So, this is the last chapter in this little series. I'll miss writing it, so maybe leave a few reviews to make an old girl happy? Thank you for sticking with me this far, (especially you, lovemondotrasho!) Onwards!

Kurosaki was panicking. Teru, his princess, was crying and he hadn't a clue why, or what to do. She was just sitting on the sofa, sobbing ever so softly. The blonde was at a loss. They hadn't just watched a sad movie. There hadn't been an advert for abused and neglected dogs on the TV. In fact, the TV wasn't even on. And it hadn't been on when Kurosaki had arrived home five minutes ago.

"Teru?" He tried again to get her to look at him. She didn't react beyond ducking her head, letting her hair fall forward to cover her face.

Kurosaki perched himself tentatively beside his sniffling girlfriend. He didn't think that anyone had died or Teru would be a lot worse than this. Nevertheless, he wasn't having any bright ideas.

He raised a hand and stroked Teru's upper back, while using the other hand to push back a curtain of hair. Teru's tears were drying now, and she looked more embarrassed than distraught. After one last great sniff, she turned to face her concerned companion.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, voice still slightly rough from crying. Kurosaki braced himself for a confession having failed an exam, or getting a D on an assignment. He'd though that they'd cured Teru of taking school that seriously. Sure, it was important, but it wasn't worth this kind of anguish.

Teru wiped her eyes and offered a shaky smile. Tilting her head back and shaking her hair out of her face so that it rippled down her back, she smiled more genuinely. Then, she giggled. Kurosaki was utterly bewildered. Teru took one look at his expression and giggled some more. She laid a gentle hand on his, where it lay close to her knee. She cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry," she said again. "I… uh… I just…" Her cheeks pinkened. "It's my time of the month," she blurted.

Kurosaki blushed. Okay, so he had been cohabiting with a woman for a while, he wasn't ignorant and he was a grown man. But he was still a man for crying out loud.

"I… Do you need anything?" he stammered. He felt foolish. Wasn't he supposed to know what to do right now? What did girls on their… uh, anyway, need apart from the obvious. Giant teddy bears? Chocolate bars the size of mattresses? Vats of ice cream?

"I need to go to the drugstore, but my tummy's too sore and I feel too disgusting to go out," Teru said in a near-whisper, looking at Kurosaki pleadingly from beneath her lashes.

Kurosaki would have told her that of course she wasn't disgusting, she could never be disgusting, she was beautiful, he loved her, but he was too busy panicking at the prospect of what was to come.

"I'll go for you," he offered, the way one might offer to shove bamboo splinters under their own nails.

Teru soon had a list for him and Kurosaki set off for drugstore with the air of a man setting off to a battle. If he were a less loving boyfriend, his footsteps would have been heavy and slow, as though he were wading through treacle. However, because he was a very loving boyfriend, his stride was brisk and purposeful. He would get these supplies if it killed him.

Several minutes later found Kurosaki standing in the personal hygiene isle of the drugstore, looking at the endless shelved of feminine hygiene supplies like they might eat him.

A store employee passing by gave him a double take. Should he ask her for help? Nope. Too humiliating. It would be like pulling over and asking directions when you get lost while driving. Why hadn't he checked what Teru usually had?! Oh right, because he was an idiot.

Finally, he tossed a few packets and boxes into his shopping basket, the most expensive ones; they had to be expensive for a reason, right?

Gratefully, Kurosaki scarpered, stopping to toss some painkillers and self-heating pad things into the basket. Clutching his bag of spoils, he stopped by the grocery store to buy chocolate, ice cream and other carb-laden, sugary foods. And bananas. For some reason he's had an inkling that he should buy bananas.

The look of gratitude on Teru's face as he elbowed his way in the door bearing his spoils of war, was worth the entire trip. Never mind that the drugstore was in fact, only three blocks away and hardly taxing to get to. And that the buying of the… stuff had been significantly more painless than Kurosaki had anticipated. He felt rather foolish now for overreacting. And even if the experience had been awful, it would have been worth it for his princess.

That's all folks! At least for a while. I'm heading off to university in a few weeks and when I get there I'll be focusing on the ideas I have for proper chapter fics for Supernatural. I'll probably be back here some day, and do feel free to leave requests, who knows, I might actually do them! Thank you for all your favs, follows and reviews, hugs and cookies for you all!