when did the Air Force fliers get leave to come down, anyway?). Princess Luna looked mostly indifferent, watching the crowd with that same expression, as if something were slightly irritating her.

"If I get caught by an officer seeing me acting less than absolutely professionally around my -Commander in Chief- I'll get busted back to private. And that's just to start!"

"Alright, fine!" Twilight grumbled, though Short could have sworn her caught a small smile on her face as she pushed him away.

As they entered the town proper once more, Short could hear happy folk music, the splatter of launched pumpkins and the cheers of joyful ponies as the Nightmare Night celebrations plowed on. They must have been gone over an hour to both Fluttershy (and Big Mac, as it turned out) and Rarity to seek their help. Two strikes so far, Short thought, chuckling at the unintentional baseball reference. It seemed he could never truly escape the sport after all.

However, the second they crossed into the fairground, the music immediately stopped, and as Short and Twilight pulled back slightly to draw level with Princess Luna, ponies around them gasped and fell to the ground, hoping they would not be the next ones smited this evening. There were fewer soldiers here than earlier, and they immediately sprang to attention, holding their salutes until Luna had passed before they breathed sighs of relief.

"It is of no use, Twilight Sparkle. They have never liked us, and they never shall," Luna proclaimed, a hint of bitterness and sadness in her voice.

But Twilight was ready with a positive response. "My friend Applejack is one of the most likeable ponies around. I'm sure she'll have some ideas."

But Short was beginning to see the potholes in their proverbial road towards getting Luna 'liked' by the population. Even if they managed to convert this one village and change Luna's image, would it really stick now of all nights? And what of the rest of Equestria? Princess Luna was still seen as a ruthless and unforgiving military overlord, the counterpart to Celestia's divine, fair and just rule. Military slang was beginning to form around Luna as well, as the ever more popular shorthand term for being discharged or disgraced was 'getting a visit from Princess Luna.' He had his doubts, but Twilight seemed determined to make it happen, so he kept his trap shut.

Up ahead, the little foal named Pipsqueak was teetering on the edge of the tub of apples for dunking, the Trottingham native almost losing his balance and falling forward (it really wasn't his fault. Trottingham didn't celebrate Nightmare Night, so this was indeed his first ever, and he'd probably never been bobbing for apples). Before he could fall in, an orange blur was suddenly at his side as Applejack extracted him from certain splashage, saying something inaudible from this distance before ushering the little colt on.

Short suddenly frowned as he remembered something, eying the sky warily for any sign of an Air Force flier. Fortunately, the nearest one happened to be the observer scout on top of the town hall, so Short turned towards Twilight. "I don't know about this. She was pretty distraught after she heard Dash was back in town."

A flash of worry passed over Twilight's face, there for only a second before it hardened into optimism once more. "Applejack's tough. She's probably not letting it get to her."

But as they approached, even as Applejack fell to the ground (in what Short assumed was simply natural instinct rather than actual fear), they could see she'd been a bit torn up about the issue. Either that, or the tear streaks in her makeup had been from another problem, which just made things worse.

"Uh...Applejack?" Twilight leaned in, trying to convey the message to her friend. "The princess is looking for a little advice on how to fit in around here."

The farm mare raised her head, a look of skepticism on her face as she replied "'Fit in?' Really?"

But even a snarl from Twilight didn't change Applejack's mood much as she rose to her hooves, inspecting Luna with a fine eye before she shrugged and said "I guess if you want to make her approachable, you can start by playing a few games."

Luna frowned, obviously not liking what she was hearing. "Thou honestly expects us to play -carnival- games?"

Ah, so she knew what fun was after all, Short thought sarcastically.

This was going to be a long night.

Maginhoof Line, Southern Prance

14th Equestrian Joint Expeditionary Force, 7th Air Division, 1st Fighter Wing, 16th Squadron

Based from the HMS Hippocrene

Current Mission: Aerial Patrol of Western Border

Winter was in full force up north, carpeting the mountains and hills in a blanket of white, stretching away before her eyes even as the ground rolled past rapidly. How she'd gotten stuck with the freaking night patrol, she'd never know, but the cliffs and sea spray definitely were a nice view to see as you flew by.

Flight Lieutenant Spitfire grumbled as she felt her regulation Air Force flight suit pinch uncomfortably. Though rated against cold air, when they got wet the suits had a tendency to stick to a Pegasus' skin, and she couldn't wait to get back to the carrier so she could go curl up in her (comparatively) toasty bunk below-decks. Sure, she had to share the quarters with Marines now, but as it turned out jarheads weren't so bad personality wise.

She looked down at the scene below her, watching the Maginhoof Line stretch away into the distance to either the north or south, carefully watching the mountains to the west. Bunker after bunker rolled past, and the barrels of machine guns and artillery poked up from the fortifications, bristling with weapons and soldiers. Almost thirty percent of the Armee de Terre was concentrated on the infamous network of trenches and bunkers, meaning that any foe that managed to get over the Prench Alps and past their infamous and capable Alpine Corps would have one hay of a fight to push through.

But there was another possibility that Prance hadn't considered; a flank attack to the north or south from amphibious assault or even just a straight airborne invasion. Prench tactical doctrine focused on trench warfare, and while some aspects of it were still useful, the form in and of itself had gone obsolete so badly that even Equestria had shaken loose of it. The Republique was just an invasion waiting to happen, with trigger happy Canids just over the mountains to the west.

As Spitfire gestured for the squadron to come around and begin their return flight home, she glanced down once more at the trench-works below. Thousands of ponies, all willing to protect their country...all in a giant trap that could be sprung from three sides.

Back in Ponyville

"My Lady, you seem upset."

Luna wasn't truly surprised when she glanced up and spotted none other than Silvermane. But she wanted to be left alone, and thought she had made that clear. However, she supposed she couldn't send him away if she wanted to. She was so depressed, the alicorn couldn't even summon enough strength to teleport back to Canterlot. She would have to find her chariot, but her mind was so cluttered she couldn't remember where she'd told her RAIC troopers to park it.

"Thou have an odd habit of appearing out of thin air and disappearing without trace," Luna said morosely as she stepped past the stallion. Rather than be put off, Silvermane trotted to catch up with her, worry etched across his masked face.

"I apologize, My Lady. But I am trying to remain...secret, for lack of a better word. The citizens, delightful and accepting as they are, would most likely shun one such as myself."

"Yes," Luna agreed without hesitation, surprised that her voice held no true malice in it. "They would."

They continued in silence for a few minutes, and Luna found herself glad to have companionship that accepted her with no holds barred. It was clear by the reverence with which Silvermane treated her that he thought very highly of her. Shadowmancer or no, she appreciated his...affections, they seemed. Though the stallion had been normally calm and composed tonight, the brief instances of emotion he'd shown had made him rather easy to read. Or, so those books she'd read made her believe (Tia's trashy romance novels were actually coming in use after all).

"Quite a beautiful moon you raised tonight, My Lady," Silverman commented as they drew near a bridge. Luna glanced up, seeing that moon was, indeed full tonight, completely unintentional. Her acceleration of its cycle to allow the night to be lit up a week ago had been purely because she'd noticed a large amount of soldiers were being transferred overland that night and had, in a pang of compassion, decided to make illumination easier on them. And it had worked. No soldiers at all had gotten lost or separated from their units, and all had gotten to their posts in good time. But it appeared that the moon's cycle had been pushed along far enough to be full tonight. She hadn't even noticed as she'd raised it this evening before departing for Ponyville. Things had been rather hectic, after all, with the palace being turned upside down looking for Viperian assassins. Two had been unearthed, but one had escaped after killing the royal chef and the other had committed suicide rather than be captured by the Royal Guard.

Luna raised her head, looking up at the moon with sadness in her eyes. "Silvermane, we fear we are too good at matters of force. It is making us lose what little compassion we have left. Perhaps tonight was in folly after all."

"No, My Lady," the shadowmancer replied, shaking his head slowly. "Time heals all wounds, but scars take longer to fade. This will come to pass, even without Nightmare Night. But you must not give up hope, for if you do not actively try to reverse your infamy, it will take even longer...forgive me. I speak out of turn."

"No," Luna replied quickly, not wanting to shun Silvermane away. She glanced down at him, a look of worry on her face. "We-...I have no desire for you to leave simply for speaking your mind. Please...call me Luna."

Silvermane smiled up at her before slowly shaking his head. "I would not myself. My family line has been too dedicated to your cause to speak of you with anything but the highest of praise. My parents worshiped Nightmare Moon. But I see the real mare underneath...My Lady."

Luna smiled sadly, grateful for a distraction from her sorrows. "Then it is true. You are descended from Regulus Silvermane."

"Yes. One of your greatest supporters, My Lady," Silvermane replied, a sad smile on his muzzle as he turned to the bank of the river peering down into the water. "You already know the story, I'm afraid. Nightmare Moon announces her rebellion, and Equestria dives into their first civil war. Regulus Silvermane, the head of the Shadowmancer Enclave, promises his support."

"And they do unspeakable acts in her-my name," Luna finished, peering into the water as well. In the moonlight, their reflections shone back up at them, a stallion and an alicorn mare, both seemingly alone in this world. As if reading her thoughts, Silvermane glanced up at Luna, an expression of sympathy on his face. "My Lady, things may seem to get rough, and there may be some who do not believe in you. But know this; you do still have some honest supporters who do not wish evil as in Nightmare Moon's reign."

He glanced over his shoulder before he, with astonishing speed (as if he was trying to accomplish it before he talked himself out of the act) leaned forward and up, planting a gentle kiss on Luna's cheek. Astonished, the princess of the night could only stare down at Silvermane as the unicorn slowly backed away, standing on the water...no, he was using the shadows in the water to keep himself supported, and he wore a small, sad smile on his muzzle.

"I must go, My Lady. You will have, as you have always had, my everlasting support...and affection."

With that, Silvermane sunk into the water, disappearing in the shadows of the river, leaving Luna to stand there dumbfounded.

She almost wished she could go after him. More to escape the perils of the world and her own reputation, but there was some appeal in going with Silvermane himself. And that scared her just a little.

She was about to begin over the bridge and continue into the forest when she heard trotting hooves and jingling bells.

Espionage Mission; Ponyville

Codename: Muttahari

Assignment: Recon 'Elements of Harmony' and Ascertain Threat Level

Sub-Report: Shadow Cult

Report begins.

Throughout my time here in Ponyville, I have become more and more aware of several mysterious unicorns that have seemingly appeared and disappeared in the village, yet there is no mention of them in the town registrar. After watching them for some time, I have concluded that they are all of the same group, and have placed them under the term 'Shadow Cult' though this designation is most definitely not correct, as they do not appear particularly spiritual.

Instead, the Cult appears to be a collection of unicorns who practice some unique form of magic. I would have almost called them a club since they appear to have no leader, but tonight being Nightmare Night I was able to infiltrate the village proper and slip into the Police Station, woefully undermanned tonight. There, I have found numerous records of sightings pertaining to a silver-maned unicorn, who I believe to be their leader. This then, represents another unforeseen threat, as each unicorn has evaded both the Army troopers and their Military Police several times. While some can be chalked up to relative inexperience on the soldiers' parts, some of the instances point to a powerful and ancient form of magic, long since banned even in the most malicious of criminal mage circles.

Shadowmancy is the art of working shadows to one's desire. Outlawed after the Lunar Rebellion, it has become something of a warped thing in stories, and while it does carry large amounts of temptation and can kill much more easily than other forms of magic, I have determined that it is not, in and of itself, evil. However, it is another form of unicorn witchcraft we must watch out for.

Inform the members of Operation: Stiletto to be on the lookout for such magic.

Report ends.

Well, this is it. Sorry it's a bit late, guys. For some reason, this one episode was particularly hard to write.

And that's all I've got. I'll return, you can be sure of that. But for now, I say thank you. To everyone. You make me proud to write this story, and I hope SOPA doesn't shut down the ability to continue to do so before I return.

Best of luck, and I'll see you next time!

This is Warhorse, signing off.