There's mistakes..sorry!

Don't own Glee or Adam Lambert (but wouldn't it be cool if you or I actually did:))

Kurt and New Directions were sitting in the choir room, waiting for Mr. Schue, who told them that he has a really big surprise for them today.

Kurt spent his time waiting, by planning a weekend of shopping with Mercedes and Quinn, when he heard his name being called.

"Kurt! Hey Kurt!" he looked up and noticed that it was his ex-boyfriend Blaine. "What is it Blaine?" Kurt asked with a roll of his eyes, getting chuckles from the two girls with him.

"Um...would you like to go on a date with me, tomorrow?" Blaine asked hopefully.

Kurt groaned and looked Blaine in the eyes."Blaine," Kurt began. "I'm busy tomorrow. Plus, I wouldn't go on a date with you again. We're done, Blaine."

No matter how many times Kurt turns Blaine down, he always keeps coming back.

"Oh cone on, Kurt! I made a mistake. I said I was sorry. Why can't you forgive me and move past this?" Blaine asked exasperatedly.

"Blaine," Kurt began, getting angry." I kept telling you Sebastian only wanted to sleep with you. He only wanted sex! Come on, he is a male version of Santana." Kurt said getting snickers from the others and a 'Hey!' from Santana.

Kurt shot an apologetic look to Santana, she just shrugged and turned back to Brittany. Continuing their own conversation.

Kurt turned back towards his frowning ex. "Blaine." Kurt sighed. "It's better if we just stay friends. I don't think I could go through what you did to me again."

Blaine was about to reply, when Mr. Schue entered telling everyone to take their seats. Blaine sadly complied and took his seat.

"Okay!" Mr. Schue began, "I know you all are wondering what my surprise is," he said getting excited shouts from the group, "Someone well known in the music industry saw your performance of 'Born This Way'- no Kurt it's not Lady Gaga" Mr. Schue said cutting off Kurt. Kurt closed his mouth with a snap shooting glares at the others who snickered. "Anyways, he was blown away by it and is here to meet you guys!"

The group started shouting who they thought it was, while Mr. Schue made his way over to the door. He stopped and turned towards the group.

"I'd like to welcome," Mr. Schue said with a grin, " Adam Lambert!" he finished swinging the door open.

The choir room went dead silent. They just stared as Adam Lambert made his way in the room. "Hi, guys!" he said happily to a stunned room.

The room stayed silent. Everyone stared at Adam, then looked at each other, not really believing what they were seeing. Some even went as far as pinching themselves. When they realized it wasn't a dream, the room exploded with excited shouts.

The girls and Kurt was screaming the loudest. And the boys just stuck their fingers in their ears, trying to save their hearing as much as they could.

When the room quieted down. Adam continued. "As your teacher earlier said, I was blown away by all of you. I liked the idea of the shirts. It really sent a positive message." he said with a smile. "You all know my name, so why don't you introduce yourselves."

Adam made his way through the crowd. Most of the introductions were the same, stuttering and sputtering. He made it all the way to the end, when he stopped at the last person.

"Hey beautiful," he said to the blushing teen. "What's your name?" he asked and was met with snickers from the group and a growl from one in particular.

"I-it's K-k-Kurt!" came the squeaked response from the pale boy. Adam just smiled and took Kurt's hand.

"Enchante, Kurt." Adam said with a kiss to back of Kurt's hand. The group snickered more when their countertenor let out another squeak.

"Wow! You have very soft hands," Adam continued, rubbing the back of Kurt's hand with his thumb. Adam got a 'Yeah I know right!' from Brittany but he kept rubbing Kurt's hand causing Kurt to blush even harder. A louder growl was heard but ignored.

"I loved your shirt, by the way. Very sexy." Adam added with a wink.

"Thanks!" Kurt replied, his voice going an octave higher. He sent glares at the others who laughed once again at him.

"So, Kurt are you busy tomorrow?" Adam asked, getting a head shake no. "We should hang out together, just the two of us." he continued.

"I'd like that. Very much." Kurt replied, and earning a wide smile from Adam.

"I'll give my number after class." Adam said getting a nod from Kurt. He let go Kurt's hand and made his way back to the front of the class.

"Wait! Kurt!" Blaine yelled from his seat. "You said you were busy when I asked you out! What the hell?" Blaine continued ignoring the glares the others sent him.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Adam replied. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Adam added, sounding sad.

Kurt was giving Blaine his best death glare. "He is not my boyfriend." Kurt responded, still staring at Blaine.

"But Kurt-" Blaine started but soon got cut off. "But nothing!" Kurt said, finally taking his eyes off Blaine. "He's not my boyfriend anymore. Not since he decided he needed a one night stand with a tramp."

Adam stared at Blaine. "Wow! You're stupid, aren't you?" Adam said, earning chuckles from the rest.

Adam just shook his head, then turned towards the class again. "I'll be back tomorrow. And I'll perform for you guys. The group except Blaine, who sat face red with anger, cheered.

Adam took a piece of paper from his bag, scribbled something and handed it to Kurt. "My number." he said when Kurt looked confused. "Thanks." Kurt replied with a wide smile.

"You can call me anytime, Angel." Adam said with a wink, the girls aww'd at the pet name. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." he said to the crowd, but only had eyes for Kurt.

When he was gone, Kurt got bombarded with questions and squealing girls.

Santana noticed that Blaine was glaring at the door that Adam went through. She could hear him grinding his teeth in angered jealousy.

"So, who's jealous now, hobbit?" Santana asked with a smirk. Blaine just turned towards her, glared and flipped her off. That made the room explode with laughter.

Review please! I have one more chapter for this, but it's up to you if I should post it or not. So...let me know!