a/n: I don't have a title for this and it's been sitting completed for a long time on my computer and I might as well post it while I have the opportunity! My AC adapter is broken, so I have to mooch off my roomy, which is why My Only Sunshine is so delayed. But hopefully I'll have that up for you soon. In the meantime, enjoy this!
Logan felt fingertips tracing the middle of his palm, tickling along the lines there, and he clenched his fist to capture them. He opened his eyes and peered through dark-tinted sunglasses to see James laying in the chair next to his, smiling at him. James wiggled his digits a bit in Logan's grasp, lacing their fingers together and giving him a gentle squeeze. Logan sighed into a relaxed smile and let his head fall back against the pool chair again.
Quiet. Peace. Tranquility.
Until a tidal wave of water roared out of the pool and landed directly on the pair. Okay, it was closer to a light sprinkling of water from wayward splashing, but it was still enough to make Logan jump and stiffen before sitting up and whipping off his sunglasses to glare at the offender. A gaggle of Palm Woods girls had just leaped into the pool to begin a game of water volleyball and none of them had bothered to be careful about it.
Lucy, apparently the guilty party, winced and gave Logan an apologetic look, but otherwise returned to the rest of the girls in the pool to start their game.
"Logan," James said, reminding Logan of his existence, and squeezed Logan's fingers again. "Wanna go inside?" He hadn't suffered nearly as much of the splash as Logan had, and maybe that was why the smile was still in place on his lips, but his suggestion was a good one, and was the best thing Logan had heard all day.
The idea made Logan relax again and he licked the edge of his teeth briefly before nodding and standing, their hands still latched appropriately. There were only a few spots of water on Logan's shirt and shorts, and hardly any on James, but it was enough to make him want to leave the pool and find a new quiet place for him and James to be alone.
So the abandoned living room of 2J it was. James let go of Logan's hand to drop down into the corner of the couch, opening up his arms for Logan to find his place in. Logan smiled and followed, ending up laying half-cradled in James' lap. James wrapped his arm under Logan for his head to lay in the crook of his elbow and placed his hand over Logan's chest, monitoring his heartbeat. Logan sighed into the position, pulling his knees up a bit and closing his eyes. James' fingers began to slowly drag through his hair and Logan could hear him humming, but it was just the perfect amount of noise.
Logan loved getting James alone, no matter the reason. But it wasn't easy. They lived in not only an apartment pervaded by lively, bustling people, but also a whole world of them. But when it was just them, it felt so good, Logan felt like no one else existed.
"Hey! You guys are just in time to watch Antique Roadshow with me and Katie!" Kendall launched himself over the back of the couch and landed on Logan's feet, causing him to shout and yank his feet up. He sat up between James' legs to shoot Kendall a glare that clearly said 'I was laying there.' Kendall just shrugged and gave an, "Oops," then went to turn on the TV as Katie joined on his other side.
Logan gave a heavy sigh and leaned back against James, slapping a hand over his eyes. Was it so much to ask to have a little privacy with his boyfriend?
The hand over his face was gently lifted away and Logan tilted his head a bit to see James' upside-down face looking down on him. "My room?" he asked with a raise of his eyebrow. Although discouraged at this point, Logan nodded and began to sit up, James' hands on his back helping a bit.
Kendall looked expectantly at them and asked, "You guys aren't gonna watch with us?" Logan gave him another sharp look.
"Nah, we're both kinda sleepy," James lied with a shrug. "I think we're gonna go lay down in my room for a bit."
"Oh, alright. See you guys later," Kendall said, but Logan was already halfway down the hall.
He opened up the door to James' room and didn't even bother to turn on the lights before dropping into his bed immediately, grabbing a pillow and curling around it. He soon felt James similarly curl around him, tangling their legs together and wrapping his arms around Logan's middle. He mouthed against Logan's neck, getting that soft, ticklish spot under his ear and making Logan snicker and shoulder at James' face. "M'asleep," he joked, keeping in theme with James' lie that they were going to go take a nap, and then forced himself to relax and go limp, though his smile wouldn't go away.
James chuckled, nipping a bit at Logan's ear and causing him to squeak and laugh again, but he tried his best to stay 'asleep.' "Then wake up, sleeping beauty," James teased.
Then he licked the side of Logan's face, from chin to temple, and Logan yelped through a laugh, squirming and shoving away from James' body. "Oh, my god, you are so disgusting," Logan groaned, scrubbing the heel of his hand across the side of his face.
James rolled onto his back, still chuckling proudly at his work. "Oh, come on, you've had my tongue in your mouth, now it's a big deal to have it on your cheek?"
"Yes," Logan agreed stubbornly, but smiled as he leaned over James. He'd much rather have James' tongue in his mouth than anywhere else. Well, not anywhere else, but... He smirked to himself at the thought and bit his bottom lip before getting close enough to kiss.
But just as his lips ghosted over James', the door flung open and the lights flashed on and Logan flinched with the sudden urge to hide under the blankets. He squinted against the sudden intrusion of light at none other than Carlos standing in the doorway. Logan immediately pursed his lips in displeasure.
"Oh! Sorry, guys," Carlos said, holding his hands up in front of him, but instead of backing out of the room like Logan's eyes practically commanded him to do, he came further in, diving for a pile of clothes and beginning to dig. "I just can't find my helmet. Don't mind me, you can keep doing what you're doing!" he offered so kindly.
However, Logan was definitely not going to lay here and make out with James while Carlos was digging around the room for who knows how long. He moaned dramatically, falling back against the bed next to James, who also seemed to be reaching the end of his patience. The pool, the living room, even James' own goddamned bedroom and they couldn't find privacy. It wasn't like they wanted to do anything that some divine intervention needed to keep sending in missionaries to prevent. They just wanted to be alone together...
Logan sat up suddenly and climbed over James and off the bed, grabbing his hand and pulling him along as he went. "Logan?" James asked, but stumbled along behind as he was pulled across the hall to the other boys' bedroom. James hummed his realization as soon as the door was shut behind him, but Logan wasn't satisfied.
If Carlos could bust into his room like that, someone could just as easily interrupt them here. He needed somewhere where no one would ever think to search for them. His eyes landed on a door and he tugged James in that direction.
"Uh... why are we going back in the closet, Logan?"
"Shh, don't ask questions."
"I think I have a right to ask why you're dragging me into your closet."
Logan shut the door behind them and just stood there, pressed in on all sides, shirts and sweaters and walls and a door and James all crowding his space, but that's exactly what he wanted. There wasn't much air to breathe, but there was enough, and it was warm, but not too warm, and James was close, but not close enough. Still, Logan stood and waited, as if something were supposed to happen. James apparently felt that and waited as well, and Logan could feel him shift from foot to foot.
Finally, James asked, "What are we doing in the closet?" in a hushed whisper.
Logan inched right into his body, touching his lips with a finger and waited a little longer before asking, "Do you hear that?"
There was nothing but silence, though James clearly listened for a noise, any noise. "Logan, I don't hear anything..."
A slow smile grew on Logan's lips and he lifted his chin to stare through the dark at James. There was a little bit of light peeking under the door, enough for his eyes to adjust and be able to clearly see James' face. The shadows fell on his features like a soft veil, painting his cheeks and nose, outlining his lips where they were parted just barely in confusion, though Logan saw it more as an invitation. He carefully wrapped an arm up around James' neck, his other hand clutching his shirt near his heart to draw him in to a slow, passionate kiss. Despite his confusion, James hummed low and quiet as he kissed back, molding his lips to Logan's and shaping them together like one piece of clay.
Besides the sound of James' voice and the quiet, inconsequential noises from their kissing, it was completely silent in the closet. They were isolated, shut away from the rest of the household, the rest of the world, shut into this tiny space with just each other and there was nothing but the soft embrace of Logan's carefully washed clothes, no one's breath but the other's, no other worries but each other.
Logan pulled James back with him, keeping their mouths connected firmly, and felt James put out a hand behind him to brace against the wall, stepping in close to almost pin Logan. However, Logan began sinking to the floor, letting his legs slowly give out, and dragged James down with him. They ended up in some kind of crumple, Logan's knees up and James between them on his hip, his legs bent back behind him awkwardly. After a few more moments of kissing in that position, James broke off for a short gasp of air and then just looked at Logan with this little smile, the shadows clinging in a sort of shiny, mesmerizing way on his lips.
Logan planted on last kiss on James' lips before letting his head fall back against the wall with his eyes closed over a content smile. He heard James chuckle just a bit before he felt him adjust, laying his head under Logan's chin, arms wrapping around his middle as he laid between Logan's legs comfortably, though his legs probably still had to be curled up to accommodate the space. Logan laid his cheek again James' hair and imagined he could fall asleep like this, just holding James in their own little space, drawn happily away from anything that wasn't each other.
"Ah..." James whispered, placing his ear firmly on Logan's chest and pausing a moment. "Now I hear something..." Logan could sense the smile in his breath and felt James kiss him right on the sternum before settling back into place and sighing.
Now this... this was peace, tranquility, and maybe they would just nap here, come out when they well pleased, when it suited them. Or maybe they'd just stay in here forever, never to have their peacefulness interrupted again. Logan smiled. He could live with that.