Secret Identities
Characters: Captain Marvel (Billy Batson), Superman (Clark Kent)
Pairing: Superman/Captain Marvel
Rating: M
Warning: Technically underage sex.
Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or the characters. All rights reserved to respectable owners.
Author Note: I don't really know… I don't really like the idea of Captain doing such things being only ten and all, but it's late and the plot bunny would not leave me be. I figured, why not? I want to get in the groove of writing again. Sorry, it's really short.
Summary: "And for a split second, Billy was able to catch himself thinking a clear thought. No doubt, he was sure; Superman would have never touched him in such ways if he had known the truth. But wasn't that was secret identities were for, after all?"
Clark wasn't exactly sure how or when it had happened, considering the fact he and Captain Marvel had not gotten along well in the past and often butt heads with their very different ideas, but now that it was he knew he wasn't in any hurry to allow it to stop.
Captain had come to him saying something about Superboy, no doubt trying to convince him to give the other a shot and that he might be surprised with what he found. Clark was in no hurry to take his words into consideration much like he had with Bruce. Then a drastic change of events resulted in their current situation of two bodies pressed against one another in sort of a clumsy act of forced pleasure.
Clark could tell from the get-go that Captain had very little experience when it came to this sort of activity. The other man had always been immature and a bit naive in a sense but he hadn't expected him to be a virgin. Though, the thought had never particularly crossed his mind. After all, he couldn't exactly claim it true, he wasn't aware of what the other man did on his spare time.
As for Billy, his mind had not been able to process everything that was happening at once much unlike Clark. The Man of Steel had questioned, wondered, and pondered their current situation deciding how exactly he felt about their current "activities". Billy, however, was having trouble keeping up. While his adult form was well developed for such things, his ten years of age mind was very much foreign to these new feelings and touches.
He was not deaf, blind, and dumb to what adults did, though. Billy heard things from the older kids at school and saw things from the television. Keeping up was a whole new ball game that was miles above his ability to comprehend properly. Billy's body, however, explained what he had trouble expressing.
For Billy, it felt as though it happened in seconds. He was naked and Superman was not fair from follow. Soon there were hands in the mix and skilled kisses claiming an inexperienced mouth, soft lips touching for what seemed every inch of reachable skin. He explored the new surfaces of sensitive nerves that have never been stimulated in such a way before.
It took some time but he was finally able to coax Captain into experimenting and experimenting he had. Timid fingers brushed forbidden surfaces, legs entwined with legs. Hair was grasped gently at first but soon with more force once unbearable pain but then pleasure came further into play. Teeth grazed his jaw, his neck, his shoulder, as hands gripped his hips rolling them rhythmically, his hold strong enough to bruise if he were capable of bruising.
And for a split second, Billy was able to catch himself thinking a clear thought. No doubt, he was sure; Superman would have never touched him in such ways if he had known the truth. But wasn't that was secret identities were for, after all?