Where's Your Tie?
A/N: Just something that has been in my head; mainly because Danny never wears a tie and I totally know why ;)
'Do you know what, Danny?' Steve asks, smirking as he paces into Danny's office.
'Know what, Steve? I probably don't know, but I have absolutely no doubt that you will see fit to enlighten me. So instead of playing this little guessing game, why don't you just spit out whatever it is you are dying to tell me?' Danny retorts.
'You're not wearing a tie,' Steve says proudly.
'I'm not- I'm not wearing a tie? I'm not wearing a tie. Well, that's very observant of you, super SEAL. I can see quite clearly why you are head of Five-0, with talents like yours. Did you know the sky is actually blue? And that we live in Hawaii?'
'Ahh, they are facts you are so sarcastically pointing out. So you see, it is also a fact that you are not wearing a tie, and haven't for a little while now.'
'Seriously? Because when I wore a tie every single day, you nagged and bitched at me. And now that I'm not wearing one, nothing has changed. You accuse me of complaining and grumbling; I am telling you that I have nothing on you. I complain about things that deserve it. Ties are not in that category, Steve.'
'But it's the reason that you no longer wear a tie that absolutely fascinates me, Danny.' Steve drops his voice into a dangerously low tone, still smirking.
'Reason? There is no reason, you infuriating person-'
'But there is. And you know it.' Steve's tone is daring.
'Oh please enlighten me.'
'Because I smiled at you and said wearing no tie suited you.' Steve has a wide grin on his face by this moment.
'You are certifiably insane; you do know that, don't you?'
'It was when I still in jail. You came to visit me, like you did every available timeslot, and you weren't wearing a tie. And you asked me why I was smiling at you. I know you remember Danny, I can see it in your face. But what I really want to know is why you now never wear ties?'
'Because you were right and it is very hot and ties are impractical,' Danny replies weakly, hearing the hitch in his voice. Steve stalks towards him, eyes glinting like the dangerous predator he is. Danny stands his ground until the two men are chest to chest, touching every time they inhale. Steve drops his head to Danny's ear.
'Wrong,' he breathes, 'You no longer wear ties because you love the way I stare at that bare bit of exposed flesh. The way my eyes rake over it every time I look at you. You no longer wear ties because every day you hope that I might smile at you and say it again.' Steve reaches out to stroke Danny's neck and feels Danny's heart rate spike at the contact. They are so close now, the air between them heavy with lust and want and fear and danger. Steve leans in, now even closer to Danny's parted lips.
'You no longer wear ties because you want me to want you. Because you're too afraid to make the first move. Well, I think I've shown you my hand. You know where I'll be.'
And with that, Steve abruptly saunters out of Danny's office, leaving Danny stricken. Stricken, breathless and unbearably hard.