Callie's Point of view

Opening her eyes, glancing at the clock on the nightstand Callie Torres sighed...Pulling the covers over her head in an attempt to blink back the morning sunlight streaming through the curtains, she mentally berated herself for such poor time keeping. She had less than 20 minutes to be dressed and ready. She knew she should be getting up, but every inch of her body was screaming at her to remain nestled in the comfort of the plush hotel bed she had had the good fortune of being assigned.

Dragging herself up and out of bed, she rejoiced in the fact that she only had to travel to main hall of the hotel to arrive at her destination. Conventions sucked. Marjory sucked, but at least being here meant a much needed break from Seattle. From George. From her impending divorce. From her seriously screwed up life.

Pulling on a pair of black jeans and a khaki tank top she searched hurriedly for yesterday's cardigan. After arriving in Miami late last night due to delays, she had been too exhausted, both physically and mentally to unpack.

Running a brush through her hair she gave herself the once over in the mirror, noting her obvious fatigue. Oh well she mused, hoping that the size of the auditorium would at least be large enough that she might go unnoticed.

As much as she appreciated the time away, she really didn't understand quite why she, and none of her other fellow attendings had been requested to appear at this conference, it's not like it was even remotely ortho orientated. Although pediatrics was interesting in its own right, it certainly wasn't her specialty, far from it. In fact, breaking and reattaching bones of the tiny humans was her least favorite aspect of her career in orthopedics. It takes a great deal of perkiness and effervescence to cater for the needs of sick kids and whilst Callie didn't lack compassion, she certainly came up short when it came to bubbly and cheerful. Dark and frowny was more her style, especially lately. Rainbows and butterflies just weren't her thing.

Making her way down to the conference room, Callie noted the sheer expanse of the hotel, taking in the detailed modern architecture of the great hall, reminiscent of the hotels her father used to stay in whilst he conducted his business overseas. Suddenly hit with a fierce burst of nostalgia, she almost neglected to notice the entrance of the conference room.

Walking in observing the 100 or so faces already seated Callie felt seriously underdressed, everybody looked so formal, professional. Before she was given too much time to further scrutinize her messy appearance, she found herself being ushered towards a table where a display of name tags lay neatly propped against an array of clipboards. Casting her eyes over the sheets in confusion the woman behind the desk barked "Name" "Hospital". Callie hesitated, taken a back by her abrupt manner. "Name" the brown headed lady repeated. She obviously didn't appreciate being awake this early anymore than Callie did, but still, what happened to common courtesy. Manners cost nothing. "Dr CallieTorres, SeattleGrace" "There doesn't appear to be a Callie Torres on my list" Callie noted the emphasis she had placed on her first name. 'Seriously?' she muttered under her breath knowing full well this woman was taking pleasure in being awkward."Dr Calli-ope Torres" "Well why didn't you say so" she replied sarcastically, handing Callie her name tag and clipboard. Gazing at the rude woman's badge Callie stifled a laugh 'Valerie' well that certainly didn't seem to fit her nature, if this exchange was anything to go by.

Locating a seat as far back as possible was going to be easier than she had thought. It seemed most people were clamoring there way to be as close to the front as possible. Callie smiled to herself slightly - these peds surgeons take enthusiasm to a whole new level. Seating herself as far back as possible without wanting to seem rude or disinterested, Callie focused her gaze on the clipboard in front of her. Grasping a pen she began to fill in the usual information - personal details, professional specialty, status etc, before pausing over the inventory options for the upcoming week. Attached to this page was a brochure detailing the various lecture topics. Groaning inwardly, Callie realised that all but two of the seminars were followed by team building exercises. Great, so much for my vacation. Without giving it to much thought or reading the accompanying details Callie quickly marked the only two options that did not involve team building. Callie had reveled in the idea of this being a chance to get away from certain people, not meet knew ones. Grr! This was going to be one long week. Realising that she still had to pick three more topics, she quickly flicked through the leaflets in a desperate attempt to come across anything that might involve at least some form of bone breakage and less tiny humans. Before she had time to cast her final decision a loud voice boomed over the auditorium causing Callie to jump slightly. To say the man giving the introductory lecture was dull was a huge understatement. His monotone voice filled the room and it took all of her will power not to fall asleep where she sat. She wished she had had the good sense to bring coffee.

Listening to the various seminars up for discussion this week lead Callie to once again question why the hell she had been summoned here in the first place. What possible surgical skills did she possess that could for example, help a child with a rather abusive form of clef palette. If anything this was more up Marks ally than it was hers. Looking down once more at the sign up sheet she noticed something that she hadn't registered before. In big bold letters were the words OPTIONAL! It finally dawned on her. Mark! It was Mark who had informed her that her presence was requested to attend a conference in Miami, Mark who had filled in and mailed her confirmation form. Mark! She was going to kill him when she got back, physically strangle him. Did he seriously do this just to piss her off? Retrieving her phone from her pocket she flipped it open with the intention of offloading the vast amount of abuse that was already forming in her mind. But she stopped. Although Mark was many things, malicious was not one of them and she had doubts as to whether her best friend would for lack of a better phrase, kick her when she was down. Perhaps his motives weren't as she first thought. Thinking back over the last few months, how miserable she had been, the pressures of her job and divorce plaguing her mind, it dawned on her that perhaps Mark's actions reflected an act of kindness. He saw how hellish life was for her, maybe this was his way of nudging her in the right direction, giving her an escape she so desperately needed. Letting her phone drop back into her pocket she smiled inwardly. Yes this trip wasn't exactly what she had wanted but perhaps it really was something she needed. A distraction.

Realising she had missed the best part of the seminar Callie drew her attention back to the monotonous drown of the mans voice. He had already covered most of the ins and outs of the week ahead and was now inviting the audience to take some time to ask questions before deciding which activities to sign up for. If only Callie had been paying attention. Unsurprisingly numerous hands from the first few rows shot up in unison. Returning her attention to the list in front of her Callie decided on choice through the process of elimination. Option 1: Lecture on the treatment and aftercare of short gut syndrome in early childhood followed by an afternoon of trust building exercises – a whole world of no!

Immersed in desperate attempts to find something semi bearable to commit to, Callie was temporarily unaware of the figure sliding into the seat next to hers. Option 4: Congenital heart defect correction surgery – lecture outlining the procedure and aftercare of cardio vascular surgery, again a big big NO she muttered to herself.

"You know you should give that one a go, aside from the fact that the lecturer is insanely awesome, the afternoon bonding session isn't half as dumb as some of the others…seriously….there's no tree hugging honest, unless that's what your into in which case option 6 is a winner."

Looking up from her clipboard Callie was greeted with a pair of electric blue eyes, so blue they should be illegal. At first her voice hitched in her throat, speechless.


The blonde smiled with obvious amusement. Composing herself Callie shifted in her seat trying to focus on anything other than those eyes….or that smile….

"Sooption4isagoodchoicethen,thelecturerisinteresting?" Callie was babbling almost incoherently.

Her smile widening, the blonde leaned over Callie's clipboard…..causing her to shift uncomfortably at this invasion of personal space….that smile….those dimples…criminal.

"Yeah well I think so, but I guess I'm kinda biased. Anyway, it was super awesome meeting you Calliope, see you tomorrow."

Before Callie had a chance to give a parting response the blonde was already out the door, stopping only briefly to hand her clipboard back to the ill mannered clerk. The last thing Callie registered was a blur of blonde curls bounce out of the room. Still a little stunned Callie sat for several moments trying to regain her motor functions which for some strange reason had seemed to have temporarily abandoned her. Looking down at her sign up sheet Callie quickly ticked options 3 and 7, her pen lingering momentarily over option 4, before ticking the box and rising to her feet. As she handed in her paper she was struck by a sudden thought – that woman had called her Calliope, how had she known her name? Her name badge remained in the pocket of her jeans where she had left it.

Arizona's Point Of View

Arizona Robbins fidgeted with the coffee cup in her hand, twirling her blonde hair between her fingers. Letting out a loud yawn, she stared down at her already completed work sheet. Despite being a fully functioning morning person, the delayed flight from Seattle had left her extremely tired. She had been looking forward to this convention for weeks and had already had her seminar choices decided before her plane had touched down in Miami. She loved these Peds conventions. Loved being around people who relished pediatrics as much as she did. Peds was hardcore and by her own admission she was a rock star. Hey, it's not bragging when it's the truth.

Taking a seat at the front of the auditorium Arizona smiled at her fellow surgeons, engaging in the usual small talk, paying special regard to the familiar faces she recognized from previous years. Leaning back in her seat her attention was drawn to the admissions desk where Valerie the admissions clerk was her usual cheerful self giving a hard time to the doctors who had forgotten paperwork and apparently in this case their own name.

"There doesn't appear to be a Callie Torres on my list" Arizona noted the sigh of exasperation that escaped the woman's lips.

"Dr Calli-ope Torres, Seattle Grace". Arizona smiled, Valerie was enjoying this... Turning to the woman Valerie was addressing, she arched an eyebrow – the woman wasn't anyone she had noticed at one of these conferences before and she would have noticed her. She was in a word, gorgeous! Breatakingly stunning. It took all of Arizona's self control to tear her gaze away as the speaker addressed the audience. Watching the woman take her seat she noticed how flustered she appeared, completely out of her element. Arizona made a mental note to help her out before reluctantly turning around to face the front. Calli-ope she mouthed silently, she liked the way the Latina's name sounded on her tongue. Whoo Arizona…you came here to learn not lust. But perhaps there was time for a little of both.

The lecture seemed to last for what felt like an age, even Arizona who usually enjoyed all things medical zoned out now and then. Maybe in was due to the speakers insanely laborious tone or the fact that most of the information they were receiving she had already committed to memory during her many years of residency, or perhaps, just perhaps it was those chocolate brown eyes from a few rows back that were responsible for her limited attentional capacity.

As the lecture drew to a close and people began to file out of the room Arizona drew her focus back to the raven haired beauty who was still sitting, head buried deep in her forms, seemingly unaware that the lecture had ended. Moving towards the back rows, Arizona walked up beside her and sat down. Amused that her presence was still yet to be acknowledged. This girl really didn't seem prepared at all. She was muttering to herself, barely audible. Arizona took the plunge;

"You know you should give that one a go, aside from the fact that the lecturer is insanely awesome, the afternoon bonding session isn't half as dumb as some of the others…seriously….there's no tree hugging honest, unless that's what your into in which case option 6 is a winner."

Realising that her sudden interjection had startled the brunette, Arizona grinned, shooting her, her best perfectly perfected dimpled smile. She could have sworn she saw the woman stop to catch her breathe. When the woman did finally speak her speech was rushed, hesitant almost. Arizona grinned harder, feeling a sudden rush of adoration for this woman, this complete stranger she didn't know a thing about. Leaning forward Arizona scanned the woman's clipboard.

"Yeah well I think so, but I guess I'm kinda biased. Anyway, it was super awesome meeting you Calliope, see you tomorrow."

Ascending her seat, Arizona headed towards the door, shooting Calliope one last award winning smile. This week was going to be better than she had anticipated she beamed, fully aware of the other woman's gaze fixed upon her as she left.