"Please Annabeth!" Annabeth growled in frustration, hand itching towards her sheathed dagger as she momentarily considered skewering the obnoxious boy. Leo Valdez had been a Latin thorn in her side since he had come back from his quest and begun the building of the war-ship. At first he was okay, a little chatty and definitely not the brightest in the box and if it wasn't for the constant swirl of action that was his hands, she would have assumed with his mischievous grin and twinkling trouble-maker eyes that he was a son of Hermes, but not too bad.
That was until he learned of Percy.
Of course, he knew of Percy, she had greeted him for the first time demanding to know where Percy was after all, but he didn't know how much the camp seemed to worship the powerful demi-god until after his quest. Of course, Leo Valdez was a curious boy and as she was none other than Percy's girlfriend, she was deemed as the go-to girl for answers to satisfy his curiosity. The first questions were simple and easy to answer but they'd grown more and more personal and more and more annoying. She had stopped answering but still he persisted.
"Oh come on! Please!" she wheeled around then, bronze dagger in hand and glared murderously at the boy.
"NO!" Leo gulped audibly, eyes nearly cross-eyed as he tried to stare down the blade. Leo was not bad in a fight, but his hesitancy at drawing a weapon against someone who was not always or obviously an enemy and lingering reluctancy to hit a girl left him at a constant disadvantage whenever he pushed Annabeth too far.
"Ahem…." A quiet, clear, deep voice interrupted the pair and they were greeted by the towering figure of Chiron, the camp's leader. He clutched a box tightly to his chest and his tail swished in veiled annoyance. He stared pointedly at Annabeth until, with a loud enough sigh to worry Leo, she sheathed her blade. Chiron smiled. "Now that the fight has ended, I have something that will interest the both of you, should you follow me into the pavilion.
"What is it?" Normally, Chiron would never show a camper something before the rest but he slipped the box around and 'accidently' let Annabeth gaze at the title. She gasped quietly, "Di immortales, you are joking?" Chiron shook his head and began to trot into the pavilion, not waiting for them to follow.
"What is it?" Leo immediately asked but Annabeth ignored him. He would, after all, find out his answers soon enough. They continued in a huffed silence into the pavilion before Leo took his space beside Jason and Piper and Annabeth went to sit by her long term satyr friend, Grover, and a dark haired, pale-skinned boy with frighteningly dark clothes all designed with some form of a skeleton.
Thalia, the most beautiful girl in Leo's opinion, sat a table away from her friends, in a seat of honor with the rest of the hunters. She stared intently at Chiron and after a few moments, Leo followed. Chiron was still holding the box but now a tall, blonde man with a large, bright grin stood beside him. He gestured for the box and as Chiron held it out for him, he grasped something within and pulled out a hard backed, relatively thin book. He turned back to the crowd of campers, most impatient from having been pulled from their activities and grinned again.
"Hello campers!" He smiled exuberantly and Leo wondered if he had eaten some sort of giant flashbulb. "Now that my father has so kindly relinquished the whole 'no speaking to mortals' act, I can give you these!" he brandished the book and although Leo was confused, most of the camp gasped in recognition.
"As our favorite camper has gone missing and a strange one has appeared," he winked conspicuously at Jason and Leo watched as his friend sank low into his chair as everyone turned to look at him. "Although we now know that to be merely a trick of my stepmother…" the man added as an afterthought before shaking his head and returning to the topic, "I have decided it would be in everyone's best interests to read about our lovely Percy's quests!" Leo was one of the many that laughed at the statement and even Piper giggled behind her hand.
"Any objections?" Annabeth looked like she was about to make one but before she could speak, Apollo (Leo assumed anyway) beamed at the group.
"No? Wonderful! I'll read the first chapter!" And on that decisive note, the erratic god cracked open the new binding of the book and began to read. "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief…." Leo settled down, a grin barely concealed on his impish face, and waited for his questions to be answered.
So, another one of those blah blah blah reads blah blah blah stories. Just kind of wrote it down for fun might stay as a one shot. If you liked it and you want me to continue, just say so or something =D