Authors Not: I has been sometime before I updated and to those that have subscribed, I apologize. I seem to be gathering some personal problems, more with each passing day.

I have had neither the time nor the inspiration to write much, I have some and that will be posted soon. In the mean time, I was reviewing my own work and I was not really satisfied. So I took a little bit of time to follow Shinku no Yuki's advise and adjusted the long paragraphs and adjusted small pieces of text. I didn't really change any of the story, just altered a few sentences here and there to make it seem more flowing in my own opinion. In Any case, I'll be replacing all the old chapters and be posting some new ones A.S.A.P.

Strange Necessity

There it was again, that burning sensation in her throat. It felt like a thirst that could not be quenched. It felt like a hunger that could not be sated, let alone satisfied. Every sense in her body was screaming, burning and pushing her to…do what?

She pulled away her covers as quickly and quietly as possible, making sure she did not wake her roommate/ best friend Yori.

She silently slipped out of the door and hurried into the open air where she would feel the cool breeze against her skin. She wore only her thin white nightgown, so the algid night air would luckily not have to pass many barriers to cool down the feverish feeling that was coursing through her body.

She made it out of the dorms faster then she realized and before long she was already at her favorite place, the fountain. Being alone here, surrounded by the quiet rustling of the trees swaying in the gentle night wind, hearing the constant flow of the water fountain calmed her nerves, as it always did. No matter how bad she felt.

She stuck her head in the cold water reveling in the almost freezing effect it had on her skin. She started gulping down as much water as she could, trying to calm the burning in her throat.

When she finally came back up gasping for air, she at last noticed that the thirst was dying down, the burn receding but she knew it would come back.

The new thirst started when she began having that weird dream.

Seriously, she should have been used to strange dreams by now. They used to be of the time that her beloved Lord Kaname saved her from the bloodthirsty vampire all those years ago. Occasionally it would become a nightmare, when Kaname didn't make it before she was completely drained by the crimson eyed monster.

But those nightmares were rare and they only occurred when she hadn't seen Kaname for a long period of time. To be exact, the last time she had had that particular nightmare was before Cross Academy was established and Kaname didn't meet with her for over a month.

But this dream was different (she wasn't even sure if it was a dream), it seemed too real to be a dream, as if it was really happening.

Every night for the last two weeks she hadn't been able sleep properly; each night when she closed her eyes, she met herself. Only it wasn't herself. It looked as if she was standing in front of a mirror, but the reflection displayed a slightly different her.

For instance, where she had shoulder length brown hair, her reflection would have knee-length hair, and where her eyes were copper-brown, the reflection would have Chocolate-brown, almost like Lord Kaname.

But the biggest difference was the aura surrounding the silent reflection. It seemed dark and gave off vibes of anger, maybe even hatred. But the same look also gave her a hint of loneliness and abandonment.

Her silent contemplating was interrupted when she heard a gentle voice calling out to her.

"Yuuki, what are you doing out here at this time of the night?"

She looked over her shoulder to see none other than Kuran Kaname. The man who saved her life ten years ago, the man she looked up to and the man she loved more than anything she could think of.

"Are you feeling well Yuuki? You do not look so well, you are out here without Artemis, in nothing but your nightgown." He spoke up once more.

She shook her head a little to clear out any unwanted thoughts and emotions, never mind the small droplets of water that trickled down the side of her nose and over her lips.

'What I wouldn't give to be that small drop of water, to feel the softness of those lips'Kaname thought to his self as he gazed at the small girl.

"Oh-uh-uh No-nothing Kaname-senpai, I just needed some fresh air." she said feeling the oh-so-familiar blush creep over her cheeks.

Kaname walked up to her and slowly placed his hand on her shoulder, he felt her shiver under his touch. "You are trembling, let me walk you to your dorm. I do not want you to get a cold, my dear Yuuki." and after he said the last two words, he felt her quiver again.

'Maybe it's not from the cold'he smiled to himself.

But when she nodded and looked up to him, shock almost overtook his beautiful features.

'Did I just see that right, were her eyes…crimson?' but before he even finished his thought he saw nothing but the beautiful copper-brown eyes that he had come to love and adore.

He brushed the thought off, as projecting wants into reality.

He wrapped his jacket around her shivering form and quietly walked her to her room without saying another word. He was glad that she didn't do so either, both afraid to break the comfortable silence that surrounded them.

So, how was it? I hoped that this one was better than the first version