
So, I got a bunch of reviews asking what the boys were doing in the end and I thought I'd end all of the suspense for you people ;)

I'll be writing a second chappie for this to let all of you know what they were doing. But let me explain two things first.

1) I actually planned to leave this as is to let all of your imaginations wonder and make your own ending.

2) I had my own official ending buuuut I don't think it's that…age appropriate ;) (All the others out there that I PMed will know what I'm talking about)

NYways, I'll be deleting this A/N as soon as I post the second/final chappie ^.^

But I would like to apologize in advance if ever I don't update soon. I mean, with school starting, I barely have time to breathe! Of course, my parents being, well, themselves, expect me to maintain my grades, join as much extra curricular activities that I can, and still manage to keep my social life (which is extremely decreasing xD). Well, advance apologies my friends. I'll try to update that chapter AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! ^.^

Also, would you guys mind checking my other stories out? FANKS! And yes, I meant to type it that way! xD

Thankful and currently solving strategy games with my lil bro,

Pearl :)xx

(Yep, you can call me that!)

P.S. Mind following me on Twitter? XD Pearl_Gumapos I follow back! :)