A/N: I just watched a Robin tribute and this came to mind.


"This team needs a leader"

"And its you? Dude, you're a thirteen year old kid! You don't even have any superpowers!"

"Neither does Batman!"

"You're not Batman!"

The conversation still echoed in his mind.

You're just a kid

Your not batman

You don't have superpowers!

Although he played it off like it was no big deal, it had hit him hard.

He had been training for years to keep up with meta-humans who had their abilities as a gift; they didn't have to work for it like he did.

It's just not fair

After the argument in Santa Prisca he had been more withdrawn, more distracted, and angrier at the world.

When he and Artemis were the last two standing, he was afraid, even if he didn't show it.

He had been so focused on saving his friends that he hadn't heard Artemis scream or hear the wave coming.

He was hit, and his vision was fading.

You're just a kid!

You're not Batman!

The phrases echoed in his mind, he had failed, he was going to die.

Had he even made an impact on the world the way that Batman had? Would anyone miss him?

Then he heard frantic yells coming from Artemis.

"He's not breathing!" he saw a light begin to form above him, was this it? He was going to die another human, no more than a mere child playing hero.

He gasped as breath came into his lungs, he was alive.

Artemis looked at him with misty eyes and embraced him.

"Don't you ever scare us like that again!" she said as she pulled away.

He looked around; the rest of the team looked relieved as well.

"Way to go Artemis, you saved us all" he said with a hint of sadness.

"Oh no you don't! If it wasn't for you, I would have been roasted alive or stuck with no idea what to do. You saved us too"

He may not be batman, he may not have superpowers, and he may only be 13. But Robin knew that the team needed him as much as he needed them.


A/N: look it up on you tube, its called Robin Young Justice (Hero). It is so cool!