Uh, guys, guys, guys! I found this amazing challenge on fanfiktion. de and I just had to do it. Oh, it's so amazing.

Pairing is Merthur of cause, but I might do another one of these. Maybe. Twenty and eleven are actually taken from the show (as if you wouldn't realize) but the others are of my own creation, don't worry. Also I don't know if I have to, but I decided that 'me' is Merlin. OK, talked enough.

Disclaimer: It belongs to the BBC. Even the words at some point.

Warnings: Kind of…you know, slash. You knew it.


– Or: The twenty words challenge –

Twenty words that began forever

"So, I don't know you?"

"I don't think so."

"And yet you called me a friend?"

"That was my mistake."

Nineteen words that made us laugh

"You know what, you are just so arrogant and spoiled and ego-centric and condescending and-"

"But you love it."

Eighteen words that nearly ended it all

"You betrayed me."

"I wanted to tell you."


"Do you hate me?"



"I could never hate you."

Seventeen words that betrayed me

"I have news."


"I wanted to tell you first."


"I am going to marry her."

Sixteen words that meant the world to me

"I will lift the ban."


"On magic."


"For you."

"For me?"

"Yes, you idiot!"

Fifteen words that engulfed me in my wake

"Gawain, you are back! Where is Arthur? Why-"

"We were outnumbered."


"He was wounded."

Fourteen words that woke me up

"Love, it's time."


"My duties wait."


"I know you're awake."

"Then stop poking me!"

Thirteen words that created a bridge

"I will not let my father or anyone else come between this, Merlin."

Twelve words that broke my heart

"Arthur, do you take this woman tobe your wife?"

"I do."

Eleven words that sealed our fates

"That your and Arthur's path lies together is but the truth."

Ten words that cured our boredom

"We could go watch the stars."

"You can be surprisingly romantic."

Nine words that drove me mad

"I would change it. But I can't change everything."

Eight words that scared the wits out of me

"But he will recover?"

"I am not sure."

Seven words that made me fall back in love with you

"I am so sorry."


"I love you."

Six words that seduced me

"Can I require your services tonight?"

Five words that overjoyed me

"I love you, you idiot."

Four words that took us to the skies

"Can I kiss you?"

Three words that I hated

"It's my duty."

Two words that saved us from falling

"I'm here."

One word that started it all


So, if it's unclear, the last few sentences 6 to 1 were all Arthur to Merlin.

That was fun. I might seriously do it again.