New chapter who-hoo! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time but every time I sat down to write, I would have to do something or something was wrong, or something came up. You get the picture, so I've been updating all of my stories and hoping people wont be mad, anyway hope you like it!

Moon Prince

Chapter 8


She was about to go into her room when she ran into someone and was expecting it to be Robin. She was a little surprised at who she saw when she looked up, enough to let out a small gasp.

"Loveday!" Maria exclaimed looking up.

"Maria, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Loveday asked worried.

"Oh Loveday, it's awful, just awful!" Maria cried harder and hugged the older woman.

"What is? Come with me sweetie." Loveday said leading the hysterical girl down the hall and to a room. She took Maria in her arms and sat on the bed. "Now, what's so awful that's making you cry so hard?" She asked again, stroking the young girls back.

"Your twit of a cousin that's what's wrong! Loveday, he lied to Mrs. Heliotroph so she would like him and now she's thinking of making him my future husband!" Maria exclaimed and began pacing.

Loveday's eyes widened at the word 'husband'. She knew he would be up to something the moment her father told her he was coming to stay. She saw all his devilish smiles and evil smirks, and every time they sent a chill up her back.

"Now Maria, I know how you feel dear, but it's ok, I know at least five people who will die before you marry that arrogant pig, I being one of them. Don't worry, I'll talk to Mrs. Heliotroph and settle this whole thing, ok?" Loveday smiled at her and stood up. Maria nodded not being capable of using her voice.

"Loveday you have to promise me one thing, do not tell Robin anything about this." Maria said when she received her voice.

"But Maria, what ever for?" Loveday asked confused.

"I don't want him to worry, or hurt Raven, even though he deserves it and I can't stand him." She said looking into Loveday's eyes. "Do you promise?"

"I promise Maria, I don't think it's right though. That's why you have to promise me that you will tell him soon." Loveday said crossing her arms.

"Ok, I will. Thank you Loveday." Maria smiled.

Loveday opened her arms and Maria ran into them for one more hug before she got ready for bed. During the hug Maria finally got a good look of the room, her guess, her room for the visit.

There was the basic furniture, a wardrobe, vanity, and bed. The room had three doors, one leading out into the hallway, the second leading into a small bathroom, and the third was double doors leading out onto the stone wall balcony. The drapes hanging on the windows were a light yellow color, outside were pots of flowers and a small table.

Maria then figured out this was Loveday's old room; it very much fit her personality. The bed was a four poster set with clean white sheets, and lavender curtains and matching comforter. What caught Maria's eyes were the dark vines that crawled up the poster columns. The room was beautiful and she felt as much at home as she would in Moonacre.

"Come, I'll help you get dressed for bed." Loveday said stepping out of the hug and walking over to the wardrobe. She pulled out a very pale pink nightgown. At the sight of it Maria grimaced.

"Pink? Loveday you know I hate pink, it goes terribly with my hair color." Maria said as she took the nightgown from Loveday's hands.

"Oh come now Maria, you can barely tell its pink, it just looks like it has a glow to it." She said. Maria huffed and went to change in the bathroom. As Loveday was about to turn down the bed, someone started to bang on the door loudly.

"Loveday! Loveday are you in there, where's Maria?" Robin's voice broke through. She walked to the door and opened it. As she did, he walked in right past her and started to pace around the room. "Where is she? One of the servants told me she saw Maria running down the hallway crying, what's wrong with her?" He asked her, slowly loosing his temper.

"Robin calm down, she's getting dressed for bed right now. Nothing's wrong anymore." Loveday said going over to the bed.

"What was wrong in the first place?" He snapped.

"Robin, I promised Maria I wouldn't say." She sighed. When he gave her a look she continued. "She doesn't want you to worry."

"I think it a little too late for that Loveday, I'm already worried!" He yelled. Loveday was about to retort when she saw Maria step out of the bathroom door in her old nightgown. Robin followed his sister's line of vision and smiled when his eyes landed on Maria. "Maria, are you ok? I didn't see you after dinner."

"I'm fine, really Robin, Mrs. Heliotroph needed to see me and I got a little upset when she told me something." Maria explained. She really hoped he wouldn't push further.

"Well what did she tell you?" No such luck. Maria stared blankly at Robin, trying to come up with an answer that wasn't a complete lie, but not enough where he could guess what actually happened.

"Robin, it's late, why don't you interrogate Maria in the morning? That way she won't be as emotional, and besides we should all be in bed." Loveday suggested. Maria sent her a grateful smile.

"Ok, but Maria I do want to know what happened in the morning, got it. If you need me I'll be in the next room." He said indicating to the next room on the right. "Goodnight."

Once the door closed, Maria waited a second before walking to the bed and getting in. She pulled the covers up as Loveday came and sat on the bed in front of her.

"Maria, I think you should tell him tomorrow when and if he asks." Maria looked at Loveday like she was crazy. "Maria if you don't tell him soon he's going to find out that you hid it from him, and then he's just going to get angry with you. You don't want that do you?" Loveday asked.

"No of course not, alright Loveday I'll tell him tomorrow when he asks." Maria answered lying down.

"That's a good girl, goodnight Maria." Loveday said kissing her cheek.

"Goodnight Loveday." Maria said as she drifted off.

Morning came too soon for Maria's liking, as she opened her eyes to the rising sun. She stretched herself out, feeling unusually stiff, and turned over to her side. When she did she saw a smiling Robin watching her from a chair next to the bed.

"You're awake, finally." He said as crossed his arms over his chest.

"How long have you been in here?" She asked as she sat up. She got out of bed and saw a dress waiting for her, like usual.

"Not long, a few minutes maybe. Oh, a present from Loveday, she told me to bring it up after she told me to wake you up." He said as he came up behind her. "It's almost time for breakfast."

"Oh, ok I'll go get dressed." She said and walked into the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out in a light teal dress, it almost looked like the first Moon Princess' dress.

"Nice dress, I like that color." He tried to get out without blushing or stuttering. He had to admit, Maria could look good in anything or any color.

"Thank you, Loveday packed it for me; I think it was one of her favorite dresses." She said examining the worn out dress. "Shall we go down to eat? I'm starting to get hungry." He nodded in response, not being able to trust his voice.

Robin and Maria walked down to the dining hall when he suddenly put a hand on her arm. "Maria, you never told me what was wrong last night. What happened, I was worried?" He asked looking in her eyes. He saw fear flash in her eyes for a second; he got worried but let it go when the look disappeared.

"Um, Mrs. Heliotrope told me, that uh, that I needed to start associating with Raven." At the small look of anger in his eyes, she flinched and started sweating.

"Him? That pompous and arrogant fool! Why him?" He silently yelled.

"She said I needed to start growing up, and to do that I have to start being around high-class men and women. She also wants me to start looking… for a… suitor." She told him, but the way she did made it sound more like a question than statement.

"Like hell, I'm going to let that happen. Don't worry Maria; you're not going to marry him." He said bringing her into a hug. She smiled against his chest, grateful he was there.