
Chapter 1

CU L8R Chosen1

Nina crept into Mick and Fabian's room.

"I'm sorry Fabian," she whispered, tears streaming down her face, "I really am."

She dropped the note onto Fabian's bed. Her phone beeped and she picked it up, already knowing who it was from.

Did U break up with him yet?


Nina sighed and quickly typed her reply.



It was lunchtime when Nina got the first text.

"That's weird," Nina commented, "I didn't think many people knew my number."

"Who is it from?" Fabian asked.

"Erm, I dunno. I haven't seen this number before."

"Show me, I might know who it is."

Nina showed him.

"I haven't heard of it, sorry Nina," Fabian ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"What does it say?" Jerome asked.

"It says. . ." Nina opened the message and gasped, "It says CU L8R, Chosen1, I KNO ALL UR SECRETS! -J"

The others looked shocked as she passed the phone around for them to see.

"That's horrible," Mara said. Her and Mick knew about the mystery, and were now a part of Sibuna, "Who could it be from?"

"It's obviously Rufus," Fabian said.

"It's not Rufus," Patricia replied, "I still have his number in my phone, and it's not the same one."

"Maybe he has two phones?" Amber suggested.

"Maybe," Nina was shocked. She couldn't believe that someone would send something that sounded so threatening.

"We have to tell Victor," Mara said. She was always the voice of reason, and Jerome loved that about her. That was probably why they'd been going out for 3 months now.

"No! I mean, we can't tell Victor! What if it's him?"

"Victor? No way."

"It is possible. . ."

"Okay, we'll keep it a secret for a while, but not too long, okay?" Fabian said.

"Okay," Nina confirmed. It would be Sibuna's secret. . . for a while at least.