A/N Hey guys! This is my first Twilight Fanfiction, as I have just recently fallen in love with the Wolves. =D I feel this is an awesome Dynamic family, and I felt that Seth is often neglected when it comes to imprinting. But what if he has and he just hasn't told anyone? Lets find out together what happens!

Pathetic. It's been my word of the month. Hell, word of my freaking life. What else do you all a girl taking a job in a small town in the middle of nowhere, just because she wants to be near her first love who obviously wants nothing to do with her? Yea, I thought so.

My name is Madeleine Brehm, Maddy for short. I'm a recent graduate from Towson University (near my home; Baltimore) with a masters degree in speech therapy. I recently accepted a job in the clinic for both the Quileute and Makah reservations, after my summer long internship with the previous speech pathologist in residence during my graduate studies..

When I first arrived here two years ago, I had fallen in love with the area and its people instantly. Specifically with the one and only Seth Clearwater. I first laid eyes on him while I had been stationed at the reception desk- a task all took shifts working in; we were severely underfunded and understaffed. I was assigned to do a mountainous amount of paperwork for one of Dr. Damien's clients, when I saw him walk in. I recognized him as a friend of Kim's, a physician's assistant in the clinic. I had only seen him through our office door once before, but even with my altered view, I could tell that God had gifted this man in the looks department. Thank god he hadn't seen me, I'm pretty sure I drooled at the sight of him.

Gods, he was a beautiful creature. In fact, it seems all of Kim's friends and family were gorgeous. Jeez, spread the love around a little, would ya?

He came in that particular day with his usual confidence, but stopped suddenly when I smiled to greet him. I couldn't quite place the look he was giving me, but instantly I felt a blush creep over my skin. What is he looking at?

He slowly approaches the desk and continues to stare intently. I have the sudden urge to stand and I couldn't explain why. Everything after this point seemed like slow motion, his arms reaching across the barrier of the reception desk pulling me towards him, his lips sensually running over mine. I didn't think as I sighed and deepened the kiss, running my tongue across his bottom lip seeking access to his lips- and Oh Gods, his tongue. I didn't think until Kim pushed us apart. Or rather, pushed Seth back from me. A sudden urge of something I could only describe as vehement jealousy clouded over my mind as I saw Kim pushing Seth away at his chest. He's mine. Thankfully I came to my senses in time to see my boss walk out of his office with a confused and slightly disturbed look on his face. I took the scholding willingly.

After the embarrassing, and albeit oddly sexy encounter with a man I had just met, I saw him only hours later, waiting for me at my car. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as his body curled against my Prius, abs and arms bulging out of his black t-shirt. Oh. My. Jesus. I swear I didn't breathe through that entire conversation, but somehow I had managed to successfully arrange a date (after appropriate apology for our first encounter- in the form of one of the most delicious kisses I had ever experienced) and left me with the feeling faint enough that I collapsed against my car when he walked away. Nice view, if I might add.

From that moment, I spiraled into a whirlwind full of happiness, love, friendship, and family that I had never known before. Not to mention my new world- Seth. We shared everything together, our hopes, dreams, first loves. I couldn't believe someone could feel so satisfied and excited to live for everyday. Not to mention the fact that my internship had definitely taken an upturn after my first talking to- but I had quickly progressed from deskwork to actually having a few clients of my own. My life was amazing.

At that moment, I couldn't imagine my life without my Sun, my Seth, to be there by my side. He knew me better that I think anyone could, and I was grateful to have him in my life. I thought he wanted the same, until my internship started coming to the end. When we had originally talked about me moving back home, he was excited to continue our relationship long distance, I was too. However, once my departure was a month away, he started making excuses to not see me, slowly isolating me. I thought I would go crazy. Every second I wasn't with him, I worried that he was through with me forever, he didn't confirm my fears until 2 hours before my departure to Baltimore. I love you, but you need to be able to live your own life Mads, you don't need to be stuck to someone like me, I can't provide for you what you need. I called after him, my body collapsing, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. I had to stay in Seattle two more nights before I could even function enough to get on a plane. I had lost him forever.

When I had returned home, my parents simply shrugged off my depression as missing La Push, I didn't have the heart to tell them that my life had been shattered to a million pieces by a single man. I knew they'd be disappointed. My mom figured it out eventually , and I told her what I could about it before my anxiety overwhelmed me. I could see the sorrow she had in her eyes. She had always taught me to be able to take care of myself, and not let another rule my life. I had failed her, but I couldn't control my heart.

I lived my life in a state that could only be described as broken. I threw myself into school, but my personal relationships fell into ruin. I picked fights with my friends, and generally spent my time alone in my apartment or at my parents house. It took many months for me to be able to properly distract myself from the heartbreak I was facing, and even longer to hide it from my parents, or my dad and my siblings anyway. Though I couldn't be sure I was successful, they hadn't mentioned anything to suppose otherwise.

Interestingly, along with this self-isolation I had acquired a twist in my stomach that I could never seem to detangle. It made eating food impossible, and pained me whenever I thought of him. As a side effect of this new found stress ball, my weight had dropped dramatically. I had always been a thick 5'10 girl, but now everything I put on, even my 'skinny clothes' were entirely too loose on me.

Rarely, there would be days of slight relief. I would feel a little bit of hunger, or be able to sleep 3 or four hours a night. And even sometimes, I got the feeling that someone was watching me, and instead of being paranoid it comforted me. Needless to say I have questioned my mental sanity many a time.

Two weeks after graduation, as I was packing up to move back into my parents home, a letter came offering me a job in La Push; my previous mentor had retired and recommended me for the job. I told myself it was an opportunity that I couldn't pass up, but I knew deep down I would do anything that would make me closer to him again, no matter what it did to my heart.

A/N What did you guys think? I have never written a chapter so quickly before. Just btw, Maddy knows what imprinting is, it'll become more clear in later chapters, but she doesn't know that she's been imprinted on. Anyhoodles, see ya'll soon!