AN: I am a horrible human being. Actually, I just have three jobs and go to university and am in the process of organizing a student exchange trip (I'm going to the University of Michigan for a semester XD). Also, I have discovered that I can't write big group scenes at all; this one gave me so much trouble. I apologize for the mammoth wait, but thank you all SO MUCH for the reviews and love I got for the last chapter. I hit 100 reviews and that has never happened, it made me so happy I almost cried.
In other news, I got pulled onto the Kurtbastian (Gay Cruise) 'Ship. If you want to join us, let me know and I'll link you to some fics that will change your life.
Please let me know what you think of this one, it wasn't in my original plan but then I really wanted to include it even though it gave me a lot of trouble; I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings. Thanks for reading xo
Chapter 8
"You look nervous," Kurt commented as he turned the car into his street, casting a sideways glance at Blaine.
Blaine scoffed. "Why would I be nervous?" He continued to tap his foot rapidly.
"I don't know. You're Blaine Anderson." Kurt smirked. "I didn't think a little thing like meeting my Dad would terrify you so much."
Blaine swallowed audibly, not even bothering to deny his fear this time. "I've never met anyone's parents like this before." I've never actually dated anyone like this before. He didn't voice this particular worry, not again.
They'd discussed what 'they' were, and decided that while they were seeing each other, it was still early days and neither of them were really ready for a full blown relationship. Blaine because he didn't do relationships, and he guessed Kurt was scared to admit he actually had feelings like that for the school slut that had shamelessly chased him for weeks. Blaine had danced around explicitly saying it, but had eventually told Kurt, cautiously avoiding his eyes, that he was nervous. He didn't know how to be somebody's boyfriend, he'd never done that before and he didn't want to screw up whatever they could have.
It was the most honest he could be, and even admitting his own fears to the boy that already knew more about him than anyone else, was absolutely terrifying. So they had agreed that they were seeing each other, but no body needed to know about the intricate details of what they were to each other. They were keeping it casual and seeing what would happen between them – as much as a high school couple could make such a mature decision.
But now Blaine was expected to meet Kurt's Dad, who he already knew to be the most important person in Kurt's life. Blaine knew how to be charming and polite to people's parents, had done it a million times in the past with people at the country club or parents of people at Dalton. But his default setting for the last couple of years when placed in a nerve-wracking situation was to be suave and overly confident. He somehow didn't think that being flirtatious or bragging about his sexual appeal would help him win favour with Burt Hummel from Lima, the father of the boy he was currently dating and having completely inappropriate thoughts about.
Kurt's hand moved from the steering wheel to lightly squeeze Blaine's thigh in a comfortable but not too serious gesture. "Just be you," he spoke reassuringly, but somehow without being patronizing. "And you know which version of you I mean."
They were silent as Kurt pulled the car to a stop in his driveway, Blaine taking a moment to appreciate just how well Kurt was beginning to know him. Thankfully he didn't have much time to dwell on whether or not that was a good thing, because a large man in a baseball cap was already walking from the house and towards the car and Kurt was already opening his door with a big grin on his face, clearly excited to be home for the weekend.
With a deep breathe Blaine pulled himself from the car and drew himself up to his full height, however not tall that may be, and used all his confidence to smile at the man in front of him.
"You must be Blaine," Burt Hummel smiled when he pulled back from hugging Kurt. "It's good to meet you, kid."
He held out a hand to shake and Blaine reached forward to take it in his own. "It's lovely to meet you, Mr. Hummel. It's very kind of you to have me over for dinner, sir."
Burt chuckled and readjusted the cap on his head. "Are they all like this at that school, Kurt?"
Blaine's smile faltered, looking to Kurt for support only to see him smirking back.
"Call me, Burt, kiddo. None of that 'sir' crap around here."
And Burt put a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring way and led him towards the house. "Kurt tells me you like football."
After a casual dinner at the Hudson-Hummel household, Kurt, Blaine and Kurt's stepbrother Finn piled into Finn's car. They were heading over to the house of one of the girls from New Directions, Rachel Berry, for a small party with Kurt's old Glee club. For some reason, Blaine was actually nervous to meet Kurt's friends.
Meeting Burt and his new wife Carole had gone fine. Burt had of course been wary of the first gay boy that Kurt was spending a lot of time with, but he was kind and welcoming and Blaine was pretty sure that the threats he made with references to a shotgun were mostly made in jest.
But his friends were the only people at McKinley that Kurt had been able to stand to talk to. Blaine had been assured that some of them weren't even really his friends, but they were still the people that Kurt chose to surround himself with, and he was sure they'd be the first to hunt him down if things went badly with Kurt. And – Blaine would deny this to the end if you tried to tell him that he was worried or scared – they would be the ones that would be able to dissuade Kurt from seeing him if they decided that they didn't like him. Which he found to be highly probable.
All of this meant that Blaine had no idea how to act around them. He didn't think the confident, 'come and get me' attitude that worked at Dalton and in its surrounding social circles would work here. Nor would being silent and anti-social. And outside of those two attitudes, Blaine didn't really know what to do. It was like meeting Burt all over again but this time Blaine really had no idea what to expect.
"Do you want the run down of what you're about to walk into?" Kurt asked from his place in the passenger seat, looking back at Blaine (who had no idea how Kurt once again managed to know exactly what he was thinking and fretting over).
"Sure, why not," Blaine said.
"You better tell the short version, dude," Finn grinned from the driver's seat. "The drive isn't long enough to explain the relationships of New Directions."
In the next five minutes Blaine learnt that the McKinley High Glee Club was more like the focus of some kind of teen drama soap opera than anyone would ever anticipate. But it did the trick in calming his nerves – these people had enough of their own drama going on to worry about him, and if they were all as nice and welcoming as Finn then it was going to be fine. He might even find himself having fun.
When they pulled up outside the house and climbed from the car, Kurt smiled at him and Blaine noticed his hand move out to him and then fall back by his side, as though he had wanted to take his hand but had decided against it. Feeling daring, and possibly slightly crazy, Blaine reached over and laced their fingers together as they followed Finn up to the front door.
The gathering – and Blaine definitely thought of it as a gathering more than a party – was being held down in Rachel's basement, or as the girl explained it "her Dad's Oscar room". The image of this small girl putting on overly enthusiastic concerts for her two fathers and their poor unsuspecting neighbors was enough to leave Blaine struggling not to laugh an innappropriate amount. He managed to smile politely at the people he was being introduced to, which he hoped was enough to make a good first impression.
The introductions went just fine, as everyone was too busy trying to convince Rachel that they needed more alcohol to pay him much mind, but when Blaine was introduced to Kurt's best friend Mercedes, his heart stopped a little in fear.
"You must be Blaine," Mercedes exclaimed pointedly, and with an exaggerated wink. Even though they hadn't met, they had spoken over the phone while Blaine was still desperate for advice on how to get Kurt to date him, and now it appeared that Mercedes didn't really know how to be subtle.
Kurt didn't seem to notice however, as he was obviously so used to the group acting weird that the looks passing between his best friend and his date were nothing out of the ordinary.
"Do you want a drink, Blaine?" Kurt asked him.
"Whatever you're having is fine," He smiled as Kurt walked over to where Lauren and Puck had finally managed to convince Rachel to break open her Dad's liquor cabinet.
"So Blaine," Mercedes smiled once they were relatively alone. "How is everything going with you two? My boy told me your efforts to win him over improved, and you guys seem to be close?"
Despite the look of pure delight at the gossip and the smug smile Mercedes seemed to have at having given Blaine good advice, he could tell she was genuinely happy that they were seeing each other. Blaine knew that she meant well and it was nice enough to have someone at the gathering that he could consider an ally and that he'd had some previous interaction with, however limited and embarrassing it was.
"Things are good," Blaine said. "But I'm sure he's told you all there is to know."
"Oh but of course," Mercedes laughed.
"Thanks for your help," Blaine offered. "I hate to admit it but I had no idea what I was doing and you obviously know Kurt a lot better than most."
"It was my pleasure. Just make sure you don't hurt him, okay?"
The look in Mercedes' eyes was so intense and sincere that Blaine felt the nerves come back in full swing. But he forced a smile and nodded, not having to lie when he told her that he didn't want to do that.
A moment later, Blaine excused himself to go and see where Kurt had got to with their drinks, heading over to the bar area where Kurt and some of the other boys were talking and laughing. Blaine moved to stand next to Kurt, who smiled brightly at him and handed him a cup.
"Do you drink much?" Blaine asked.
"I've been drunk once before and it was a horrifying experience in which I threw up all over my guidance councilors shoes," Kurt deadpanned just as Blaine took a sip of his drinking, causing him to splutter and choke back a laugh. "I figure I'll be safe with one or two though."
Just as Blaine was about to ask for Kurt to actually explain that little snippet of information, Santana walked over to the bar calling that everyone must in fact do a shot or she would no longer be their friend. Blaine hung back, not wanting to intrude on a New Directions moment.
"Hobbit," Santana snapped at him. "Are you in?"
Blaine was sure his face must look horrified because Kurt just laughed, and nudged him forward. "I think that means she likes you."
It was like time was on double speed, the music pumping and the liquor flowing freely now that Rachel had given in and apparently decided that the best way to get back at Finn for the latest drama was to get completely wasted. Before he knew it, Blaine was well on his was to incredibly drunk, and was enjoying dancing and chatting with Kurt and the rest of his friends.
He was midway through a conversation with Sam about life at Dalton when Rachel screamed that they should all play spin the bottle. No one objected and everyone refilled their drinks before getting together for the game.
Blaine took a seat in the circle just as Rachel returned from the bar area with an empty bottle and shoved herself between him and Sam. Kurt was smiling next to him with rosy cheeks, happy and at ease after a couple of drinks. Blaine leant into him so they were sitting with their arms touching from shoulder to wrist where their pinkies were loosely linked.
He took a few sips of his drink and enjoyed laughing with Kurt at the different combinations of New Directions members engaging in tonsil hockey. Blaine smiled as he found himself actually relaxing in this group of strangers, something he hadn't found himself doing for longer than he could remember.
"It's your turn, Kurt," Puck exclaimed, a vicious grin on his face as he thrust the bottle into Kurt's hands.
Instantly, Kurt looked nervous, some of the colour draining from his face. Blaine felt something akin to protectiveness curling in his chest when the other guys chanted their agreement. Kurt wasn't one to give away intimate moments like kissing someone, he was guarded and didn't just let anyone touch him, Blaine being the exception of course. Blaine could see he felt pressured by the group and wanted to interject and help. But then he saw Kurt compose himself, his features steeling; he was never one to back down from a challenge or let himself appear weak. Also the drinks he'd had seemed to have gone straight to his head.
"Yeah, Kurt!" Puck whooped as Kurt defiantly placed the bottle in the middle of the circle and gave it an enthusiastic spin.
Puck's face fell to an almost comedic look of complete shock when the neck of the bottle came to a stop pointing directly at him.
Screams and laughter erupted around the circle, Kurt's face went bright red and Blaine's stomach turned to ice.
"You don't have to," Kurt stammered. "I understand why you wouldn't want to."
"Oh hell yes he does, lady lips," Santana said gleefully. "I had to kiss Frankenteen over here, there is no way you're getting out of this. Pucker up, boys!"
Puck puffed his chest out, trying to appear confident. "I'm game, let's do this."
More laughter filled the room and Puck crawled over to Kurt, puckering his lips with exaggeration. It was a short kiss, but the girls still squealed, Artie still yelled "holla!" and Blaine still clenched his fists in his lap, trying not to reach forward and punch the smirk off Puck's face.
Kurt sat back, red as a tomato but still looking quite pleased, and Blaine put his arm around his back, placing a hand on his hip and pulling him in close. As the game continued (Sam and Brittney were now leaning across the circle, lips locked together while Santana glared daggers from between them), Blaine leaned over to suck hungrily on the soft skin just below Kurt's ear, emitting a small growl of delayed jealousy.
"Mine," he murmured before he could stop himself.
Kurt turned to place a soft kiss at the corner of Blaine's mouth. "Later," he whispered. "I'll be all yours."
The group abandoned the game of spin the bottle a short while later once Mike's spin resulted in Tina crawling into his lap and starting a full on make-out session that none of the others could manage to break apart. From there, Kurt was dragged onto the stage with Rachel and Mercedes to sing a dramatic, loud and over enunciated rendition of 'Seasons of Love' from Rent, while Blaine danced with Brittney and Artie in the middle of the room, although his eyes rarely left Kurt.
The rest of the night was a bit of a blur for Blaine. All he could think about at that point was Kurt, and how much he no longer cared about socializing with his friends and making a good impression. He just wanted to be alone with Kurt to see if he made good with his promise.
Thankfully, it wasn't that much longer that people were falling asleep in make shift beds on sofa's or making their way home. They made it back to Kurt's house in no time, thanking Finn once more for being the designated driver. Kurt quickly mentioned his browser history once more when his stepbrother raised an eyebrow at Kurt and Blaine's joined hands and the fact that they were making their way up the stairs to Kurt's room together.
"If Dad asks," Kurt said with a pointed look. "Blaine was in the guest room the whole night."
Finn gave Blaine an uncomfortable look but didn't say anything else on the topic, offering them a quiet goodnight and heading down the hall to his own bedroom.
As soon as they stumbled through Kurt's door Blaine all but attacked Kurt with his lips, drawing him into a deep kiss, something that he had been wanting to do all night. It didn't take long until they were shedding layers and falling onto the bed together, moaning as their skin came into contact. Blaine ran one hand up and down Kurt's side and cradled his neck firmly in the other, exploring Kurt's mouth with his own eager tongue. He pulled back to admire Kurt's nearly naked body, Blaine wasting no time in helping Kurt remove the last article of clothing, slipping his hand into the McQueen boxer briefs and sliding them swiftly down Kurt's legs.
Blaine let out another loud groan at the sight of Kurt's erection, lowering himself quickly to lie on top of Kurt and feel the hard lines of his body beneath him. He laughed into a kiss when his shaking arms failed to hold him up, falling onto Kurt with a muttered "oomph".
"Shh," Kurt hushed, his own giggles threatening to escape, even at his words. "My Dad will kill us if he hears."
Blaine's eyes widened and he pulled back, ready to scramble from the bed; there was no way in hell he wanted to get on the bad side of Burt Hummel, no matter how well things had gone when they'd met earlier that day.
"Don't you dare go anywhere," Kurt whispered. "He won't do anything if you just be quiet."
Kurt wrapped a hand around Blaine's neck, pulling him back down on top of him. Blaine sighed as he gave in, leaning down to capture Kurt's lips and press him further into the mattress. His head was spinning from the alcohol and from just being in such close proximity to Kurt and he groaned as he ground his hips frantically.
A whimper escaped Kurt's lips and it sent shivers straight to Blaine's cock, which was already achingly hard between his legs. Blaine trailed his lips from Kurt's and moved to attack his neck, sucking and biting and tasting the saltiness of sweat and the strange taste of the boy's cologne. He breathed in deeply, his head spinning even more at the scent. This time Kurt all but moaned as Blaine took his earlobe in his teeth. Blaine couldn't get enough of those sounds. But they had to be quiet damn it.
"Kurt," he whispered in the boy's ear, smirking, as he was about to turn Kurt's own insistence from a second before back around on him. "Weren't you just telling me to keep quiet, baby?"
The sober part of his mind knew that calling Kurt 'baby' rarely ended well, but he was drunk so he just ran with it, taking advantage of the way Kurt's breath had hitched at the murmur of his name, and the way he had moved a leg up and around Blaine's waist to pin his hip down, grinding their erections together.
"We'll have to stop if you can't be quiet."
Kurt let out a shuddering breath and Blaine bit back a groan. "Don't stop," Kurt murmured, and anyone would think he had had more than just two drinks, with how wrecked he sounded.
"I won't," Blaine soothed, pulling Kurt's lips into a harsh kiss once more as he ran his hand up and down Kurt's side, leaving a trail of goose bumps on his bare skin. "You just have to keep those fucking sexy sounds to yourself."
Blaine needed to hear those sounds; the moans and the sighs and the keening way Kurt said his name without even realizing it. And he was determined to make Kurt fall apart, he needed to see and hear and feel Kurt come apart beneath him.
He moved then to trail wet kisses down Kurt's neck, scraping his hands across the boy's skin as he moved lower. He paused briefly to tug Kurt's nipple gently between his teeth, sucking it into his mouth and breathing heavily through his nose when he heard Kurt whine restlessly. Kurt's hand was in his hair, gripping firmly and following Blaine's movements across his stomach where he dipped his tongue into Kurt's belly button before licking a slow line straight down to the base of his hard cock.
Blaine settled between Kurt's legs, wasting no time and sinking his mouth straight over the erection in front of him, moaning softly at the taste. He placed one hand around the base, sucking and licking around as much of Kurt as he could take in his drunken state, and roughly stroking the rest. The other hand came up to tease Kurt's nipple, rolling the nub between his fingers. Kurt moaned loudly, the sound crashing through Blaine and causing him to groan in response, sucking as he pulled back.
"Baby," he whispered through drunken giggles. "That's too loud. I am drunk as all hell and I can tell that's too loud."
He didn't even pause for a response before lowering his mouth to the head of Kurt's cock once more, lapping at the tip before sucking wet kisses down the side. Blaine palmed roughly at his own erection through his boxer briefs, desperate to relieve some of the tension that was curling within him.
He moved to take in as much of Kurt as he could, breathing harshly through his nose as he sucked. His head bobbed up and down as Kurt's hips thrust involuntarily, fucking shallowly into Blaine's mouth. The heavy weight on his tongue and the strong taste of Kurt made Blaine groan, his hand moving faster and faster inside his underwear, roughly jerking himself. It was that dry friction that normally would have been just slightly uncomfortable, but it was enough in that moment, with his head spinning, his heart racing and his entire body in overdrive in response to the writhing boy beneath him.
"So close, so close, Blaine, I'm so, so close," murmurs were tumbling from Kurt's mouth, his voice wrecked and desperate as his grip tightened in Blaine's curls.
"So come," was Blaine's whispered but commanding response, his lips leaving Kurt's cock for barely a second before he was sinking back down as far as he could manage, just in time for the stuttering of Kurt's hips and the long, low groan as he came hard down Blaine's throat. Blaine barely registered his own hips fucking into the mattress, desperate for friction, as he swallowed down all that he could handle, come and spit dribbling from his mouth as he moaned into his own release. His head was a weird kind of clear as he pulled back and wiped his hand across his mouth. His underwear was rapidly becoming uncomfortable, but he didn't care in the slightest when he took note of the blissed out grin taking over Kurt's face.
Without thinking, Blaine leaned forward; desperate to have Kurt's lips back on his own, and gave him a soft, chaste kiss. And then he whispered, "you're so beautiful." Another kiss. "And you're mine."